Although the discourse always blames his own situation on games and novels, but the reality is not so romantic.

In the novel, even being dragged and rolled on the ground is fine, but now Haru Sagara just needs to stop, and the gravel-covered ground will scratch him to pieces.

"Lord Chios... I don't know what your real name is?"

Chios turned his head and looked at Sagara Yoshiharu who was still in good spirits even after being dragged, and felt that it was really not easy to have such rough nerves.

"Chios Felino Langonardo."

"Alas! Are you European?"

"…I am Spanish. "

"How could there be a Spanish general with your name in the Oda family! Spaniards can use samurai swords? Besides, you don't look like a purebred white man except for your height! Your straight black hair is the best evidence, Spain Black hair is curly, don't try to fool me! I am a traveler from the future!"

"It's true, believe it or not."

"Impossible! To be honest, I think you are probably of mixed race."

The more Sagara watched, the more he felt that Chios was not an orthodox European, so he blurted out.

"Are you calling me a bastard by beating around the bush?" Chios' eyes turned cold.

"I apologize! I apologize! Although I really didn't mean to insult you... but the murderous intent is so terrifying!"

Chios felt that he had left too much energy for the monkey, and he could still talk so much nonsense.As soon as he pulled the rein, the horse's walking speed was accelerated.

Now Sagara Yoshiharu really has no energy left to speak, every breath she takes has to be used to run to keep up.

Chios caught up with Nobuna in front, and asked Nobuna:

"Where are you going, Your Royal Highness?"

"Before the army went out, it was originally planned to go to the village on the side of the "Pond of the Male Snake". It is said that the people there believed that there lived a dragon god in the pool, and they sacrificed the Maiden Pillar every year...It's really stupid! "

When Nobuna mentioned Inju, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

"Is it to break superstition?"

"Well, you really understand me. I was thinking that if the water in the pond can be drained, the villagers will know that there is no such thing as a dragon god!"

"Your Highness the Princess doesn't need to personally ask about this kind of matter, as long as someone is sent to divert the river water flowing into the pool, it won't take long for the pool to bottom out."

Chios didn't think such a trivial matter deserved Nobuna's time to deal with it, so Nobuna explained:

"At that time, I didn't know that the Jinchuan army would come, so I thought about dealing with this matter when I was idle... It just so happens that there are enough soldiers to do this now, and the lake should be cleared soon!"

"However... Your Highness really wants to spend time on such trifles? The time agreed with His Highness Saito Michisan, Mino Hashimushi..."

Ikeda Hengxing on the side was a little worried.

"By the way, there's another thing..." Nobuna slapped his forehead and said, with a bit of hesitation on his face.

"His Royal Highness sometimes can't remember things." Shibata Katsuie was not worried but happy. Such a protagonist made her feel closer to her dull-minded.

"You don't need a large army to meet Viper. Her Royal Highness can lead a small number of guards to Zhengde Temple, leaving 500 people to dig the diversion channel, and the rest of the soldiers return to Qingzhou City." Chios reminded from the side.

"That's right, let's do it!"

After hearing this, Nobuna also felt that it made sense, why should he waste time on such trivial matters as the male snake pond, and rushing to Zhengde Temple as soon as possible to solve the covenant issue is the most urgent task for a daimyo.

"So who stays?" Ikeda asked.

All eyes fell on her.

"Ask this question!" Shibata Katsuie said confidently.

"You can't rely on brute force to dig the diversion canal. Master Singer must not do it; Master Hengxing is more suitable for this job because he is gentle and powerful." Chiosi analyzed with reason.

"For this meeting with Viper, Liuhe Chios will be my bodyguard. Other government personnel will stay in Qingzhou City. Hengxing you are indeed the most suitable." Xinnai explained.

"I see..." the lord had already spoken, and Hengxing had no choice but to accept the order, and stayed in the male snake's pond to direct the miserable Ashigaru to dig the diversion canal.

Chios quietly whispered in Hengxing's ear:

"How about having a meal together after completing His Highness's order?"

"Okay, okay!" Hengxing was suddenly full of energy.

Chapter 19? Eye of Doom


【Executor EX7041009】

Name: Chios Pesheim

Class: Rank? E Executor

[Attribute data]

force 17

Agile 18

Physique 16

Spirit 15

Charm 19

Source power 3

[Data Note: The average attribute of an ordinary adult man is 10]


【Eye of Robbery】

Quality: Destiny Wonder

One of the 11 fragments of the jade tablet in the world of "12eyes", the owners in the history of this world line include Velard, Alexander the Great, Cyrus II, Teucer, Loren the Walker, and King Solomon.

It is said that it has inherited the souls of tens of millions of previous owners, so it has created a "future vision".It can draw out the knowledge and skills possessed by thousands of souls, use all the swordsmanship and spells that have been seen, and even forcibly reverse the cause and effect. It is very powerful, but the price is that the soul will be swallowed by it when it dies.

After leaving the 11eyes world, the effects of reversing cause and effect and devouring souls disappeared due to the loss of the original support of the world, and the ability of future vision remained after being weakened.

Opening the "Eye of Calamity" will continue to consume the owner's source power, during which time the future will be predicted within three seconds, and all the combat skills of the previous owner of the Eye of Calamity will be obtained.


With the light curtain removed, apart from a little increase in strength and agility after the competition with Katsuya Shibata a few days ago, there is an additional item called Yuanli. Although it is displayed as a visible attribute, Chios is completely I can't feel the existence of this unknown attribute.

Take out the hidden task reward item [Eye of Tribulation] from the heraldry space, and present it in the palm of your hand. It is called one of the fragments of the emerald jade tablet. It is a treasure with powerful power. At first glance, it is just a round yellow gemstone the size of a fingernail. .

Chios was looking at it, but the eye of robbery suddenly burst into dazzling golden light!

"this is!?"


"Ahhh, it hurts, my eyes!"

Nobuna and Katsuya, who were walking in front, were blinded by the burst of golden light at the same time, while Haru Sagara, who was tied behind by a thick rope, closed his eyes and let out a scream.


Invisible ripples spread out from the center of the light source, and then the divergent light converged into a thin golden line, which shot into Chios' right eye fiercely.

"Woo..." There was a burning pain in the eyeball, and Chios couldn't help but cover his right eye and let out a muffled groan.For a moment, he mistakenly thought that his right eye was burned into a transparent glass ball by the high temperature light.

At the location where the brain is connected to the back of the eyeball, a mixed voice of indistinguishable gender poured into my mind...

(O holder of the Eye of Aeon... Do you want to gain power?)

(Then open your eyes...)

"Chios!" Hearing Chios's painful hum, Nobuna resisted the pain from being glared by the strong light, and opened his eyes to look in Chios' direction.

On the horse's back, Chios, who lowered his head and covered himself, heard Nobuna's call, and raised his face reflexively.

The original pair of eyes as deep as amethyst, now only the left eye remains the same, the right pupil has changed into a topaz-like color, and the iris around the pupil exudes a faint golden light...

Seeing his appearance, Nobuna was shocked, and wanted to rush forward to care.Singer was stunned at first, and turned his eyes to Yoshiharu Sagara at the back of the team. He didn't know what he thought of, and Hengqiang said angrily:

"Damn monkey, what did you do to Chios!?"

"I don't know anything. Suddenly there was a bright light, and my eyes still hurt!" Sagara Haru wanted to raise her hand to refute, but realized that her hand was tied with a thick rope, so she could only wriggle around and shout for grievances.

"Wait..." Chios stopped him, but his voice seemed weak due to lack of energy.

Katsuie Shibata didn't hear Chios' words at all. The girl rushed forward with a gun in hand, her ponytail fluttering in the wind, and she was about to impale the "culprit" monkey in her eyes.

What he saw in his left eye was Xin Nai urging his horse to go forward to comfort him, while the winner on the side was charging forward with his gun raised.

The scene from the right eye is like an old TV with bad signal, white snowflakes flashing from time to time... In the picture, Nobuna has already driven a horse to Chios, with a worried expression on his face, full of heart Focus on the youth in front of you.Singe stabbed violently with a big gun in one hand, Sagara Haru barely turned around to dodge part of it, but a piece of flesh was still wiped off by the gun blade, screaming innocently in pain.

Is this the "future vision" of Eye of Tribulation...

Temporarily ignoring the strong sense of disobedience caused by the out-of-sync images in his eyes, Chios followed the trajectory of Singer's gun in advance with one hand, and with a skill he had never seen before, caught the gun shaft that the girl stabbed with all her strength in anger.

"Chios, you..." Singer stared blankly at the weapon he was holding tightly, unable to turn his head for a moment.

"You, are you okay?"

"Hmm...I made you worry." Chios squeezed out a smile and said softly, letting go of his hand.


Singer let go of his hand, the big gun fell to the ground, and broke away from the tense fighting state.

"Great, you're fine..." The heroic girl with a brown ponytail was choked up at the moment, her eyes were slightly moist, which didn't match her majestic armor attire.

"Sorry, just now I just felt my heart was blank, and I didn't know what to do for a while..."

Seeing that the pain in Chios's expression weakened, Oda Nobuna slowed down his movements, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Shibata Katsuie's weak appearance with gloom and unhappiness.

"Asshole, he will attract girls..." Nobuna gritted her teeth and whispered, clenched her little hands involuntarily.

Chios had no time to be distracted at this time.

The future vision of the Eye of Calamity continues to send future scenes to Chios' right eye that emits golden light. The images of the present and the future are intertwined, causing him to feel extremely deep pressure mentally. The faucet keeps draining.

Chios had to focus on his right eye, trying to communicate with the eye of robbery.However, as soon as his consciousness appeared, the feeling of being drawn from the power stopped in time, and then the power slowly recovered in his body.

He himself couldn't see the change in his right eye, but Nobuna and Katsuya's eyes kept paying attention to Chios.

"Ah, your eyes..."

In the eyes of the two girls, the transformation of Chios was clearly reflected... The golden eyeballs restrained the light on the irises, and the color of the topaz faded rapidly, finally disappearing under the deep purple.

The rapidity of change is only in the blink of an eye.It seemed that the magic eye they saw just now was just an illusion in their trance.


The two girls shouted in surprise, gathered around Chios, looked into his eyes from time to time, and asked him if there was any discomfort or abnormality.

"Damn it, you also care about me as a prisoner!"

After Katsuya dropped the big gun, Sagara Yoshiharu, who collapsed and knelt on the ground, shouted with grief and indignation.

"Travelers also have human rights!"

Chapter 20? Meeting at Zhengde Temple

"So, the golden eyes were called "eyes of catastrophe" back then? "Nobuna rode a horse and Chios walked in front of the team, the girl still couldn't forget the scene not long ago.

Chios nodded solemnly, put his hand on his right eye and said:

"Yes, the voice in my heart told me the name of the right eye.

""Jie"..." Nobuna muttered in a low voice, frowning slightly.

"The word feels...a bit uneasy."

A few steps behind Nobuna, Shibata Katsuie, who was in charge of using force to suppress a certain monkey captive, also looked at Chios's back worriedly at this time, and his eyes turned away. Nobuna's concern when watching Chios fell into the ponytail girl There was a slight tingling in the eyes and heart for some reason.

The words that I was about to speak at first were all forgotten in an instant.

"Kalpa, in Buddhism, means a period of time from the beginning of the world to the end of the world. Using our Western concept, it can also be said to be a metaphor for "eternity". "Qios comforted Shinna, then changed the topic, and said in a mysterious tone:

"Speaking of which, I saw a fragment of His Highness' future."

"Really?" Nobuna couldn't believe it.

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