However, even though the mood of most British people has gradually calmed down, a seed has been quietly planted in many people's hearts...

They will never forget that when they turned on their mobile phones and TVs and saw those passionate and kind young people singing "Land of Hope and Glory" in unison, the conscience that had been silent for a long time was awakened, and tears rolled down their cheeks. Hot to the touch.

They will always remember that when the Earl of Pembroke, whose clothes were dyed dark red, pushed open the gate of the Palace of Westminster, endured the pain caused by the injury, and knelt and half knelt in front of all the British people to thank them, in their hazy vision, It was as if witnessing the rising of the flag of the empire on which the sun never sets, the tremor that penetrated deep into the soul.

Yes, as the Earl of Pembroke said...

The glory of the British Empire has never faded away, and it will live forever in the hearts of each of them.

They will follow the figure of Chios, unite under the banner that flutters in the wind, and march forward courageously as his sword goes.



British Overseas Territory, Falkland Islands...

The location is close to the end of the southern hemisphere, surrounded by the sea so that the climate is humid and cold, and the average monthly temperature of the four seasons is below [-] degrees, ushering in a brand new Christmas.

The Earl of Pembroke, who has conquered half of Britain with charm and demeanor, has been awarded the "Duke of Falkland", "Marshal of the Royal Navy", "Minister of the Navy" and "Order of the Garter" by the Queen. More than seven months.

On this already special occasion, the generous Duke of the Falklands pays for a grand meal, and welcomes anyone to his new palace for a festive season.

Out of his kind invitation and seeing the world-famous demeanor of the Duke, the residents of the island came to Port Stanley, the easternmost capital of East Falkland Island.Among them, there are many foreign tourists who landed at Stanley Airport by expensive long-distance planes or docked at the port by luxury cruise ships.


The automatic door opened to both sides, and five female passengers stepped out of the recently expanded Stanley Airport, which immediately attracted the attention of tourists.

A pale pink winter sweater, slender legs wrapped in black stockings under a plaid short skirt, a girl with long pink hair tied into double ponytails with two horn-shaped hair accessories, walking in front with a suitcase.

"Transiting all the way from Tokyo, it took two full days to finally arrive..."

Rubbing his limbs that hadn't been properly moved for a long time, Aria glanced at the waiting vehicles parked on the road in front of him, as well as the nameplates held in the hands of the receptionists.

However, after searching for a long time, I didn't see the words "Sherlock Holmes" and "Kamzaki".

The corners of her eyes twitched, and the girl with blue veins on her forehead stomped her feet resentfully.

"Invite us to this distant new land, and send no one to meet us, disgusting perverted teacher."

"Didn't my sister say she didn't need special treatment back then, she felt too shy..."

The blond girl in a ruffled dress sat in a gorgeous wheelchair and was steadily pushed forward by the twin maids Endola to Aria's side.

"By the way, onee-sama refused for me and Ms. Kanzaki by the way. I'm really grateful... You don't want to take the carriage, now we can only walk to the palace. As expected of onee-sama, you never forget to exercise wherever you go."

blah blah blah...

Meluette applauded without sincerity, and said words of admiration, but in fact, every sentence pierced Aria's shameful heart like a needle.

"No special treatment, it doesn't mean he won't let you send an ordinary car!"

Blushing like her favorite peach bun, Aria glared at her sister, defending herself emotionally:

"Who told him to use the aristocratic carriage with the coat of arms of his own family? I just said something about this matter, and he hung up the phone directly..."

"I'm so shrewd when I bully people, how could I not understand this truth! Hate, hate, hate, I really hate him the most!"

"It's because my sis always reacts like this that that person is so keen on bullying you..." Unfortunately, Mellie had no intention of understanding the other party at all.

"Actually, my elder sister is the one who enjoys it the most, otherwise why don't you keep learning?"

! ! !

Facing this soul-torturing question, Aria felt as if he was about to spew steam from the top of his head, dizziness flooded his brain, and his body became unsteady and fell backwards.

"Be careful..."

Taking a few steps forward to catch her unconscious daughter, Kane Kane touched the pink-haired girl's feverish face, and said in distress:

"I may not be able to walk in a short time, what should I do?"

Chapter 420 Eight?

The blond girl in the wheelchair calmly took out her pipe.

"It's one thing to bully my elder sister. Although that man has some kind of bad taste in private, it's not enough to let Ms. Kanzaki walk more than ten kilometers on foot with me who is handicapped..."

Taking a breath of the smoke mixed with woody fragrance and cherry essential oil, Mellie pretended to ponder, and from the corner of her eye quietly glanced at the side face of the woman beside her, but she couldn't find the troubled emotion that matched her tone from the other's expression.

Don't Forget grass-colored pupils narrowed slightly.

"Actually, you're not worried at all, are you?"

"Mr. Chios is not only an heir to the aristocracy with a long history and a hero in the hearts of the British people, but even I am able to set foot on this island freely, thanks to his help..."

The woman smiled softly, dispelling the subtle scrutiny in Mellie's eyes.

"Although I really don't think Mr. Chios would be so mischievous, but even if he gets childish once in a while, it doesn't matter, right?"

The Japanese government imprisoned and placed him under house arrest for a year, but he couldn't get any useful information from a difficult person. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to get any information out of a few words.

"You're right in saying that." Putting aside the thought of further investigation, Mellie turned her face to the west...

Along the eastern coast of East Falkland, the broken land is like a gaping chasm, allowing the sea to pour in.

Stanley Bay is an inland sea surrounded by land on three sides in the east, west, and south. The only way for ships to reach the open sea is the waterway about 250 meters between the two canyons in the north.The favorable terrain blocks the wind and waves of the South Atlantic Ocean, making the water surface of the port calm.

After leaving the gate of the airport terminal, you will first see the inland sea about five kilometers long from east to west and nearly one kilometer wide from north to south. The capital, Stanley, is built on a hillside to the south.

The eyes continue to extend westward to the other end of the harbor. As the sun gradually climbs to the top of the sky, after the clouds and mist dissipate, you can now vaguely see the rising terrain and mountains in the interior of the island, as well as...

The "Falkland Palace" built around the mountains.

Even though she had heard about it beforehand, the girl still couldn't help holding her breath when she saw the outline of the building covering an area of ​​nearly ten square kilometers.

Not just her.

Passengers who had just stepped out of the airport nearby were all speechless at the moment when the mountains and mountains cleared the clouds and saw the sun.

It's hard to believe that six months ago there was nothing there but mountains and low vegetation...

The ten-meter-high granite city wall is built along the foot of the mountain, completely enclosing the five hills within the wall; there are towers every 30 meters, and the conical spire covered with gold leaf shines brightly in the sun, and the Marshall family flag stands on the top. Flying in the wind.

Located on the inner side of the mountain, surrounded by green forests, the red and white Gothic-style palace, directly above the main building, in front of the three-story vertical stained glass embedded in the wall, overlooks the entire Port of Stanley, the airport and the boundless ocean. Wide balcony.

Mellie can already imagine...

On a sunny afternoon, nobles come to the balcony and are carefully served by the servants who push the silver dining cart full of tea sets and pastries.

It's really a high-ranking, "trenched" inhumane show off.

The cost of purchasing expensive building materials and construction equipment to this remote island is an unimaginable astronomical figure, plus the huge salary of hiring a large number of excellent construction teams to rush to work, based on Mellie's reasoning, at least Burning 20 billion pounds, it is possible to complete it in such a short period of time.

Even for the British royal family, it is absolutely impossible to spend such extravagance and waste on building a castle.

The slander in my heart is the slander, thinking that I will live in the Falkland Palace for a week from today, and I can visit freely at any time in the future, I still can't help feeling a little bit of joy.

As a British, who can refuse such a tempting invitation to afternoon tea?

(Not to mention, that man still...)

Recalling all the things that happened when she first saw Chios, the girl touched the edge of her cherry-colored lips with her fingers, and her thoughts were mixed for a moment.


"Look, that's it!?"

"The flag of the Duke of Falkland!"

"Oh my God, it's the Duke himself! Ahh~ what to do? I'm not ready yet!"

The excited shouts and screams of the tourists forcibly recalled Meruit's increasingly lax consciousness.

She quickly collected herself and looked towards the front of the road.

I saw a team of nearly a hundred people walking on the road from Stanley to the airport, coming here in no hurry.

Twelve cavalry straddling black horses, wearing red military uniforms, white trousers, black riding boots, and white feathers and silver helmets formed a wedge-shaped formation. The leader held a battle flag and led the way.

Behind them, the phalanx of the band marched in unison and played marching music.

In the middle of the team was a young man riding a snow-white Arabian horse and waving to the crowd with an elegant smile.

The collar of the white aristocratic dress is pinned with an anchor emblem that symbolizes the navy, the golden five-star marshal rank is embroidered on the cuffs, the blue sash is slanted from the left shoulder to the right waist, and the diamond-encrusted ornate sash that belongs to the honor of the Knights of the Garter hangs below the heart The star medal, the ancient medal body engraved with St. George slaying the dragon hangs under the award belt, and the dark blue and gold pattern cloak flutters behind the young man.

Duke of the Falklands, Chios Pesheim William Marshall.

After the crowd cheered, he stopped in front of the Stanley Airport terminal.


Aria, who had finally recovered from the impact of Meruite's words, had just finished focusing on the scene in her eyes.

"you you you!"

Unexpectedly, Chios would suddenly appear in front of her eyes, she broke away from her mother's arms in panic, pointed at the young man and said:

"Aren't you going to pick me up and mom? Why are you here!?"

hiss! ! !

The guests invited to the Falkland Palace dinner gasped.

The most powerful and perhaps richest man in the world today...

Nominally a vassal of Queen Elizabeth II, but possesses the world's most advanced military technology, dozens of intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads, independent military power... In July this year, the British House of Commons passed the "South Atlantic Fleet" without objection "Arms Purchase Act", and even authorized him to raise funds by himself to build a fleet of no more than [-] warships using the Vostok as the mothership to protect the British overseas territories.

The military enterprise "Mithril" founded by the former Yiyou Technology Group, under its orders, has devoted itself to the design and planning of the next-generation large destroyer "Earl of Pembroke Class". It is expected to build a prototype ship next year, and the following year Enter the mass production stage and become the main ship of the South Atlantic Fleet.

Not long after, he announced the establishment of the "Duke of the Falkland Bank" to provide a higher level of customer information confidentiality service than that of Switzerland's UBS, claiming that "even if the most powerful countries in the world today join forces, they will never want to get money from his customers. I got a penny in it", and immediately captured the Duke of Falkland, who was trusted by the world's dignitaries.

Such an uncrowned king of the world has only heard of a super golden bachelor with a fiancée...

Do you have a daughter? ? ?

Chapter 420 Nine? Affecting the Battle of the Far East

Hundreds of passengers in the pick-up corridor in front of the airport terminal took a breath, lowered their heads and whispered to each other.

"a ha ha ha..."

Riko, who came to welcome the distinguished guests along with Chios in the black carriage without a roof, couldn't help laughing out loud when she saw this scene.

As a French, but wearing a kimono modified by herself, paired with red and white striped pantyhose and clogs, the blonde girl combined cuteness and femininity, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Riko has only become Chios' younger sister, but Aria actually wants to be a daughter, and she has an extra niece for no reason. Riko is very happy, dong~"

At the end of the sentence, an adverbial of unknown meaning was attached, and her left eye playfully blinked at Aria in front of her eyes, as if a star was about to burst out of it.

It was obvious that the cute words and deeds were deliberately pretending to be cute, but they caused great damage to the guests, regardless of gender, age, or age. My mind quickly shifted from the pink-haired girl who was suspected of being a "daughter" and focused on the duke's carriage. On the character of "sister".

(Well done...)

Chios silently gave Riko a thumbs up in his heart.

The distraction ability of the heir of the strange thief is indeed a master level.

"It's so noisy, it's so noisy!"

It's a pity that Aria, who was in a state of fluctuating mood, didn't even notice the step down from her classmate.

"I didn't say that at all, you misunderstood the whole time...didn't you, mother?"

"Ah~ Is that so..." Kanae Kanzaki, who became the focus of her eyes, cleverly began to play dumb.

She touched her chin lightly with her index finger, with a natural look of confusion.

"But that's right. After all, an aunt like me who can only work as a cleaning servant in the Duke's mansion, why does it cause everyone's misunderstanding?"

As soon as these words came out, many male guests had such a heartfelt voice in their hearts at the same time...

Please be sure to come to my house as a servant, madam.

In the end, Aria, who didn't even speak for her mother, could only give Chios and his "sister" a hard look, and boarded the carriage like everyone else.

Passengers from various countries took the sightseeing bus of the Duke of Falkland; those who had arranged their vehicles in advance got into the shuttle bus and joined the team of local hosts returning to the palace.

Most of them are customers of the Duke of Falkland Bank, and there are also a small number of unofficial envoys from various countries who want to curry favor with this big figure who secretly influences the world.

"After awakening Scarlet Bullet's power, is it easier to catch criminals, Aria-san?"

Chios asked casually.

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