"I understand." The silver-haired girl nodded clearly.

Her icy blue eyes seemed to become more clear following these words.

"Speaking of..."

With his elbow resting on the ornately carved armrest, Chios looked at the girl beside him and asked:

"I remember that the second-generation captain of Yiyou was a German, and his wife happened to be one of the important members of the Witch Company at that time, right?"

Hearing this, Joan's eyes widened slightly, she didn't expect the young man in front of her to collect so much information about the Witch Company.

"Yes, the second-generation captain Gert Easter's wife, the "Battlestorm Witch" Ilmelia, is a great witch who directly belongs to the SS leader Himmler..."

First, she affirmed what the young man said, and then the girl explained in a deep voice:

"The object of our meeting this time is the great-granddaughter of the two of them... Iberita Easter, she is the current leader and supervisor of the Witch Company on the stage, and the leader of the young and strong faction of the Nazi remnants figure. "

Speaking of Iberita, Joan frowned and thought for a moment.

"It is said that Iberita failed to inherit the magic talent of her ancestors, but it is strange that her prestige in the witch company is very high, and the six senior officials including the company leader "Miss Water Witch" are willing to obey her instructions.If Iberita hadn't deliberately concealed her ability, then her strategic planning execution ability must be very good. "

While expressing her doubts, the silver-haired girl also reminded Chios...

The captain of the Witch Company who was about to meet them was a person who could not be ignored.

"The witch company is a loose organization formed by different witch families leading their respective factions. There is no strict organization and they do not interfere with each other. Most of the members rely on mercenaries to work, enjoy war and earn high rewards. As the leader of their organization Highest goal..."

When Joan of Arc said this, the calm and indifferent voice of the young man came from beside her:

"Find ways to provoke more wars and distribute mercenary commissions to each faction reasonably, just like the mercenary guild in the game, but it's a bit more..."

Holding a PARTAGAS Serie P No. 2 cigar that was lit at an unknown time between his fingers, Chios drank the whiskey with a strong peaty flavor, intertwined with the aroma of the smoke in his mouth to form a feast of smell and taste.

"In this way, we can not only satisfy the desire of the witches to fight, but also earn more money and strengthen the power of the Nazi remnants. Not only that, the turbulent society under the shadow of war is also more suitable for the rise of Nazi supporters... .Am i right? "

(Correct, too correct...) Joan involuntarily clenched her pure white bathrobe tightly with her hands on her lap.

"The never-ending war, the witches of Germany have gone mad for the fight."

Although she already knew the pursuit of the Witch Company, but after the young man said it clearly, a world full of war and turmoil was clearly reflected in her mind.

If only relying on the Nazi remnants hidden in the arsenal, those backward German-made equipment left over from World War II and restored, it is undoubtedly a dream to realize this vision.

However, once he cooperates with Yiyou, the situation will be different.

The treasury inside the Vostok stores the wealth of an enemy, coupled with the concealment of the submarine, and dozens of terrifying nuclear warheads...


Perhaps this is the main reason why Iberita agreed to this meeting.

It's not just the "Earl" who wants to recruit talents from the Witch Company...

The German witches are also eager for Yiyou's support and resources!

I was startled suddenly, the blood vessels in my body seemed to be immersed in a glacier, and the cold chill penetrated into the bone marrow...

Even a witch who manipulates ice magic is powerless against this severe cold.

Joan suddenly turned her head to look at Chios, hoping to see a trace of tension, disgust, and worry from the other's brows, so that she could be sure that this man stood on the same side as herself.

she failed...

The girl couldn't find any clues on the young man smoking a cigar calmly.


Trying to swallow the uneasiness along with her saliva, Joan suppressed her nervousness and asked:

"Chios, can we really come to terms with these people?"


Breathing out a gray-brown smoke, Chios looked at the pale face of the silver-haired girl, and gave his own answer:

"Why not..."



Japan, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Butei Hall...

Koga, who is at the top of all butei in Japan, came to the office of the Forensics Division of the Butei Agency when it was supposed to be off-duty time.

Minister Koga, who was dressed in a gray suit, walked quickly to the butei team in charge of voiceprint analysis, and asked solemnly:

"Is there still no progress in the voiceprint analysis of "Earl"? "

"I'm ashamed, but it's true, Minister Koga..." The person in charge lowered his head and reported to the officer in a rather frustrated tone:

"Before communicating with the frigate "Akebono", the voice of "Earl" was adjusted by the sound hearer in advance, so that he could perfectly simulate the voice and tone of the captain of "Kong Kong" Mineo Hirata. "

"Even if we thought it was the original voice of the "Earl" himself, there were fine-tuning and processing. We still have no way to restore the real voiceprint of this person. At most, we can only preset a few "suspect" voiceprints. "

After hearing what his subordinates said, Koga took a deep breath.

"It seems that it is too difficult to find the "Earl" just by comparing voiceprints..." At this point, he sighed softly, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"At this stage, the only way to break the deadlock in the investigation is to send people to sneak into Yiyou."

From the list of contact persons directly under the Special Butei, considering age, experience, strength and many other factors, Kohe quickly found the most suitable candidate...

"Toyama Kana"

Chapter 260 ? The Witch's Lair


Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Findel International Airport...

In the starry night sky, a dark blue Airbus A321LR that had obtained a landing permit landed gently on the runway, slowed down and drove into the VIP apron under the leadership of the guidance vehicle.

A pick-up car is already waiting nearby.

However, the private jet did not descend the ladder to let the passengers leave, but stopped quietly and fell asleep with the passengers on board.


Dawn rises from the eastern horizon like a golden sword piercing the dark night.

As if echoing the rising sun, the nose hatch opened.

Chios, who was wearing a slim suit and a black sheepskin trench coat, stepped down the steps first, followed by Petra and Jeanne who were also wearing casual fashion.

The three members of Yiyou with excellent physical fitness have smoothly adjusted the jet lag, their eyes are bright and clear, and they are not tired at all.

Chios was somewhat surprised by this...

His own sleep quality is of course very good, but the other two were able to spend the night safely in the same room...

After all, the relationship between Petra, who can be called the number one troublesome figure in the main combat faction, and Joan of Arc, who studies the representative of the counselors in the faction, has always been at odds.

If it weren't for the significant gap in superpower levels between the two sides, perhaps fierce conflicts would break out every time they met.

Originally considering the possibility of Petra bullying Joan by force, Chios also planned to let Joan sleep in the master bedroom, but just after he made this proposal, the person who broke into the master bedroom with a displeased face The blue-haired woman vetoed it.

"No, as the owner of the residence, he doesn't sleep in the master bedroom. It's just inexplicable..." Petra said and waved her hand, and the gold ornaments on her body formed a golden chain in the blink of an eye, binding Joan of Arc's waist.

"I don't care about this woman today, let her sleep in the guest room!"

Before the restrained silver-haired girl had time to express her opinion, she was forcibly dragged away by the blue-haired woman under Chios' astonished gaze.

Even Chios didn't think that Petra's mobility would be so high...

This proud woman known as the "Strongest Witch" will not easily go against what she says.Therefore, the young man felt at ease about Joan of Arc's personal safety.

At most, the two stared at each other all night, one slandered each other rationally, and then both faced the next day with dark circles under their eyes.

However, this did not happen.

The side face avoids the oncoming light, and at the same time uses the corner of the eye to observe behind...

I saw the blue-haired woman with a cold face, her hands wrapped around her chest, obviously not in a good mood.The silver-haired girl, who was a step behind her, repeatedly scanned the woman and the young man in front of her with scrutinizing eyes.

(Forget it, it's good to be energetic...)

Shrugging his shoulders, Chios gave up exploring the question of "how to maintain peace between two hostile women", and approached the matte black Maybach 62S GUARD sedan in front of him.

The middle-aged Caucasian driver with blond hair and blue eyes and a firm face immediately opened the car door for the three of them, stood upright in front of Chios, and respectfully said in German:

"It is an honor to serve you, Lord Pembroke."

"Thank you for your hard work. You came to the airport late at night and waited until dawn. Your rigorous approach to work will definitely pay off..." With a gentle smile, the black-haired young man patted the driver on the shoulder before getting into the car.

"Send us to the appointed place."



The territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is small, and the Maybach 62S with enhanced power system ran on the empty road in the early morning and approached the border of Belgium in less than half an hour.

At present, this remote place is located in a mountainous area, at the junction of national borders, and there are no medium-sized or larger towns within ten kilometers of the surrounding area. It is called Ecole.

Turning from the main road into the mountain road, after going through several sections of slightly bumpy narrow gravel slopes, the matte black car that went deep into the mountain arrived before a small lake.

"Finally here." Looking at the stone medieval castle on the other side of the lake, Petra rubbed her brows to ease the slight dizziness caused by passing the rugged mountain road.

"We live in such a remote place, and we are not allowed to take a helicopter..." She was not in a good mood, and then she gritted her teeth and added:

"My concubine really wants to crush the bones of the group of witches who chose the base at the beginning, and then make the woman Iberita into a mummy."

After speaking, he glared at Chios.

There is no detailed road information here on the navigation system. If it weren't for the approximate map provided by the Witch Company and the military satellite map authority of the British MI[-], it would not be easy to find the exact location.

It is not only the base of the underground association "Witch Company", but also the fortress of the most important arsenal of the remnants of the Nazi party. Even though the Witch Company accepted the meeting request with representative Yiyou, it still tried its best to prevent the other party from adopting an overly high-profile way of visiting, causing dissatisfaction here. necessary attention.

Although, they also knew that if Yiyou really wanted to find this place, it was only a matter of time.

Therefore, after generously giving the map, Iberita, the highest officer of the Witch Company, earnestly asked for the "Count" to come in an ordinary vehicle.

Chios kindly agreed to this request, which was not too much.

"The other party has already backed down as much as possible, and we should respect and consider them a little bit." Standing on the basis of rational considerations that are conducive to negotiations, Joan explained.

That being said, Petra doesn't care about the so-called "respect" at all.

"Petra, I forgot to tell you..." Chios, who knew the blue-haired woman's personality well, approached her ear before the blue-haired woman opened her mouth to confront the silver-haired girl, and whispered:

"When you put on new clothes, your soft and indifferent temperament is very attractive. I ignored the praise yesterday because I was fascinated by it. Please forgive me."

(Cheating, definitely on purpose...)

Petra, who saw through the clumsy lies of the other party, was about to show her face, but found that the anger in her heart was quickly receding, and the discomfort of the bumpy mountain road disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph..." She turned her face to look out the window, trying her best to suppress the corners of her mouth from rising.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

In a few words between them, the Maybach 62S has already passed the military bridge on the lake leading to the castle, and drove into the gate of the castle.

The arched short passage, which is enough to accommodate the passage of trucks, extends all the way into the city.

On both sides of the door hang the long Nazi flag with red background and swastika; on the left and right sides of the stone road, two huge T1 Tiger tanks first come into view, followed by a series of Axis and Allied tanks; Kettenkraftrad light tracked motorcycles Cars lined up neatly in front of the main building at the end of the road.

The moment the black car officially walked out of the tunnel...


A total of dozens of girls wearing black SS uniforms, short skirts, military boots, and bright red armbands with the swastika against the swastika on their left shoulders stood on both sides of the road, all straightening their right arms and raising them slightly upwards.

""Sieg heil! ! ! ""

Chapter 260: Iberita

The base of the Witch Company is like Pembroke Castle. The multi-layer inner walls that are not suitable for contemporary times are demolished, leaving only the outermost walls and the main building to clear out the vast city walls.

The only difference from the Marshall family is that they did not use these spaces to build additional villas, but instead used them to store a large number of tanks, light and heavy tracked armored vehicles, and expanded the main building to accommodate hundreds of people.

On the cloth strip at the gate of the main building and the nearby billboards, there is a big "MUSEE DE LA GUERRE ECOLE", which means the war museum in this area.

In addition, there is a situation booklet of "Let's get on the tank! Participate in the main gun target shooting event!"

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