
In the middle of the night, after submitting the main materials for the forging commission, Chios pushed open the door and walked out.

At the celebration banquet earlier, most of the ship's personnel were involved in a large amount of alcohol and went back to their rooms to rest one after another. The Vostok is actually on autopilot at present, and the entire corridor looks extraordinarily empty and quiet.

Stepping into the ship's bar, the young man ignored the unoccupied tables and chairs, and found an old detective in a neat suit on the edge of the bar.

"Congratulations, you have completely broken free from the shackles of fate."

"Thank you, and congratulations, for completing the feat of collecting color gold. This way, I can finally start enjoying my retirement..."

For Chios' visit, Sherlock was not surprised at all. He turned around with a smile and raised his glass to greet him. With the other hand, he took the newly opened 2003 Ferreira Port wine bottle on the table, and placed a clean bottle beside the table. Pour half a cup into the goblet, and gently push it in the direction of the person.

"With this cup, let us congratulate the retirement of an old captain and the appointment of the next captain of the Vostok."

Chapter 410: Sounding the Horn of the Final Battle

"I haven't handed over Scarlet Bullet yet, can't wait to start my retirement career?"

Approaching the bar, Chios reached out to pick up the wine glass, politely and thoughtfully returned a salutation gesture, tilted the glass and smelled the rich fruity aroma of single-year aged port wine in the glass.

This mellow spirit mainly produced in Portugal has been popular in the British Empire since the 18th century. The British are still the largest consumer group, and they even use it as a wine drink to toast the Queen on formal occasions.

As a classic British gentleman active in the early part of the last century, it is not surprising that Holmes would like port wine.


Regarding the youth's question, Sherlock smiled lightly.

"This has nothing to do with me handing over the position of captain. Although the timing of handing Scarlet Bullet over to Aria cannot be changed, since Yiyou has someone good enough to take over, she has no ambitions like me but has been forced by fate. It’s certainly easier for the veterans who stay on the job.”

After taking a sip of the bright red wine, the old detective leisurely picked up his pipe as if he had relieved all his burdens.

Seeing this, Chios was not in a hurry to disturb him, so he found a seat nearby and sat down, tasting wine while waiting for the other party's follow-up words.


Holmes skillfully exhaled a smoke ring, and calmly watched it slowly drift away into the distance with his blind eyes until it dissipated.

"Besides, there is still a debt to be settled between you and Nautilus. Rather than staying for a few more months, it must be more convenient for you to give this seat to you, isn't it?"

"Your insights are as thorough as ever..."

I never thought that I could hide this from Sherlock, Chios simply admitted his plan, and asked the other party further:

"However, just as you can easily deduce my strategy, I believe it is not difficult for Professor Moriarty to predict this matter. In this case, why does N follow my instructions and go to the battlefield I prepared?"

"You should know better than anyone else, young man..." Shaking his head slightly, a helpless smile appeared on Sherlock's straight face, who seemed to be only in his early twenties, apparently not thinking that the questioner really didn't understand the answer to the question.

"You joined Yiyou as an MI[-] agent. Once you successfully take over the duties of the captain of the Dongfang, you will have the perfect reason to surrender to the British Empire, and through the exchange of political interests, let the organization legally enter the stage. ...At that time, Yiyou, which has the endorsement of one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, will no longer be classified as a criminal association, and countries will no longer have the position to attack."

"If you come to this point, not only will N's leverage against you be severely reduced, but even the situation of both parties will be reversed. No matter how powerful N is in the political and business circles of the United States, they are still living in the shadows, trying to Potential criminals who subvert the world order, and the Earl of Pembroke, who occupies the highest legal and moral high ground, is undoubtedly not just and not right."

Speaking of this, the old detective took down the pipe from his mouth and pointed at the young man not far away, as if identifying the murderer, with a firm tone:

"So, you are definitely not expecting N to act, but forcing them to act, before you put the last piece of the puzzle."

Chios shrugged and did not deny it.

Succeeding as the captain of the Dongfang can indeed create countless favorable conditions for himself. Both he and Sherlock can see the huge advantages behind this matter.

Since it was such an obvious result, it didn't make sense for Moriarty to neglect it.

Understanding the youth's doubts, Sherlock continued:

"Although I suspect that the real puzzle piece has been officially embedded in the picture frame after you won the Ruru gold, otherwise it is impossible to explain why you are willing to risk nuclear weapons to destroy mankind and prevent Moriarty from intervening. I believe that the professor has also considered this point, but unfortunately, the price is too high, so high that no one can bear it..."

"Also, I am not the only one who desires to get rid of the shackles of fate. It is an undoubted fact that your actions overlap with Moriarty's personal interests."

The implication is that from Moriarty's standpoint, rather than obstructing the Alliance from taking Ruru Gold and ending the world in doomsday, it is better to allow Chios to achieve his goal, thereby completely liberating himself from the influence of fate.

However, there is an important prerequisite for the professor to make this decision...

Chios pondered for a moment, and then replied with some clarity:

"You don't have any reasoning to prove that collecting all the three-color gold will add any variables?"

"And vice versa, the future has entered the reasoning blind zone of systematic prediction, even Moriarty and I can only guess, or... gamble."

Sherlock nodded solemnly.

Although there are differences in the colors of the three color golds of Scarlet Glass, they are essentially the same, and the strength of their superpowers is on the same level. In terms of usage, there is really no reason for Moriarty, who has been studying the color gold for hundreds of years. He was defeated by young people who had been exposed to color gold for less than a year.

Holding the wine bottle and walking to Chios's table, the old detective, contrary to common sense, poured the remaining port wine in the bottle into the opponent's glass in one fell swoop.

The ruby ​​wine, which was so full that it almost overflowed the glass, seemed to be silently telling the young man...

The current Sherlock Holmes has placed all bets on the victory of the new captain of the Orient.

"So, before entrusting Scarlet Bullet to Aria, let me, as a semi-retired veteran, witness the birth of a miracle, and make one last contribution to Yiyou."

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Sherlock's calm and confident voice suddenly added a bit of enthusiasm.

"Don't worry about fighting Nautilus, I will do my best to make that old friend have no time to spare him."

Hearing this, Chios put away his smile, stood up solemnly from his seat, held a wide goblet filled with fortified wine in one hand, and paid tribute to the legendary detective in front of him.

"You won't be disappointed."

The young man raised his head and drank the old wine in one gulp, and then resolutely dropped his hand and threw down the wine glass.



Nov. 2009, 4

In response to a vote of no confidence in British Prime Minister James Gordon Brown, who was caught in a storm of scandal, the Prime Minister legally dissolved Parliament.

Seventeen days later in the British general election, the Conservative Party won 325 seats, and the leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, became the prime minister to form a cabinet.On the same day, John Scarlet, head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, resigned on the grounds of his health, and Charles Bocock took over the intelligence unit.

Just when politicians decided that the turbulent situation and turmoil that has occurred in the UK in recent days is coming to an end...

The "Professor", the leader of the criminal association Yiyou, resigned from his duties, and the Earl of Pembroke, who infiltrated the organization as a secret agent code-named 000, assumed power and succeeded the captain of the East.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately alarmed the upper and lower courts of the Palace of Westminster.

Chapter 410 Two? The Gentleman's Club


London, England...

The dark clouds covered the night sky, instead of the stars to light up the streets, only the classical street lamps and the indoor lights of the buildings on both sides accompanied the city through the rise and fall of history. middle.

A silver Jaguar XJ car drove away from Downing Street, where the mansions of famous cabinet officials were located. Media reporters who were stationed nearby to catch important people's whereabouts quickly put down their refreshing coffee and drove to follow.

However, their newly ignited enthusiasm for work was quickly extinguished.

After a short drive of less than 10 minutes, the Jaguar XJ turned into St. James Street and parked in front of an elegant three-story building.

The White's Club, founded in 1693, is the oldest gentleman's club in the UK, and its contemporary members include the Prince of Wales and Prince William. It is still considered by many to be the most exclusive gentleman's club in London.

The media may have access to the House of Commons at the Palace of Westminster, but they cannot afford to enter this private club with strict rules...

As soon as the new prime minister opened the door and got out of the car, a middle-aged man in a neat tuxedo immediately opened an umbrella and stepped forward to cover him from the rain.

"You are cordially welcome, His Excellency David Cameron."

David Cameron's father, Ian Cameron, was once the president of White's club. Although the youngest British prime minister since 1812 did not quite agree with the club's rules of rejecting applications from female members, he was able to do so in extraordinary times. , In order to avoid the reporter's lens and discuss important affairs, he can no longer care so much.


Cameron, who is very accustomed to the thoughtful and polite style here, thanked him, handed over the car keys to the other party, and asked in a low voice:

"May I venture to ask, how is the attendance of the guests on the invitation list?"

The receptionist showed good professional ability, did not enter the room to look through the name book or even recall more, and replied immediately:

"Cabinet officers and the majority of the House of Commons were invited, as was the special guest Mr. Scapes, who are now killing time in the pool hall and common room on the second floor, although almost all the members of the House of Lords declined the invitation... "

The words paused for a while, and the middle-aged host cautiously observed the prime minister's reaction.

After hearing the news, Cameron was still calm, as if he had expected it, he nodded to signal the other party to continue.

"Except for a large part of the ancient family line that was originally close to the Earl of Pembroke, Mr. Holmes, the representative of the emerging nobles, originally agreed to participate, but changed his mind temporarily two hours ago. I don't know the reason. Please excuse me."

"Thank you for letting me know, and I'm sorry for taking your time."

"No, it's an honor to serve you."

After exchanging a polite word to put an end to the conversation, Cameron declined to send him off, and stepped up the steps in front of the house to enter the house.

Passing through the hallway familiarly, I came to the corridor on the second floor where the club members and invitees gathered, and immediately saw several men standing by the window, holding wine glasses, talking in a pleasant atmosphere.

Almost all of them are colleagues of Cameron's Conservative Party. Even if it is the only exception, the Prime Minister is no stranger...

The deputy director of the CIA, Stephen Capps, is the key person who prompted him to invite top political officials to gather here today.

This American official with a gray beard on both cheeks and chin, a pair of square-frame glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a straight figure, although his back was facing the direction of the stairs, was the first person to spot Cameron going upstairs.

"Your Excellency David Cameron, thank you for your kind invitation..."

With a smile on his serious face, Stephen Capps turned around and shook hands with the British Prime Minister who came forward.

"Your wise recognition of domestic threats gives me confidence in Britain's future, and I assure you that the American people, who are committed to defending universal values, will stand by your side as well."

"It is the UK's greatest fortune to have the support of its allies."

The strength of the handshake increased, and Cameron responded solemnly, while giving his colleagues in the Conservative Party a look.

Several councilors understood and walked towards the billiard room and other leisure activities respectively, and informed all participants to go to the living room.

5 minute later...

The most spacious hall of the White's clubhouse was occupied by more than [-] high-level political officials, and even the hall door had to be opened to allow some people to participate in discussions in the corridor.

"Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to discuss and decide the future of the United Kingdom..."

The new British Prime Minister stood in front of the fireplace, omitting unnecessary polite words, and went straight to the point:

"The Earl of Pembroke proposed to return to the country to report on his duties. According to the content conveyed by Sir Charles Bocock, the director of MI6, the Earl of Pembroke asked to have an audience with Her Majesty the Queen before he was willing to make a report to Parliament. I believe everyone should be able to understand The seriousness behind this request."

The people present, mainly Conservative MPs, nodded their heads in agreement with the party leader's statement.

The plan to infiltrate into Yiyou was classified as top secret in the files of MI[-], but it was to prevent someone from leaking the information, leading to the failure of the spy mission.Now, after the Earl of Pembroke took over the power of the organization, the level of secrecy has actually declined.

In addition, due to special circumstances, it is beyond the scope of powers of cabinet officials to decide on their own, requiring the participation of parliamentarians in making decisions.

The country's secret agent suddenly became the leader of a criminal association, with full control of a super submarine equipped with a nuclear bomb, and a large number of supermen with extraordinary combat power under him, independent of the country's military system...

This is a headache for any government that yearns for stability.

In particular, the spy is not completely under the jurisdiction of MI[-], and his identity is extremely special, so how can it not make people worry about it?

Nevertheless, among the participants, there were not without other voices...

"Please pay attention to your words, Sir David Cameron, what you are questioning now is the character of the Earl of Pembroke, who is widely loved by the British people!"

"Do you mean that the descendants of England's first knights would commit treason?"

In the face of harsh accusations from a few people, Cameron raised his hand and pressed his hand to prevent the scene from getting out of control.

"Since the Plantagenet dynasty, the earl of Pembroke has always been loyal to the king, neither this flag nor the people who live in this land..."

Expressing the fact that many people habitually ignore it, he looked at the opponents whose face gradually changed, and continued:

"Our ancestors have struggled again and again, and finally gradually improved the parliamentary system under relatively mild reforms. Now it is facing an unprecedented crisis. The absence of members of the House of Lords is not enough to explain the changes in the situation?"

"Perhaps you are not aware of what the Earl of Pembroke did during his infiltration into Yiyou. For this reason, I have invited Mr. Stephen Capps, the deputy director of the CIA, to give us a relatively complete explanation."

Chapter 410 Three? The Truth Is Near


Tokyo Shinjuku...

On Sunday, Aria, who neither had to go to school nor accepted a commission, was rarely able to stay at home with her mother all day.

"Listen, Aria, put two tablespoons of oil in a pan, put the chicken first, fry until the meat is slightly browned on each side, then put the onion..."

Bursts of aroma came from the kitchen. Kanae Kanzaki, who was wearing casual clothes and an apron, stood in front of the counter, skillfully cutting the ingredients into equal pieces. He gave his daughter guidance in a hurry.

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