"Come here, Riko."

Although she liked the warmth brought by the fireplace, she turned around as soon as Chios' words had just finished speaking, approached the sofa with a few steps, and sat down next to the young man.

The sofa, about five steps away from the fire, was much colder in comparison.

But Riko doesn't care...

(The warmest place is next to Chios.)

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but squeezed against the other person again, pressing half of her body against him, her little head tilted slightly, leaning against the young man's chest.

Chios, whose physique is close to the boundary of a mortal, is no longer affected by the cold in the usual sense. The blood flowing through the whole body can maintain a constant temperature even if it reaches the extremities.

Because of this, when Riko with cold skin slipped into his arms, her whole body felt warm immediately.

The girl squinted her eyes in comfort, like a kitten trying to take a nap after basking in the sun.

"You can take a break, but don't fall asleep until I finish talking..."

As Chios said, he pinched Riko's cheek lightly with one hand, although the strength was extremely light, but because the other's skin was too tender, it left a slight red mark.

"Yeah." The girl responded.

Gently combing Riko's honey-colored hair with his hands, the young man began to ask:

"Riko, do you know why things became difficult for you immediately after your parents passed away?"

The girl shook her head, opened her eyes and stared at the young man, waiting for his next words.

"Because you are too young, you can't use the property left by your parents until you grow up, and you have no other relatives to replace your parents' responsibilities, so although you have a huge amount of money, you can't spend it at all... . "

Having said that, Chios reached out his hand to gesture around, pointing out the wall with missing paintings, the decorative table lacking vases, and the empty display cabinet.

Where there should be a collection of collectibles, there is nothing left.

"Those servants left because they knew that Lizi could not afford their salary, and at the same time, because these people thought you were too young to be held accountable for their theft of Luo Ping's treasure, they took away your thing."

His eyes followed the direction of the young man's gestures, and the memory of watching the servants looting his home back then flooded his mind again.

"They bullied Riko..." the girl lowered her head, clenched her fists, and said in a naive voice:

"Just because... Riko is a child?"

"That's not right..." Chios denied the other party's conclusion by raising his index finger and shaking it twice.

"To be precise, it's because you lack the power to intimidate others..."

The palm gently wrapped Riko's clenched hand into a fist, causing the girl's body, which was tense due to resentment, to quickly soften under the action of the young man.

After appeasing the other party's emotions, Chios continued to use questions to guide her thinking:

"Think about it carefully. In the past, when your parents were still alive, would the servants dare to bully you just because you were a child?"

After contemplating it carefully, Riko shook her head, her fluffy honey-blonde hair fringing as she moved.

"No, mother will punish them."

After getting the answer he expected, Chios had a happy smile on his face.

"True, but why should your mother's punishment scare them?"

This time, without waiting for the other party to respond, he continued:

"Because she has the power of being the mistress of Luo Ping's family, she can fire them at any time, so that they can't find a decent job from now on, and become a loser who is looked down upon by the whole society and the whole country..."

"If it wasn't for the fact that you were the only little girl left in Luo Ping's family, and if you had a powerful relative as a guardian, how could the servant dare to betray you?"

Riko, who is still young, does not have enough knowledge and experience to fully understand what Chios said.

However, this does not prevent her from capturing keywords...

power, loved ones.

It's a pity that both of them seem to be a little far away from her at present.

"But..." the girl lowered her eyes in disappointment, and said sadly:

"Riko has no other relatives..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a slender index finger lifted her delicate chin.

"look at me..."

The brown-red eyes are facing the deep purple eyes of Chios.

Staring straight into the depths of the opponent's pupils, the young man seemed to want to see through his soul-like sharp gaze, easily stealing the girl's attention.

"Tell me, who am I to Lizi? Or, who does Lizi want me to be to you?"

In a daze, Riko suddenly remembered what Chios had said to her outside the house not long ago...

"We, who also lost our parents, are each other's family from now on."

"...I...I hope Chios..."

Riko opened her mouth to answer, but at this moment, an inexplicable fear emerged in her heart.

Is it really possible?

The person who suddenly appeared in front of my eyes today brought too much warmth, too much beauty, too much happiness...

So good that Riko panicked.

If the next second, I told her that all this was a joke or a prank...

Riko will definitely go crazy!

She didn't know why she suddenly thought this way, but as soon as this thought appeared, her body began to tremble involuntarily.

At this moment, a hand was placed on top of the girl's head.

"Lizi, what kind of thoughts did you have when you opened the door not long ago?" Looking at Lizi with a serious face, Chios' solemn words hit the other person's heart like a heavy hammer:

"Is it just a whim? Or, are you holding on to the last hope that there will be someone who is willing to stay for you instead of just leaving you?"

Chios' question echoed in his ears, and a flash of determination suddenly flashed in Riko's blank eyes.

Yes, I don't want to be alone anymore...

A person who can stay outside for Riko, under the cold wind, just to be my friend...

Why can't Riko trust him?


The girl took a deep breath.

Immediately, she mustered up every ounce of courage in her heart, and shouted out her expectations with all her might:

"Hope Chios can become Riko's family!"

Chapter 190 IX? Hope I Can Help You

"Very good answer..." Getting the answer he expected from Riko, Chios patted the girl's head.

"As the current Earl of Pembroke, I have made the decision on behalf of the family to accept you as a member of the Marshall family and allow you to retain your original name."

"Peng, the Earl of Pembroke?" Lizi blinked her lively eyes, but she didn't expect the young man in front of her to be of noble origin.

Actually, nobility in itself is of little value...

Among the existing European countries, even if they are constitutional monarchies, generally only the royal family remains, and the titles, lands, and privileges owned by the rest of the nobility are deprived. Countries that retain the title of nobility are very rare.

Even if the title survives and part of the castle territory is preserved, it will be difficult for the descendants to restore the family's former glory. Most people simply cannot afford the high cost of repairing historic sites, let alone hire servants and housekeepers to serve them.

The real privileged class has long been replaced by the owners of emerging political families and consortia.

The so-called royal family and nobles are just the last embers left after the fires of the old and new eras have burned.

The reason why the Marshall family is strong is that its honorary history of being loyal to the British royal family for nearly a thousand years only accounts for a small part.Half of the real reason comes from the excellent combat talent inherited from the ancestors, and the other half lies in the huge income brought by the family business.

With enough strength, there is a way to support the title of Earl of Pembroke, a nobleman who no longer has inherent privileges.

However, young girls are not yet able to understand this.

For her, Chios' identity is like a person in a fairy tale walking in front of her alive.

Seeing Lizi beside him with a small mouth and a look of disbelief, the young man stretched out his hand and flicked the other person's forehead lightly.

"It's no surprise that your great-grandfather Arsen Robin once established a large territory in Africa and was emperor for a while."

"Really...Really?" The girl obviously has no research on her family history, and when she heard what Chios said, her eyes suddenly opened wider.

"That's right, so you, Riko, are logically considered a princess..."

The young man nodded slightly, put his left leg on his right knee, and sat gracefully with his feet up.

"My family has some influence and can protect you from growing up. However, I don't recommend you to stay in this house. I hope you will go to England with me, because..."

He was planning to persuade the girl to leave the mansion where the family lived for several generations, but he didn't expect to hear the other party's answer before he finished speaking...

"Okay..." Riko nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"I'll go with you."

Compared with the girl's previous cringe, the current straightforwardness is unavoidably shocking.

"Aren't you curious why?"

Chios asked curiously.

"Since it's family..." Riko replied as a matter of course, wrapping her arm around the young man with a pure smile.

"Of course we have to live together."

"That's it..." Smiling and stroking the girl's cheek, a trace of guilt flashed deep in Chios' eyes.

It's just that Riko couldn't find it, and was still immersed in his tender care.

"Although you are still young, Riko, there are some things I must let you know..."

Children often want to grow up quickly, because adults always like to use "you are still young" as an excuse to prevent children from knowing too much.

Therefore, upon hearing that Chios was about to tell her something that only "adults" would know, Riko's eyes lit up immediately, her whole body was almost pressed up, and she asked curiously:

"what? What?"

It also avoids the possibility of continuing to extend the previous topic.

"The talents possessed by Luo Ping's family are very attractive to many people with bad intentions. Even the governments of various countries will pay attention. The current Lizi is just a weak prey for them..."

In the world of "Scarlet Bullet", the descendants of great men can often inherit the unique talents of their ancestors. Whether it is superpowers, special physiques, or top talents in various professions, once the abilities surpass the cognitive range of ordinary people, they can almost be passed on to future generations.

Even though it is slightly inferior to the ancestors, it is still much higher than ordinary people.

Under such a world view, the descendants of great men naturally become the most important elite group in this world, and at the same time, their genetic genes are also highly coveted by the national government or ambitious people.

Vlad is one of the cases, but the former Romanian Grand Duke and Count Dracula can only be said to be a relatively weak conspirator.

At least, Vlad is nothing compared to the United States, which can create powerful artificial humans by seizing genes in this world.

Unlike Xinga Baixue, who is protected by Xingga Shrine, Riko, whose parents are deceased, is an easier target.

Instructor Liana once said...the world will correct its own destiny...

Chios can't guarantee that, even if he finds a way to solve Vlad, under the interference of the will of the world, whether other individuals or forces will appear, have the idea of ​​abducting Riko and plotting the blood of Luo Ping's family.

To be on the safe side, he believes that placing Riko under the care of his background identity is a relatively safe choice after all.

The young man pressed the girl's shoulder, and explained his intentions to the other party earnestly:

"Our family's influence in France is still not enough to fully ensure your safety. So I hope Riko will stay in England until she gains enough power to protect herself, understand?"

Infected by Chios's serious eyes, although Riko seemed to understand but half understood, she still firmly remembered the other party's instructions in her mind.

"Oh, I see."

"The obedient Riko is really cute..." Chios said as he plucked the girl's honey-colored hair with his right finger, and lifted the lid of the picnic basket on the light yellow marble coffee table with the other hand.

Half a baguette has long been made into a sandwich during the day, with two slices of Parma ham and cheddar cheese sandwiched between them.

Then, a dinner plate appeared out of thin air in his hand.

On it are all kinds of sweets that Chios bought in restaurants in the town of Etretat this afternoon... macarons, caramel puff tarts, mousse cakes.

"Let's move on to the meal we missed during the day."

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