The wealth and force that Yiyou possesses are indeed extremely attractive to the Witch Company. It would be great if they could win the support of the other party, but...

Can they afford the corresponding price?

Yiyou, who was controlled by the "Professor" in the past, has always been a force detached from power struggles, and will never discuss alliances with other organizations.

Not long ago, the "Professor" suddenly decided to delegate power to the "Earl", and Yiyou's behavior quickly changed dramatically.

First, because of the detention of Kanae Kanzaki, they destroyed two expensive Japanese warships in a high-profile manner, killing more than [-]% of the officers and soldiers.

Now trying to contact underground organizations like them...

What exactly does the "Earl" want to do?

In his eyes, what kind of chess piece is the Witch Company?

If she couldn't get to know the man in front of her better, Iberita would rather risk offending him than agree to this alliance.


Under the sharp gaze of the blonde woman, Chios' smile remained unchanged.

"As you can imagine, if Yiyou joins any side of the division's family, the balance of victory will be seriously tilted, and even lead to the complete destruction of one side's forces. The organizations have no choice but to choose a truce."

"The 'Professor' has his own thoughts and concerns, so he never took the initiative to intervene, but my approach is slightly different from his..." There was a slight pause in the speech, and the young man sighed softly, and said in a rather regretful tone:

"The two factions of the Division and the Families have competed for gold and various resources for countless years, but they have never achieved a decent result. Very few forces actually perished or were annexed in the war, because you are too restrained . "

The index finger tapped the armrest lightly, and the regular sound seemed to echo the heartbeats of everyone present, catching their pulses invisible.

"What was snatched this year will be taken back next year, and this cycle repeats itself, turning into a war game that wasted thousands of years."

Hearing this, Iberita and the officers of the Witch Company were all silent.

Chios was right...

Battles between the divisions and their families broke out every few years, but over hundreds of thousands of years, the power map among the various organizations has never changed significantly, and the number of deaths has decreased year by year.

Even without the 85 years of peace brought about by the emergence of the "Professor", the battle has continued to this day, and most of it is still such a child's play.

Does that still count as war?

After thinking for a while, the blond woman tentatively asked:

"You want to take an active part and end this campaign?"

"It's a bit too arrogant to say that we want to end the battle now..." Chios spread his hands and answered the other party's question calmly and modestly.

"Even if you are a "professor", you are not without opponents. Among the world's top spies, military detectives, and soldiers, there are not a few who are stronger than me. "

After getting this answer, everyone in Witch Company was disappointed.

In their view, the young man's words were euphemistic denials.

If the opponent intends to join the war, those organizations that are not strong enough to compete will most likely join forces to deal with Yiyou in order to protect themselves.

At that time, there will be a big battle that far exceeds the scale of the battles of divisions and regiments in the past thousand years.

What an exciting stage!

Just thinking about it makes their hearts surge.


Looking at the obvious regret on the faces of the witches, a gleam of light flashed in the youth's amethyst-like eyes.

"Of course it's very reluctant to rely on Yiyou's side alone. I will not make a bet rashly knowing the risk. But winning allies is also part of the war, isn't it?"

Chios changed the subject and rekindled the flame of hope in the hearts of the seven women facing him.

"Fortunately, under the deterrence of our nuclear weapons, countries will at least not start a full-scale war with Yiyou on the surface, even if there are frequent small moves in the dark. And this is what other organizations lack, the capital to exempt state interference."

At this point, Iberita finally had a vague understanding of the "Count"'s plan.

(No, it should be said that ambition is more appropriate...) The blond woman sighed inwardly.

"Do you want to take advantage of this advantage and expand Yiyou's influence?"

"That's right, we will form an alliance, a lawless country with a small territory but all over the world..."

Lifting his feet gracefully, the black-haired young man smiled and expressed his thoughts:

"If you want to get rid of the shackles and stop being the watchdog of those incompetent bureaucrats, then form an alliance with Yiyou."

"As an ally, an organization can send a member with excellent ability to study in Yiyou, and according to the person's ability and contribution, in exchange for corresponding resource support within Yiyou... Whether it is money, contacts, knowledge, or even armed assistance, it is not impossible."

dong dong...

The sudden acceleration of the heartbeat shook the eardrums, and the witches in military uniforms realized that their breathing had unknowingly increased.

Establish an association alliance comparable to national power and above morality and law...

Although it sounds unlikely at first glance.

However, the strategic threat of the Dongfang, Yiyou's gathering of geniuses, and the "professor"'s scarlet bullets and reasoning are existences that have caused headaches for all countries.

Since the "Earl" appeared, this monster-like association seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, showing the aura of devouring everything.

If it is coupled with the joining of other organizations, it may not be impossible to achieve.

The possibility of changing the future direction of the world is just around the corner...


After a while, after the girls' brains had cooled down a bit, Chios stretched out his hand to straighten the crooked ties on his chest, and looked at Iberita in a leisurely manner.

"This should be the wish list you need most, right?"

Chapter 260 Three? Don't, don't look

Even though she was quite moved by the alliance proposal, Iberita still solemnly stated that they need to discuss before they can reach a result.

Chios had no choice but to agree to the temporary departure of the seven witches.

"I really underestimated you before I became a concubine, Chios..."

Finally, when the intermission came, Petra immediately turned her head, staring at the young man beside her with bright red eyes, as if she was re-examining this person.

"I didn't expect you, the perfect British knight, to have such a huge ambition in your heart. If the Queen of England heard what you just said, her heart might stop."

"Really..." Chios shrugged and accepted the blue-haired woman's words indifferently, whether it was irony or praise:

"Compared to someone who wants to take power in Iyo, attack Egypt and rebuild the Ptolemaic dynasty, and pharaoh in the 21st century, I think my goal is quite small."

"That, of course!" Petra's shame broke out when the other party suddenly revealed her ambition.

"Hmph, if you can realize the gap between yourself and my concubine, you've made some progress."

She said so on the lips, but she knew better than anyone in her heart...

The one who really realized the gap between them was actually herself.

Witness with your own eyes how Chios works step by step and achieves his goals in a planned way...

Then, thinking back on the bold words that he had said in the past, his cheeks would become hot involuntarily.

It's like a child who looks back at his own graffiti after seeing a real artist's creation, and a sense of frustration arises spontaneously.

Petra doesn't want to admit it, but has to face...

In her heart, she is gradually excluding Chios from the role of competitor and placing him in a higher position.

What was Chios thinking?

She glanced at the man beside her, and the urge to understand his mind suddenly surged in her heart.


The plain hand tugged at the young man's sleeve, and Petra asked tremblingly in a barely audible voice:

"Would you...want to be Caesar?"

Facing this question, Chios froze for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

The hand holding the youth's sleeve was squeezed tightly...

"I don't like Caesar's ending..." Turning his face to meet Petra's bright red eyes, Chios put his hand on the other's cheek, and solemnly answered her question:

"Even if I made a similar choice to Caesar, it wouldn't make me him... You are Petra in my eyes, not someone reincarnated."

As soon as the voice fell...

The face of the blue-haired woman reflected in the dark purple pupils was blushing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't, don't look..."

Slender hands slipped from the youth's sleeves weakly, and Petra lowered her face, letting the shadow of her neat bangs cover her face.

Even though the other party concealed his facial emotions, the young man still clearly felt the violent fluctuations in her emotions through the hot touch of the palm of his hand like a branding iron.

Seeing that Petra's psychological endurance had reached its limit, and one more word would probably burn out her brain, Chios withdrew his hand wittily.

He silently glanced at the silver-haired girl sitting on his left side from the corner of his eye, and found that Joan of Arc was also slightly blushing.

(I've read too many girl comics...)

Chios, who knew Joan's private hobbies, could roughly guess what the other party was thinking about without thinking too much.

No longer paying attention to the two companions, the young man looked at the empty chairs opposite the long table, lost in thought...

Both are ghost organizations after World War II, but the development of Yiyou and Witch Company is quite different.

With the submarine as the core, Yiyou, who hides in the vast ocean, has the inherent advantage of not being controlled by other countries.With "Professor" Sherlock Holmes becoming the leader and taking the Orient as a base, Yiyou has become a small independent country.

On the other hand, the Witch Company, which is rooted on land, will inevitably be within the territory of a country no matter where it goes.In front of the established army, even if they can rely on superpowers and World War II ammunition to fight against it, they still cannot escape the dilemma of running out of ammunition in the end.

The flag of the Nazis, after the fall of the Third Reich, became a symbol of crime and brutality, contrary to the values ​​recognized by most countries.Although there are still many members of the remnants of the Nazi party lurking at the top of the country, they are all cautious and low-key, for fear of being discovered.

Bearing this original sin, the Witch Company can only live in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to change.

Observing from this aspect, it is not difficult to see that the members of the Witch Company have already been driven into a desperate situation...

The reason why they yearn for war is nothing more than a psychological manifestation of long-term depression and longing for change.

After all, intuitively, the easiest thing to destroy the existing order is a big war.

(So ​​hold on to the hand I extend to you, your only chance for salvation.)

Just as I thought of this, the sound of a wooden door opening came into my ears...


After only a few minutes of secret talks in the room next to the conference hall, the cadres of the witch company made a decision and returned to sit at the long black oak table.

"We are willing to accept your offer of alliance."

Iberita's answer was not surprising at all.

"That's really great..." With a relaxed smile on Chios' handsome face, he said to the blonde woman in front of him in a teasing tone:

"Originally, considering the possibility that the talks would not go well, I also made other preparations, such as... threatening to inform the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, "If you don't want to be surrounded by Jewish spies, you must obey me obediently" and the like . "

"Oh, what a coincidence, I happen to have similar worries..." The beautiful company captain covered his mouth with one hand, his narrow and charming eyes were slightly curved, and he responded indifferently:

"So two tons of TNT-equivalent explosives have been buried in the main building. Once you forcefully intimidate them, they will die with you."

"It seems that my skills are still a bit weak, and I failed to trigger your fuze..."

"My constitution is very sensitive, you will understand after a few more tries, hehehe..."

After finishing speaking, the black-haired young man and the blond woman looked at each other and smiled.


The witches present looked helplessly at the two people who were making bad jokes with each other, and a thought could not help but emerge in their hearts...

(Don't they actually get along well?)



""Sieg heil! ! ! ""

Amidst the Nazi salutes from the girls in military uniform on both sides of the road, the matte black Maybach S62 drove out of the gate of the castle smoothly, and soon returned to the road through the army bridge on the lake and the steep mountain road.

After confirming the intention of forming an alliance, it doesn't make much sense to stay here today.

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