He got up reflexively, but his consciousness was temporarily confused due to the shock.

The purpose of the black-haired girl was not just to kick the opponent back into the siege of the Knights, not to give Vlad any chance to breathe, the air around her body burst out suddenly, jetting and accelerating like the afterburner of a fighter jet, approaching the vampire again in an instant.

The shoulders and waist were slightly pulled back, and then the bowstring seemed to be tensed and rebounded, and he punched a sharp straight punch. The air hammer replaced him and beat the opponent's heart in the air.


Even though he had far superior physical fitness and the resilience of the devil's organs, Vlad still felt a sharp pain when his vitals were hit, and almost all the air in his lungs was blown out by the opponent's punch.

The atmosphere is like an extension of the girl's hands and feet, its strength is not weaker than a real fist, and its flexibility is no less.

After gaining momentum for a straight punch, she quickly reduced her strength and replaced it with an extremely fast series of punches.

bump bump bump...

Although the lethality of melee combat is not as great as that of swords and other weapons, the number of shots is also beyond the reach of the latter. If you can continue to hit the fragile joints, internal organs, and acupuncture points of the human body, the opponent's actions will be almost blocked. paralysis.

At this time, Vlad was just like that...

With a strong body and speed, most of the power of the entire lightning is still stored in the body, but when he lost the upper hand, he was beaten up by a girl like a sandbag.

The Holy Blood Knights on the side had recovered from the impact of the previous lightning storm one after another. They saw Vlad, who was supposed to run away, kicked back by the girl who suddenly appeared, and then continued to be beaten helplessly.

Lifting the dagger and pistol in their hands, they were about to attack the vampire, but were stopped by the three knight commanders.

"Don't get in her way, if the girl is in danger, we'll take another shot."

All the knights were ordered to stare at the young girl and the heretic in the arena.

bump bump...

The air hammers instead of fists hit Vlad one after another.

"Goddamn it!"

With his right hand, he slammed a flash of lightning towards the girl, but the girl turned sideways to the left early to avoid it.

Pain is nothing, and the damage is even more negligible. However, the numbness of being hit in the weak part of the body makes all his attempts to counterattack slow down by half a beat, which looks extraordinarily ridiculous.

How could Count Dracula have suffered such humiliation since he survived in the Middle Ages? Not even the Holy See's Inquisition could make him so embarrassed.

At this moment, the urgency to escape from Etretat was overwhelmed by anger.

He wants to make the humans in front of him pay the price!

"Stop being arrogant, bitch!"

Relying on his extraordinary willpower to withstand the continuously superimposed deterrent force on his body, Vlad urged more than half of the electricity stored in his body to extend out from his hands, forming two thigh-thin, ten-meter-long lightning whips.

Holding a whip in both hands, he roared angrily:

"Kneel before Grand Duke Vlad, Count Dracula, lowly human!"

"Stand back!"

Sensing the astonishing power, the three chief holy blood knights quickly ordered.

All the knights within the attack range of the thunder whip retreated as promised.

However, Vlad didn't care about dealing with them at all at the moment, and the only target in his eyes was the woman who dared to humiliate Count Dracula.

Two lightning whips staggered and swept out in a fan shape.


Like scissors formed by lightning, they crossed vigorously across the front.

After the thunder whip's indiscriminate and large-scale attack swept across, even the walls of the houses on both sides of the street were scraped off by the thunder whip with a layer of scorched black marks several inches deep.

However, the charred corpse of the woman that Vlad was looking forward to seeing was no longer in sight.

"Like he said..."

A gentle yet strong ethereal female voice sounded behind the furious vampire.

"Those who are strong and live long cannot bear humiliation."



As soon as Vlad turned his head, a powerful uppercut formed by a jackhammer slammed into his chin.

Chapter 210? Farewell, Mr. Werner

The destructive power of the lightning whip condensed with nearly half of the lightning energy is indeed a fatal threat to Tifa, and Vlad's choice of staggered sweeps also achieved the largest area coverage.

However he overlooked one thing...

The girl who can control the movement of the air flow and even accelerate it suddenly can not only fight on the ground, even the sky is her main battlefield.

The moment the double whips were swung, the ubiquitous atmosphere immediately gathered around Tifa, pushing the girl towards the sky.

The thunder that split across the street not only caused terrifying damage, but also released dazzling glare and a huge sonic boom. Vlad and others were also blinded by the light for a while.

Just as Count Dracula was obsessed with the near-natural disaster he cast, Tifa quietly moved behind him.

"As he said...a strong and long-lived man cannot bear humiliation."

Realizing that the target he was determined to kill appeared behind him, Vlad immediately turned around, intending to burn the girl into ashes with the lightning whip that still had a lot of energy in his hand.


Before he could finish his words full of anger, the charged uppercut formed by the air hammer hit his chin hard.


A few blood-stained teeth flew out of his mouth, and it was hard to imagine that the power of a slender girl knocked Vlad away with a single blow.

When Count Dracula was in the air for a short time, Tifa spun and jumped, kicked the opponent's abdomen with a roundabout kick, and then kicked Vlad to a higher place.

The air gushes out, propelling the girl to keep up with speed.

In the air where the opponent had nowhere to use his strength, Tifa was like a swift shadow of the wind, sometimes appearing behind Vlad's side, and sometimes launching an attack from below.

bump bump...

The air hammer struck again and again, making the vampire farther and farther away from the ground.


Count Dracula kept waving the lightning whip in his hand, trying to force the black-haired girl back, but with little effect, it only added a few new scars to the buildings in the town of Etretta.

The third form, which is comparable to the ability of the vampire itself, can even shuttle between the barrage gaps, but still can't keep up with the girl's speed.

Not only speed, but also flexibility and the continuity of skills are the reasons why Vlad, who was used to relying on physical fitness to crush the enemy in the past, was unable to react in time.

"Damn woman..." Vlad gritted his teeth and growled.

Under the effect of the amazing resilience of the devil's viscera, all the teeth that were broken at the last moment had already grown back, and so did the rest of the injuries.

If you want to kill him, don't attack the devil's organs, just relying on these innocuous things is useless.

However, the girl didn't seem to care about this at all. She didn't take it seriously even when she saw the opponent's wounds recover quickly. She didn't waver in her confidence, and didn't stop her movements.

At this point, no matter Vlad who was in the center of the storm, or everyone in the Knights below were equally puzzled.

Although the opponent's attack couldn't bring him any real harm at all, the feeling that he could only bear the attack but was unable to fight back made Vlad extremely agitated.

It's like being bitten continuously by a mosquito that never hits.

Knowing that he can't hit the girl even if he continues to consume the energy of the lightning whip, the roar that can hurt the eardrums probably won't work for someone who can control the airflow...

Even so, Count Dracula is not absolutely helpless.

"Flying around like a bug, are you proud, little girl?"

The lightning whip in his left hand swung towards the black-haired girl, at the moment when the air current was about to push Tifa to move.


The ten-meter-long lightning whip was suddenly detonated by the owner, and the huge electric light contained in it exploded in a ring shape.

The sudden explosion of thunder was unexpected. Although the girl reacted quickly and retreated immediately, she was still rubbed by a little electric current.

The electric current flowing through the muscle nerves paralyzed her originally agile movements.

And this slight flaw was accurately caught by Vlad.

"Haha, I got you!"

Count Dracula, who was no longer restrained, grinned ferociously, and threw out another thunder whip that was still intact.

The high temperature was thousands of degrees, and the lightning that could burn people into charcoal was rolled in front of them, Tifa didn't lose his composure because of this.

"Stigmata of the Wind? Atmospheric Power"

The sky-like eyes suddenly glowed with azure blue light, and the surrounding atmosphere surged spontaneously as if protecting its master, spinning around the girl crazily, forming a small tornado in an instant.

Swish! ! !

When the thunder light landed on the storm, it was immediately attracted by the suspended dust in the air, and was swept into the strong wind.

Within a radius of one meter around the girl's body, she appeared to be calm, and all destructive energy was blocked out.

"No! It's impossible!"

Count Dracula couldn't believe it. The blow he was bound to receive was just resolved by the opponent.

Even the knights of the Holy See were equally shocked, looking up at the storm in the sky.

"That girl..." the flag officer said solemnly:

"At least a superpower above G15."

Thunderstorms hovered in the sky on the central streets of Etretta Town, and at the moment they were raging with claws and claws. If such a natural disaster happened, at least several wooden houses would be destroyed.

But this worry is obviously unnecessary...

Tifa fully unleashes the power of the Wonder of Destiny, purely for defense, not to bring disaster to the peaceful town.

What's more, such an attack cannot cause fatal injuries to Vlad...

With a wave of her white hand, the frantic storm around her obediently dissipated, along with the vampire's lightning.

Looking from the sky at Vlad who fell back to the street again, Tifa looked calm.

Successfully consuming a large amount of Vlad's lightning power, her purpose of raiding the opponent has actually been achieved.

Now, just the last step...


The short leather boots stepped on the air, but they rushed out as if they were stepping on the solid ground.

Seeing the black-haired girl rushing towards him again, this time Count Dracula finally put aside his contempt and concentrated on guarding all of Tifa's movements.

However, when Vlad was five steps ahead in a flash, Tifa stepped forward with his left foot to stop his advance.

"Your opponent is not me..."

As she said that, the girl's eyes emitting a faint blue light locked on the target in front of her, and then she stretched out her right hand.

It was supposed to be just an atmospheric hammer formed by the solidified airflow, but suddenly it spread its five fingers and grabbed the vampire's neck.


Tifa kept clenching his palms, spun Vlad around on the spot, and then threw it towards the sky with all his strength.

It was rare for a vampire, who had been in a rage all the time, to let the opponent throw him out with only a symbolic resistance this time.

The anger started to subside...

He realized that although the meaning of the girl's previous words and this throw was unclear, they really let him escape from the siege of the Holy See Knights.

"Hahaha! Little girl, you made a big mistake..."

Vlad's proud words suddenly stopped at this point.

because he saw a man...

Standing on the roof of the casino where he was scheduled to land.

The black tuxedo was replaced with a white gold-patterned aristocratic dress and a dark blue cloak, but the black-haired youth's face was too handsome, Vlad, who had only seen it not long ago, could not possibly mistake it...

"You're the butler!"

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