"Okay, we're not here to discuss this rumor, drink and drink!"

It took some effort to change the topic, and the oil merchant apologized to Kuroki Zongsi with sweat profusely:

"Sorry, Lord Samurai, these people are just too boring, I hope you don't care about it."

"It's okay! Drinking...the excitement is certain."

Kuroki Zongsi forced a smile, but it was a little distorted.Without saying any more, he walked out of the restaurant with the guards.

"Those people are so stupid to believe such rumors!"

"My lord, those people are talking nonsense..."

The guards understood Heimu Zongsi's displeasure, and before the young master could speak, they all expressed their indignation.

"Stop it!" Kuroki Zongsi was not so arrogant that he couldn't believe it at all. Since so many people affirmed it, there must be some basis.

"I want to inform my father immediately about this matter, and we will go back."

Inexplicably feeling a sense of crisis in his heart, Kuroki Souji didn't want to waste time, and immediately led two guards, and walked quickly to the mountain on the east side of Minami Wakaguri Town.

Samurai often like to build the city on the mountain next to the territory. The terrain of the mountain city is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it can monitor their own territory.The same is true for the Kuroki family, but their "city" is much simpler.

Three layers of tight wooden fences form a three-meter-high wall, a bamboo gate that does not feel strong, and a few long houses with poles behind the gate, forming the mountain city of the Heimu family.

The sentry tower on the gate of the narrow village was only guarded by a member of the Heimu family wearing leather armor at this time. He recognized Heimu Zongsi from a distance, and quickly opened the gate for him.

Kuroki Zongsi hurried into the mountain city, and the people passing by didn't have time to greet him, so he went straight into the largest longhouse and found his father, Kuroki Zongzhen in the tea room.

"Zong Si, why are you so irritable, don't you feel ashamed?"

Kuroki Zongzhen said in a displeased tone, but he didn't stop making tea, and he seemed to have a calm demeanor.

"Father, two merchants came to the wine shop at the entrance of the town today, and they both said that a samurai was on his way to our South Wakaguri, and one of the oil sellers said that the samurai called himself Chios."

Kuroki Zongsi was a little anxious to tell his father the results of his previous inquiries.

"So? Didn't the civil servant just say that the Southern barbarian is coming?"

Kuroki Zongzhen picked up the teacup and took a sip before answering lightly.

Infected by his father's composure, Kuroki Zongsi calmed down when he spoke again:

"The merchant's guards and servants all said that Chios was very skilled in martial arts, and he won hundreds of people in one battle."

"Are you flustered because of such a trivial matter?" Kuroki Zongzhen looked unhappy, and the teacup thumped heavily on the table.

"Hearing nonsense from a group of ignorant servants scared the backs of the Heimu family. The real battlefield is that more people beat fewer people. The more powerful people send more people to fight, and they will still die. If you ask for a hundred people, That's not a man, it's a god!"

"Yes, yes! Father, what you said is..." Kuroki Souji looked ashamed.

"Just because they all said that, I became nervous, how can there be such a terrible samurai in reality!"

"Forget it, at least we know that the Nanman warrior is on the way, so we can prepare well. In short, you remember, no matter how powerful the Nanman is, as long as the townspeople are organized, even throwing stones can kill him."

After teaching his son, Heimu Zongzhen waved his hand and ordered as the head of the family:

"Go and inform everyone in the family to come to the meeting room, and we will discuss how to deal with this southern barbarian."

"Yes, father."

Heimu Zongsi retreated, leaving Heimu Zongzhen shaking his head over there.

"It's such a useless piece of trash..."


On the official road...

Chios rode forward slowly, and he was very leisurely along the way, and even shot a few birds with the light bamboo bow beside him.

"Lord Chios, aren't you worried at all?" An Ashigaru couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"What are you worried about? Others?" Chios asked back as if he didn't understand.

"Uh... For example, the Kuroki family guarded the mountain castle, and even gathered the townspeople to deal with you... It stands to reason that the faster you move, the faster they will have time to deal with it?"

Ashigaru thought for a while and asked all the questions.

"No matter how fast you go, it's impossible to go to the Kuroki's house before being discovered. If you don't send your companions to disguise themselves as merchant convoys, but a team of dozens of ashigaru walks on the official road, you will only be caught by the Kuroki's family sooner." Those sent out to watch the road noticed it. Therefore, my speed is the same whether I am fast or not, and I am bound to be found when I reach a certain point."

As Chios said, he raised his bow and shot towards the sky, and the bamboo arrow pierced through the flying pheasant with a whoosh.

"The Kuroki family doesn't have enough hands. It's impossible to report back every time they find a businessman. They probably only react when they see someone dressed as a samurai like me or an ashigaru."

"However, I can't guarantee that it will be the case, so I divided into three teams to confuse their sight. The spies can't run back and report that they found the merchant every time. It sounds stupid."

"I see... But what do those people who went ahead do besides confuse the enemy?" Ashigaru nodded in understanding first, but doubts followed.

"Didn't I give them a note? As long as they say the words on the note in Minami Wakaguri Town, the Kuroki family will naturally know that I'm here."

At this time, another ashigaru brought the mountain pheasant that Chios had shot, and Chios announced with a wave of his hand:

"Rest here, we'll have some barbecue before we hit the road."

Rest again?The five ashigaru felt that this was their most relaxing march, and they rested four times on the way, which was the fifth time.

However, Master Chios is not nervous, and it is inexplicable for them to worry about others.So the ashigaru people stopped and went to gather firewood to make a fire, pluck the mountain pheasant hair, and remove the internal organs. They took many breaks today to make them proficient.

"Master Chios, why do you want to let them know that you are coming? Isn't your purpose to confuse them?"

The ashigaru who asked the question just now continued to ask questions while lighting the fire.

Chios sat on a stone by the side of the road, his tone was not harsh, he just teased the ashigaru:

"You're really curious...it seems to be someone from Changxiu's side."

"Huh? How do you know? I didn't say anything!" Ashigaru looked surprised.

"Singer just charges forward, if her subordinates like to ask questions, they would have been chopped off by her."

Chios spread his hands, as if he was very helpless with Singer's mind.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ahaha, that's true!"

The four ashigaru on the side laughed, especially the ashigaru under Singer, who laughed until tears flowed.

"Well, I'm idle anyway, let's satisfy your curiosity." Chios put his left leg on his right knee, changed to a relaxed sitting position and smiled:

"My so-called confusion is to reduce their suspicion of any group of merchants. When you hear a merchant tell the outside news, you may have doubts. If you receive a report from the spies that the merchant is suspicious, then he will not believe it. This Businessmen may also be at risk."

"So you assign three groups of merchants, if they all say the same rumors, it will be easier to believe?" Ashari couldn't help but admire Chios' calculation.

"It's impossible to say the same thing, that would make people suspicious, so only part of the words are the same. Once the Kuroki family confirms that I am on the way, it will be even more difficult to suspect Ashigaru Yu disguised as a businessman question..."

"Because people usually only think of one main enemy, and they want to believe that I'm on the way, they can't help but trust the businessman."

"Then what if the Kuroki family are afraid of your arrival and go to arm the townspeople immediately?"

Ashgaru, who was in charge of the barbecue, asked as he handed the grilled pheasant legs to Chios.

"if so…"

Chios took the meat, tore off a piece and put it in his mouth, chewed it thoroughly and swallowed it before showing a sarcastic smile.

"Then the Kuroki House is over."

Chapter 34? The Kuroki Family's Decision

In the mountain city on the east side of Minamiwakari, seventeen members of the Kuroki family gathered in the main room for discussion.

Since Nan Ruoli under the control of the Kuroki family is not big, it is basically sufficient to rely on the direct control of the family to manage this place, and it is also reliable in terms of loyalty.

The people who were able to participate at this time were mainly the brothers of Patriarch Kuroki Soma and their adult sons.There are also two grey-haired elders, they are the elders of Kuroki Soma, they are of the same generation as his father, and they are the elders with the longest life experience in the family.

"Cough...First of all, let me explain the reason for convening everyone to discuss today." Kuroki Zongzhen coughed lightly, and looked at everyone present with a serious expression.

"Today, two caravans passed by Nanruoli and rested at the wine shop at the entrance of the town. The ancestors asked them about Qingzhou City during their inspection. Both merchants said that a samurai was coming here along the official road. The samurai claimed to be Chios, should be the lord sent by that big fool of Owari."

A dark and strong member of the Kuroki family immediately looked excited, slapped his thigh and said:

"Then what are you waiting for, my lord father, let me take a few people to the official road to intercept and kill him!"

"Calm down, the Patriarch hasn't finished yet." The people on the side stopped the impulsive family member.

"The southern barbarian also brought at least five followers. With Zong Saburo's meager martial arts skills, the interception may not be successful. Maybe you will give the other side the head instead."

Kuroki Zongsi, who was sitting on the right side of his father, glanced at the strong man and satirized him contemptuously.

"What are you talking about!?" The muscular man blushed and wanted to get up and make a move.

Seeing that the discussion hadn't gotten to the point, the younger generation started to confront each other first. As the master, Hei Muzong couldn't help but angrily reprimanded:

"Zong Che, sit down for me! Don't take this old man seriously, right?"

Kuroki Sotoru's attitude softened, but he was still unwilling to say:

"I'm sorry, my lord father, but my brother..."

"I haven't finished yet? Do you want me to let you talk about it?" Kuroki Zongzhen said that he was about to get up.

"Don't dare, I'm very sorry!"

That was the position of head of the Kuroki family, Kuroki Zongtoru, a junior who dared to challenge the position of head, hurriedly lowered his head to admit his mistake, seeing the sneering gaze from his elder brother Zongsi from the corner of his eyes, his neck was almost purple with anger.

"They're all a family, so I'll just say it straight... The big fool Owari is very dissatisfied with our Kuroki family. Everyone knows the reason, because the Kuroki family has not really been loyal to the Oda family."

The discussion room finally quieted down, only Patriarch Heimu's voice echoed in everyone's ears:

"In the past, we also supported her father Nobuhide Oda, but no matter whether it was against Mikawa or Mino, Oda Dan Masatada was disappointing in the end, which made us see...the Owari Oda family is completely no match The Imagawa clan of Tokaido is not worthy of the Kuroki family's allegiance."

"But the lord... that big fool defeated Imagawa's [-] troops in Kurosuegawa a few days ago, are we really not considering easing our relationship with the daimyo?"

The speaker was the younger brother of Kuroki Zongzhen. He has not coveted the position of the master for more than ten years, but he does not agree with the bad relationship between the Kuroki family and the daimyo.He is not the only one in the family who has this idea, and now he just expresses it through his mouth.

"There were only 8000 Imagawa troops who actually participated in the battle, and the 5000 people of Imagawa Yoshimoto's team did not enter the battlefield from beginning to end."

As the head of the family, with the authority in charge, it is even more necessary to reconcile conflicts within the family, rather than blindly suppressing them.

Kuroki Zongzhen has been in charge for more than ten years, so he is naturally very aware of this, and he was not annoyed by doubts, but nodded and explained:

"What's more, the Oda family's 1 troops in this battle are close to the limit of what a fool can recruit. Without the support of the people of our country, it will be difficult for her to mobilize [-] people. Now what about Yoshimoto Chuan? At least [-] troops can be dispatched." Potential!"

"Although the people of our country have to live by their daimyo, think about it, everyone, with the Kuroki family's meager manpower, if there are too many casualties in the decisive battle between the Oda and Imagawa families, how can we maintain control over Minami Wakaguri? Besides, after the war, Imagawa Yoshimoto used this incident as an excuse to deprive Minami Ruokuri and reward his meritorious retainers, so what should we do?"

It’s not that Kuroki Soma was alarmist. Suruga Imagawa’s intention to annex Owari is obvious. Even with the victory of Kurosuekawa’s battle, few people are optimistic about Oda Kami Sosuke Nobuna, who has just succeeded the Oda family governor. Among the noble families in the four prefectures of Zhangxia, which are adjacent to the three rivers, there are examples of directly falling to the Imagawa side.

"Therefore, the Kuroki family must not be buried with the Oda family, let alone watch as the idiot sends someone to snatch Nan Wakauri, who the family has painstakingly managed for a hundred years!"

Clenching his fists, Kuroki Zongzhen impassionedly conveyed his determination to survive in troubled times to the family members.

Everyone, including the two elders, nodded in unanimous agreement. The people of the country are not like daimyo who can compete for hegemony, but they also have their own way of life.

"The Southern Barbarian warriors are coming towards Nan Ruoliu, and it will take another hour or two. There is not much time left for me to wait. Now we have to make a decision, how to deal with it..."

After Kuroki Zongzhen finished speaking, his complexion sank, he looked around the crowd and asked:

"Do you want to stay in this mountain city and ignore the lord? Or encourage the townspeople to drive him away?"

"Why didn't you trick him into the mountain city and kill him?" A member of the Kuroki family made a thoughtful expression.

"I don't think the other party is stupid enough to enter this city alone. He is a Southern barbarian. He is greedy for life and afraid of death, cunning and shameless. He is not easy to deceive like ordinary warriors. At least I am sure he must be smarter than you."

The Heimu family was ashamed by what the master said.

"That southern barbarian has a reputation for bravery. He claims to win a hundred people in one battle. Even if he is the only one who enters the city, he may not be able to kill him successfully." Zongsi Heimu added on the side.

"This Southern Barbarian warrior can't be killed..." A clan elder slowly shook his head, his eyelids slightly raised, revealing a gleam of light.

"If the southern barbarians die in Nanruoli, we will definitely not be able to get rid of the responsibility, and give the big fool an excuse to send troops here."

After the clan elder finished speaking, the young members of the Kuroki family gritted their teeth unwillingly, while the mature elders had a headache about how to deal with it properly.

"Sure enough... let's take the second method, at least drive him out of our territory."

"It's better than staying in the city... It is the common wish of the residents of Nanruoli not to accept the Nanman as a lord, and to drive him away. Even a fool can't blame us for this."

"Yes, I also choose the second option."

Members of the Kuroki family expressed their views one after another, and almost all of them agreed with the second approach.

It is too embarrassing to hide in a mountain city for a Nanman warrior with only five entourages... If the townspeople know that the family that has ruled this place for more than a hundred years is so afraid of the new lord appointed by the daimyo, it will really shake people's hearts and lose their prestige .

"Then it's decided, try to encourage the townspeople to fight against the Nanman people together, stay behind five men, and the rest of the Kuroki family men will go down the mountain, we must finish this matter before the Nanman people arrive, and act quickly!"

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