The thick door was closed again, and the retreating figure of the Earl of Pembroke was firmly locked inside the door.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the media reporters felt something was wrong for no reason, but they couldn't explain the reason.

Just as they looked down at the notepads in their hands, thinking about how to write the young man's words into a complete press release, several bursts of sudden cell phone ringing suddenly broke the temporary tranquility.


Some reporters took out their mobile phones, unlocked the screen, clicked on the media internal contact software that showed a message prompt, and immediately saw a short video sent by the company's senior management.

Touch the play button, and when they saw the content with their eyes, their faces turned pale.

"Oops, the Lord of Pembroke is in danger!"


Inside the Palace of Westminster.


Stepping on the black and shiny handmade Monk shoes, Chios walked calmly through the resplendent and uninhabited corridor.

His goal was not to approach the north side of Big Ben, but the opposite direction, the House of Lords.

Perhaps considering his aristocratic status and power, or because the House of Commons chamber, which is usually used by Congress to discuss state affairs, is too crowded, the venue for this closed-door meeting was specially changed to the House of Lords chamber.Although it was unreasonable to do so, such an exception was nothing compared to the situation they were facing.

He soon arrived at the entrance of the meeting hall. After passing the last inspection and confirming that he was not carrying a weapon, the door was finally opened for him...

Twelve symmetrical golden chandeliers illuminate the entire interior space. On both sides of the aisle paved with green-backed gold-patterned carpets, four rows of dark red leather seats face each other on the left and right. Stained glass and murals narrating biblical stories are inlaid in it, and at the end of the road is a shining golden throne.

Hundreds of congressmen in the chamber, who were whispering to each other a second ago, stopped talking when they saw Chios step into the hall.

"Welcome to this meeting, Honorable Earl of Pembroke, please take your seats..."

On the seat at the central cherry wood table, the speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, nodded politely to the young man, and then gestured to the red leather chair directly opposite him.

The seat of the nobles in the neutral House of Lords was completely vacant today, and Chios was left alone to face the British politicians including the Labor Party and the Conservative Party alone.

Rather than respect, it was more like a silent ridicule by the elites of the emerging class against him, a high-ranking aristocrat with power left behind.

Under the eyes of everyone, the young man came to the seat without haste and took his seat. He gracefully folded his left leg on his right knee, and with a faint smile, he calmly faced the eyes of the surrounding encirclement.

"All participants are here. I hereby announce that this meeting has officially begun. Please raise your hands and speak."

As soon as the Speaker made the announcement, a Conservative Party member next to Prime Minister David Cameron raised his hand first.

After being allowed to speak, he turned to Chios.

"Earl of Pembroke, I would like to ask, is it true that you succeeded as the leader of the criminal organization Yiyou?"

"As for your question, I need to correct a little..." The young man did not fall into the obvious trap of the other party's words, and replied in a flat tone:

"The Yiyou I lead is not a criminal association, otherwise, how could it be possible to discuss issues on an equal footing with members of Congress on such a sacred and solemn occasion?"

Chapter 410 Seven? Arrogance

Palace of Westminster, guardhouse...

"The target has entered the chamber..." The burly man in the windbreaker pushed open the door, glanced at the capable spies in suits in the room, and ordered in a cold voice:

"Everyone goes to the predetermined location and waits for the signal."

MI001 codenamed 009 to 007, a total of nine of the most outstanding spies entered the Palace of Westminster to stand by at noon, and were under the unified command of the strongest of them, [-] Pound Sain, to arrest them when necessary The actions of the leader of Yiyou.

"Although the target is likely to be unarmed, don't let your guard down because he is a dangerous person who can kill an R-rank Butei."

Hearing this, everyone nodded unanimously with serious expressions.

Those who have read the confidential archives of the contemporary Earl of Pembroke, they are all too clear about the danger of the target of this mission.

Even after going through the highest level of security checks, it is still unknown whether the other party has a weapon on his body. There are multiple sources claiming that the Earl of Pembroke has some kind of superpower to conceal his armed forces. sword.

Even with bare hands, with the Earl of Pembroke's extraordinary physical fitness and superpowers, it is not an opponent that a few 00 series spies can handle.

It is precisely based on the clear understanding of the gap between the enemy and our own strength that the British government has made full preparations.

Except for the guard room where MI6 agents are located, almost all spaces in the Palace of Westminster are filled with fighting elites from their own country and the United States.

The fundamental reason for the congressmen to pass the closed-door meeting is to hide the leakage of confidentiality, but more importantly, it is to use this to empty the space in the Capitol to facilitate the hiding of fighters.

The Earl of Pembroke who went deep into the ambush circle alone, if he does not make a compromise, he will lose everything...


"Regardless of whether Yiyou is a criminal association or not..."

In the chamber of the House of Lords, the Conservative Party member who had failed to lure Chios into the text trap with his speech before, quickly changed the direction of the question.

"But among the Yiyou members, you were once the second-ranked "Earl", I believe you will not deny this, right? "

Seeing the young man nodding his head and admitting without hesitation, the member then asked the next question:

"In other words, you are the commander of the operation that attacked the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force? What is the purpose behind this behavior?"

"I remember that I attended the Parliament, not the International War Criminals Trial Chamber..." Chios asked indifferently, his purple eyes squinted at the speaker John Bercow, who had not been involved so far.

"Attacking the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was the first task I was assigned after I joined Yiyou. This was of great significance to gaining the trust of the organization. I also reported it to Sir John Scarlett, then director of MI6 before I acted. , the audio recordings still exist today.”

The words paused for a while at this paragraph, and his eyes swept across the people in the meeting hall, with a look of disappointment palpable in his words.

"There's no point in throwing shameful accusations at me that don't prove anything other than the poor education of MPs in this constituency."

"you! "

The face of the enraged congressman flushed red.

As if he thought that the previous words were not enough to humiliate people, Chios spread his hands and said lightly:

"The heir of a merchant who has not received the education of knights, is he so angry that he wants to fight me?"

Hearing this, the Conservative MP almost rushed forward, but fortunately, Prime Minister Cameron waved him in time to stop him.

Only a few minutes after the closed-door meeting started, the smell of gunpowder in the meeting room seemed to be on the verge of erupting, which greatly exceeded David Cameron's prior estimate.

Members of Congress had indeed prepared a lot of sharp questions and prepared to quarrel, but the Earl of Pembroke's reaction was really unexpected.

The usual gentleness when facing the public and the media faded away in the blink of an eye, revealing a sharp sharp edge like a cone, even deliberately provocative...

Does this mean that the other party never had the idea of ​​negotiating?Then, why did he return to China and put himself in such a disadvantageous situation?

Various speculations flashed through my mind, but none of them could answer the doubts in Cameron's heart.

With the Conservative Party's flag and drums temporarily extinguished, the leader of the Labor Party will soon raise his hand to speak:

"Earl of Pembroke, on April 51st, our country's long-standing strategic ally, Area [-], the base of the United States to test advanced aircraft, was attacked. This time, Yiyou even used nuclear weapons..."

Ed Miller's tone was much milder than that of previous Conservative MPs, at least he did not show any explicit hostility.

"After a year, you must have quite high prestige in Yiyou, can you tell us the reason why you didn't stop it?"

"Unfortunately, that was the order of the former Yiyou leader "Professor", there is no room for me to intervene..." Chios did not hesitate at all, and immediately threw all the responsibility on Sherlock Holmes.

"Please also understand that I am not infiltrating the Yiyou organization to promote Anglo-American relations. Any mishaps in other countries, I do feel sad on a humanitarian level, but duty is undoubtedly more important than sympathy. Get Yiyou this The leadership of the organization can undo many more tragedies, which is why I am here now."

"Of course, of course, I very much agree with your idea..." the leader of the Labor Party echoed, fully releasing goodwill.

"Now that you have successfully taken over the leadership of Yiyou, we also sincerely hope that you will continue to control the Dongfang and the members of Yiyou in the future. As the basis of trust, can the relevant archives within the organization be the same as other armies? What about sharing with our intelligence services?"

Ed's words actually expressed the aspirations of many congressmen in the arena.

Not everyone was in favor of arresting the Earl of Pembroke. Why resort to force if a balance could be struck between the interests of both parties?

If the government wants to rely on the premise of holding a powerful armed army, on the one hand, it is based on the supply of money and materials, and on the other hand, it needs clear internal information to know how high the threat level of this army is.

For an organization as rich as Yiyou, the former is unlikely to be realized unless Chios is willing to hand over the rope to hang himself to the British government.At least the next best thing is to ask the other party to provide internal information so that they can have a better idea.

From the position of the British government, this is already a huge concession.


"Sorry..." Chios refused without thinking.

"The reason why they can follow me with confidence is first of all that they are sure that I will not leak their security information, especially Yiyou has many enemies with bad relations outside. Once the information is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous."

Even those members of parliament who hold a friendly and neutral view of him couldn't help being angry at the young man's reticent attitude.

At this point, Prime Minister David Cameron finally spoke for the first time:

"Earl of Pembroke, based on what you said earlier, it is completely impossible to expect Yiyou to be subject to the most basic restraint of the British government, isn't it?"

"When did I say that the British government is qualified to govern us..."

Under the astonished gazes of many congressmen, Chios had a sneer on his face and replied arrogantly:

"The same person holding a nuclear bomb button, why should I obey the orders of a bourgeois prime minister?"

Chapter 410 Eight? Alea iacta est

16:05 pm

"Interrupting urgent news, the House of Commons passed a closed-door meeting motion on April 4, which was personally confirmed by the Earl of Pembroke, Chios Pesheim William Marshall this afternoon, before the meeting began, and he was invited by Parliament to attend Meeting..."

"Not long after the closed-door meeting started, we received a video from a staff member of the Palace of Westminster. The staff member accidentally saw several armed non-guards in the bathroom cubicle. According to the information revealed in the video, we It has to be doubted that the life of the Earl of Pembroke is likely to be threatened..."

On British TV, radio, and Internet media, news about Chios suddenly occupied most of the pages.

The content of the closed-door meeting is not the key point. What has attracted widespread attention is the video provided by the staff.This person photographed three soldiers with live ammunition from under the toilet cubicle. Although they did not wear army armbands, their accents when talking were obviously not British.

The dialogue between the soldiers, and the descriptions and narrations when the "target" was mentioned several times, were like cold arrows, pointing directly at the Earl of Pembroke, who the British are familiar with.

Combined with countless professionals, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion on the abrupt points of this closed-door meeting...

For some reason, the British government actually joined forces with foreign forces to try to kill the Earl of Pembroke.

If the news only ends up in a few channels, it is estimated that most people will not take it to heart, and will only treat it as a joke.However, when the vast majority of credible and influential media express concerns and continue to instill them in the audience, the possibility of laughing at them will quickly decrease.

At present, all schools in the UK are closed, and the number of young people on the streets of London is gradually increasing. They learned about it immediately through mobile phones, discussions with friends, and TV shows in stores.

At the same time, parades with few people began to appear in the streets and alleys.

The leader of the parade with a megaphone in hand shouted:

"Gentlemen, the glory of our British Empire is now at its most perilous hour..."

Although there are a few opponents, the British are undoubtedly proud of being the country with the best preserved aristocratic culture in the world today.

Starting from an island, establish an empire on which the sun never sets, and complete the unprecedented feat of British territory in 24 time zones on the earth. Wherever the imperial fleet passes, no matter whether it is the ocean or a foreign nation, the only way is to surrender at their feet.

Although the national strength declined after World War II and the world hegemony was completely replaced by the former colony of the United States on the other side of the Atlantic, the Americans have always been a group of rude and uneducated wretches in the eyes of the British.Not to mention the European countries, none of the modern countries that claim to be civilized has the noble tradition of knights and nobles like them.

Earl of Pembroke, England's first knight In the hearts of the proud British, it can be said that apart from the royal family, this honor is the most representative banner...

It is better than the perfect appearance in fairy tales; for 900 years, the loyalty to the British monarch has been unswerving; there are countless orphanages, schools, and libraries built in the name of the Marshall family; Rescue textbooks for special forces of various countries.

"Regardless of age, gender, occupation, or party affiliation, let us go to the Palace of Westminster hand in hand, and ask those who have a vegetarian meal to open the gates of the Houses of Parliament to protect the safety of the Earl of Pembroke!"

Young students whose values ​​have not yet been fully formed, and who lack social experience, are the most vulnerable group of people.

""Open the door! ! !Protect the Earl! ! ! ""

""Open the door! ! !Protect the Earl! ! ! ""

Many people didn't understand the reason, and were absorbed into the team inexplicably. They shouted the same appeal with the people around them, and their voices resounded through the sky.

The parade, joined by countless fresh blood, quickly grew and thrived, like long snakes, striding forward from all directions towards the Palace of Parliament by the Thames.

And not long after, the rush hour for get off work will also come...


Palace of Westminster, Victoria Tower...

"My brother's only request to Congress is to change the meeting time. Is it for this purpose..."

Riko, whose body was hidden under the optical camouflage cloak, looked at the endless flow of people coming from all over the city, and said a little:

"A true replica of the French Revolution, only missing a lynching guillotine."

Hearing this, the silver-haired girl who was monitoring the situation outside the palace with her on the roof held the holy sword Durandar, looked down at the crowd on the street below, and asked inadvertently:

"Are you afraid of Chios' behavior?"

"Then how is it possible, Sister Jeanne..."

Holding her cheeks in both hands, the blond girl twisted her body and replied with intoxicated eyes:

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