Seeing the opponent's situation clearly, the young man gestured slightly to the sky.

The onlookers who thought the battle was over, recovered from the shock brought by the sword skills, and began to approach the top of the mountain by helicopter.

Seeing Sun appearing again, the two landlines carrying the teachers and students of Butei Gao paused for a moment.

The reconnaissance helicopter of Xingjia Shrine was speeding up under the control of Huaxue.

"That's all, do you still want to fight?"

The implication is that if the other party doesn't run away, the Xingjia priestesses may launch a siege and take her down in one fell swoop.

"Of course not..." Fei Feishen shook her head in denial, and then a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"I'm just here to prepay a portion of the bet."


Kuang Dang!

The girl took two quick steps forward, let go of her hands and let the Yanyue Knife fall by her feet.

Then, holding Chios' face in his hands, he tiptoed up to him.


The lips that were somewhat cold due to the cold, greedily demanded the warm body temperature of the young man, stuck out his tongue and penetrated between the other's lips and teeth, to replenish the lost water.

The next moment, crimson particles emitting red light appeared around her, multiplying to an incalculable number in the blink of an eye.

"Phew, thanks for the hospitality..."

The girl's pale cheeks were slightly flushed from the kiss, her eyes were still a little intoxicated, and she let go of Chios reluctantly.

"See you later, Chios!"

As soon as the words fell, the crimson gold particles that wrapped her and Yanyue Dao flashed.

blah blah blah...

The Kawasaki OH-1, whose rotors were rotating at high speed, swooped down aggressively. It was pulled up at the last moment when it was too late to slow down and raise the nose, and stopped precisely on the top of Yanmu Mountain.

Unfortunately, it's still empty...

The girl named "Sun" has long since left.

The cockpit opened, and the two younger Xinga priestesses in the seat immediately cast accusing eyes on Chios.

The young man sighed helplessly, and looked at Bai Xue who stood up against the edge of the cabin.


The cold laughter came from the depths of the girl's throat, like a ghost from the abyss and purgatory, full of resentment all over her body, staring at the place where Fei Feishen disappeared with inexplicable empty eyes.

Normally bright eyes, now only the darkness that seems to have sucked up all the light remains.

"Hey, I can't help it..."

Rubbing between his eyebrows with his index finger, Chios made a decision.

He relaxed his body, and his whole body fell backwards as if he lost his strength.

"Mr. Chios!?"

Seeing this scene for the first time, Bai Xue, who had been blackened halfway, woke up instantly, and used ghost skills to speed up...


The girl rushed over in a panic, catching the young man who was about to fall to the ground.

(Plan pass.)


The thrilling duel on the top of Rockwood Mountain finally came to an end with the victory of Chios.

Xingjia Shrine took the initiative to bear the compensation for the damage of the Grand Sankaizhuang restaurant, the restoration of the scenery on the Rockwood Mountain, and the four-day and three-night stay in the superpower search research department.

However, due to the fact that there were many witnesses to this unexpected incident, and some people deliberately spread the news, it attracted great attention.

As a result, the "Blue Gang", the largest underworld organization in East Asia, was caught off guard and caught in the whirlpool...

Chapter 340 Five Days Funeral Plan


Tokyo Bay Seabed...

The largest submarine created by the Ruby Design Bureau, a pitch-black steel behemoth over 300 meters long, quietly lurks in the deepest part.

After being modified by Yiyou's talented technicians at any cost, its concealed detection ability can even dive in the sea extremely close to the heart of Japan without being discovered.

Chios, who hadn't boarded the ship for a long time, finally found an opportunity to quietly return to the headquarters of the international criminal organization Yiyou on the weekend of the last day of this month.

He came to inspect the implementation progress of the "Celestial Burial Plan".

The reason...

Just earlier this month, the United States chose its next president.

As the future helm of the country, his personal safety is of course protected at the highest level.

The Golden Cross Project of the Los Alamos Research Institute (referred to as Project G) was on the stage in a low-key manner at this time.

This well-known research center that carried out the "Manhattan Project" during World War II successfully bred three artificial humans with the blood of the Toyama family using the genes stolen from the Japanese armed prosecutor Kincha Toyama.

Among them, No. [-] of the G series, due to its excellent performance in a series of special missions, has obtained the R-level martial arts qualification, and has been given the duty of guarding the safety of the future president of the United States.

Yiyou's "Sky Burial Plan" is just for this group of artificial humans.

Da da...

A tall woman in military uniform is walking on the spacious corridor. She wears a skull cap on the top of her dazzling blond hair, holding a folder in one hand, her blue eyes staring straight ahead, and the heels of her military boots step on the ground making loud pacing Voice.

When she came to the hangar door close to the ballistic missile launch bay at the bow, she first raised her face to scan the upper iris reader, and then turned around to face the young man behind.

"Lord Chios, this is the result of the unremitting efforts of Yiyou technicians for the past three months..."


The huge hangar door, which can accommodate more than ten people to pass through at the same time, slowly opened towards both sides amidst the metallic sound of the lock being released.

What appeared in front of Chios and Iberita was a Ganaku with a length and width of nearly 40 meters.

Bright lights illuminate the interior, and six fixed brackets are placed on the left and right sides of the wall.

It looks like a humanoid exoskeleton weapon in a sci-fi movie, standing quietly inside.

They are about the same height as two adults. The skeletons that haven't been connected to armor and external weapons still look a little slender, but they can already give people a considerable sense of oppression.

A large number of half-assembled precision instruments and mobile robotic arms were placed on the surrounding ground, and it was obvious that the technicians were still rushing to work.

The thing that is more eye-catching than these six humanoid weapons is the...

Su35s fighter jets.

"The development of the new type of armor has been basically completed. The technicians are studying the improvement plan based on the small shortcomings of the prototype machine. After that, the weapon armor can be installed and used in various small and medium conflicts..."

While reporting the current progress, the blond woman opened the file folder and handed various materials including the design drawings to the young man.

"The fighter plane retains the original design appearance. According to your requirements, the material of the fuselage is greatly enhanced, the engine is replaced, and the radar and locking system are fully upgraded. As long as the driver can withstand the G force exceeding the upper limit, the speed and maneuverability will greatly surpass the current countries. The most cutting-edge fighter. The matching anti-G pilot suit is currently undergoing final testing, and I believe the results will be available soon."

After receiving the document, Chios, who had already read most of the content of the plan on the tablet, quickly read it through.

"Can it be done by next January?"

"From the current efficiency point of view, the time is more than enough..."

Having said that, Iberita hesitated for a while, glanced at the gray-black painted fighter, and asked with a concerned tone;

"But, Lord Chios, are you really planning to fly this kind of nonsense into the air?"

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help chuckling.

"Come on..."

Indeed, the design of fighter jets does not blindly pursue the flexibility of acceleration or the amount of bombs loaded, but also to ensure that the pilot can control the airframe.

Active fighter pilots usually need to be able to endure 9G force for a period of time. Although the physique varies from person to person, the upper limit is not far behind.

Now this modified Su35s, it is estimated that 99.9% of the pilots in the world will not be able to play its simple and rough performance, and the end of the rash attempt...

Either a large number of blood vessels ruptured and died, or crashed after shock and brain death.

Even if countries have the ability to produce, it is impossible to manufacture such flying coffins.

"Trust me, I never play with my life."

Hearing Chios' answer, Iberita raised her eyebrows, obviously dissatisfied.

"Who knows..." The blond woman curled her lips in a rare way.

"I was bruised all over by a girl two and a half months ago. When I saw Joan and the others sending back the video, I almost died of anger."

Regarding this, the young man could only smile wryly, and wisely changed the subject:

"By the way, what's the situation with the Blue Gang?"

It has been more than two months since the Aomori joint camp of the S Research Institute. The ace "Sun" belonging to the blue gang broke into the Xingjia Shrine and snatched the golden gold, but it is not like ordinary current news, which reduces attention over time.

The general public may not have even heard of the existence of this special metal, and even if they hear it occasionally, it is only regarded as an urban legend.

But for state agencies and underground associations that know the inside story, the meaning is completely different.

The gold-holding organizations can compete with each other for a few grams of gold. The intensity is no less than that of stealing military and technical information from other forces. Countless outstanding agents, military detectives, and superpowers have paid the price with their lives for this.

A small amount of color gold can make people so desperate. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of uproar this time Sun snatched a kilogram of raw gold stone.

As the victim, Xingjia Shrine announced its break with the Blue Gang on the same day, and unless the other party immediately returned the stolen Yushen Body, they would be enemies forever.

It would be fine if it was only Xingga Shrine...

The Xingjia and the Blue Gang, which are based in different countries, do not communicate closely, and it is difficult for each other to interfere in the other's sphere of influence.

However, unexpectedly, the two organizations far away in Europe, the Free Stonemasons and the Witch Company, expressed their support for the Xingjia Shrine in the first place, and unanimously condemned the blue gang's outrageous banditry.

In addition, there is the Earl of Pembroke in England.

Because of the desperate duel with Sun on the top of Yanmu Mountain, Chios became the person who had the most say in this incident except for Xinga Priestess.

There is no doubt that his apparent identity is also on the opposite side of the Blue Gang.

A super-large gang like the Blue Gang with more than one million members cannot be fully underground like other underground organizations dominated by elites. put pressure on it.

The blue gang, which had never even looked at Fei Jin, suffered an indiscriminate disaster. For more than two months, under external pressure, they have fallen into an unprecedented predicament.

Chapter 340 Six? Do You Mind Chatting With Me?

"Speaking of the Blue Gang..." Facing Chios' question, Iberita couldn't help but ponder for a moment.

"Suddenly becoming the mastermind of stealing the gold, and being accused and sanctioned by so many powerful organizations, it is impossible not to feel flustered. Especially after the free stonemasons who control European and American high-tech products, oil, and luxury goods, the founding elder family of the Blue Gang Industries have been hit to a considerable degree..."

Speaking of this, the woman's blue eyes narrowed slightly, and her sharp gaze seemed to penetrate the heavy armor of the Dongfang, break through the obstacles of the ocean, and reach the country where the Blue Gang is located.

"Even if they are the underground manipulators of the Asian economy, once Japan is excluded, many high-value-added goods still have to be imported from abroad. Now these commodity orders are all delayed or even canceled for various reasons. Those companies secretly controlled by the Blue Gang, recently It's driving me crazy."

The content of Iberita's report is not far from the information the youth obtained from other intelligence sources.

However, being good at observing words and expressions, he keenly saw the slight displeasure in the blonde woman's expression when she mentioned this matter.

"Since everything is going according to script..."

As the young man said, he walked to the workbench beside him, took two clean mugs, and put them into the coffee machine pedestal.

Recalling Iberita's preferences, he pressed the "Double Espresso Latte" button with his index finger, and then made himself a cup of espresso.

There was the sound of regular footsteps approaching in military boots, and when the other party came behind him, Chios turned around and passed the coffee.

"Why do you look a little unhappy, Major General Easter?"

As soon as these words came out, the blond woman who had just received the mug couldn't help being startled.

"Did you see it all?"

Looking down at the mixed coffee and fresh milk froth in the cup, showing a heart-shaped latte pattern, a charming smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the captain of the Witch Company.

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