"Only, I can only hug for five seconds..."

Chapter 22? Oda Family Evaluation

The afternoon of the second day after the meeting at Zhengde Temple.

Oda Nobuna held an evaluation at the Honmaru Palace in Cheongju Castle.

The retainers of the Oda family in Qingzhou City or Owari were notified by the messengers in the early morning, and they came to Qingzhou City one after another. Now there are [-]% of the retainers of the Oda family sitting in the palace.

"Then... the evaluation will begin now." Niwa Chohide, as the Oda family's writing veteran and military adviser, is in charge of the evaluation of the main family.

"First of all, it is about the battle to defeat the Imagawa family. The retainers participating in the battle are: Katsuie Shibata, Hengxing Ikeda, Narumasa Sasaki, Hidetaka Kawajiri, Chios, Kasunari Mori, Toshiie Maeda..."

"Now, my lord, please announce who will be rewarded for this battle." Changxiu sat upright and saluted Xinnai respectfully.

"Well, my Oda family won a big victory in this battle. Six of the forward troops led a thousand troops, quickly defeated the enemy's right wing, captured the enemy general Shinnosuke Saigo, and frightened Sakai Tadashi away. The first battle is well deserved. The reward is [-] kan , One thousand stones per meter!"

"His Royal Highness!" Singe, who was not wearing armor but dyed printed kimono, was not complacent, but unexpectedly shocked.She, who never hides her thoughts and thoughts, is about to get up while propping up on the floor with one hand.

"How can I be counted as the number one in military exploits? The tactic of attacking the right army first is..."

"Master Sheng Jia, don't you believe in the judgment of the Lord?" Changxiu interrupted Sheng Jia before he could say the name of the person.

But there was something in her words, she used the word "do not believe" instead of "question", the implication was to make Sheng Jia believe in the lord.

It's just that whether Sheng Jia can understand the implication of this statement is not known.

"Six, you can't be too humble. If you, the number one fighter, make such a great contribution, you are not considered the number one military exploit, and no one else will agree."

With Nobuna's words, the other retainers also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, without Mr. Sheng Jia leading the way, we will have to work hard!"

"Master Sheng Jia, if you don't recognize this credit, we will dare not accept the Lord's award!"

"Yeah yeah..."

Sheng Jia's face changed slightly. If she really made the first contribution, even if no one encouraged her, she would still be able to receive the reward with peace of mind.If someone's achievements are inexplicably ranked ahead of her, she will express her dissatisfaction directly.

She didn't expect everyone to persuade her like this, and looked at Chios from the corner of her eyes a little guilty, and found that the other party also responded with an encouraging smile.

Even if Singer is not good at using his brain, he can understand a little bit about the performance of the retainers at the scene.

Although he couldn't agree with it in his heart, Singer finally bowed his head and said:

"I... I understand, Your Royal Highness, this subordinate is ashamed to receive this credit."

Seeing that Singer finally accepted the role of number one in military exploits, Nobuna was finally relieved, she was very worried that Singer, who was single-minded, would give up the credit no matter what.

For Singer personally, it may be taken for granted, but more than half of the retainers present have not heard what advice Chios made to Singer, nor have they witnessed Chios' bravery on the battlefield.

Many people will not be convinced if the military exploits are first handed over to the newly attached retainers.

Although a considerable proportion of Oda's retainers are young girls, their minds are a little purer.However, there are also many retainers who have received knowledge and practice and family origins, and it is impossible not to care about merit and rewards.

If the old Singer doesn't take the lead in accepting the reward, how will others follow up?

It was a rare exception to promote Chios as the ashigaru general before, but this time, many people will have bad thoughts in their hearts.

For example, people who think that she Nobuna ignores old ministers, and even some embarrassing gossip, such as thinking that she Oda Nobuna is bewitched by Nanban male sex...

"Then Chengzheng led the Mahui people to attack the Jinchuan Central Army, causing our Oda Army to defeat the Jinchuan Army in one fell swoop, and promptly stopped the soldiers from greedy for meritorious service and fighting for the leader. The second military exploit, the reward is [-] guan and [-] shi! "

"Thank you, Princess Highness, for the reward!" Sasa Chengzheng was more flexible than Singer, and he quickly figured out the joints, and accepted the reward in an orderly manner.

"Then, the third place in military exploits... Chios." When Xinnai said the name, her heartbeat accelerated unconsciously, and she paused reflexively, worried that her retainers would notice her abnormality.

(Obviously it would not have been like this before yesterday... Why is it that just mentioning his name makes me feel so messed up...)

The retainers didn't notice the strangeness of the lord, their eyes had already shifted to Chios following Nobuna's words.

"In this battle, under the command of Singer's vanguard, Chios analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the Jinchuan Army and the Sanhe Army. It was helpful for Singer's attack on the enemy's right wing. He personally won at least forty enemy troops. Immediate suggestions The vanguard army flanked the Jinchuan army, and the contribution is indisputable!"

All the vassals basically understood when they heard this, how could it be possible to suddenly turn to attack the enemy's right wing with Singer's rampant style, and even calmly judge the situation and attack the Imagawa army with our team?

It turns out that the real hero is here. In fact, he is the real number one in military exploits.

"Let me add something..." Niwa Nagahide said suddenly, with no ups and downs in his tone, as if he was just explaining a trivial matter.

"During the Battle of Heimochuan, the Imagawa army made a desperate move before they were defeated, and sent [-] dead soldiers to detour our army's main line. Our army didn't notice for a while, and the Lord was surrounded by the Imagawa dead soldiers."

Niwa Nagahide's words caused an uproar among the Oda retainers.

Most people don't understand the details of the joint battle, they only know that the family set up an ambush and won in the end.Little did he know that there was still such a dangerous moment in this battle, and even the lord was in deep danger.

"By the way, the No.1 person who rushed back to the battle is Lord Chios..." Changxiu covered his chin slightly with a folding fan, and continued to explain the most thrilling ending of the battle to the retainers:

"Qios Palace risked his life and rushed into the enemy's formation, and blocked the Imagawa dead soldiers in time when they almost succeeded in a sneak attack. This is a credit anyway."

Pa... The crisp sound when the folding fan was closed was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, which shocked the hearts of many retainers.

It turns out that Nobuna-sama is taking care of the feelings of his retainers to suppress Chios's credit...

The vassals were both touched and guilty. The touch was naturally towards Nobuna, and the guilt was because they had treated Chios unfairly.

"Lord Chios has made great contributions to the Oda family, and deserves a great reward!"

Starting with Murai Sadakatsu's pleading, the rest of the retainers also nodded and pleaded:

"That is, if such credits are not commended, it would be unreasonable."

"My lord, please reward your loyal ministers generously!"

They couldn't help but agree with Chios' eyes, especially some retainers who had been disapproving of Chios' status as a "southern barbarian".

Seeing this situation in his eyes, Nobuna felt greatly relieved, the joy on his face could not be concealed at all, and he gave Niwa Chohide an approving look.

Changxiu responded with a gentle smile to the lord, and after lowering her head, the expression on her face suddenly turned to worry.

(Your Highness, she...is too concerned about Chios.)

Changxiu thought about this, and the corner of his eyes glanced calmly at Chios who was sitting near the door of the assessment room.

From Changxiu's position, one can only see the side face of the young man, as if carved by an artist with all his painstaking efforts, very humbly facing the beautiful words of Oda's retainers, but there is only a slight movement in his eyes.

Chios's performance that is too in line with the perfect image of people's hearts at this time inexplicably makes Changxiu feel uneasy.

"Because of the above merits, Chios should be promoted to the position of general servant of the family." Nobuna confidently announced that the retainers felt ashamed of Chios leading the third military exploits, and there was no voice of opposition.

"Since Chios doesn't have his own territory yet, I'll reward you with another [-] guan and receive [-] stones from Minamiwakaguri Town."

oh oh~

Nobuna's award wasn't too big, but it caused a little commotion among the retainers.Receiving three hundred stones of knowledge represents Chios as a warrior with a hereditary territory.Although it is only three hundred stones, the territory is hereditary and can be passed on to future generations, so the meaning is naturally different.

Samurai who receive a fixed salary are more like mercenaries in nature, they can leave at any time and change to others.But having Zhixing means something different... It shows that Chios has taken root in Owari, and has truly become a community of destiny with the Owari country and the Oda family.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your generous reward!" Chios bowed in response to everyone's reaction.

Material rewards are not on his mind, but it is a good mood to be recognized.

"Then continue to announce the rewards, fourth place in battle, Hengxing..."

Nobuna announced the rewards one by one. All the retainers who participated in the battle received rewards of different sizes, and Inu Chiyo was also rewarded fifty kan. Although his expression didn't change much, he must be very happy in his heart.After all, as a small surname, her treatment is only the same as that of the ashigaru group leader, and her annual salary is no more than fifty kan.

"Then announce the mission for the next month."

"Sixth is responsible for training the ashigaru of the family; Wanqian is the general manager and continues to lead the construction of Owari's internal affairs; Hengxing and Chengzheng train horses Huizhong and Zhensheng. I will give you [-] guan and buy at least [-] war horses... ..."

Everyone receives their own orders, except Chios.

"Qios, you have just received Zhixing, so I won't assign you a command. First go to Nanruoli to rectify the territory. There may be one or two stubborn small wealthy families in the local area, but you probably don't pay attention to their poor and weak soldiers... I allow you to do whatever you want."

"Yes!" Chios replied respectfully.

"Hmm... Manchiyo."

"Yes, my lord, now announce the result of the meeting at Zhengde Temple the day before yesterday."

Changxiu smoothed her dark blue long hair, and said seriously:

"Mino daimyo, His Highness Saito Dosan admired His Highness Nobuna very much, and entrusted the ambition of unifying the world with the Mino Kingdom to the lord. After that, the lord will be the adopted daughter of His Highness Dosan, and the daughter of His Highness Dosan will come soon. Owari, all retainers, please prepare to take over Mino."

Wow! ! !

This is probably the most important announcement today. Most of the retainers heard about the meeting at Zhengde Temple for the first time, and the entire Royal Palace was in commotion.

"Is that how we really became masters of Mino?"

"It's unimaginable that the invincible Inabayama Castle was taken without losing a single soldier..."

"Congratulations, Your Royal Highness!"

dong dong...

The retainers were in a state of excitement, and Nobuna knocked on the floor with the butt of the iron cannon, making everyone quiet again.

"My adoptive father gave up Mino, even I was very surprised, but this just shows that we are what everyone expects. After winning the Mino country, I, Oda Nobuna, have the name of a million stones to know, and defeated the so-called East China Sea The Imagawa army with the strongest Tao, our Oda family already has the power to rule the roost in troubled times."

"Everyone, give me your strength, I, Oda Nobuna, will lead you to quell the troubled times!"

Oda Nobuna said that his heart was surging.

Oh! ! ! ! !

The retainers responded in unison.

"Then, after this evaluation is over, the rewards will be sent to the mansions of the retainers, and now the retainers can leave on their own."

Changxiu closed the folding fan and said.

Chapter 23? The Abnormality of Niwa Chohide

"Congratulations, Lord Chios!"

Walking out of the royal palace, Chios was congratulated by the rest of the retainers. Now that he has knowledge, he is finally regarded as a real member by the Oda retainers.

"Thank you, everyone. I'm still not familiar with all these things, and I'll have to rely on the help of you adults in the future."

"No problem, Mr. Chios can come to me for any difficulties!"

Murai Sadakatsu, a senior minister of the Oda family, patted his full chest and said, causing his chest to shake.

"Ah! Master Zhenkatsu is so cunning, showing off his figure like this!" Kawajiri Hidetaka said bitterly, looking at his flat figure.

"Lord Chios, when will you be free to... Come to my house for dinner?"

Ikeda Hengxing asked shyly and anxiously.

Chios remembered that he said that he wanted to have a meal with Hengxing, so he replied after thinking for a while:

"Why don't we just have lunch tomorrow, what do you think, Master Hengxing?"

"Obviously, tomorrow? Okay, okay, the little girl must be ready to wait for Master Chios!"

After getting Chios' answer, Heng Xing was so happy that he was incoherent, and even changed his name.

"Nuuuu~ Master Hengxing is quick to move." Murai Zhenkatsu raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"Hmm~ I must have already started planning when I lent out my sword, I was a step too late." Kawajiri Hidetaka said with deep emotion.

"Hengxing, who is far-sighted..." Sasao Chengzheng said expressionlessly.

"You, you, what are you talking about! I...I don't have...that meaning..." Heng Xing hurriedly shook his hands, but his tone was not so firm.

"Ah, what does that mean?" Murai Zhensheng chased after him.

"Anyway, sneaking away is not allowed." Kawajiri Hidetaka said to himself with his hands folded around his chest.

"In troubled times where women are too good, it's hard to find a good man. Could it be that Hengxing is... the one who wins first?" Naruma Sasao calmly added the last knife.


Hengxing covered his face and ran away in shame and indignation.

"...Is it okay for everyone to bully Master Hengxing like this?" Chios silently watched the unique dialogue between girls, and finally helped Hengxing say something.

"We're telling the truth~ Mr. Chios, you are welcome to visit my mansion at any time, and I will definitely make you unforgettable..."

Murai Sadakatsu, who was in his early twenties, whispered in Chios's ear with a charming and mature tone like a sister, and finally licked Chios's earlobe with his little tongue, and slowly left the palace.

(I actually... was molested?)

Chios touched the wet earlobe, and felt that he had one more unforgettable experience.

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