Seeing Chios's reaction, Watanabe Shouzuna was overjoyed. He knew that his tactics had disrupted his opponent's mood. He only wanted to finish the battle quickly, and he was prone to mistakes when he was impatient. That was Hanzo's chance of winning.

There was still a distance of ten meters between the two of them, and Chios' sword was already raised, and the aura that could not wait to cut the entangled opponent in half radiated from the raised blade.

Da da da...

The horse was close to the coverage of the spear, Watanabe Shouzuna shot first, and stabbed Chios in the face with a feinted shot. This shot didn't use much force, and he could withdraw the gun and change direction at any time.

"Hmph." Chios sneered, and swung down the sword vigorously, trying to push the blade to the side.

At this time, the spear retreated half a foot away, avoiding the trajectory of the blade...

The knife that Chios swung with all his strength cut through the air.

"Succeeded!" Watanabe Shouzuna yelled, and the tip of the spear moved to the right side of Chios' abdomen, and he stabbed out violently.


Oda Gunashigaru couldn't bear to watch the next scene, and became agitated, and some people even closed their eyes nervously.Fortunately, the enemy also watched the duel with full attention, otherwise he would die tragically in this moment of distraction.

The long spear shot out from the right side of Chios' abdomen, but the tip of the spear was not stained with blood...

The barrel of the gun was tightly clamped under the armpit by Chios, and he, who took the initiative to show his flaws, was naturally prepared to dodge in advance. He dodged the shot, and he let go of the empty sword, and clasped Watanabe with his free right hand. Shougang's right wrist.

"I've got you..." Chios smiled and raised his empty left hand, and a broad-bladed long sword with a cold light appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Watanabe Shouzuna stared blankly at the sword, then closed his eyes peacefully.

"The ingenuity shown by sword skills and thaumaturgy...I admire you"

The silver sword shadow slashed across, and the head of the person wearing a white scarf flew up.

Shouzuna Watanabe, one of the sixteen generals of Tokugawa in history, died.

Sanhe soldiers looked at the head in Chios' hands in a daze, but Chios didn't intend to give them a chance to regain morale, so he raised his head and shouted:

"Watanabe Shouzuna is dead, warriors of the Oda family, follow me to defeat the Mikawa Army!"

Oh oh oh oh oh!

The ashigaru and samurai in the vanguard of the Oda army raised their weapons and let out a battle cry. The momentum reached the peak for a while, followed the back of the ashigaru general Chios in front, and entered the Mikawa army again.

Only this time, the resistance of the Sanhe warriors was no longer as difficult as before.

Witnessing Watanabe Shouzuna being beaten to death by a horse, and the blood dripping head was killed by the opponent holding high with a sword, the Sanhe people finally collapsed.

Those who sat on the ground with weak legs and gave up resistance, those who dropped their weapons and fled, those who knelt down and begged to surrender... Mikawa Kunizari, who was hit one after another, lost the will to fight with his arms raised.

"Don't disperse, keep the formation, and penetrate the enemy's right flank in one breath!"

Stop killing those Oda soldiers who stayed still or surrendered to the enemy. Because of the shock of Ikki, none of the soldiers tried to disobey Chios' order, and hurriedly formed a tight spear formation to advance.

The Oda forward army led by Chios was like a hot knife cutting into butter, piercing through the five layers of defense of the right-wing Mikawa army. The Mikawa samurai and ashigaru broke up and fled in the chaos, afraid of the black armor and yellow flag army chasing behind , Many people abandon their armor, just want to run faster.

After passing through all the defense lines, the main right-wing general, Sakai Chuji's team should be close at hand.

However, there are only traces of dozens of horseshoes trampling on the river bank, and Sakai Chuji's men and horses are nowhere to be seen.A seemingly broken army of a hundred men and three rivers leaned against Heimochuan, looking like they were resisting someone.

Chios took a closer look... The general who killed seven in and seven out of the enemy's line, turning everything he passed, was it not the long-disappeared Shibata Katsuie, who else could it be?

"I'm helping you lead the team in the rear, but you went straight to the general, scaring everyone away..." Chios Yao looked at the appearance of Singer charging through the enemy line with a big gun in his hand, and suddenly felt a little helpless.

How did the Oda family raise a group of problem children?

Chapter 14? Breaking the Army

The fierce general Shibata Katsuie, who is known as "Oni Shibata", has always charged in a straight line in combat. All the enemy troops in the way were shot into the air and killed, and finally asked for the general.

If you can't do it once, just do it again!

This time the joint battle with the Jinchuan army was originally based on this idea, but it changed a southern barbarian who had fought with himself to a tie, and instead attacked the enemy's right-wing Sanhe army.

(Why on earth? I am not angry that I was ordered by someone who is not His Highness Nobuna...) Shibata Katsuie felt confused in his heart.

However, thinking about such complicated things has never been a strong point for Singer. When he is confused and confused, he will swing his sword and gun, and he will no longer be troubled.This is the reason why she is outstanding in martial arts, and she always devotes the most time to practicing martial arts.

The winner, unable to understand his emotions, took the lead when the horn sounded, broke into the Sanhe army formation, and displayed his strength and spear skills to the fullest.

Regardless of whether Mikawa Samurai or Ashigaru, if they dared to block the path, they would be shot and flew away. No one could stop her from moving forward.

However, the layer of confusion in his mind did not subside because of the refreshing charge.

When Katsuya came back to his senses, she had already killed General Mikawa's team. The right-wing general Tadashi Sakai saw her jumping horse and charging forward with spears, and left behind the broken army to escape by himself.

(It’s a shame for a samurai!) The winner who failed to win the general gritted his teeth, and stepped forward to fight with the broken team.

When Chios, who led the crowd to kill through the enemy formation, caught up with the winner, he was feeling a headache for the simple tactical thinking of this fierce girl.Singer stabbed out a spear and knocked off a Sanhe warrior who was riding a horse!

"Enemy general, Shinnosuke Saigo has been captured by my victor!"

Sheng Jia seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and as soon as he raised his gun and pulled the rein, he was about to rush towards the densely packed Sanhe Army.

"Wait, Singer!"

Hearing some familiar calls, Singer finally resisted the momentum of charging and looked in the direction of the voice.

Curiously, Oss used his superb horsemanship to dodge the spear stabbed by a Sanhe samurai who was desperately attacking, swung his long sword, and smashed the opponent's skull; Ashigaru's chest pierced by sneak attack from behind!

A series of actions were dizzying, and while watching De Shengjia's blood boiling, his heart suddenly missed a beat.

The cheeks that were already slightly red from the continuous battle seemed to be getting hotter...

Oda Iegaru, who followed Chios, rushed forward and wiped out the remnants of the three rivers by the river.

"There is no need to chase the remnants of the enemy, everyone takes a breath and organizes their formation!"

Under the sunlight, Chios's black armor seemed to be dyed with a dazzling golden light, and the gesture of slamming Fang Qiu was like a real general.

"Singer, our vanguard has already defeated the Sanhe Army, so there is no need to entangle with the Sanhe people." Riding on a horse and approaching the Singer, Chios swung his sword and pointed at the scattered battle situation of the Sanhe Army around him, explaining:

"Now it's time to break into the Imagawa Central Army from the side, just in time to form a pincer attack with our own army!"

Although Singer has a single-minded character, he trusts people he recognizes very much, and he feels a little confused when facing Chios.Hearing what Chios said, he felt that there was no problem, and immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, listen to you!"

The two turned their horses' heads, and led the morale-boosting [-] Oda vanguard force to attack the unsuspecting flank of the Imagawa Central Army.

Oda House Honjin

The situation on the battlefield changed, and the chaos of Imagawa's family army soon fell into the eyes of the scouting ninja. The ninja shouted excitedly:

"The flank of the Jinchuan army was raided, and it was Lord Singer's troops!"

"Singer has been rushing forward all the time, but turned around today?" Ikeda Hengxing asked in surprise.

"It must be Chios' idea! We have a chance to defeat the Imagawa army in one fell swoop..." Nobuna Oda saw the face of Chios in his heart, and he couldn't help showing an innocent smile.

Nobuna didn't want to waste the great form that Chios had created for her, so she made a decisive decision, pointed the sword forward and said:

"Report to the whole army that the forward of our army has defeated the enemy's right wing, and everyone including Ma Huizhong has used all their strength to attack and win the battle with one blow!"


On the other side of the Kuromogawa battlefield...

When Imagawa Yoshimoto's team arrived late, what they saw was a chaotic battlefield. The number of Oda troops with black armor and yellow papaya pattern flags far exceeded the [-] troops in the previous battle report. The only troop with matching numbers, It also defeated the Sanhe Army on the right wing, and together with the frontal team, flanked the combined army on the left wing of the Central Army of the Imagawa Pioneer Department.

"Tell our family, how is the battle going?" Imagawa Yoshimoto's voice came from behind the rolled curtain of the sedan chair, and Yoshimoto, who was sitting gracefully in the sedan chair, had no intention of getting off the sedan chair to confirm the battlefield at all.

The armored warriors standing around looked at each other, apparently unwilling to come forward to tell the bad news.

Although Imagawa Yoshimoto is a beautiful girl like a real princess, she speaks with a waxy voice and will not insult the servants directly.However, when you are in a bad mood, you will also be awkward.

The warriors in armor and Imagawa's retainers thought about it for a while, and those who got into trouble with Yoshimoto might have to work hard to play Juju with Lord Yoshimoto, but they still can't let His Royal Highness lose...

Or performing a Noh play or Sarugaku is not an easy task.

In the end, all eyes focused on a female warrior with a miserable look, glasses on her face, and green hair and green armor.

Matsudaira Motoyasu, the future Tokugawa Ieyasu, the ruler of the Mikawa Kingdom, is now a hostage and subordinate of Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Lord Yoshimoto, Asahina's defense seems to have failed..." Matsudaira Motoyasu carefully moved to the side of the black lacquered and gold-patterned sedan, and reported the battle situation to Imakawa Yoshimoto:

"The Oda Army should have more than 5000 people, and they may have been hiding as ambushes before."


Before Yoshimoto Imagawa could speak, there was a sudden commotion from the side of the team.


"If you dare to break into Daisuke Jibu's team, you will die!"

"Don't do it, I'm just an ordinary citizen!" A boy in a weird (high school uniform) didn't know how to pass through the defenses of Imagawa's soldiers, and broke into Imagawa Yoshimoto's imperial sedan chair.

The young man fled all the way, although he was out of breath, he still avoided the long spear stabbing him from behind.Look up at the team's flag, Ashikaga Nibiri Ryomon, Akatori's family...

Sagara Yoshiharu, who was very familiar with Sengoku video games, immediately recognized that this was the family crest of the Imagawa family, a wealthy Suruga family.

"Could it be... this is Yoshimoto Imagawa's main camp?"

"Bold, how dare you call Daisuke Jibu by his name!" A samurai in armor shouted angrily as he took a step forward with his sword in his hand.

"Hey! I'm sorry, I...ah no, I just slipped of the tongue."

Imagawa Yoshimoto opened the roller curtain beside the sedan chair, revealing bright eyes, looking at the strangely dressed young man in front of him. The other party's clothing asked:

"Who are you, that armor is really unique."

Although only a corner of the rolling curtain was exposed, Sagara Haru could still see the general appearance of Imagawa Yoshimoto inside the sedan chair.

(It's actually a girl, did I play too many games and dream? So what I should do now is...)

"Please accept me as a retainer!" Sagara Yoshiharu suddenly shouted while kneeling in front of Imagawa Yoshimoto's sedan chair.

The Imagawa retainer beside the imperial sedan chair saw the behavior of the young man in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a burst of wit.

"don't want!"

"Reject without even thinking about it!?"

"Why does our family, who is the name of the wealthy Imagawa family, have to hire someone with unknown background like you?" Yoshimoto looked inexplicably, looking at the glasses girl beside him and said:

"Yuan Kang, get rid of him!"

Chapter 15? The figure forever in my heart

The Oda Army launched a general offensive, and all the reserve forces that had been left in the rear, together with a hundred Oda horses, were thrown into the front line of the battlefield.

The Imagawa Army, which had already fallen into a disadvantage on the frontal battlefield, was flanked by Shibata Katsuie's [-] troops, and faced a full-scale attack by Oda's team.

The worsening situation made the Imagawa samurai and the Ashgaru army finally unable to bear the pressure and retreated.

On the chaotic battlefield, Chios looked at the fleeing Imagawa army and knew that the battle was basically decided.

If the commander-in-chief of the Imagawa Army still wants to do something to save him, he can only send a death squad to raid the empty Oda Army Honjin...

As for the main quest, Chios has never dared to be careless, especially when he saw Yoshiharu Sagara appearing on the battlefield, he knew that the plot of this world had started to run.

Now is the most critical first hurdle of the protagonist's fate. Can you save Oda Nobuna's life and leave a deep impression on him from now on?

If it can't be done, the chances of a class of ordinary high school students getting attention will be greatly reduced. Even if their words and deeds are out of touch with this era, at most they will be labeled as "weird".

As far as Chios is concerned, there is no reason to give up the main task, let alone allow the credit for saving him to be taken away by the so-called "protagonist".

With his eyes fixed, Chios turned his head with a serious face and said to Shibata Katsuie beside him:

"Singer, our army is attacking in an all-round way. I am worried that His Royal Highness Nobuna's defense is insufficient, and he will be raided by a small group of enemy troops in Imagawa."

"Ah, I didn't expect this possibility!" Hearing what Chios said, the murderous Singer suddenly lost interest in chasing and killing the enemy, and asked worriedly:

"Then what should we do now, rush back immediately to support the lord?"

"Well, that's the best way. Only with the brave help of Singer can I feel at ease." Chios warmly praised Singer and boosted her enthusiasm.

"Nah, how can you say so exaggeratedly!" The girl who was praised had a blush on her cheeks, her voice was raised several degrees, and she stammered.

It's a pity that the current Chios is not in the mood to tease Singer. He took the sword that his subordinates picked up for him from the battlefield, put the blade back in its sheath, and swung the reins with the Sword of the King of Scotland, speeding up to the main formation of the Oda Army.

"Let's go quickly, the current battle situation, the soldiers under our command can win without our command."

"Ah..." Realizing that the rescue was urgent, Singe suppressed his shyness, and galloped to catch up.


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