Hearing the visitor's voice, the owner of the apartment in a wheelchair turned around, and with his forget-me-not-like blue eyes, he faced the red and purple eyes of his half-sister.

The two also have slightly sharp eyes, but the aura displayed by Meluette is completely opposite to that of Aria, giving people a sense of tranquility and deepness.

"Onee-sama, do you really have to go to Japan?"

"That's right, although my mother is now under house arrest, the suspicion of Butei's killer has not been completely eliminated..." Mentioning her mother's situation, Aria clenched her little hands tightly, with obvious anxiety on her face.

"I have to hunt down Yiyou's members, make them confess their crimes, and prove my mother's innocence."

Watching her sister's impatience, the blond girl in the wheelchair looked unchanged, and gently reached out to pick up the pipe in the exquisite wooden box on the bedside table.

Tobacco is not placed in the bowl, but an ingenious design is added to release the aroma of cherry essential oil.

Enjoying a sip of the mixed breath of cherry and woody fragrance, Mellie opened her lips lightly, and spit out the words along with the light smoke:

"But, it is impossible for you to win Yiyou, let alone rescue Ms. Kanae in this way..."

"What's impossible..." Da Liyuan was invited by his sister to be a guest, but when the other party poured cold water on his face, Aria's complexion suddenly sank.

"I also understand how powerful Yiyou is. Not only in China, but even in the whole of Europe, no one dares to be their enemy, but..."

Quickly approaching Meruite, the pink twin tails swayed accordingly.

"Even if there is only a chance, I have no reason to give up. How can I just leave my mother under house arrest in Japan?"

In the second half of the words, her voice choked up, and she could no longer hear her usual coquettishness.

Tears welled up in those eyes that were always unwilling to admit defeat.

"Since onee-sama asks that, it's like the dance steps of a minuet, let me name them one by one..."

Seeing that the other party failed to understand the true meaning of what she wanted to express, the blond girl sighed inwardly.

"The reason why Ms. Kanae was identified as a Butei killer by the Japanese government is indeed inseparable from Yiyou, but the murders attributed to the Butei killer by the Japanese side are all cases of extreme lack of evidence. I managed to obtain Part of the investigation data, combined with reasoning, it is not difficult to find that no matter who is charged with this crime, it still lacks the key evidence for a complete conviction."

"I knew my mother was framed." Aria nodded.

"The answer is correct. Now we have gotten to the heart of the matter. Then, my sis, who framed Ms. Kanae?"

Hearing this, the pink-haired girl reflexively said:

"Of course it's Yiyou..."

"Who told my lord that the real Butei killer belongs to Yiyou? And who told my lord that it was Yiyou who framed Ms. Kanae?"

Before Aria could finish speaking, Meruite asked another question:

"Ignoring for the time being the huge loophole I mentioned earlier, assuming the Japanese government is still being deceived in this situation, why didn't Ms. Kanae be convicted and sent to prison immediately, instead of leaving the criminal in the detention center of the Shinjuku Police Station? Even in a terrorist attack After the attack, did you change your stance?"

Chapter 290 Nine? I hope you can answer me

Room on the second floor of apartment 221B Baker Street...

Mellie Holmes, sitting alone by the window, watched the Bentley Mulsanne sedan leave, his beautiful blue pupils in shades of forget-me-nots cast a shadow.

parted ways...

The conversation between the Holmes sisters was very brief. Compared to the past where the two of them played together, and it was almost always the scene where the younger sister played around with the older sister in the end, today's meeting seemed to be a special trip to invite the other party to quarrel.

Negating the direction of my sister's efforts, but not giving a clear solution, it is not surprising that there will be such a result...

"Even if I tell my sister the true purpose of the Japanese government, it will only make her more distressed and at a loss..." She closed her eyes, brought the pipe to her mouth, and took a puff of the cherry aroma.

"My sis, who knows little about scarlet research, has no choice but to keep targeting Yiyou."

In fact, regarding the detention of Kanae Kanzaki by the Japanese government, although she knew that it was related to the research data of Scarlet Research, it was still not enough to come up with a solution.

Especially after Yiyou attacked the Japanese government Maritime Self-Defense Force frigate, the whole incident became more complicated...

Originally, Japan unilaterally fabricated charges against Kanae Kanzaki for the sake of scarlet research.The news that Butei Killer is a member of Yiyou is just an excuse to stop the British government from protesting.

As for whether Kanae Kanzaki will be harmed, we can get a clue from the extremely cautious handling of the Japanese side from the beginning to the present.

Anyone with a little understanding of how politics works knows that the answer is no.

Even if Kanae Kanzaki made up her mind to play dumb all the time, the situation would only continue to be deadlocked.

However, no one could have expected that Yiyou, who was silent at the beginning, would suddenly launch a large-scale mobilization for this and deal a heavy blow to the Japanese government.

This completely violated Mellie's original expectations.

"There is still too little information..."

Frowning slightly, she felt that her reasoning still lacked a key piece of the puzzle.

Although the Holmes family has considerable wealth and prestige in the UK and can obtain more information than most people, it is still impossible to have information blind spots.

An intelligence unit like MI[-] is not at all qualified for Mellie to intervene.

While thinking, at the same time, the girl opened a corner of the half-closed curtain to spy on the outside world, her eyes suddenly focused...

Her eyes passed through the transparent window curtains, and she was firmly locked on a group of people holding black umbrellas and walking slowly towards apartment 221B.

Especially walking in front of everyone, the man who showed the elegance of the nobles with a long history...

"The next visitor, is it already here..."



While walking, Chios, who was keenly aware of the peeping eyes, looked up at the second floor of the apartment ahead.

All he saw was an ordinary room covered by a curtain.

The long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and when he noticed that the curtain behind the closed window was shaking a little, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth.

"Stealing? Peeping is not something a noble lady should do."

Reki on the side also captured this detail with her extraordinary eyesight.

He took off the leather gun case wrapped with Dragunov's sniper rifle on his shoulder, put on the lock with one hand, and his calm orange-glass pupils seemed to penetrate the barriers of building doors, walls, and windows, and found her Target.

"Are you going to attack?"

Hearing her non-joking tone, Chios knew that if he nodded out of a game mentality, the Priestess who was walking on his left would probably immediately draw a gun in public and kill the young lady of the Holmes family.

At such a close range, Reki has no chance of missing a weak woman in a wheelchair...

"You are exaggerating. You just glanced at me. There is no need to make the other party pay such a high price."

"clear.. ."

The green-haired girl who was ready to kill just a moment ago calmly put the gun case behind her back after the young man said a word.

Knowing that Reki could indeed act regardless of the consequences, and did not intend to let her change this, Chios didn't say much, and walked towards the door of the apartment.


Instead of ringing the bell, he grabbed the antique brass sculpture door and knocked twice.

The door with a black frame on a white background opened quickly.

Two blond-haired and blue-eyed twin maids, who were almost indistinguishable except for the length of their hair, stood on the left and right at the entrance, obliquely facing the young man outside at a 45-degree angle, and saluted respectfully together.

"I am Chios Pesheim William Marshall, and I am here to visit at the invitation of the two masters."

""Welcome, Your Honorable Earl of Pembroke...""

The maid, who had received rigorous training, turned sideways in uniform movements, and stretched out her hand to signal the room.

There seems to be no distinction between the two in terms of status, but the overlapping sentences inevitably caused the guests to feel uncomfortable. After welcoming in unison, they took turns to speak separately:

"Come in, the master is ready to receive guests."

"If you need anything here, you can call us at any time."

"Just take me to see Ms. Melliet Holmes..." Nodding his head in return, Chios stepped forward and entered the room first.

The long-haired maid on the left side of the entrance walked side by side with him, providing guidance to the guests with simple instructions.

When passing through the atrium garden and coming to the collection room where fossils and biological specimens are displayed, the young man paused slightly, turned his head and told the Urus tribe who followed silently behind him:

"You guys are waiting on the first floor...Reki is the same, this is basic etiquette, don't make it difficult for me."

The green-haired girl who originally planned to keep up without saying a word, heard the special instructions directed at herself later, and immediately stopped her forward movement, and nodded along with the clansmen beside her in compliance.

Seeing this, Chios felt relieved.

My eyes quickly scanned the surrounding collections...

Fossils of raptors and pterosaur larvae; specimens of snakes, dolphins, and lions, which basically look like a simplified version of the internal hall of the Vostok.

(Melette, this 13-year-old girl who is said to have inherited her great-grandfather's reasoning ability, not only in ability, but also in hobbies are similar to that old-fashioned British gentleman...)

Feeling so emotional in his heart, he was guided by the maid to the stairway behind the storage room.

"I can only send you here, please forgive me..." The well-looking female waiter lowered her hand and apologized.

"After you go upstairs, go back and find the door with the golden doorknob. There is the master's room."

Going up to the second floor alone, according to what the other party said, Chios easily arrived at the door of Mellie's room in this not-so-big apartment.

Before he reached out to knock on the door, a short girlish voice came through the door:

"Please come in."

After pushing the door open, the young man immediately focused his attention on the girl in the wheelchair by the window.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lord of Pembroke..."

"I am Merriet Holmes."

As soon as the polite greetings were over, Mellie picked up the Lee-Enfield rifle on his knees with both hands, and pointed the muzzle between Chios's eyebrows.

"I hope you can answer a few questions for me."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chios, who faced multiple more lethal guns more than once, calmly looked at the muzzle of the gun less than ten steps away, and said with a smile:

"Kids are dangerous with guns..."

Hearing this, Mellie didn't get motivated to shoot, but lowered the muzzle of the gun slowly.

"Forget it, this kind of toy is definitely not a threat to the descendants of Britain's first knight..."

Although, the toy she is talking about is a bird hunting air gun that has been modified to increase and decrease the air pressure through the R/I battery. The metal projectile pushed by pressurization can be fired at an initial velocity of more than 300m/s.

At extremely close range, its lethality to the human body is not inferior to that of a real gun with low power.

"Also, I can't bear the crime of assassinating a nobleman who is second only to members of the royal family."

"Actually..." With one hand on his hip, Chios moved his eyes from the girl's impeccable face to the air gun in her hand, and reminded him:

"From the moment you raise your gun, it's enough to be classified as a crime..."

Even though she was pointed out that her behavior was inappropriate, the blond girl remained unhurried, first placed the air gun in the corner by the bed, and then replied in a calm tone:

"An aristocratic nobleman like the Earl of Pembroke wouldn't argue with a 13-year-old girl, or even go to court for it?"

It seems that it has long been seen that using age as a shield is foolproof...

Indeed, since he didn't cause substantial harm to himself, and the other party didn't even pull the trigger, Chios certainly couldn't make a fuss and settle accounts with an underage girl.

Unless he loses face at all...

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, as if he had acquiesced to the other party's statement.

"In principle, there is nothing wrong with what you say, but there is one problem..."


The door of the room was closed by the young man, and at the same time he turned the lock button, locking himself and Mellie inside.

The girl who had a cold face just put her hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, wanting to see how he would react, saw this scene and her pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is not a court, it's just you and me..."

Stepping on the carpet with handmade Monk shoes, Chios walked towards Mellie's place step by step, without any haste.

"As an educator, it shouldn't be too much to punish a naughty child who likes to play tricks a little bit?"

The playful question, the sharp gaze, combined with the wicked smile on his handsome face, inexplicably makes people feel chills all over.

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