Let the sages in the starry sky come successively from the ancient funeral star.

They couldn't help being shocked and inexplicable, and couldn't believe it. .

Chapter 80 The Immortal King Opens the Heavens, Gods and Demons of the Heavens Respect Together [Part [-]]


The catastrophe is vast, and the sea of ​​thunder is raging.

The void collapsed and chaos filled the air.

There, the divine power was boiling, and it was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it.

360 The five paths of Hunyuan holy light are terrifying and invincible.

Once it is sacrificed, it will directly destroy the entire world, and nothing can stop it.

Shock the world.

True Dragon, Divine Phoenix, Qilin, Sky Swallowing Sparrow, Gluttonous, Qiongqi...

Countless thunderbolts turned into various creatures, lifelike.

Incomparably ferocious and murderous.

Killed one after another.

But they were all directly smashed by the terrifying Hunyuan Holy Light, where they kept whining and turned into endless rain of light.

He was surrounded by brilliance, like the reincarnation of an ancient king, his majesty should not be offended.

360. Surrounded and guarded by five Hunyuan holy lights, they are constantly intertwined and entwined. Wisps of chaotic air pervades, evolving one vast world after another.

Those thunder creatures, who seemed to be endless and terrifying, couldn't even get close to them.

I do not know how long it has been.

Those Thunder creatures were killed completely.

In the sea of ​​lightning in the sky, there were no new thunder creatures rushing down.

One after another, the black pressure 283 pressure made the scalp-numbing Lei Hai recede.

And that standing in the Nine Heavens, the incomparably vast and shocking Thunder Sea of ​​Ancient Heavenly Court changed again.

Pieces of fairy towers are magnificent and magnificent, looming.

Surrounded by fairies, it looks like a real fairyland.

There are also countless heavenly soldiers and generals in armor there, shouting to kill and shaking the sky, changing the color of the world.

It's both real and illusory, as if it really wants to rush down directly.


"Brush, brush..."

One after another, magnificent and peerless phantoms emerged from the sea of ​​thunder in the ancient heavenly court.

They all exuded the supreme spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers, and they were lifelike, stepping down without haste or slowness.

"That's... Humanoid Lightning?"

"Wait, the one with the ancient sword hanging from his head, shouldn't it be Emperor Xuanyuan?"

"And the one holding the sacred furnace is the Emperor Shennong of my Jiang family?"

"Dragon-shaped sword? That's the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty—the Great Emperor!"

——Deduced the identity of these humanoid lightning.

The sages of the Qishi Mansion, the Great Xia Dynasty, the Huanggu Jiang Family, the Huanggu Ji Family and other forces all shrank their pupils and couldn't help crying out.

A little shocked and inexplicable, unable to calm down.

But the next moment.

The fierce battle started directly.

The phantoms of the nine desolate ancient emperors all moved together.

Show no mercy, or throw a fist, or raise a palm...

Coming towards Su Ze to suppress.

At the same time, their weapons.

They all soared into the sky and followed their master Xie.

Repression came.


Xuanyuan mirror shakes.

Illuminate the blazing divine light, penetrate the void, and penetrate everything.



The Shennong Ding came across the sky.

The brilliance was blazing, the sky was full of divine fire, and the sky was collapsed, and the sky and the earth were extremely red.

No life left.


The West Emperor Pagoda soars into the sky.

The 33 floors of the sky seemed to be trembling.

There is a terrifying order and mighty power that can suppress everything in the world and make people terrified.

"Kill one by one" Su Ze shouted.

He has flying black hair and a fighting spirit.

The five secret realms all glowed together, and a steady stream of mighty power continued to surge out.

He pushed his combat power to the extreme, standing directly on the top of the imperial ban.

An astonishing amount of golden energy and blood rumbled into the sky.

It is as exuberantly prosperous as the oven of heaven and earth, and it can melt the sky.

The "Great Hunyuan Holy Light Art" was exhibited, and the 360 ​​five Hunyuan holy lights directly illuminated the entire starry sky, which was incomparably brilliant.

In an instant, he sacrificed and killed him.

Block those murderous, constantly suppressing weapons.

Geng Zhen killed those phantoms of the great emperor.

Moreover, he was unparalleled in strength and took the initiative to attack.

With mysterious and unpredictable steps, carrying infinite mighty power, he blatantly killed him.

The fist is unrivaled.

Chaos [Heaven] Emperor Fist Ya poured out.

Boomed towards the leader Xuanyuan the Great. (cgac) "Clang...clang..." "Boom...boom..." The sky and the earth rumbled and roared continuously.The tragic fight is unimaginable.

Su Ze, who was standing in the Imperial Forbidden City, and the phantom of the Nine Great Emperors who also set foot in the Imperial Forbidden City in an instant, were constantly fighting.

Incomparably intense, incomparably amazing.

As soon as it came up, blood was splashed directly, killing the void like a rag, shaking unceasingly, being torn directly, and chaos filled the air.

Combined with that Wushuang physical body, the Chaotic [Heaven] Emperor Fist is unstoppable, even the ancient emperor will splatter blood.

The "Great Hunyuan Holy Light Art", which combines offense and defense, is unparalleled in divine power and unpredictable, is even more incomparable.

360 When the five Hunyuan holy lights came out, even the ancient emperor would be terrified.

Kill those great emperors to bleed.

Although he was also constantly spattering blood, he was in a mess.


Void tremors.

A vast scroll.

Spread out between heaven and earth.

Accompanied by a vast and ancient breath.

An incomparably majestic, imposing phantom stands there, aloof.

When he slashed out with his palm, he didn't attack the ancient emperor, but blasted towards the vast chaos, opening up the sky and the earth with every gesture.

"Swipe one-" A vast scene is presented in front of the world.

One after another, the phantoms of gods and demons swept the world with a majestic momentum.

The flames of all gods are rising, the magic fog is billowing into the sky, and the evil spirit is soaring into the sky. There are a total of three thousand.

They were actually bowing their heads devoutly to the magnificent, majestic, and solemn phantom standing between the heaven and the earth, like an ancient king, and worshiped there.

And, the next moment.

It was as if he had received the decree from the ancient king.

Three thousand gods and demons actually moved directly, and killed them from the boundless picture scroll.

Majestic and murderous.

The phantoms of those ancient great emperors were suppressed.

Together with Su Ze, they are so powerful that they are outrageous.

"This is the exclusive vision he cultivated - the Immortal King's Opening Heaven Map!"

"Hiss! Such a scene of gods and demons co-respecting all heavens has evolved, which is completely different from the ancient vision we know..."

"Moreover, those gods and demons seem to have really come to life, kowtowing to them there!"

"Gulu! It's unbelievable that the phantoms of three thousand gods and demons were actually evolved by him, and they fought in all directions for them..."

"These ancient gods are unmatched in power and unstoppable, and they can push all over the world!"

"These phantoms of the gods are too strong, even the young ancient emperor is bleeding!"

At this moment.

Chaos ancient is like an ancient king with incomparable majesty, respected by all domains, leading three thousand gods and demons to kill the world.

Conquer the emperors and emperors of all ages.

witnessed this scene.

All the sages of the major forces of the Buried Emperor Star in the starry sky were afraid.

I just feel my scalp numb, and I feel a little cold.

Such a monster is really against the sky.

The nine young emperors of the past dynasties all shot together.

Under the same realm, who in the world can resist? ?

If it were someone else, there would be no life at all.

It was almost impossible to hold him down.

Chapter 81 Gen is a living, the eight tactics of chaotic ancient times

"This ancient vision is amazing!"

"The fairy king opened the sky, and three thousand gods and demons respected together, it is unimaginable!"

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