With a stomp on its beastly feet, cracks appeared on the masonry paved sidewalk. With a wave of its arm, which was thicker than a brown bear, it easily bent the aluminum alloy street lamp.

Once hit by its front, the damage caused may be no less than being hit by a car.

On the street that can only accommodate two small cars, Vlad's huge body looks even more oppressive, and it is not easy to dodge its attack.

But the Holy Blood Knights do not have any fear because of this. They are fighters who exist to eradicate heresy, and are ready to bleed and even die at any time.

Besides, they are not at a disadvantage...

Even when facing monsters whose physical ability is far superior to their own, they still have superb combat skills, excellent team chemistry, the Holy See's magic-breaking spell, and special equipment for heretics.

bang bang bang...

Expensive silver bullets were shot out one after another with the muzzle fire, and the bullets from different directions and angles woven into a circular barrage, heading straight for the monster in the center.

But the current Vlad is no longer the weak human being before.The subsonic bullets suddenly slowed down as they were captured by blood red eyes.

With more than 500 years of combat experience, it found a breakthrough gap in the blink of an eye.


With both legs kicking the ground, the ground suddenly cracked like a spider web.

The next moment, Vlad's huge body was fired like a cannonball, and he jumped straight into the air two stories high.

The double-teaming bullets staggered under its feet, failing to hit the target.

"It's my turn!"

Vlad, who had nowhere to rely on for the time being, reached out and grabbed the window sill railing on his left, violently tore off a piece of wood, and threw it at a group of knights as a throwing weapon.


The wooden strip thrown with great force broke into two pieces on the ground, and the fine red brick debris of the sidewalk splashed.

The three holy blood knights who were standing close to each other to cover each other rolled to the side in time to avoid the blow.

However, they also spread out a few steps because of this, and they couldn't cooperate perfectly...

One of the knights had just finished dodging, and as soon as he turned his head, his gray pupils reflected a huge black werewolf swooping down from the air.

"Die, Holy See lackey!"

Vlad roared, and his giant claws grabbed the head of the young knight in front of him with all his strength.

Even though he was close to death, the knight showed an astonishing calmness at this moment. He held a glass ball in his hand that was already on his tactical belt, and threw it at the monster above his head.


The glass ball shattered, and the fluorescent liquid contained in it scattered, filling Vlad's body in an instant.

Vlad, who was no stranger to the holy water and silver bullets of the Holy See, originally planned to forcibly endure the discomfort and kill the prey he got.

Unfortunately, it underestimated the role of this liquid...

The liquid on the fur was absorbed in an instant, followed by a feeling of numbness like a high-voltage current passing through the body, continuously drilling into the body.

The hand grabbing the knight seemed to have lost the connection with the brain. No matter how much Vlad tried to control his hand, his paralyzed limbs still couldn't move.

Although the effect was only less than a second, it was enough for an elite like the Holy Blood Knight to escape.He lowered his body and rolled sideways to avoid the threat range of the monster. He slapped his palm on the ground, pushing all the force of inertia when rolling down, and got up instantly by the reaction force.


Behind the knight, Vlad, who was in a paralyzed state and could not control his body, fell hard to the ground and hit the outer wall of an unoccupied shop sideways.

The fragile display glass was shattered, and the debris poured down on it like a waterfall. Even though it was not injured, it looked extremely embarrassed.


Spit out a mouthful of saliva mixed with glass shards, Vlad growled angrily and stood up, shaking the wolf's head vigorously, shaking off the broken glass on his body.

"Damn the Holy See, always doing boring stuff!"

"This is the Sixth Holy Water, specially made for dark creatures like you, the Sixth Mass sung by the Devil-Breaking Choir-the holy water blessed by the Lamb..."

As the Inspector General spoke, he directed the Holy Blood Knights to rearrange their formation with gestures, and slowly surrounded them in groups of three.

"While you, a filthy heretic, supplemented yourself with inferior blood-sucking, under the guidance of the benevolent God, we forged countless weapons to eliminate heresy. This is why you have lived for so long and still dare not face the Holy See."

Speaking of such a long paragraph, it's not that the inspector general is so bored that he wants to chat with the vampire, he just wants to delay time.

Right now, the ten knights fighting the monsters are only one-third of the total force dispatched for this encirclement and suppression mission.

Vlad, who spent most of his life avoiding the pursuit of the Holy See, knew the behavior style of the knights under the Inquisition all too well.

It is too abnormal for this group of executioners of the Holy See who hold the idea that it is better to add a sword than to talk nonsense with heresy... to spend time explaining the origin of the holy water to themselves.

Speaking of which, how did the Holy See know of his whereabouts?

I found myself being targeted on the street for no reason before, and started fighting before it figured out the situation. Now that my thoughts have been separated from the battle, Vlad feels that he came to Etretta today, and he may have stepped into a deadly trap on his own initiative. .

(I can't continue to fight with the people of the Holy See here for a long time...)

Just when the thought came into its head...

tata tao...

The footsteps of several people running came from both sides of the street, about 20 people.

And the pace is quite neat, it is obvious that they are fighters who have been trained by the group.

The Inspector General, who was confronting Vlad, had a rare smile on his serious and resolute face.

The team led by the flag officer and another chief inspector finally arrived after hearing the news of the battle.

But Vlad, who was facing him, had not seen him for a long time, and there was a trace of fear in the battle.

Even the strongest vampire, who claims to be immortal, is not completely sure that he can escape safely when faced with the siege and pursuit of a quarter of the members of the Holy Blood Knights.

How many people did the Vatican send to deal with it! ?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Avalle Cliffs...

Changing the tuxedo used by the disguised butler, Chios, who was wearing a white aristocratic dress and a dark blue cloak again, sat on a deck chair on the balcony on the second floor of Luo Ping's house.

The McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle is mounted on the granite guardrail, looking at the street of Etretat, which is 16 meters away in a straight line, with a 300x scope.

Tifa next to the young man was also holding a telescope, looking in the same direction.

The cliff at an altitude of 40 meters, coupled with the height of the two-storey high-rise building, let him almost overlook the entire town from 50 meters.The buildings on both sides of the street are no more than three stories high, and it is difficult to block the vision of the two.

The scene fed back by the scope was the battle between Count Dracula Vlad and the Holy See Knights.

With the orderly cooperation of ten Holy See knights, the burly monster that looked like a werewolf not only had no advantage at all, it even lost control of its body after being hit by a glass ball thrown by a knight, and fell to the ground in embarrassment from the air.

"The combat power under the Holy See is really strong..." Putting down the binoculars temporarily, the black-haired girl sighed:

"Ten people can suppress a 500-year-old vampire. With such high combat ability, psychological quality, and teamwork, the Holy See may still have tens or hundreds of people."

"This is also an opportunity for us to observe the power of the national organizations in this world. Although the plot characters in the novel are excellent, it does not mean that other forces are weak. It is just that the interference of the world's will leads to insufficient roles."

While responding to Tifa's words, Chios picked a few grapes from the fruit plate on the side table and held them in his hand.

"As we change the plot more and more, maybe one day we will become enemies with these organizations..." Having said this, the young man slowly put a grape into his mouth.

The combination of sweet and sour pulp and bitterness brought by grape skin tannins brings out a more wonderful and complex taste than pure sweetness.

After fully enjoying the ultimate comprehensive fruit aroma at this moment, and then swallowing the peel and pulp without hesitation, Chios continued to look at the scope.

"If there is no force to contend with, the fate of only relying on personal courage, the current situation of Vlad is a perfect example.

"Hmm..." After hearing Chios' words, the girl nodded solemnly to express her agreement.

Focusing back on the current task, she lifted the binoculars and looked at Count Dracula who was now surrounded by thirty knights.

Holding weapons with white light, the three knight commanders fought Vlad at close range with their superb combat skills and physical strength.

The rest of the personnel spend most of their time on the periphery using gun barrage to contain the enemy. When the opponent tries to approach, they advance and retreat in groups of three. into a vampire.

Coupled with the special equipment provided by the Holy See, the safety of the knights was further protected, and the attacks of the vampires failed one after another.

Even though he was on the cliff hundreds of meters away, he could still hear Vlad's slightly distorted angry roar from time to time.

Seeing this, Tifa felt admiration for the cooperation among the knights, but also felt puzzled...

"Although we are at a disadvantage in the battle, as long as the Holy See knights can't destroy Vlad's four organs at the same time, his injuries will only continue to recover. People's physical strength is limited, and a protracted battle is not good for the Holy See."

In the face of Count Dracula, who has a strong resilience, under normal circumstances, he should concentrate his firepower, with the primary goal of destroying the four evil organs as soon as possible.However, the Holy See didn't seem to have the intention of a quick battle. Instead, it seemed to be playing with Vlad, not sticking to the vitals, but just repelling the opponent time and time again.

Hearing this, Chios waved his hand, signaling the girl not to worry.

"The Holy See has hunted and killed Vlad for so many years, and even a paladin once left a mark on the opponent, exposing the location of all its devil's organs. How could it not be clear about the importance of the devil's organs..."

Focusing on the weapons held by the three knight commanders, the young man conjectured:

"Those three glowing long swords should have some unique function, otherwise it can't explain why the Holy See knights are not in a hurry."

The knights of the Holy See acted contrary to common sense, which shows that they must have something to rely on...

In fact, Vlad, who came to the front line to fight against the knights in person, was undoubtedly the one who knew the threat of the three lightsabers the most.

Unfortunately, it couldn't find a way out.

Looks like the Vatican is winning...

But Chios never pins his success on others, especially in a world where fate interferes.

"It's time to watch the battle from a closer position. If the Knights of the Holy See succeed in killing Vlad, we will give you applause in time..."

Putting away the sniper rifle, the young man stood up, turned his head and smiled at his companion beside him:

"If the other party fails to escape unfortunately, we are the key layer of insurance... In any case, Count Dracula, Vlad, will only leave one corpse after today."

Watching the elegant and confident smile on Chios' face, Tifa silently mourned for Vlad for half a second.

Immediately, she nodded.

"Let's go. "


Etretat, street...

The Inspector seized the flaws in the opponent's actions, and approached Vlad's chest with the blade of the flashing white halo.

"Go away!" A large amount of air puffed out of the chest passed through the strong vocal cords of the vampire, resonating in the throat, and a violent roar burst out from its mouth:


The roar was wrapped in a strong wind, sweeping in front of Count Dracula in a fan shape.

"Hmm..." The middle-aged man who was about to succeed was the first to bear the brunt. Even if he covered his ears in time, it was impossible to completely resist the penetration of the sound waves.

The human eardrum is quite fragile, and it is not as easy to protect as ordinary vital organs.

He wouldn't be deaf because of it, but he was also dizzy for a while, and his sense of balance dropped sharply.

Such a good opportunity, Vlad couldn't let it go, and grabbed it with his right arm.

However, it is impossible for the Knight Commander's companions and subordinates to watch him die at the hands of the enemy...

bang bang bang...

The 27 Holy Blood Knights fired one after another.

At the same time, two glass balls filled with holy water fell to Vlad's feet.


The pain caused by the silver bullet embedded in the skin, coupled with the numbness that went straight to the bone marrow erupted all over the body.

Halfway through the swing, it seemed to be frozen in the void. It could only open its blood-red eyes wide, watching the opponent recover from the dizziness, but it couldn't do anything for this second.


It wasn't the first time it was hindered by holy water, but its proud strong body still couldn't avoid the paralyzing effect of the fluorescent liquid.

Vlad didn't expect to eliminate thirty Holy See knights, he just wanted to kill one person as quickly as possible, and break out of the encirclement to escape when the opponent's formation was chaotic.

Yes, run away...

If the fight continues, it must be the one who dies.

Vlad, who has been hit by the light blade in the knight commander's hand twenty times so far, understands the vicious effect of that seemingly flashy weapon...

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