"Now, are you really not him or an acquaintance of his in disguise?"

"Although I don't understand what you're trying to express with your mysterious questioning, but this clumsy trick of changing the subject doesn't make sense to me..." He glanced at Lan Bao indifferently, and the woman who was tightly wrapped in skin stretched out her hand to signal Broken Windows, replied:

"The three of you can leave now. I know that the special regulations for the Butei investigation allow you to temporarily evade the police's questioning, so I won't waste unnecessary time blocking you, but please don't take my goodwill as staying here for no reason or acting recklessly. permission."

"Looks like that's the only way..."

Knowing that it was impossible for him to get more valuable information from the other party, the assault instructor shrugged and sighed with doubts, his expression quickly returned to normal, and he patted the young boy beside him on the shoulder vigorously.

"Going back, Yuanshan."

The huge palm force pierced into the bone marrow, and Jinci couldn't help baring his teeth in pain.

"Oh, see..."

He wanted to try to defend himself, but when he felt the unquestionable attitude of the devil instructor, he immediately obeyed his instinct and followed Lan Bao to the window.

"I hope I won't have the chance to meet you again in the future. I, Tsui, and Gao Tianyuan don't want to be enemies with such a troublesome person."

Lan Bao, who had his back to the masked woman in black, said these words in a deep voice, grabbed Toyama Kinji's collar with one hand, and half-forced the boy to jump from the window several floors high.

Chapter 380: The Storm and the Subpoena

The woman watched Jinci and Lanbao leave, then turned around and returned to the laboratory.

On the way, a communicator placed in the ear canal sent a notification:

"This is Iberita. It has been confirmed through remote monitoring that the teachers and students of Tokyo Butei High School have left, and no electronic devices such as wiretapping have been detected. The disguise can be lifted."

"Thank you, Major General Easter..." Tifa took off the mask on her face, tore off the voice-changing patch on her throat, and restored her usual ethereal and melodious voice.

"Sorry, I have wronged you to stay with me in Tokyo, and I have to ask you to help with security work."

"You are too polite, countess, my subordinates are always ready to serve you and the count, hehe..."

Iberita pretended to be humble and joked, but in the end she couldn't help but laugh first.

The black-haired girl showed helplessness, and was about to say something, but the other party seemed to have expected it, and immediately changed the subject:

"I just contacted Liberty Stonemason and all the media under our company, and sent the surveillance video and press release together, asking them to fully dominate public opinion and put pressure on the government. I wonder how your preparations are going?"

"The pharmaceutical factory has also been arranged..."

Missing the opportunity to counterattack, Tifa could only cooperate with refocusing on the business, and gave a positive reply:

"The terminal database has already left a copy record, the precious research samples were lost, and a small amount of blood remained at the scene. As a result, the biggest suspect, Kinji Toyama, had to do a blood test."

Next, as long as Irvon Pharmaceuticals showed distrust of the Japanese government authorities, asked for an impartial third-party organization to test, and then sent people to secretly exchange blood samples, they could get the blood of the Toyama family.

It can not only offset the variables caused by Lvsong Wuzun, but also achieve the original purpose.

"Phew~~ Thanks to you, this crisis has been resolved..."

The woman on the other end of the communication breathed lazily, as if stretching.

"From joining the alliance to now, I have done a lot of behind-the-scenes work for Mr. Chios. Do you think we should apply for a performance award?"

"That's right..." Tifa smiled and nodded.

How could she fail to hear the tentative meaning hidden in the other party's words.

"After eradicating the GIII group, Yiyou should have a month or two of free time, let's take this opportunity to ask for something."


The communicator suddenly became silent.

If Tifa clearly expressed his opposition, or even changed his face to reprimand, it probably wouldn't make people so dumbfounded.

"Why can you agree so easily, isn't he your fiancé?"

After carefully considering the words for a moment, Iberita finally spoke and asked an incomprehensible question:

"I don't understand, how can you be so negative... To tell you the truth, there are many women who want to monopolize Mrs. Chios, but you are the only one who stands in a position that can do so."

"You think too much..."

The black-haired girl smiled wryly, her fingers tangled around a strand of hair hanging down her cheek.

(Except for that Highness, anyone who wants to monopolize him is a dead end...)


Toyama Kinji sneaked into the Irvon Pharmaceutical Factory. Under the restraint of both parties, Lan Bao, the head teacher of the Assault Department of Tokyo Butei High School, brought the parties back to the artificial floating island to report to the end, and did not further lead to bloody conflicts.

The police who came to the scene a little later, because Butei Toyama Kinji's identity is under the jurisdiction of the Butei Agency, considering that the other party did not endanger public safety, and the Tokyo Butei High School came forward, they decided to suspend the arrest. After making a record and handing it over to the superior of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Butei Department, they quickly evacuated.

It is conceivable that the follow-up development is bound to be impossible to be so flat.

Early the next morning, the German ambassador to Japan called the Japanese government and demanded an explanation in stern terms about the domestic butei high school students trying to steal the research information of the German pharmaceutical company.

Irvon Biotech is a newly established subsidiary of QIAGEN, the largest biotechnology holding company in Germany. It is responsible for the development of military human body enhancement drugs, animal and plant gene research and other emerging projects for future generations. With the support of a strong parent company, the technical level is natural Needless to say.

Unexpectedly, the research results that have invested a huge amount of money were seized by such brutal and brutal robbery, which is unacceptable to any law-abiding company.

After the person in charge of the pharmaceutical factory in Japan urgently convened a team of shareholders and professional lawyers for discussion, they unanimously agreed to file multiple criminal and civil lawsuits against Toyama Kinji through legal channels.

At the same time, the news spread back to Germany, which is far away in Europe, overnight. Under the covert support of those who are interested, it quickly aroused the anger of public opinion and pressured the government to take a tough stance to deal with the matter.

The battlefield without gunpowder smoke, at this time, reveals its cold appearance that is not inferior to the bloody battlefield.

Wuzhen has the qualifications to legally wear firearms and hunt criminals across borders. If minors are not managed differently from ordinary people, minors can easily become tools for buying murderers. Therefore, there are express provisions in the criminal laws of various countries. Self- Wuzhen registration From the moment you hold a controlled knife or gun, you must bear full criminal responsibility.

Kinji Toyama, who has lost the protective umbrella of a minor, is in an extremely bad situation.

Not only him personally, but also his teacher Lan Bao who followed him for other reasons, and even the entire Tokyo Butei High School behind her, are all to blame for this, and they have been unanimously condemned by the international community inside and outside the country. got caught up in it.

The live video and the bullet marks left by the gun battle are irrefutable evidence. If there is no good reason, the result of conviction is basically inevitable.

Although Kinci claimed that the infiltration was based on the intelligence of biochemical weapons stored in Irvon Pharmaceutical Factory, but the results of careful search by the prosecutor showed that the so-called biochemical weapons in his mouth were not at all. exist.

It seems that the only person who can endorse him as a witness is the leader of the Tokyo Yakuza, Kikuyo Kikuyo.

Not to mention whether this junior high school classmate of Toyama Kinji is willing to speak for the defendant under the overwhelming pressure of public opinion, even if she did, how credible is the one-sided testimony of the leader of a violent group? ?

Of course, in addition to this, there is another relevant person. If he can make a testimony or guarantee in favor of Toyama Kinji, it may be possible to reverse the current pessimistic situation...

Chios Pesheim William Marshall.

The Earl of Pembroke, who has deep connections in both political and business circles in Europe and America, was the rescuer of the Roppongi Mori Building hijacking incident. His speeches are extremely influential both in Japan and abroad.

At the same time, he is also the client of Kinji's investigation of Toyama Kana, but because the content of the commission only requires to go to the "Ruby" restaurant to investigate, there is no mention of illegal infiltration at all, and he is only indirectly related to the role and the suspicion is ruled out.

In the early morning of February 2009, 2, a summons from the Tokyo District Court was sent to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Chapter 380: A Premonition of Coming Storm


Artificial floating island, Tokyo Butei High Affiliated Middle School, the roof of the General Subject Building...


The thumb brushes the flint wheel of the lighter, and the flame ignites the front end of the cigarette, releasing gray-brown smoke.

The three-layer lacquered wood bento box containing luxurious dishes was set aside, and the young man sitting on the edge of the water tower slowly took a breath, letting the bitter-sweet honey and wood aroma gradually smear in his mouth.

With his eyes lowered, he glanced at the summons from the Tokyo District Court in his hand. He stared at the Tokyo Tower to the west, lost in thought.

Although there were unexpected spoilers in the siege operation against the GIII group, it finally achieved the expected goal without any risk. It killed the android GIII to complete one of the main tasks, the next-generation technology sample of the Los Alamos Research Institute The collection was also quite smooth. After being analyzed by the technicians on the Dongfang, it can be immediately applied to the development of equipment to strengthen the combat power of the members.

In particular, the combination of optical camouflage and angular dynamic particle technology will produce results that are indeed worth looking forward to.

As for Japan, Tokyo Butei High Principal Midori Matsu Takezun, who wants to investigate Chios Kinji's movements from Toyama Kinji, with the cooperation of Tifa and Iberita, wants to take advantage of Chios' leaving Japan. Together with the school, they were involved in international business and political disputes, and fell into a very passive situation for a while.

All attempts to snipe at him have been thwarted. Next, as long as he testifies in court two weeks later, responds to court questions with a relatively detached and neutral attitude, and cuts off from Toyama Kinji's personal impulsive behavior, It can cause great trouble for Takeru Lvsong, the Toyama family, and even the Japanese government.

In the past two days, many senior officials of the current Japanese cabinet contacted through the British embassy in Japan, requesting a meeting opportunity.

Even if they don't have to speak, the young man knows what these people are going to say...

In the past hundred years, although the Toyama family has not directly participated in politics, almost every generation of the family has cultivated and transported talents for Japan, making significant and undeniable contributions to national security.Not to mention its good relationship with the more influential Xingjia Shrine since ancient times.

For these two points alone, no matter who is currently in power, they will try their best to keep Toyama Kinji.

The vast majority of officials don't know Chios. Apart from the general international community's perception of the Earl of Pembroke, the main source of impression is his performance in the Mori Building incident and his teaching position at Tokyo Butei High School. It is not surprising that the image of a man would rely on his goodwill.

Even a small number of skeptical people do not have enough evidence to support their ideas.

The current situation seems to be very good for Chios.

But the young people still faintly smell something unusual from the recent developments.

In the United Kingdom in Europe, it is reasonable to say that the Prime Minister of the Labor Party Gordon Brown, who should have been in power until the end of next year, suddenly broke out scandals such as corruption, acceptance of sex, and hospitality last week, which caused a sharp rebound in public opinion. Conservative Party leader David Cameron A motion of no confidence was subsequently launched in the House of Commons.

According to the results of polls, the resignation of the prime minister's cabinet and the dissolution of the National Assembly and re-election are basically inevitable.

At the same time, Sir John Scarlett, the MI6 Secret Intelligence Director who is about to retire, announced his future successor, Charles Bocock, a figure that Chios had never heard of.

The news media of major developed countries in Europe are now under the instigation of the free stonemasons, the Witch Company, and the Marshall family to guide public opinion together. But even so, in mainstream media newspapers and publications, some senior media people can actually see Chios’s writing.

Including Japan, voices of solidarity with Toyama Kinji also exist, standing firm in the overwhelming message tsunami that Chios is not stingy about throwing money at.

The above details are indeed dazzling when listed individually, but in fact, unless you pay special attention to changes in current events, it is actually difficult to detect them in a given daily situation.

Especially for the first two incidents, except for people like Chios who know the future development, they will never have any doubts. At most, they will lament the political chaos and forget about it after drinking a cup of coffee, let alone integrate many variables together. Analyzes.

However, Chios is different, he has profound experience in facing such changes...

In the world of "Nobuna", in the Battle of Ozama that came ahead of time, the Oda family lost the heavy rain as a cover, and had to use half of the Imagawa family's military strength to fight the opponent head-on.

The executor's change of destiny weakens the world's interference power, and the future trend deviates from the original track and begins to develop in an unpredictable direction.

The reason why Principal Lvsong Wuzun took action may also be one of the waves of this turbulent undercurrent phenomenon.

With the emergence of the Nautilus organization, a huge net against Yiyou is quietly unfolding.

"This also means that the game between us and this world has finally entered the endgame..." Having said this, a slight smile appeared on the young man's face, and he tightly grasped the court summons in his hand.

No longer give yourself the time and space to eat away at your fate, gather the remaining forces to fight to the death...

Just in time for his plan to be fully realized.

"You are really giving me trouble, Professor Moriarty."

The voice just fell.


The door on the top floor was pushed open, and a dignified black-haired girl in the uniform of the elementary school walked into the rooftop with a bento cloth bag in both hands.

Looking around, she didn't find any figure, so she turned around without thinking, facing the location of the water tower.

"Good day..." The top floor was quiet and silent, but she seemed to be accustomed to the presence of people there, and saluted respectfully.

Lifting her small face, she met the young teacher with a cigarillo dangling from the corner of her mouth, and the girl frowned immediately.

"Smoking is bad for your health, Teacher Chios."

With the well-bred speaking style of everyone, combined with the soft and waxy voice, even if there is an implicit reproach in the words, it is still pleasant to the ear.

It's just that, for Chios, who has reached the level of proficiency in the use of charm, it has little effect.

"Don't worry, Sasaki-san, my body metabolizes faster..." The young man exhaled a long gray smoke, not caring about the girl's kind words.

"Why didn't you drag Mamiya and Hino with you today, instead of coming here by yourself?"

"I'm sorry, Mingli... is going to take the make-up exam, and Laika has also left school after receiving the entrustment, so there is no way to come."

Shino Sasaki thought that Chios was expressing his dissatisfaction and quickly lowered his head.

"Regardless of the reason..." Putting away the court summons, the young man jumped down from the edge of the water tower and approached the girl at a leisurely pace.

As if the real eyes fell on Sasaki Shino's slender shoulders trembling due to nervousness, a wicked light flashed in Chios' eyes.

"Anyway, it's just the two of us today, isn't it?"

"Huh huh?"

Chapter 380 Nine? Terrible

Being so close by a man all of a sudden, Shino Sasaki took two steps back in panic, and then found that his back was leaning against the edge of the guardrail on the top floor, with nowhere to go.

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