[Due to the difference in the strength of the world's origin, there is no hostility in the mission world]


[The executor's emblem has been activated, the emblem is connected to the executor's consciousness, and all information can only be read by the executor himself]

[The heraldry space has been created, the current item slot has 4 slots, each slot can receive no more than 10kg items at any time]

[Physical fitness data is calculated, open the executor information panel]


【Executor EX7041009】

Name: Chios Pesheim

Class: Rank? E Executor

[Attribute data]

force 16

Agile 17

Physique 16

Spirit 15

Charm 19

[Data Note: The average attribute of an ordinary adult man is 10]

----------- ---

The attribute data is unexpectedly high, and Chios is also sincerely excited. His past training is now meaningful and can better help him survive in the mission world.

[Current world identity writing is complete, start mission world identity information]


【Chios Felino Langlonado】

At the age of 20, your father, Felino, is a Viscount of the Spanish Empire and owns his own fleet and manor in Argentina.Four months earlier, Felino had died in a shipwreck on a trade route to the Far East.As its sole heir, you received a notice of death from the Admiralty and a compensation of five hundred escudos in the capital Valladoria.

When you started sorting out your father's inheritance, the Admiralty made a big fuss about the matter, accusing the shipwreck of Felino's personal negligence, which caused heavy losses to the Imperial trade fleet.The strength of the Imperial Navy makes it difficult to resist, and it is very easy to create perjury and false witnesses.After two months of judgment, the noble court requires you to compensate the Imperial Navy with five thousand escudos within one year.

However, the Langronardo family whose wealth is more than half of the fleet is unable to pay such a large amount of compensation, and the family fleet was almost destroyed in the shipwreck, leaving only one Galion ship and two small ships. sloop.You can only use the manor as collateral, collect 60 escudo gold coins free of charge, hire the captain and [-] crew members, fully load the cargo, and go to Japan's Sakai Port in the Far East for trade.There are some exchanges between the family and local merchants, and if you are lucky, you can make enough money to pay off the debts.

After 51 days at sea, the fleet passed through Luzon five days ago, sailing north on the Kuroshio Current.You know you are not far from Japan.


It's really miserable...

Chios, who had seen his identity information, couldn't help but shake his head. Not long ago, he received the news of his mother's death in the line of duty, and the identity of coming to the mission world suffered the fate of losing his parents again.Fortunately, this relative can be regarded as a background figure.

In the current situation, the three ships, cargo, crew, clothes, rapiers, and a pair of pocket watches are all his remaining property.Chios put his hands on his chest and felt relieved after confirming that his mother's ring was still there.

Turn your attention back to the mission world. It is now 1560. According to Chios, Japanese pirates were rampant during this period, and their activities spread all over East Asia.However, whether the Japanese pirates in the mission world will develop according to history is temporarily uncertain. The time axis of the work "Oda Nobuna's Ambition" is not rigorous, and there are many inconsistencies compared with the events of the Warring States Period in Japan as Chios understood.

Fortunately, after nearly two months of voyage, Chios's fleet is already very close to Japan. Even if an accident occurs at this time, it is still very likely to drift to the main island of Japan along the Kuroshio Current.

No longer thinking about these trivial matters, Chios turned his head, looked at the captain who was steering, and asked:

"Captain Mendoza, how long will it take to reach Sakai Port?"

Wearing a three-cornered hat and a messy beard, the captain picked up the compass and looked at it, then continued to look at the sea ahead.

"We have a fair wind now. If we maintain this speed, we will reach Japan's Sakaimachi Port in about five hours. I think you can rest in the cabin first. This sea breeze can scratch people's throats, Mr. Ronaldo."

Mendoza looked at Chios's thick black hair and knife-like handsome features, and the emphasis was on fair skin without roughness.Judging from his appearance, most people probably would not believe that he could endure hardships like a sailor.

He really couldn't understand how a wealthy imperial noble like Chios would want to do business in the Far East. Staying at sea for a month or two is really unbearable for ordinary people. Many strong sailors died on the way On the way, let alone such a thin-skinned and tender imperial nobleman as Chios.However, Chios really survived, not even a bit of wind and frost from the long-distance travel, it is a miracle!

"Thank you for your concern, but I want to blow some air on the deck, so that it is less prone to seasickness." Chios responded with a smile.

"Haha, that's true. Looking at the sea and the sky can help you get used to seasickness faster." Mendoza smiled understandingly.

Chios noticed Mendoza's confusion and didn't take it seriously.Maintaining a mysterious style can make the crew maintain a respect for him, at least on the voyage, Chios doesn't want the sailors to cause trouble for him.

In fact, it's not just Mendoza, it should be said that the entire fleet is equally curious.The judgment of the noble court is not public, and Chios will naturally not reveal that he owes a large sum of money to the Imperial Navy, so the crew is likely to rebel immediately, and the temporarily hired crew cannot expect much moral integrity.

But trouble sometimes finds itself...

As if to confirm his intuition, the coat of arms on the back of his hand flashed, indicating that the light curtain appeared in front of his sight.


[Trigger side mission: Pirate taxation]

Task content: A large group of Japanese pirates is about to come to tax your fleet. Their taxation policy is to kill and rob them all, leaving no prisoners.Choose to fight off the incoming pirates or find a way to escape.

Mission Reward: Safely Arrive in Owari Country


Chapter 2? Escape

Putting away the mission reminder, Chios looked up at the marginal sky.

The surging dark clouds quickly covered the sky, covering the moon above the head, and the vision suddenly became extremely bad. It was almost impossible to sail normally, and even the speed of the ship had to be reduced to ensure safety.

Da da...

A few drops of rain hit Chios' coat, and it turned into a torrential rain in an instant. By the time the crew reacted, the sound of pattering rain had covered the entire sea.The howl of the strong wind followed, and white thunder suddenly flashed in the dark clouds.


"Damn it, the storm!" Mendoza cursed, and then shouted at the sailors on the deck:

"You know what to do, furl the sails! We've got to ride the waves so we don't get shot to pieces. I don't want to see anyone loafing around or getting drunk and throwing up. Go to work!"

Hearing the captain's roar, all the sailors got busy.The sea was no longer calm. Among the three ships, Galien was at the forefront, breaking through the waves. The two small boats followed closely. If they didn't keep up, they might sink under the raging sea.

Chios held the hilt of the rapier with his left hand, and leaned on the railing of the boat with his right hand.He has good eyesight and is the only one on board who doesn't have to be busy.After careful observation, I can vaguely see several looming shadows in the darkness ahead.

"Captain Mendoza, there are many shadows at [-] meters from the direction of [-] o'clock. It seems to be a small ship."

Mendoza, who was concentrating on steering, heard what Chios said, and asked in disbelief:

"I only see a piece of blackness, Mr. Ronaldo, are you sure there is a shadow of the boat?"

"I'm sure, I have much better eyesight than the Musketeer!" Chios had to raise the volume of the growing wind.

"Damn it! We've probably got Japanese pirates! Only poor, runts would come out and rob in this weather."

Mendoza spat and cursed.

"There is a Japanese dwarf who wants to rob us! Chief mate, put out a semaphore to inform Andino and Dimita, don't let them be stupid and unprepared. Bosun, get your scimitars ready. If the dwarf dares to board the ship, we will kill you." Kill these gnomes!"

"Understood, Captain!"

"Okay! I haven't eaten dwarf meat yet!"

The first mate and the bosun replied respectively.

In just a few words, the distance between the ship-shaped black shadow and the Galion ship was shortened, and Chios could already see the number of ships on the opposite side. There were fifteen ships in total, and the only sail on the ship was because The headwind didn't open, and several long oars protruded from both sides of the hull, speeding towards the direction of Galion's ship.

The deck gradually fell silent. Although the howling wind and rain still rang in my ears all the time, the conversation between the sailors was much less.Most of the sailors in Chios' fleet are newly recruited. It cannot be said that they are inexperienced, but they are far from veterans.Facing the upcoming fight, no matter how hard he tried to force himself to be calm, he couldn't boast as usual.

It didn't take long, and even the sailors with the worst eyesight could see the incoming ship clearly. Fifteen fast paddle boats without flags rushed straight to the right front of the Galion.

How come there are so many?Fifteen ships, wouldn't there be hundreds of pirates?This discovery made the crew pale.

"Bastard, it looks like it's going to be desperate... Everyone stand still! Watch me smash them!" Mendoza gritted his teeth and turned the tiller to the right. All the crew members felt the hull shaking at the same time, and the bow turned, facing the clipper The group collided and went away.

The nimble fast boats changed directions one after another, but the two were slower to react, and were hit by the tail of the Galion boat. With a click, the hull broke into two pieces, and then was smashed and swallowed by the sea.

A fast boat came to the side of the Galion ship first, and the Japanese pirates skillfully threw the hook line, and more than half of it caught the side of the ship.The speed of Galion's boat suddenly slowed down a lot, and the Clippers that arrived later followed suit.Dozens of hundreds of hooks are thrown, and sailors often only cut one hook, and then three hook the hull.

At this time, a bald man dressed better than a sailor ran onto the steering deck. Chios remembered his face. This was the second officer on the ship.The second officer ran up to Mendoza with an ugly expression on his face.

"Captain! Andrew and Dimitar, two cowardly bastards, bypassed us and escaped!"

"What! How dare they?" Mendoza was shocked and angry.

"Two shameful cowards, we now have to face thirteen Japanese pirate ships alone, damn it!" the second officer yelled.

Chios didn't follow the curse, but just held down the rapier on his waist and looked at the pirates who were getting closer to the boat.

Timidity is only a possibility. In Chios' vision, the two captains are more like a premeditated escape.

Theoretically, their fleet was already so close to Japan, and there were no accidents during the two-month journey, so the chances of encountering pirates at the end should not be high.Moreover, robbing European merchant ships is definitely not something that a few simple ships can do. Only a large-scale pirate group has this ability, and it is necessary to know the route of the caravan in advance.Therefore, Chios believes that this robbery is related to his background identity in this world.

I don't know which conspirator it is, who spared no effort to eradicate Langlonadu's family.Chios, who smuggled into this world, unfortunately replaced a hapless ghost whose father died inexplicably, and is still facing the siege of Japanese pirates.

There was no time to lament the impermanence of fate, the pirates on the clipper climbed onto the deck of the Galion one by one by rope.

Although the Japanese pirates on board were not tall, they were all about 1.6 meters in height, but they were quite strong, and few of them were thin.Even compared with the Spanish sailors, he didn't lose too much, holding a knife and making a sharp and strange cry like an ape, as if a demon invaded in the dark night.

The Spanish sailors also raised their scimitars and fought with the Japanese pirates.The pirates who successfully boarded the ship were not enough to have an absolute numerical advantage, and the sailors of the Galion ship still had the strength to fight in a short time.

"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves except for the merciful Heavenly Father..." Captain Mendoza gave up the helm, took off the wine bag on his waist and looked up to drink up and down. Outside of the wet beard, a weather-beaten face was flushed red.

"Mr. Langlonado, protect yourself!" The old captain held a scimitar in each hand and jumped down from the steps on both sides. The two knives slashed the face of a pirate who had just climbed onto the ship, cutting his flesh and blood Vague.

"My compatriots, don't be afraid of these scum!" Mendoza laughed and pulled out the blood-stained knife from the brain of the corpse. His hoarse and ugly roar somehow inspired the morale of the Spanish sailors:

"I killed my first pirate when I was 12, and now I'm 53, and the bastards I killed in the Caribbean can fill the cargo hold of this ship! Now I can hack these dwarves as well!"

At this moment, the old captain's turbid eyes sparkled dazzlingly. He rolled and dodged the slashing attack of the Japanese pirates in front of him. He stood up and swung his two knives at the same time. One knife slashed on his shoulder, and the other knife went straight into his chest. Send back to the dark sea.

"Bah, waste!" Mendoza spat out pus, and continued to look for the next opponent.

Thick dark clouds blocked the moonlight, and the pirates and Spanish sailors who fought together couldn't see each other clearly with the faint light on the deck.Nearly a hundred blades shone with silver light against the dark background, and only the moment when the enemy was slashed could the frightened face before death be reflected.

Darkness brings fear and unleashes the beast in the heart.

Looking at the fierce battle on the deck, Chios finally understood the significance of going to the slaughterhouse for two months.The smell of fresh blood mixed with the salty sea breeze, followed the breath into the lungs, and finally merged into the blood. It didn't make his stomach sick, but made his whole body boil.

He pulled out the rapier and weighed it. It was about 700 grams, very light. With 15 years of experience in sword use, his muscles have recovered, and Chios knows how to survive with this sword.

While stepping on the steps, adjust your breathing.Chios walked down from the steering deck unhurriedly.

It happened that a pirate climbed onto the boat and saw Chios's appearance and clothes, as well as the rapier in his hand. He suddenly felt contemptuous, and ran towards Chios in three steps at a time. Down.

As the pirate expected, the rapier sword in Chios' hands could not stop the slashing with both of his knives.However, Chios didn't mean to block at all, he just swiped his back foot to the right, dodged the oncoming slash, and at the same time pierced the rapier from bottom to top. In less than a blink of an eye, the pirate There was a hole in the middle of the throat.

The rapier drew back, and the pirate's neck was cut open by the sharp blade, and he rolled down the stairs weakly.

Shaking off the blood on the sword, Chios continued to walk towards the direction where the battle was most intense.Although the movement was still not in a hurry, the speed suddenly increased to a higher level.A few steps into the battle group, the rapier pierced a person's eye socket like a thin lightning bolt!After finishing the enemy, he immediately retracted the rapier, and used the sturdy gauntlet to block the attack on his side.

Chios pressed his wrist down, and the blade cut open the tendon along the attacker's calf, forcing the opponent to kneel, and cut his throat with another sword.

Three people died in the hands of Chios in a row. The pirates were obviously taken aback, and immediately separated five people to surround them.

"He really has no spirit of fairness..." Chios sighed, holding his rapier horizontally, the tip of the sword swaying left and right made the pirates dare not rush forward for a while, and at the same time retreated.

Retreating to the narrow stairway, he suddenly launched an offensive, and the rapier drew continuously on the side of the two closest knives, and the drawn blades exposed the fragile body of the pirate behind.Chios' knees were slightly bent, and he took a step forward. The rapier moved forward according to the inertia of his body. It hit one person's throat and then quickly withdrew it. Draw.

The two pirates fell to the ground holding their necks almost at the same time.

"What ghost sword technique is this? So fast!"

The Japanese pirates were obviously frightened by Chios's rapier stabs, and the momentum of their attacks weakened a lot.

"Be careful, the swords of the southern barbarians are weird!"

In the eyes of the pirates, the rapier in Chios' hands was neither wide enough nor strong enough, so how could it have such a terrifying effect.No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't understand that although the rapier was slender, its structure was very strong, and it weighed less than one kilogram. In the hands of a master swordsman, the smallest movement could be exchanged for brilliant results.

The Spanish sailors were originally overwhelmed by the increasing number of Japanese pirates. In just a few minutes of fighting, nearly ten people were slightly or seriously injured.The momentum was a little sluggish, but seeing the performance of Chios and the old captain, he lifted his spirits again and caused a lot of trouble for the Japanese pirates.

However, it's just "trouble". There are too many pirates. The crew on Galion's ship is only 43 people including Chios. The Japanese pirates have more than ten pirates on each clipper ship, thirteen There are nearly 150 people on a single ship, and there is no comparison in terms of Galien's crew.

If it weren't for the bad reputation of the Japanese pirates, who almost killed and robbed them all when they robbed, and the stormy weather was not suitable for jumping off the ship, perhaps the Spaniards had already collapsed.

Even though Chios thought he had good physical ability, he was not naive enough to kill hundreds of fierce pirates by himself.But trying to swim in a storm...

The premise is that there is no pirate ship chasing behind.

The "safely arrived in Owari" rewarded by the side mission gave him a premonition that as long as he can avoid the pursuit of pirates, the road to Oda's house will be unimpeded.If not, then this side mission is a must. He doesn't think that other newcomers can survive without jumping into the sea.

(Must find a way to attract pirates' attention...)

Chios glanced at the scuffle on the deck, and gradually an idea took shape in his mind.He swung his rapier to kill and injure the enemy non-stop, but unfortunately the enemy also became cautious, no longer relying on his personal bravery to attack indiscriminately, but turned to defensive containment.More pirates boarded the ship, surrounded the Spanish crew, and cut down one by one.

With a large number of people, the space for Chios to dodge and move is restricted more and more narrowly, so that he has to use the rapier to block the enemy's sword.

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