The boy seemed to be speaking to Chios, and seemed to be talking to another self deep in his heart:

"I used to do things...I often couldn't control myself, thought I didn't care, and couldn't help but want to do something, but I didn't even have a clear understanding of my ability or not, which caused a lot of trouble."

Having said that, he clenched his hands into fists, and his eyes became firmer.

"In the future, I will always remember the experience of this period and your teachings, do what I can, and hope to become a true messenger of justice like a teacher in the future."

Hearing this, Chios couldn't help but startled.

"People like me..."

After a long while, he finally figured out the reason for Jinci's change. A look of surprise flashed across the young man's face, and then it turned into a thoughtful whisper:

"I see, fate is really interesting."

In this world, Toyama Kinji, who was most deeply affected by the interference of the world's will, broke free from the shackles of fate on this day.

The cumulative changes in the plot so far have led to the constant weakening of the power that drives and protects him. Even investigating a pharmaceutical factory is almost imprisoned...

The most critical thing, perhaps, was the moment when he realized his powerlessness in court and had to give up Kigataka Kikuyo.

The mentality that once thought that all difficulties could be overcome with blood has completely collapsed into pieces.

Although Chios didn't physically kill Toyama Kinji, on the contrary, he fundamentally obliterated the protagonist in the established destiny who likes to meddle in his own business and act recklessly.

(Although, actually talking about being like me almost made me laugh.)

"From now until the two years after high school graduation, you should work hard in a new direction, Kinji-san."

Reaching out and patting Toyama Kinji's shoulder, Chios turned around and walked towards the main entrance of the District Court.

The brown-haired girl at the side didn't hesitate for a moment, and immediately stepped up to follow.

Watching the two step by step away from the field of vision, Toyama Kinji took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh.

I feel a little sad.

It is undeniable that there is a sense of relief...

Chapter 390 Six? Baptist of Destiny


[Completed the hidden mission: Baptist of Destiny]

[It requires very complicated conditions to drastically change the ideological cognition of a protagonist who is favored by the world, because there are too few cases, and the current civilization protection front has not been able to sort out a clear formula.The relatively clear basic elements are:

1. The executor and the protagonist of the plot are not enemies, and may even have a certain degree of affection. 2. The degree of reversal of fate exceeds 50%. 3. The protagonist's original beliefs are shaken violently, and he clearly and directly faces the pain of being unable to change the status quo.

In this world, you successfully meet all the above conditions, and under the influence of many additional factors, redefine the protagonist Toyama Kinji's understanding of justice, causing large-scale and irreversible changes to the plot of this world.The degree of deflection of fate increases to 70%, and your actions of reversing fate gain 4 points of origin. 】

[Your behavior in this mission will be kept as an important research material of the Seventh Legion. Based on the special contribution of the executor, the grand consul of the legion will award military merit rewards]

[Remarks: In view of the far-reaching impact of Yuanshan Kinji's changes on the Yuanshan family, all additional rewards for the main mission 5 will be issued in full, and will be settled together with the rewards of this mission. This mission is considered a perfect completion. 】

[Task Rewards: Merit +120, Civilization Coin +20000, Imprisoning Soul Stone x1, Isolation Stone x2, issued]

[Military Merit Reward: Branches of the Golden Sacred Tree Luo Ruilin (forging material), Dark Star Iron (forging material)]


"This is really amazing..."

After reading the information on the light curtain of the coat of arms, even with Chios's usual calm attitude, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Although from the enthusiasm from the coat of arms not long ago, combined with Toyama Kinji's choice, it is not difficult for the young man to speculate that he has caused some kind of mission or destiny change.

But I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated...

Not only has the hidden mission been completed, but even the main mission 5 has been settled perfectly.

To calm down his fluctuating mood for a while, Chios quickly sorted out the relevant events that have happened to Toyama Kinji so far in his mind, and compared the past experience, he immediately understood.

What is the most important element in a screenplay for the hero himself?

It may be an encounter, a state of mind, or an ability...

Like Haru Sagara in the world of "Nobuna", you need an opportunity to get acquainted with Oda Nobuna.

In the Warring States Period under the background of that time and space, Nobuna was undoubtedly the one who was most likely to use a young man with unknown origins, a maverick and a lack of etiquette.Once the opportunity carefully designed by fate is missed, in the future changed by the intervention of the executor, the advantage of the protagonist's "foresight" will become more and more diminished, and finally it will inevitably lead to the end of being wiped out by everyone.

It is also for this reason that it was extremely difficult for Chios to prevent this encounter, and after he succeeded, it caused the fate to be deflected by 50% in one fell swoop.

But Toyama Kinji in the world of "Scarlet Bulletin" is different.

The family genetic physique endowed this person with superior fighting ability, so that he would not lose his value because he missed one or two opportunities. Coupled with the mentality of pursuing justice, Jinci can always get involved in various incidents.

To deal with it, Toyama Kinji is more troublesome than the single-minded Sagara Haru, which can be said to increase exponentially.

Originally, Chios planned to step by step and defeat the members of the Yuanshan family one by one. For this purpose, he prepared many targeted plans, and even planned to develop a "vaccine" that would incapacitate the genetic factors of the outbreak model, and forcibly deprive Yuanshan Kinji of ability.

Today, none of these filings appear to be necessary anymore.

"You... are you okay?"

Hearing the girl's voice, the young man turned his face to look at the leader of the Jinggao group beside him, and quickly noticed the anxiety that could not be concealed on her face.

The pain of being abandoned is not so easy to let go. The phantom pain in the memory is intense and clear on every nerve in the body, and it will be awakened at the slightest sign of trouble.

It seems that the momentary emotional change of Chios just now was interpreted by Kikuyo as a reaction related to her, which touched the girl's most sensitive heart at the moment.

Understanding this, the young man suddenly asked the other party:

"Are you afraid of the possibility of being left behind by me without warning?"

Hearing this, the girl's shoulders trembled, and her pupils shrank sharply, as if seeing such a future happening before her eyes, she nodded without thinking.

"It's very honest, very good..." The tone slowed down and became more gentle, and Chios continued:

"Strictly speaking, what I thought earlier was indeed related to you...but it's not negative. Rather, your existence is very important to me. It's not an exaggeration to call you my blue bird." , Miss Jing Gao."

From the nervousness and anxiety at the beginning, to the moment when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but was flustered by the young man's slightly ambiguous words, Kikuyo's face went through the process of turning from white to red in just a few seconds.

For a while, she didn't know what to think about Chios's words, so the girl could only reply uncertainly:

"Thank you, thank you?"

After finishing speaking, she quietly looked at the other party's reaction as if she was afraid of saying the wrong thing.


Teased by Kikuyo's cautious and bewildered expression, the young man couldn't help laughing out loud.

He stretched out his left hand and tapped the girl's forehead with his index finger.

"You're welcome, my blue bird."

whispering sound...

There was an unpleasant smacking sound.

"Another female companion, you really never forget your romantic nature no matter where you go, even the court can't make you restrain yourself."

Lan Bao, with his arms crossed and his back leaning against the main entrance wall of the District Court, raised his face at this moment, and cast helpless and contemptuous glances at the two people who were walking towards him.

Compared to Kikuyo, who immediately lowered his head in embarrassment, Chios just shrugged calmly, neither admitting nor denying it, letting the female teacher in front of him guess.

"I'm sorry for asking you to dress up so formally, Mr. Lan Bao..."

Hearing the youth's reply, Lan Bao bared his teeth, his brows and eyes hanging like a big cat in hunting, and he almost jumped up and bit Chios' throat.

Smiling lightly to withstand the murderous intent of attacking the head teacher, Chios moved his gaze away. After searching for a while, he stopped under a tree on the sidewalk a few steps away, with a middle-aged man holding a mobile phone by his ear and talking.

"Judging from the results, I think it was a false alarm, and finally the result you were worried about did not happen. So, I don't know if you agree, Principal Green Pine?"

It wasn't until the young man pointed out the other party's surname that Lan Bao and Kikuyo suddenly realized that there was such a special person nearby, and they were horrified.

Before that, it wasn't that they didn't know that there were other people around them, but they didn't take this person to heart at all.

"I must admit that your choice was beyond my expectation, Mr. Chios..." The man who had been discovered and no longer concealed his sense of existence turned around.

Staring at the dark-haired young man without concealing his doubts, he asked aloud:

"Are I guessing wrong, or did you temporarily change your mind and let Toyama go... No, Tokyo Butei High School?"

Chapter 390 Seven? An Attractive Invitation

"Simply put, my purpose has been achieved in a more peaceful way..."

Things have developed to this point, and Chios has no intention of hiding his other identity, so when talking with words, he implicitly but clearly expresses this meaning:

"Since it can be resolved in a civilized manner, there is no need to use radical means, is there?"

Principal Lvsong, who immediately understood what he meant, did not show the slightest surprise in his expression.

"Can we take your words as a guarantee of peace?"

A member of an organization that is clearly defined as a criminal group is naturally impossible to be interviewed by important state officials. Therefore, on the surface, he is only the head of a school, but his real status is no less than that of the deputy head of the Butcher's Office. As a matter of course, he became the representative of the Japanese side and was responsible for the negotiations.


Nodding his head to confirm the other party's question, the young man then replied:

"As long as I forget the suspicion and unhappiness in the past, I will maintain a long-term friendly relationship with Tokyo Butei High School and the entire Japanese government."

If people who don't understand the situation hear that a mere human being has proposed peace and goodwill towards a country representing an entire nation, they will probably find it ridiculous.

However, no one present, including Kikuyo Kagago who knew little about the confidential information, took this remark as a joke.

If the Earl of Pembroke does have a decisive influence in that association, and even successfully unites several large underground organizations that secretly control the political and economic circles of Eurasia, it means that his power and threat have already swelled to the point where most countries are far away. far beyond comparison.

Hearing Chios' assurance, Lan Bao breathed out with a "huh", and his nerves and muscles, which were highly tense to prepare for the battle, relaxed; Wu Zun Lvsong reached out to undo the discipline button of his collar, and pulled down the knot of his suit and tie a few centimeters.

The depressing atmosphere at the entrance of the local court immediately faded a lot.

"The high-level government deeply regrets the friction and conflict in the past, but it is undoubtedly more important to look forward to the future than to look back..."

Under the needs of the political environment, a simple "friction" brought the sacrifice of expensive ships of the Maritime Self-Defense Force and hundreds of soldiers. Immediately, the green pine warrior extended his hand to Chios.

"It is an honor for the entire Japanese people to have the friendship of a just and rational man like you."

"Thank you for the recognition from the Japanese political circles regardless of previous suspicions. I will cherish this hard-won goodwill..." The young man shook hands with Principal Takeei Gao, who represented the attitude of the Japanese government, with a smile on his face.

"It just so happens that I have one thing right now, and I need to trouble Principal Lvsong to convey it to the Japanese government for me."

"Please tell me."

The middle-aged man listened attentively.

But after hearing Chios' next words, his breathing became short of breath...

"Regarding the information on the scarlet research, I can make a limited and paid transaction with your country in exchange for the freedom of Ms. Kanae Kanzaki."

! ! !

The sudden request for a heavy deal, and the calm mentality cultivated consciously by Wu Zun Lv Song for many years, were almost smashed to pieces.

The data of scarlet research can be said to be the ultimate goal of Japan's current desire, which is no less than that of nuclear bombs. Anyone who has a little knowledge of the inside story will understand that in the 21st century, when the world's powerful countries have started scientific research on sex gold, what is the power to control sex gold? important.

Especially the Crimson Gold, which is located in the mainland of Japan, once it can be used, maybe Japan can get out of the state that has been dormant in the shadow of the United States for many years.

Although there must be more research content hidden in Kanae Kanzaki's brain, but when the other party refuses to say it, and Japan dare not use force, this woman has already become a hot potato, which is not only useless, but also attracts Yiyou's revenge.

It would be great if we could send this ticking time bomb away in the form of a transaction, and exchange it for the research materials we dream of.

This is a proposal that the Japanese cannot refuse.

"Okay, okay, I will pass on your thoughts as soon as possible."

"Then I'll just wait for the good news..." At this point, Chios raised his hand and glanced at the Athens watch, and said apologetically:

"Sorry, I still have some things to deal with, so I can only talk about it here first. I believe that there will be more cooperation and exchanges with you in the future. At that time, I will ask the principal of Lusong to coordinate."

"I take it that you can't wait to find a room with this girl?"

Pointing at Kikuyo's female teacher, she finished speaking and was immediately reprimanded by the principal:

"Teacher Lan Bao, please don't try to attack Teacher Chios verbally just because he is modest and gentle. As a teacher, you should always pay attention to your words and deeds."

(A while ago, who was it that made Chios the same as the living devil, forcing subordinate teachers to work overtime without pay to follow students, and even caused my mother to be sued in court!??)

Lan Bao roared in his heart.

"Tch, so the face of a politician..."

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