"Which side is the super power..." Looking at this picture, Oleander couldn't help sighing.

However, her goal of gaining time has been achieved...

The relaxed expression of the black-haired woman fell into the eyes of the young man, his heart trembled, and his attention immediately turned to the superpower beside him.

At some point, Petra, who knew that the sand gun was not a threat to GIII, dissipated the mental power to maintain the spear shape.

She flexed her fingers into a claw, controlling a large amount of sand to gather into a big hand that covered the sky and the sun.


The dizziness of the rapid consumption of mental power and energy at the same time hit, causing the blue-haired woman to stagger for a moment.

Biting his lower lip, he manipulated Sand Palm with his mind, and slapped it towards the west mountain wall.

Boom boom boom!

Chapter 360 Six? Confrontation

Unlike spears or bullets that can be broken individually, the gold dust palm that covers almost the entire western mountain wall does not leave any room for the opponent to move around.

Since the hail of bullets doesn't work against GIII, he simply switched to the unavoidable large-scale bombardment, smashing the opponent into pieces at once.

bang bang bang...

Facing sand hands that were almost as solid as rocks, he emptied the ammunition in the pistol magazine in an instant, and used the impact of bullets to scatter the gravel structure near the bullet point.

Just like diving, you need to concentrate your strength to break through the water surface and reduce the body's force-bearing area.

With his hands crossed to protect his face, he slammed his feet on the rock wall to bounce, and broke through to the loose sandy block in front of him in one breath.

If he lacked the slightest bit of precise judgment during this process, he would be submerged in endless sand, causing all-pervasive gravel to pour into his throat, ears, nose, and suffocation.

Boom boom boom!

The Gravel Witch's blow with all her strength was like a natural disaster, shaking the entire rock mountain in an instant...

The giant palm slammed on the mountain wall, and then exploded into a spectacular golden sand waterfall, which fell on the land of Samha Island.


The blue-haired woman's chest heaved sharply, and the excessive consumption of mental power brought about a strong sense of dizziness and weakness.

"This time... damn it, that bastard."

"It's terrifyingly destructive, as expected of the strongest witch..."

Oleander overlooks the scenery below the mountain.

The aftermath of the earth's tremor still remains on the soles of the feet, and the fine sand river flows slowly along the gaps between the rocks, reflecting golden scales under the sun's rays.

Without the infinite magic power provided by the pyramid, such a terrible disaster can still be caused. It is no wonder that Petra has such an arrogant temperament.

"Unfortunately, this time the enemy seems to be more tenacious than expected."

Having said that, she pointed her eyes at the foot of the mountain...

GIII, who finally escaped from Petra's attack, landed on his knees while supporting the ground with one hand. His black coat, which was originally fashionable and full of sci-fi atmosphere, was now covered with dust and looked a little embarrassed.

But at least, he got away safely...

The boy raised his eyes and looked up solemnly.

Snipers, knife masters, pistol experts, superpowers...

In all fairness, thinking back to the opponents I have encountered in these few minutes, all of them are very good, and they can be called the elite of the elite in every country in the world.

If he hadn't used a neurotransmitter stimulant, he might have been in a tough fight.

Judging from the complexity of the race, it is hard to believe that they belong to the same country. However, these people appear in groups on this unnamed island, so...

An underground association, and it is an organization that is extremely powerful, even rivaling the country.

The thought flashed through my mind.

The U.S. government would actually entrust such dangerous elements to eradicate traitors... Aren't you worried about technology crystallization being stolen?

This issue is not what GIII is most worried about right now, what he cares more about is...

The artillery fire and gunfire in the north and south of the island have not stopped for a moment.

Although he knows that his subordinates are capable, they can't make up for the disadvantage in firepower. If all the enemies have the same strength as their own, the situation is definitely very bad.

An impatient sense of urgency weighs heavily on my heart...

(The power user who manipulated the sand should have consumed a lot after the move just now, and it will be difficult to launch the same offensive in a short time.)

There was only one black-haired woman in a sailor suit left, which was not a threat.


After roughly estimating the situation, GIII charged towards the mountain wall again.

Having previous climbing experience, he easily found a suitable foothold, jumped to a higher place continuously with his toes, and quickly approached the summit.

咑 咑 咑 咑...

Machine guns fired from the hills.

However, the rain of bullets was either avoided in advance, or GIII scattered it with a pistol.

"What a hassle..."

Suppressing the discomfort caused by the lack of magic power, Petra took a step forward and said through gritted teeth:

"I knew I shouldn't have agreed to let Lizi and Zhao Zhao sisters change shifts, and I knew she would only slow down that man's pace."

"Anyway, it's better than letting him tease the blue gang's quadruplets." Oleander dropped the useless machine gun, and with a flick of her wrist, six test tubes slipped out of her cuff and fell into her fingers with precision.

"That's right." The blue-haired woman nodded in affirmation.

Seeing that GIII was about to approach, the two of them unconsciously smiled because of these few words.

"You two..."

Helpless and funny at the same time, a gentle male voice came from behind the two.

Petra and Oleander, who had been preparing for a fierce battle, immediately relaxed their tense bodies and minds when they heard the young man's voice.

"It's fun to say bad things about me when I'm not around."

Changing out of his anti-G flight suit, Chios, who was wearing a white aristocratic dress and a dark blue cloak, walked to them unhurriedly, holding an alloy long sword in one hand.

The breeze brushed the hem of his clothes, and the two people who were familiar with the young man's abilities immediately understood that he used the power to manipulate the atmosphere to rush from Delsay Island, which is more than ten kilometers away, to the west side of Samha Island in a few minutes.

"It's just a few casual complaints..." The black-haired woman with a cold face brushed a strand of hair from the side of her face behind her ears with her bare hands, and whispered:

"Thanks for your hard work."

Petra glared at Chios, and with a "hum", she turned her flushed face away, avoiding the young man's gaze.

"Well, you guys take a break, I'll take care of this android..."

After finishing speaking, as if counting the timing, Chios swung the long sword in his hand, and the sword pointed directly at the young man who jumped up the mountain.

"Unfortunately, you and your men must die here."

"Ha, then you need to have the ability to defeat this uncle, otherwise you should stay in the sky and drive the iron bird..."

It was confirmed through the tone that Chios was the pilot of the black fighter plane. GIII's tone was as arrogant as ever, but his actions were just the opposite. He lowered his body and solemnly assumed a posture to meet the enemy.

The man holding the sword in front of him, even though his movements seemed to be full of flaws, the aura exuded from his body was far from comparable to those defeated before.

"of course."

The young man smiled lightly and took a step forward.


The cloak of dark blue and golden patterns shook, leaving gorgeous afterimages.

Chios took a few steps in the blink of an eye and came to GIII.

The long sword turned into blue lightning and pierced the boy's throat.

! ! !

GIII hastily turned his head, and the faint blue sword glow brushed against his neck.

Ruifeng cut open the fragile skin, leaving a faint bloodstain

Like a bullet fired at close range, even the reflex nerves accelerated several times in the burst mode, it can hardly keep up with the speed of this sword.

Without waiting for the opponent to respond, Chios flicked his wrist, and the long sword flew across a 180-degree semicircle in the air, and then the back edge cut towards the boy's left shoulder.

Chapter 360 Seven? The Blue Beam in the Future Vision

The light and shadow cut out by the revolving sword blade are like a waning moon. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's attention is focused on the right, he suddenly cuts into the left side of the blind spot.


When the sword user made a move, he even vibrated the sword intentionally, making a noise like a tuning fork resonating.

The strange feeling of tinnitus wrinkled slight but hard to ignore discordant ripples in his mind.

Speeding up thinking and enabling the brain to process more information is a good thing, but it is not without disadvantages...for example...it is easy to be distracted by some insignificant things.

Although GIII has been keeping a high degree of concentration, observing the opponent's eyes and body movements, but the opponent's movements are too fast and smooth, coupled with the interference of the strange resonance sound in the ear, it is already half a beat behind when it detects the threat on the left shoulder.

Knowing immediately that he could not escape this blow, the boy seized the time to lean his body to the right, slightly raising his left hand as if to grab it.

With the icy edge of the double-edged long sword, under the amazing wrist strength of Chios, the reverse blade tore apart the magnetic force to propel the fiber material, and then...


The slash that was powerful enough to cut flesh and bones stopped as if it had been struck on a block of iron.

(caught you!)

Not giving Chios a chance to draw his sword back, GIII grabbed the blade of the sword on his shoulder with his left hand in advance, and the wild goose-wing knife in the other hand slashed at the wrist of the man in front of him.


The young man pressed his wrist in a calm manner, and used the right angle between the cross guard of the long sword and the body of the sword to hold the sword light.

"Accidentally forgot, your left arm is an electronic prosthesis, which is harder to cut than bones..." While speaking, a silver FN-57 pistol appeared in his left hand out of thin air, and the muzzle was facing the GIII shrinking black pupil.

The left hand holding the long sword was released, and GIII immediately backed away before the opponent opened fire, gaining room to react.


A bullet came straight between the eyebrows, but he bounced it away with a swing of the knife.

"Don't worry, I will cut harder next time."

With a flat narration tone, Chios walked steadily with his sword in hand.

The topaz-like golden magic eyes corresponded to the brilliance of the sun in the western sky, exuding an unparalleled sense of presence. Combined with the dark shadows under the young man's feet, the whole person was like a devil walking in the world.

"The power of the curse again..."

Staring blankly at Chios's shining golden right eye, Petra murmured softly, attracting Oleander's sideways gaze.

Unfortunately, the Gravel Witch didn't intend to explain further.

On the other hand, GIII, who faced the pressure of Chios directly, did not speak tit-for-tat abnormally, but moved his left arm silently.

(The joint movement of each part is 0.08 seconds slower than usual...) The high-speed brain quickly calculated the deviation.

This discovery made him frown.

This undoubtedly means that the sword just received caused a lot of damage to this sturdy high-tech prosthesis.

The delay of 0.08 seconds does not sound like much at first glance, but in the rain of bullets flying at the speed of sound and close combat, this misunderstanding is already a matter of life and death.

It's obviously just a one-handed backhand slash, how on earth did it generate such a strong kinetic energy?

GIII couldn't help being a little confused.

Although he is an artificial human, he is only a human being created by using the cells of Yuanshan Jincha, and his body functions will naturally not exceed this category.

The explosive mode can speed up his thinking, and then finely control the operation of muscle fibers, but it cannot improve the upper limit of his innate physical fitness.

He has received systematic scientific training at the Los Alamos Institute since he was a child, so that his muscles can achieve a balance between endurance, flexibility, and explosive power, and he can adapt to fighting in various situations.

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