
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Shinjuku District, Ministry of Defense Government Building A, Maritime Staff Supervision Department...

"The above is a brief description of the attack. The communication recording has been sent to the headquarters..."

In the middle of the night, after receiving the news that the frigate "Akebono" had been attacked, Keiji Akahoshi, the chief of staff of the sea, rushed from the official residence to the office. He was standing in front of the communication station at the moment, listening to the report of the captain of "Akebono" Kukada Tomoo.

"It's a pity that Yiyou's "Earl" used what method to capture the "King Kong" ship, and his subordinates have never been able to..."

"These details can be discussed later!"

Interrupting the other party's words, Akahoshi Keiji's slightly old face was full of seriousness, and even a little anxious.

"Under the attack of 48 anti-ship missiles, Akebono's fire control radar is damaged, unable to resist. I order you to board the lifeboat and evacuate immediately!"

"Sorry, sir..." Firmly rejecting the order of the highest officer of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, Tomoo Kukada sadly replied:

"This is the first time the Self-Defense Force has suffered such a heavy loss since its establishment. It is all due to the negligence of the subordinates. They believed in the enemy's disguise and did not check with the headquarters..."

However, Akahoshi Keiji doesn't care about what Guo Tianzhixiong said.

"I told you, this is an order!"

"As the captain, I should be responsible for the lives of the 165 officers and men on board..."


There was an explosion that could be heard through the communicator.

The anti-ship missiles from "King Kong" broke through the now dilapidated defense net of "Akebono", chiseled into the cabin of the ship, and destroyed the core structure with violent explosions.

"Your subordinate... has been obedient to orders all his life...but...today, please allow your subordinates to disobey orders and live and die with...the ship."

The satellite communication device of "Dawn" seemed to be damaged, and Guo Tianzhixiong's voice was blurred and intermittent.

"I wish you... luck, sir."



After several consecutive explosions, communication was completely interrupted.

Even though there is no picture, Keiji Akahoshi seems to be able to see...

A resolute soldier who stood at attention and saluted facing the direction of the island in the sea of ​​purgatory.

The chief of staff at sea folded his five fingers together into a knife, slapped his forehead to the east and returned the salute, paying tribute to all the officers and soldiers on the "Dawn" frigate who died for the country.

"Mine Hirata, Tomoo Kuoda, and officers and soldiers of the escort fleet..." The general, who was about to enter old age, clenched his left hand close to the seam of his trousers, almost piercing his flesh.

"Such a good group of soldiers died without knowing why."

With a slightly trembling hand due to anger, he pressed the button on the communication platform to contact the Aviation Staff Supervision Department.



Ibaraki-Sendai waters, coordinates 37.260, 141.095...


Departing from the Ibaraki Baili Airfield, four RF-4EJs belonging to the Reconnaissance Air Force of the Aviation Corps quickly approached at a cruising speed of nearly Mach 4.

Although the Murasame-class frigate "Akebono" sent out a call for help when it was bombarded.

However, from the time when the pilot changed into the fighter jet, mounted the missile and took off, plus the straight-line distance of about [-] kilometers between the airport and the target location...

When they arrived at the scene, they could only watch helplessly as the battleship sank into the sea.

The destructive power of 48 anti-ship missiles concentratedly bombarding a ship is too amazing. The structure of the 151-meter-long battleship was completely destroyed, and the hull was broken into several pieces. It was too late to wait for the follow-up search and rescue team to arrive.

"This is Phantom 1, the coordinates are 37.260, 141.095, it is confirmed that "Dawn" has been sunk. "

After sending the news back to the base, the captain of the flight team then said to the other team members:

"Continue to carry out the mission and search for the whereabouts of "King Kong". "

"Can you sink it, Captain?" the pilot on the left wingman asked in a low tone.

"Ghost 4, the safety of the crew on the "King Kong" ship is still uncertain. That's 300 lives, and we can't easily decide whether to live or die. "

The captain's answer obviously did not satisfy the player.

"But King Kong has been taken over by those damned terrorists, can't we all do something about it? "

Witnessing our country's warship sinking into the dark seabed with my own eyes, I don't know if [-]% of the crew members survived. As a soldier, how can I not be angry?

"So let's keep an eye on it first, and then ask the base for the next move..."

The rest of the ghost team remained silent, but the captain could tell that most of their thoughts were not far from ghost 4's.

After all, he himself is the same...

"We also have a higher authority to fire if the opponent tries to attack or flee."

In a few words, four RF-4EJs passed the sinking site of "Akebono" and continued to fly 29 kilometers north.

The radar clearly shows that "King Kong" is here.

The night before dawn was dark and the visibility was extremely poor.

After locking the "King Kong" with the radar, and placing the thumb at a position where the missile launch button can be pushed open at any time, several fighters carefully lowered their flight altitude.

When the whole picture of the King Kong frigate came into view, the captain of the ghost team frowned.

It is different from the original imagined situation where the manhole cover of the vertical launch unit is opened to prepare to launch anti-aircraft missiles, and the naval gun barrel is raised to meet the enemy.

Except for the launch unit that was emptied by launching anti-ship missiles a few minutes ago, the rest of the manhole covers are all closed, and the phalanx cannons that can shoot down fighter planes and missiles at close range have not been released.

The huge battleship just floated quietly on the sea, as if asleep.

"This is Phantom 1..." With doubts in his heart, the captain who dared not be careless reported what he saw to the base as soon as possible:

"King Kong has been found, the terrorists have not attacked us, and the warship has not shown any further signs of movement. "

The base hasn't answered yet, but one of his team members is the first to speak:

"Captain, there is a small boat near "King Kong", it seems to be lifesaving..."

Boom boom boom! ! !

Intense flames burst into the sky from the center of the hull.

Accompanied by the roaring sound, like a flaming blade, the "King Kong" frigate was cut into two sections.The broken ship tilted up at the bow and stern, and disappeared inch by inch as the sea swallowed and devoured it.

On the surface of the sea, only two lifeboats remained floating.



Tokyo, Minato-ku, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 53rd floor, The Ritz-Carlton Suite (THE RITZ-CARLTON SUITE)

The gentle sunlight in the morning penetrates into the room through the gauze curtain.

Unfortunately, the tenant here has already woken up...

Facing the floor-to-ceiling mirror, he sorted out the custom-made suit and Monk shoes on his body, and tied on a dark blue silk tie that was neither too fancy nor too old-fashioned. After confirming that there was no problem, Chios turned his face and looked at the people on the low table beside him. A faint smile appeared on the face of the opened envelope bag.

A letter of appointment from the Academic Affairs Division of Tokyo Butei High School to hire him as a teacher of the Graduate School of Esper Research.

"I'm a man of faith."

Chapter 240 Seven ? Tokyo Butei High School Begins


In Japan, April, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, is also the month when new students enter schools.

Put on a brand-new uniform and walk out of the house, facing the rising sun in the east, walking on the flower path paved with pink and white petals.

Whenever the breeze blows, the cherry blossoms dance lightly from the treetops and branches beside the road, just like the scene of snowflakes scattered.

The romantic and ceremonial opening has a very important meaning for students entering a new campus for the first time.

The anxiety about the unfamiliar environment and the emptiness of returning to my duty as a student from the holidays seem to disappear with the wind like the cherry blossoms in front of me.

Today is the opening day of Tokyo Butei High School.

Located in the south of the Rainbow Bridge, it is a comprehensive education institution for Butei built on an artificial floating island with a length of 2 kilometers from north to south and 500 meters from east to west.

In a world where there is a security crisis that the police cannot cope with in order to fight against brutal criminals, a campus dedicated to cultivating armed detectives has established disciplines such as assault, espionage, detectives, logistics, communications, hygiene, research, etc. Each discipline is divided into two specialties.

Female students wear sailor suits with a white base and red collar and skirt; male students wear white shirts with suit pants, plus a brown-red jacket.

It looks ordinary, but it is actually a body armor sewn into Kevlar fibers.And the uniform is equipped with firearms and knives.

Compared with the students of other schools who started school on the same day, most of the Butei high school freshmen looked depressed.

Even if the beautiful cherry blossoms are right in front of you, there is still little effect.

The reason...

Three days before the entrance ceremony on 4/11, the school will not start formal classes.

And on the first day of school on 4/8, the first thing to do is the entrance examination. According to the actual performance and the results of various tests, students are divided into EA level, and very few exceptions will be rated as S level.

In the morning of the next day, I went to their respective classes to get to know the teachers and classmates of general subjects.In the afternoon, familiarize yourself with the specialist building and instructors according to the major categories of students.

The third day is the easiest. Students can visit various clubs and decide to participate according to their interests.

The first day of school is undoubtedly the most stressful day for these students who wear bulletproof uniforms and are obliged to carry weapons.

The general subject test is still second, after all, this is not their undergraduate major.

The most stressful thing is the actual combat test.

Although the proportion of the total score is different, no matter what kind of subject the students are, combat ability will be included in one of the assessment criteria.

An ordinary high school student who at least doesn't have to worry about getting injured is able to complete the exam with his brain and pen.The butei high school students who are about to take the test in the hail of bullets will naturally be in a bad mood.

"Hmm~ Everyone looks so ugly..."

Inside the Toyota Crown Century G50 sedan, a girl with honey-blonde hair and wearing a sailor suit of Tokyo Butei High was lying on the window, watching the students outside.

"Riko never had the opportunity to wear such cute clothes to school in England."

"There are very few people who look forward to going to school like you..."

Chios, who was sitting next to Riko, stroked the girl's fluffy blond hair, then turned his head to look to the left, Tifa, who was wearing the same Butei high uniform as Riko.

"What do you think, going to school is something to be happy about?"

The black-haired girl who was reading quietly was startled when she heard the student handbook spread out on her lap wrapped in black stockings.

After thinking for a moment, Tifa nodded.

"Well, I feel fine..."

She turned her gaze to the outside of the car, and the neatly dressed students on the sidewalk spoke a little enviously:

"Walking into the campus during the cherry blossom season, you can also participate in clubs to enrich yourself while studying. If the children of Midgar know that going to school is such an interesting thing, they should be very happy."


Putting his hand on his forehead and sighing, Chios knew he had asked the wrong person.

Asking about Tifa, who was born in a different world and whose planet is not even on the earth, does not seem to be very informative.

"It seems that I am the only one in this car."

Riko, who was restlessly scanning the pedestrians on the street, turned her head in surprise when she heard the young man's words.

"No way, Chios doesn't like school?"

Eyebrows raised slightly, Chios asked back:

"When did you have the illusion that I would be happy to go to school?"

"Because~for~" the blond girl grinningly pushed the young man's side with her elbow, staring at him meaningfully.

"With Chios's charm, it's easy to get hundreds of love letters, right~ With so many girls liking, isn't the whole school just Chios' harem? Maybe we can build a harem club and collect all the beautiful and lovely All the girls are recruited!"

"Tsk..." Chios smacked pretending to be annoyed.

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