
August 2001, 2 ...

Last day of layover time...

The time to go to the past through the calendar cannot exceed five days at most.

During these three days, Chios and Tifa took Riko to visit Cardiff City, including Cardiff Castle, Ancient Market, Cardiff Bay Port, Drama Theater...

During the period, I made two phone calls to Baixue far away in the far east every day...

No matter how much time is compressed, three days are still quickly squandered.

On this night, when having dinner at Conrodden Villa, Riko ate almost in tears.

The moment when the young man and the girl opened the gate of the villa and were about to leave.

Behind him, the girl's immature voice came:

"Chios, sister Tifa..."

The two turned their heads and met Riko's determined eyes.

"Riko will definitely become stronger, stronger than her ancestors, and will never become a burden again, so..."

"When Lizi grows up, you must go home."

Chapter 210 Nine? Dongfang


South coast of Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK...

Invisible ripples spread across the highlands on the shore, and after the mirror unfolded in the void, Chios and Tifa returned to the original time and space with gentle steps.

The deep red love fast Romeo 8C Competizione is still parked quietly under the shade of the papaya tree.

"The missions that require time travel are finally over..." With his back against the driver's door, the young man took out a cigarillo and handed it to his mouth.

"Except for the mainline task 1 which is completed in a fixed time, the remaining two tasks need to be well planned in advance before we can do it. We have more than [-] months to complete them step by step."


The fuel lighter in the left palm turned half a circle, the metal top cover popped open, and a cluster of flames just arrived in front of the cigarette.


He opened his mouth and let out a long puff of brown-gray smoke. Chios turned his face to look at the black-haired girl sitting on the hood, and found that the other party was also looking over.

"In other words, we are now on a half-vacation..." Tifa supported the brand-new car shell with her hands, her legs swayed slightly, and her mentality was obviously much more relaxed than when she was on a mission.

"We changed the past twice, and we don't know what will change here?"

"That's right..." Flicking off the ash on the front of the cigar, Chios responded with a smile:

"Perhaps when we return to the castle, besides Butler Arthur, the grown-up Riko will be waiting for us."

The voice of the youth has just fallen...


Among the low trees that are not densely lined up along the coast, the birds flapped their wings and left the nest as if they were frightened, and hurriedly flew back.

The next moment, the calm sea surface at night suddenly began to tremble violently.

rumble rumble...

The waves that beat the shore regularly were first shaken away, and then the ocean was split by a long and narrow blade, and the seawater with no place to stand turned into a floor-high wave, which rolled to both sides.


The giant steel beast, dozens of times larger than the blue whale, soared up from the water.

A huge submarine over 300 meters long, comparable to an aircraft carrier, appeared on the southern coast of Wales without any warning. If it weren't for the spectacular scene of parting the sea at the moment it appeared, it would probably be impossible to detect its existence.


The Ruby Design Bureau of the former Soviet Union completed the design and spent a huge amount of money to build the world's largest nuclear-powered submarine. It is equipped with more than 30 intercontinental ballistic missiles each equipped with 10 nuclear warheads. The trump card was stolen after it was launched in 1976 and disappeared.

What an amazing strategic weapon...

The part exposed on the sea level alone is more than five stories high, like a wall occupying a large field of vision, the water flowing above it is like a waterfall, flowing straight down along the smooth and thick metal body of the ship, colliding with the sea surface and breaking into a cloud of water vapor .

The hatch at the top was opened, and two metal rails protruded from both sides of the entrance, which was much wider than usual submarines.

A platform slowly rises from below.

Wearing a British suit, holding a light pipe in his left hand and holding a gentleman's cane in his right hand, he stood tall and straight on the platform.

He was about to speak, but the black-haired youth on the shore took the first step.

"Long time no see..."

Facing the man on the submarine, Chios stepped back from his front toes to his heels after performing all the etiquette, and bowed while pressing his chest with his right hand.

"Welcome to my domain, Professor. "

"Oh?" Sherlock, who always looked calm and indifferent, raised his eyebrows in surprise at Chios' greeting,

It's as if he didn't expect the other party's step.

However, he soon smiled.

"Hehe, you don't want me to take the lead all the time, have you changed your habits on purpose..."

His eyes did not hide his appreciation for the youth, the man praised:

"This requires a deep understanding of your own behavior patterns. I couldn't do it until I was 30. I didn't expect you to have such abilities at such a young age. It's amazing."

"Sorry, it was just a childish act..."

Chios shrugged nonchalantly, and jumped down the slope with Tifa to the junction of the beach and the ocean.

"Did you come here on purpose to take me, a ghost member who has been named for seven years, on a formal tour of the organization's base?"

"That's right..." Sherlock nodded in affirmation of the young man's words.

"As NO?2 who hasn't shown your face for a long time, many students are very curious about you, and it's time to introduce you to them."

Having said that, the man turned his gaze to Tifa and asked politely:

"Miss de Libery also intends to board the ship?"

The fact that Chios joined Yiyou would not be hidden from Tifa as his companion, and the two discussed the pros and cons of being in this organization.

Yiyou, who no longer served the country after World War II, has evolved into a superhuman learning institution.Its purpose is to gather people with talents bestowed by God, to teach each other skills, to enhance them infinitely, until they reach the realm of God.If other people become obstacles or materials, it doesn't matter if they are killed.

Members are both mentors and students to each other, and the system is actually relatively loose.

Except for the "Professor" Holmes who is firmly seated as the leader based on his strength, has strong authority and holds the ownership of the Orient, the interior is completely like a club, consisting of like-minded students forming small groups.

In Yiyou, generally speaking, there are no mandatory rights and obligations, and there is no need to stay on the ship for a long time, you can leave at any time, and return when you think it is necessary.

Although as a dangerous organization with nuclear bombs, it is an out-and-out evil party in the eyes of many countries, but because of Yiyou's strong deterrence, unless the state agencies are absolutely sure to arrest its members, it is generally impossible to arrest its members at will. shot.

Information about Yiyou is classified in most countries, and there are few insiders, and only some of the member lists with particularly flamboyant behavior are available.

To sum up, there is not much harm in joining Yiyou, as for the benefits, everyone needs to find out by themselves.

Therefore, Tifa certainly has no reason to refuse.

"Yes, I'm interested in this academy-like institution."

"That's it..."

Looking at the two young men on the beach who were trying to change the general trend of the future, Sherlock felt a long-lost expectation in the bottom of his heart.

Since his reasoning has reached the extreme state of observing the future, it is difficult to look at things with a slight fluctuation, and the feeling that everything is expected is both self-confident and boring.

Until the two people in front of him entered his eyes.

The fate that seemed unshakable to him suddenly became slightly blurred like ripples on the surface of the water.

Sherlock really wants to witness with his own eyes, where will this sudden change lead the world?

A smile floated on the corner of his mouth, which was different from his usual detached...exploring unknown joyful smile.

"You guys come with me."

Chapter 220? The problem children are all from Yiyou?

Holmes didn't put a ladder to make it easier for the two of them to board the submarine, but it's really not necessary. If they can't even cross this distance, then they are not qualified to join Yiyou.

Seeing this, Chios drew the pennant rune with one hand in the blink of an eye, and then crushed it.

The knees were slightly bent to accumulate strength, and the next moment he kicked out suddenly.


The airflow erupted from under the feet, pushing the leaping young man to a higher place, and at the same time pushed away the air that formed resistance in front, and after reaching the sky higher than the hull, he landed slowly like a glide.

Tifa's pupils turned blue like the sky, and the atmosphere around him immediately surrendered to his orders, without any preparations for running and bouncing, her slender body naturally floated in the air, and was pulled towards the hatch.

Compared to Chios, it's still a jumping action, but the girl is completely flying, and the gravity of the earth seems to be non-existent to her.

Da da...

The two landed on the wide entrance platform at the same time, facing Sherlock who was smoking a pipe.


The gentleman's cane lightly pressed the button next to the metal track, and the entire platform began to sink. The two semicircular alloy hatches opened and then closed like wings.

Yiyou's base area is finally revealed to Chios...

In addition to the silver metal rails on both sides, translucent tortoiseshell gemstones replaced the glass and wrapped the elevator for the three people in a cylindrical shape. This not only achieves a substantial isolation between the inside and the outside, but also allows you to see the elegant layout of the ship from the perspective.

Through the space of several decks, a huge and bright crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the polished and smooth natural marble floor reflects the brilliance above.

In the center of a ten-meter-wide corridor extending straight from the end of the platform elevator, there is a statue of Poseidon holding a golden trident, with seven carved conch shells gushing clear spring water uninterruptedly into the pool.Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Plesiosaur and other dinosaur full-skeleton fossils are vividly displayed on both sides of the corridor.

The glass display cases behind the wooden fences on the surrounding walls contain living tigers, lions, wolves... and even biological specimens of many extinct species.

There is absolutely no coldness and fortitude that military facilities usually give people, and the furnishings are so gorgeous that they almost show off their wealth, just like being in the hall of a sea palace owned by a king.

The Vostok, whose hull is comparable to the size of a cruise ship, is built for military purposes, but besides being equipped with ordnance equipment, it still has a lot of space to use.

In addition, Yiyou is an elite organization composed of a few descendants of great men, so it is not surprising that the submarine will be transformed into a more comfortable and livable environment.


The moment he saw it with his own eyes, Chios realized why many members of Yiyou were willing to stay on a ship for many years and enjoyed it so much.

Whether it is the purpose of "superhumans learn from each other in order to reach the realm of gods", or the absolute power of Sherlock Holmes, there are reasons to successfully attract the best and most dangerous people in the world to gather in one place. Not enough.

Geniuses who don't fit in with others often have a very strong sense of superiority in their hearts...

The moral rules of ordinary people are despised by them, and the environment full of mediocrity makes them bored.

A place of freedom that cannot be interfered by secular laws, where the most outstanding people from all aspects live here, as well as a noble field that matches their pride and self-esteem.

Sherlock Holmes fully grasped the scene they were looking forward to, and using the Orient as a canvas, he drew a perfect picture scroll that makes people's heart bewitched.

This is Yiyou...

The fleeting shock did not reflect on Chios' face, and even his heartbeat was kept perfectly steady by virtue of his own strong control and the cold rationality endowed by the ring on his chest.

With an elegant and confident light, the eyes of the deep purple eyes shifted from decoration to more core things...

I don't know if it has something to do with Sherlock's special summoning. At this moment, on the promenade in front of the fountain, fourteen men and women in different clothes are sitting or standing on the sofa chairs on both sides of the aisle, and their looks are a little loose.

Judging from the standing distance, most of them are embarrassing and have a cold relationship with each other. Only a very few people are a little closer and talking to each other.

Among them, the costumes are particularly conspicuous, mainly three people...

Wearing a golden snake crown on her head, luxurious gold ornaments on her neck and limbs, a blue-haired woman in a sleeveless gold silk satin robe and Roman sandals.

A silver-haired girl with a broad-bladed long sword on her waist and a silver armor of an ancient knight. She removed the armor on the joints and put on a black tights.

Wearing an old-fashioned black sailor uniform for high school girls, the nails from the thumb to the little finger are painted wine red, purple, blue, red, and green respectively, and a petite woman with black hair is decorated with a white flower-shaped ribbon.

Chios, who had done a detailed investigation of the mission world beforehand, easily recognized them from their extremely distinctive attire.

No matter how hard these people try to pretend to be indifferent, they can't hide their concern for the people who are approaching in the elevator, and they will glance over from the corner of their eyes from time to time.

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