Several women in classic black dresses pushed a half-person-high metal cart into the side hall.The leading middle-aged woman was still carrying a tailor's tool bag in her hand.

In order to show etiquette, Tifa and Chios stood up together at the hint of the young man beside him.

"Your Excellency, Ma'am..." When they came to the two people at a 45-degree angle, the middle-aged woman lightly raised the hem of her skirt and paused.

"Following your instructions, we have brought you all the best firearms available at this stage, take a look."

Having said that, she pointed her straight right hand to push the cart behind her.


Several young women beside the cart pressed the switch at the same time.

Layers of metal drawers pop out from the trolley, and on the drawers covered with pure white silk, each layer is a different type of firearms: pistols, submachine guns, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, machine guns...

Together with the various ammunition boxes in the bottom cabinet, the tailor's metal cart is simply a mobile arsenal.

Faced with such a scene, Chios looked normal, and Tifa's suppressed exclamation still reached his ears.

With a smile on his lips, the young man led the black-haired girl to the metal cabinet to choose his equipment.

When he looked at these guns, a series of transparent light curtains that others could not see popped up, displaying their information in front of Chios.

He quickly found his favorite sidearm...


【FN Five-seven MK2】

good quality

Developed by Herstal State Factory, its name comes from the use of a bullet with a diameter of 5.7mm, which is close to that of a rifle bullet, but the length of the bullet is shortened. It is different from other existing pistol bullets. The new bullet is called SS190.

Five-seven is lower than the recoil of pistol bullets and has high penetration for personal bulletproof equipment thanks to 5.7×28mm (SS190) bullets.

The muzzle velocity of SS190 is as high as 716 m/s, which can easily penetrate Level IIIA bulletproof vests, and even level 190 or even level 9 bulletproof vests. The total energy of SS9 is similar to that of 70mm, but the speed is twice as high, and the recoil is only [-]% of [-]mm.

In addition to the 10 and 20 rounds of Five-seve's detachable magazines, there is also an extended version of 30 rounds.


With a muzzle velocity close to that of rifle ammunition, for S and R-class martial arts detectives in this world who can flash bullets or even split bullets, the threat is far greater than the speed of sound of pistol bullets.Coupled with the penetrating power that can easily penetrate body armor below level III, and the larger magazine capacity, it becomes the first choice of Chios.

Picking up the FN57 MK2 in the drawer, Chios said to the middle-aged female tailor:

"This FN 57, please order me a custom silver one."

"Yes, we will pick up the goods for you within two weeks." The woman bowed her head and responded humbly.

Hearing this, Chios nodded slightly in satisfaction.

The next moment, the pistol in his hand disappeared, and the female tailors beside him who were quietly spying on the handsome appearance of the Earl of Pembroke were stunned.

Almost at the same time as the young man, Tifa also chose his own gun: HK MP7A1 submachine gun.

The fighting style of the girl tends to be close combat and combo, even if she is carrying a firearm, she has a similar style.

After that, she and Chios took an AA-12 automatic shotgun and a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle respectively, and put them in the emblem space together with the ammunition they needed.

"Excuse me..." The tailor unzipped the tool bag in his hand and asked after taking out the cloth measure:

"What kind of body armor do you two want to make? No matter how complicated the style is, we will make it for you within a day."

Chapter 170 Nine? The Earl's Banknote Ability

The tailor (ammunition transformation) division directly under the Earl of Pembroke worked very efficiently. The complex bulletproof suits customized according to Chios and Tifa's requirements were indeed completed within a day.

During the waiting time, Chios came to the family archives, looked up the history of the Marshall family, and gained an in-depth understanding of the relationship between this aristocratic British government that lasted for nearly a thousand years.

Tifa walked around the castle, getting familiar with the structure of this huge fortress, and by the way studied what ingredients and wines were stored in the kitchen and wine cellar.

When the finished product was delivered to the two of them through the housekeeper Arthur, even though they already knew that the people in the world of "Scarlet Bullets" had a very high ability to transform arms, they still couldn't help but secretly marvel at the tailor's delicate design when they saw the real thing...

The Kevlar fiber is soaked in "shear thickening liquid", and then sewn into the clothes through a special weaving method. The appearance is like a general fashion dress, light and fit.

However, once a sudden external force is encountered, the liquid particles dispersed inside will quickly form a solid solid, and the impact will quickly spread to the surroundings.

"This is the strongest battle robe of the contemporary earl, made using the most advanced materials and techniques, combined with the consistent insistence on quality of the royal tailor for 700 years..."

The old butler, whose gray hair was combed back into a meticulous suit, bowed respectfully to the men and women sitting on the sofa in the side hall.

"The clothing worn on the inside is thinner and close-fitting, and its protection is equivalent to that of IIIA-level body armor. The outermost dress and cloak reach the level of III, which can withstand conventional ammunition from submachine guns and rifles."

While listening to the butler's report, Chios reached out and stroked the custom-made bulletproof suit at the same time.

The cool and smooth touch like silk is sent back to the mind through the fingertips...

If he hadn't learned about the origin of the tailor's shop when he looked up the family history in the afternoon, it was the transformation of the Marshall family's armor casting workshop in the past, he would have been hard to imagine that this piece of clothing has the protective performance as the butler said.

"Very good, the tailors are as good as ever, showing results not inferior to their ancestors..."

Picking up his own bulletproof suit, the young man stood up from the sofa, implying that he was ready to change clothes.

"Recognize their honor and loyalty for me, and reward them according to the rules, please, Sir Arthur."

"Yes, Master Chios."

Keenly understanding the implication of the young man's actions in front of him, the old butler bowed deeply to the Earl of Pembroke before exiting the side hall.

The wooden door closed quietly, leaving a private space for the two people in the hall.

"The way you speak always feels a little hard..." The black-haired girl holding a complete set of clothes in both hands watched the door close before turning her face and said with concern:

"If nobles are like this, the process of training your etiquette and conversation should be very difficult."

Hearing this, Chios shrugged and responded lightly:

"When praising people, pay attention to mentioning history, meritorious service, glory, etc., and avoid some rude words, and you can do it. After you get used to it, there is nothing hard to say..."

The memory of practicing repeatedly in front of the mirror when I was young is somewhat blurred now.What remains is the etiquette norms that go deep into the bone marrow of the blood.

As long as it is needed, it can be displayed in an unpretentious way at any time...

Seeing the indifferent expression of the young man, Tifa suddenly felt a faint tingling pain in his chest.

Unfortunately, without waiting for the girl to think too much, Chios' gentle voice came next:

"Put on your clothes now, Miss de Libery can change behind a screen..."

While speaking, the young man did not move slowly, and his fingers nimbly picked up the buttons on the front of his shirt.

There was only a gap for breathing, and his well-trained chest and abdomen were exposed to the air one after another.

"After changing our clothes, we will drive away from the castle and find a remote and quiet place to open the calendar, no problem?"

The partner's sudden undressing interrupted Tifa's inner thoughts.


A rare shyness flashed across her eyes, the girl nodded docilely, and quickly walked behind the screen with her clothes in her arms.

Chios' hand, which was quickly untying the belt, slowed down, and the corner of his eye retracted his gaze to observe Tifa.


Don't think too much about the other person's eyes just now, the young man concentrates on the immediate task...

For a moment, the only sound left in the side hall was the slight rustling of two people changing clothes.


Night, 20:00...

Slim fit white hidden double-breasted aristocratic dress, decorated with navy blue satin and light gold lines; above the triangular neckline, revealing the deep black shirt and wine red silk scarf inside; the same navy blue as the dress decoration color The gold-patterned cloak is on the outermost side, and is connected with the sapphire on the right shoulder through three thin gold chains on the edge of the collar.

Stepping on the carpet with black high boots, Chios stood in front of the mirror, adjusted the silk scarf to align with the midline, and then nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, through the mirror, he saw the girl coming out of the screen behind him.

The long dress was somewhat similar to the youth's, but it was mainly black, and the mysterious silver decorative lines adorned the jet black.Tifa didn't button up the double-breasted clothes like Chios, but let the dress open, hanging on her shoulders like a cape through the hidden buttons below, revealing the black tights underneath.

Covering the girl's whole body without revealing a trace of skin, silver metal armor for assisting fighting was added on the chest, elbows, and knees. She wore a pair of black leather gloves with silver rivets on her hands, and her feet were covered in dark black short boots.

"Praise the Almighty Lord, Ms. de Libery, your beauty takes my breath away..." The young man turned gracefully and gave a gentleman's salute to the black-haired girl, admiring with a standard Norman French accent:

"It has been a great honor in my life to have such a beauty as my fiancée, and please allow me to pay you my most sincere respect for your beauty."

Facing Chios' exaggerated words, Tifa couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Thank you for your compliment, Earl of Pembroke, who speaks sweet words..." She covered her mouth with her bare hands to hide her smile, and the girl responded softly:

"But I just emphasized earlier that I haven't agreed to be your fiancée yet."

"At least..." Without the slightest bit of frustration, Chios bowed and held out his right hand.

"Should I qualify as your knight, my lady?"

"Hmm..." Tifa smiled at Chios with a small black gloved hand on his right palm.

"Let's go."

As if holding a fragile treasure, the young man took the girl's hand, and the two walked out of the Earl's mansion.

On the driveway in the city wall, a Crimson Arcade Romeo 8C Competizione was already in place facing the gate of the castle.

No need to think about it, I know that the butler Arthur prepared it for them in advance.

After opening the passenger door and asking his female companion to get in the car first, Chios sat in the driver's seat.

Caressing the familiar yet unfamiliar black leather steering wheel, a relaxed smile appeared on the young man's face.

"Let's go!"

Chapter 180: Target Aomori, Xingjia Shrine

On a sparsely populated country road, a crimson sports car passed by like a phantom of red flames.


Accompanied by the low and powerful roar of the engine, the fine gravel on the ground was blown to the sides as the vehicle body roared past.

The fields and woods on both sides turned into an infinitely elongated abstract painting at a speed so fast that one would think they were bullets.

Leaving the castle, Chios, relying on his reflexes that have reached the limit of a mortal, drove southward at full speed, and arrived at the southern coast of Pembrokeshire in only six or seven minutes.

At night, the dark sea reflects the thin moonlight, and the stars shine brightly in the cloudless and pure night sky.

The sports car slowed down slowly, drove into the bank slope, and stopped under a lacarina tree.

The young man and the girl got out of the car, and the sea breeze was blowing in their faces. Tifa couldn't help stretching a little.

After lighting a cigarillo, Chios looked at the sea and said:

"Just open the calendar here."


Tifa nodded in agreement.

The next moment, an ancient compass appeared in her hands out of thin air.At the same time, the young man who was smoking a cigar also took out a pointer.

[Fate Compass], [Orientation Pointer]...

According to the description of the authority of the "Calendar Mirror" in the coat of arms, in order to avoid excessive external interference causing strong hostility in the mission world, the civilization protection front must disguise itself as a relatively ordinary time travel in the world of "Scarlet Bullet" and sneak in low-key.

Fold the time and space of the past and the present, so that the two periods of time have a short intersection.

In this way, although it is possible to return to the approximate time point related to the main task, the destination is consistent with the current location of the executor, and will not directly send them to the task target.

If you don't want to take a plane to Japan in advance or later to find the mission target yourself, you can only rely on the executor to manually locate it before the transmission

Right now, Chios and Tifa are holding this kind of positioning tool.

With a click, the pointer was inserted into the compass.

"Search for the fate time and place related to the main mission 3..."

As soon as the young man finished speaking, the pointer on the compass quickly rotated counterclockwise.

After turning ten and a half times in a row, it slowly stopped and stayed in a fixed position.

"Set the arrival time three days in advance of the plot, choose the town closest to the mission target, and locate it in a place where no one is in the dark."

This time, the directional pointer shifted only slightly by three ticks.

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