Jin Ci, who came here with the purpose of investigating, quickly shook his hand and denied:

"No, although I know your father's occupation, I didn't know where the base of the Kagago Group was until just now..."

When he said this, the light in the eyes of the underworld daughter suddenly dimmed.

Seeing this, Jinci quickly realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed the subject:

"Listen to what other people call you, have you inherited the family business?"

"excuse me..."

A restaurant waiter came to the table and respectfully placed two cups of just warmed wine jugs and a plate of wasabi octopus in front of Kikuyo.

The brown-haired girl nodded her thanks, reached into her bosom, took out a slender tobacco rod, and stuffed it with finely chopped tobacco leaves.

Before she could take out the lighter, the waiter quickly lit a match and handed it over.

"Phew... Dad was killed in the fight, and now I'm the team leader."

Breathing out a thin stream of smoke, Kikuyo gently pinched the tobacco rod with his fingers and poured himself a glass of sake.

"Sorry..." Kinji scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

The girl shook her head to indicate that the other party should not take it seriously, and tilted the wine cup, the clear liquid was like a water mirror under the light, reflecting her face at the moment.

"So Toyama broke in without knowing anything? That's right, considering what I did to you before, it's normal to be hated by you."

"Although it was a bit disturbing at the time, it was not annoying."


The girl smiled faintly, but she couldn't cover up the bitterness in her expression, she could only cover it up by raising her head and drinking.

Whether the other party's reply is from the heart or not, it is no longer important to her now.

(From now on, you will only hate me more and more, even hate me...)

She really wanted to persuade Jinci to leave, but she didn't dare to do so at all.

Hands are unconsciously pressed on the chest, under the soft and comfortable kimono fabric, it is hard to imagine that there is more than one monitoring device hidden.

It was the female officer named Iberita who installed the insurance for her with a palpitating smile, in order to prevent her from impulsiveness.

After cooperating with the blue gang, Kikuyo realized that there are still organizations with such a huge influence in the world. In comparison, even the Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest violent group in Japan, is not worth mentioning.

Not to mention the "alliance" that can make it willing to obey.

The consequences of disobedience to the other party, just a little thought, are sincerely frightening.

The fate of the Jinggao team is like a glass ball in the hands of the league, which may be smashed into pieces at any time.

"It's hard to imagine that Yuan Shan, whose family training is frugal, would come to our store for entertainment. Your purpose..."

Kikuyo's words paused slightly at this point, and her eyes fell on the face of Kinji Toyama with a somewhat hesitant expression. She didn't wait for the boy to speak, so she continued to ask:

"Are you here to inquire about Kana Toyama?"

"How do you know?"

Jin Ci hurriedly said, his bewilderment was beyond words.

"It's nothing strange, as long as you know your relationship, anyone will think so..." The girl looked at each other with wide eyes, and even forgot to smoke the cigarette stick that was brought to her mouth, as if she was surprised by Kinji The response is average.

"Especially after the freighter incident, the whereabouts of relatives have been unknown since then. It is not surprising that Yuanshan will investigate."

"That is to say, Kikuyo, have you really met Kana?" The boy asked eagerly.

"Yeah, but it wasn't through the normal scheduled meeting... She suddenly jumped in from the elevator ceiling, which shocked me a lot."

"Ah ha ha..."

After laughing a few times for his family's disrespect, Toyama Kinji's tense body immediately relaxed, and he exhaled heavily, as if letting go of a boulder weighing on his heart.

"It's really alive...that's great..."

Never doubting the authenticity of Kikuyo's words at all, the young man who was immersed in his emotions murmured softly, failing to notice the struggle and helplessness in the eyes of the opposite girl at this time.

After a while, Kinji raised his face again, and asked expectantly:

"Where is she now?"

Faced with this question, Kikuyo couldn't help lowering his eyes.

"I'm sorry... I don't know about this either..." The long eyelashes lowered down as if apologizing, the girl put down the wine cup in her hand, and replied sadly:

"She came to me for ammunition and raw materials for making bombs. She probably couldn't fully trust a mafia leader like me, so she didn't tell me too much."

Hearing this, Jin Ci fell silent.

What Kikuyo said was completely reasonable. Unlike his own half-baked Butei, how could Toyama Kana, who had been a Special Butei trusted by the head of Butei for many years, casually revealed that it was a matter of his own safety, and even Important intelligence that could affect the success or failure of future operations.

From a professional point of view, this should be the behavior style of a qualified Butei.

Understanding is understanding, but there is still a hint of disappointment in Jin Ci's heart.

Perhaps it was because of the long-awaited good news from Kikuyo that he had more unreasonable expectations.

(At least, I confirmed that Kana is still alive.)

Thinking of this, the boy's mood immediately improved a lot.

"Kana must be worried about getting you into trouble, so he chose not to say..." After comforting Kagami Kikuyo, who was obviously depressed, Kinji got up from his seat.

He planned to go back to his hometown, tell his grandparents the news, and also contact Mr. Chios to report the progress of the investigation.

"Thank you, Kikuyo, I'm leaving today."

"and many more!"

Kinji had just walked a few steps when Kikuyo's trembling hands grabbed the hem of his suit and uniform.

"Although Kana Toyama didn't tell me where she lives, but..." the girl bit her lips hard, almost bleeding.

"When receiving the ammunition, she once mentioned that the organization she was investigating had probably set up a stronghold in a large industrial area around Tokyo. It seemed to be using a pharmaceutical factory as a cover, but it was actually hoarding biological and chemical weapons."

"Great industrial area near Tokyo...could it be in Kawasaki... Isn't that super dangerous!?"

Jin Ci stopped, and after just a second, he ran towards the door.

Kikuyo, who stayed on the seat, stared blankly at the boy leaving.


Two lines of hot tears slid down his cheeks uncontrollably.

"Check out, don't look for it!"

Kuang Dang!

The voice of the grumpy woman and the sound of vigorously pushing the chair away could be heard clearly.

The girl couldn't help turning her head to look.

In the hazy vision, I saw a tall and stylishly dressed female customer grabbing a stack of [-]-yen banknotes from her backpack and throwing them on the table, before even waiting for the waiter to collect them, she quickly walked out of the shop.

Chapter 380? A Bad Man Talking Nonsense


Western Indian Ocean, Socotra Island...

Luxuriously covering the entire beach, with parasols to block the hot sun, Chios was wearing swimming trunks and a light purple thin shirt on his upper body, leaning back on the deck chair, holding a glass of cocktail in his hand, and looking at the western horizon with a straw in his mouth.

After solving the GIII group, he quickly contacted the White House and asked the U.S. military stationed in the Middle East to come to receive the wreckage and corpses at the scene. The sky-high remuneration promised earlier was settled immediately.

The young man who had asked for leave for two weeks in advance had nothing to do, so he simply returned to Socotra Island for vacation, and healed his injuries by the way.

In fact, under the triple treatment of Sherlock's super power, civilization protection front potion, and rune magic, the piercing injury on his right sternum and collarbone healed in just two days.

The rest of the time should be used as a well-deserved vacation after hard work.

For several days in a row, Chios watched the sea on the beach during the day, drank and smoked cigars, attended the barbecue party held by members of Yiyou at night, coordinated the female quarrel, and then went back to the room to solve Lizi's needs...

The students of Yiyou who have been in the deep sea for a long time also took advantage of this opportunity to enjoy a vacation.

Anyway, the organization is not short of money, so it's not too much to book out the whole island for fun.

Logically so, but Chios wasn't completely idle.

After all, this kind of comfortable life has been too long, even if there is necessary exercise, it is still unavoidable to feel that the body is rusting.

Changing the fate of the plot certainly weakens the interference of the will of the world, but it does not mean that he can sit back and relax from now on...

The premature appearance of Nautilus has already sounded the alarm in the hearts of young people.It just shows that while solving a problem, he also released a previously imprisoned devil with his own hands.

The sun gradually faded from its dazzling blazing brilliance, turning into a golden-red fireball and slowly falling towards the ocean.

Is Samha Island's shot this time a miscalculation by Moriarty, or a test for himself and Sherlock?

Judging from the results, Nautilus did not reduce its staff. Although Ito Mozachi was injured, it was an injury that can be cured by modern medicine, and the loss was almost zero.

And in this operation, I have already used the eye of robbery, the power of ghosts, and the runes of disaster. If Sherlock did not appear on the stage, what would the result be if I faced the Nautilus members with basically complete combat power by my own ability? It's hard to tell where it's headed.

On the other hand, Yiyou leaked far more information about herself than the other party during the sky burial plan.

If you want to insist on Nautilus' mistakes, I'm afraid it's only about exposing the organization's power in advance...

(The last Ru-colored gold must be obtained as soon as possible to ensure that there is power to suppress the opponent.)

His eyes fixed on the setting sun, and Chios's eyes were serious.


The sound of bare feet walking on the beach came to my ears.

"It seems that your injury is almost healed..."

The young man turned his head and saw a petite black-haired girl with two locks of hair standing up like animal ears walking slowly.

"The meaning of my staying here to protect you seems to be gone, Chios."

"This really hurts, Sun..." Chios stood up slightly from the recliner, pressed his heart with one hand, exaggeratedly showing an injured appearance.

"Of course you care about my injury, which makes me happy, but if there is no value in being with each other between us, isn't it a very sad thing?"

"Speaking more and more oily."

Saying this, when Sun found out that his little hand was being grabbed by the young man, he didn't resist at all and let the other party pull her over.


Lips pressed together, feeling the slippery tongue continuously turning in his mouth, the girl's crimson eyes softened quickly, and she couldn't help but straddled the young man's waist, ecstatically throwing herself into the kiss.

It wasn't until halfway through the evening that it sank into the sea that Chios finally loosened his restraint on the girl.


Panting for breath, Sun held Chios' handsome face in both hands, and blew his hot breath directly on the young man's face.

"Your love is so hot, I'm afraid I'll be burned by you."

Hearing this, Chios smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Seeing his calm performance, even though he knew the young man in front of him has rich and colorful emotional experience, Fei Feishen, who was chasing love emotions, still couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, and unconsciously began to increase his strength with his hands.

"Actually, you also think it's stupid, you actually want to fall in love with metal..." Sun, who asked this question, lowered his head and gently licked Chios's fair skin that had just healed his right collarbone, and said softly:

"Even if I'm in heat with this body, I can't give birth to a metal man for you. Even if I can, do you want your child to be a stone?"

Indeed, Sun's body is just one of Scarlet God's incarnations, and her body is always in Xingjia Mountain, but that piece of metal is a cold inorganic substance that cannot experience love emotions.

The abnormal relationship born between her and Chios stems from her desire for love and the compromise of the young man for sex.

How can such feelings full of selfishness and utilitarianism be believed to be true?

Even Fei Feishen herself inevitably has doubts about this.

It may be because of the skin-to-skin contact between the two sides, this thought was clearly conveyed to the bottom of the young man's heart through body temperature and trembling of limbs.

"The carrier of your will is not important..." whispered in Sun's ear as if blowing, Chios held the girl's slender waist tightly, as if to listen to the other's heartbeat, and pressed his face against the girl's development. On young breasts.

He understood the true meaning of the other party's question.

It would undoubtedly be a lie to say that the battle where he and Fei Jin bet their lives and love was not based on personal interests.

However, whether absurd or ridiculous...

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