A kabuki holding a knife turns the hilt at the same time...

The multiple excruciating pains made him die on the spot without even screaming.

The members of the Kuroki family on the sentry stand were only stunned for a moment when they showed their short knives in singing and dancing, and then witnessed the tragic death of their companions in the next second.

When he reacted, he wanted to cry out in horror, but he saw a girl wearing a tiger hat and holding a red gun. She didn't know when she rushed to the wooden fence wall. She jumped, and her toes touched the wooden wall. Turn to the Zhaimen sentry tower and leap forward.

Although the jump by using the power to turn is not enough to jump on the three-meter-high sentry tower, it is enough to stab a deadly shot against a martial artist like Maeda Inuchiyo with superb marksmanship.

Like a red snake biting the spear, it hit the opponent's throat and retracted.

After somersaulting to the ground, Inuchiyo looked up and saw the Kuroki family member clutching his throat, lying on the edge of the sentry post fence, blood dripping to the ground below the city gate.

"Beast, be careful and die."

A kabuki took off his bamboo hat and spat, his voice was deep and rough, his face was square and resolute, he was completely a man.

"This white puff is really uncomfortable on the face!"

"At least I don't have to wear these wandering girls' clothes."

The rest of the men dressed as kabuki took off their bamboo hats one after another, and tore off their colorful clothes, revealing their belly armor.

"Maeda-sama, what are we going to do now?" an ashigaru asked Inuchiyo.

"...failed to trick the gate into opening, there is only one way left."

Looking back blankly, Inuchiyo ordered:

"...bring over the cart with the cloth."


Give an order, and the cloth caravan behind the Kabuki troupe hurriedly drove up the two mule-drawn wagons.

"...take the weapon."

Foot lightly pulled the lower edge of the mule cart, and a layer of hidden compartments was pulled open, and short guns lay flat inside.

Soon everyone was assigned a short gun, and Inuchiyo spoke again:

"Push the car to the door and light the oil cloth."

The Ashgaru untied the mules and horses, pulled them aside, and with a "swish", lifted the rainproof cloth on the top of the truck.

The cargo on the cart was not cloth for clothing at all, but oilcloth soaked in oil.

"Tsk tsk, this burns much more fiercely than a pyre."

An ashigaru whistled softly.

"...Except for the one who started the fire, everyone backed away." Inuchiyo waved his hand.

Almost all the ashigaru retreated ten steps away, only one ashigaru took out saltpeter and dry firewood.


After receiving the order, he skillfully lit the bundle of dry firewood and threw the burning bundle of dry firewood onto the roof of the car.


The fire is soaring!The explosive sound produced by the flame absorbing the surrounding air shook everyone's eardrums.

The two mule carts were wrapped in flames, forming two violently burning fireballs. The fragile village gate made of bamboo and wood was quickly overwhelmed by the raging fire, cracked and cracked, and was finally swallowed by the fire into nourishment.

The Heimu family who stayed in the mountain city were waiting for the family at the foot of the mountain to drive away the "unknown Southern barbarian warrior", when an astonishing explosion rushed into their ears.

"what sound?"

"Iron cannon?"

"Then the barbarians brought iron cannons?"

Most people are still guessing, the few Kuroki family members who found the gate on fire shouted:

"The gate is on fire!"

"What! How could there be a fire?"

"Is this the time to ask these questions! The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and it's about to spread to the city walls, everyone hurry up to fetch water!

In the panic, some people thought of fetching water to put out the fire. In order to ensure a continuous water supply, a well was naturally dug in the mountain city.

But when they struggled to fetch a few buckets of water and rushed to the gate of the village, the raging flames in front of them ruthlessly told them what a drop in the bucket was.

"There's only one well! The speed of pumping water can't keep up!"

"It's over...we're all going to die..."

"Shut up! Think of a way if you have time to cry!"

The more than 20 members of the Kuroki family who stayed in the mountain city were in a mess, trying to put out the fire, but the water from the only well in the city was not enough, and the fire from the oil-soaked cloth spread faster than they imagined.

The raging fire expanded step by step along the wooden fence wall, and it would not take long for the Heimu family to be surrounded by the wall of fire, burning alive and choking to death inside.

The choking smoke drifted over, and the Heimu family was blinded by the smoke.

When the mountain city was built, it was considered that the terrain was dangerous, and the gate of the village was the only entrance, and the other three sides were steep slopes that could not be climbed by manpower, so as not to be attacked by the enemy by detour.If a wealthy samurai could build secret roads and trails, a small wealthy family like the Kuroki family did not have such financial resources and manpower.

The escape route was blocked, making many members of the Heimu family feel desperate, squatting on the ground and crying, someone shouted out of desperation:

"Break down the fence and we'll get out!"

This sentence awakened everyone. If the wooden fence wall is destroyed, there may be hope of survival...

The revived Heimu family squeezed out every strength in their bodies one by one, no matter men, women, old or young, as long as they could move, they took axes, knives and other utensils, and smashed the wooden fence wall desperately.

The wooden palisades are not very strong fortifications, but because of this, the black wood used thick ropes to tie the three layers of wooden palisades together to form a city wall.

The Heimu family had never hated the wooden fence that usually gave them a sense of security so much. They held up the equipment in their hands and smashed it violently until their hands lost feeling and were wet with blood. They still moved mechanically.

The high temperature made them sweat profusely, and they soon felt dizzy like heatstroke. The thick smoke blurred their eyes, and they coughed violently every time they took a breath...

A few elderly people were the first to fail, and fell to the ground with their eyes wide open, swallowing their last breath; the children were not determined, and chose to give up one by one, crying; only less than ten adult men and women had not given up yet …


Finally, after the rest of the people fought desperately for about half an hour, the wooden fence wall was smashed open enough for one person to pass through.

The Heimu family cheered and rushed towards the gap, tears of joy and tears running down their cheeks.

But they immediately realized that the gap was only that big, and those who were behind in the past might die...

The fear that one step behind may be buried in the fire pit made everyone scramble to be the first. At this moment, they forgot the status of seniority, relatives and estrangement, and used their last efforts to push away their parents, partners, and children, just to live and breathe the outside world. Air.

In the end, of the more than 20 people in Heimujia Mountain City, only seven people managed to escape with their lives.

Yet they don't even have time to grieve, resent, or regret.

Headed by Inuchiyo, and behind them are 21 ashigaru who have been leisurely and leisurely, and they have already set up a gun formation outside the gap and stand by.

The girl's delicate face lacks emotional ups and downs, even facing the Heimu family who survived the catastrophe, it is still the same, but the words she uttered have a bloody smell like substance:

"... Those who resist will be killed, and those who surrender will not die."

Chapter 37?

When Chios came to Minami Wakuri, the rule of the Kuroki family had come to an end...

The Kuroki family who were lucky enough not to die in the fire in the cottage, their faces were smoked into charcoal black, their hands were covered with their own dried blood, their eyes were lifeless were tied up by ashigaru, and they were dragged to the center of the town for disposal.

Kuroki Munema and others who were still confronting the Ashigaru people saw the flames on the mountain in the east and the family members who were dragged down the mountain like livestock. Most of them lost the strength to hold their knives and let the Ashigaru kill them. bondage.

Those who tried to resist had become lifeless corpses, lying in a pool of blood.

Chios rode a horse into Minami Wakuri Town, and he saw the fearful eyes of the townspeople along the way, the fearful and hateful eyes of the Kuroki family, and the reverence and admiration of the Ashgaru people.

A dark gray kimono and a black gold hakama, covered with a dark purple haori, the back of the haori is embroidered with the Oda family crest with gold thread; the handsome appearance is matched with flowing black hair, followed by five foot soldiers With a light follower, it looks as if he is going to participate in the cherry blossom festival.

Although he was facing several corpses and captives, he didn't frown, and just walked to the center of Minami Wakuri Town at his own pace.

An ashigaru stepped forward to Chios, knelt down on one knee, and reported to him respectfully:

"Master Chios, the Kuroki family has given up resistance, and we have not suffered any casualties. 42 of the 23 members of the Kuroki family died, and 19 surrendered."

"Surrendered after half dead?" Chios frowned slightly, the casualties of the Kuroki family exceeded his expectations.

Hearing this question lightly, he thought Chios blamed them for killing too many people, and lowered his head in fear to explain:

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Chios, my subordinates are ineffective. 18 members of the Kuroki family were burned to death in the cottage."

"I don't blame you. The conspirators died as soon as they died. You guys did a good job." Chios smiled in relief, and signaled the other party not to mind with a false gesture.

"Everything is under the calculation of Mr. Chios, and the subordinates are only doing their utmost responsibilities!"

As expected, the ashigaru leader was born as a son of a merchant, and he was better at talking than ordinary farmers, and he returned all the credit to Chios with a few words.

Although he was right...

Chios got off his horse and walked slowly towards the gathering place of the captives.

As the slender figure gradually approached, the Heimu family raised their necks one after another, finally seeing clearly this Southern barbarian warrior who only knew his name.

From the looks alone, it was hard for them to believe that the elegant, fair-skinned and handsome black-haired young man in front of them was actually a Southern barbarian.

Even if it is said that he is a son from a famous martial arts family, it is more credible.

However, it was this young man who exuded elegance all over his body, who played the Kuroki family in his hands by tricks, and his family was ruined overnight...

Under the resentful gazes of the prisoners of Heimu's family, Chios went straight to Heimu Zongzhen without changing his face.

"The head of the Kuroki family, do you have anything to say? I happen to have some free time."

Hei Mu Zongzhen looked at the young man in front of him, there seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of the other party's mouth forever, he was like a spring breeze to his friends, and he was contemptuous and mocking to his enemies. It was obviously the same expression, but the feeling was different from person to person.

"I was going to say something nasty and spit in your face..."

"Bold!" the ashigaru shouted angrily, raising their guns.

"It doesn't matter." Chios waved his hand lightly, and the ashigaru all backed away in unison.

When they set off this morning, they followed the orders of the two elders, and now half a day later...

Witness with your own eyes how Chios' strategy destroyed a powerful family that ruled this place for a hundred years without hurting a single soldier.Among the motivations that drove them, the elements of admiration and admiration virtually accounted for the majority, and they carried out the order without any hesitation.

In troubled times, the best charisma of a leader is his ability to win battles. The lower the price of victory, the more admirable he is.

"I'm curious what you want to scold...you're welcome to tell me."

Chios crossed his arms, quietly waiting for the other party's next words.

"No, scolding you is just self-defeating, we have been plotted, defeated and captured by you..."

To the surprise of the Heimu family, the head of their family neither insulted nor accused, just shook his head and smiled wryly:

"Aren't you laughing at your own incompetence to berate you on this matter?"

"Father!" Kuroki Zongsi watched in disbelief as his father surrendered to the hateful bastard in front of him, his eyes flushed.

"How can you tell this mean little..."

"Shut up!"

Shocked by his father's shout, Kuroki Zongsi was stunned.

He had never seen his father lecture someone so emotionally, staring at him with sharp and cold eyes, all kinds of resentful words in his mouth were swallowed back into his stomach under the double pressure of the Patriarch and patriarchy.

(Idiot...my life is in the hands of this person. Life or death can be decided with one word. Even if there are all kinds of hatred, you must endure it!) The eldest son's indiscriminate performance made Heimuzong really angry and desolate .

The family suffered a complete defeat, but as the head of the family, he had to try to keep the last spark of fire for the Kuroki family no matter what.

"Heh..." The performance of the Kuroki family father and son, in the eyes of Chios, is nothing more than a contempt.

"Since the head of the Kuroki family has nothing to say, let's discuss more practical issues."

The bell sounded as if announcing that the conversation was getting to the point. Whether it was the Kuroki family or the ashigaru on the side, they couldn't help boosting their spirits, wondering what the young samurai who had become famous was thinking.

"About the handling of the Kuroki family's treason."

As soon as Chios opened his mouth, the crime of treason fell on the Heimu family, his tone was too natural, and people who didn't know the inside story probably believed it easily.

The Heimu family naturally did not want to admit this crime, but seeing that the patriarch had not yet responded, the others could only bow their heads with distorted expressions.

The two elders, Ashgaru, were more confused, because Niwa Chohide and Shibata Katsuie didn't tell much about the Kuroki family, and only asked them to cooperate with Chios' orders.

Whether the Kuroki family rebelled or not, except for a few businessmen who are thoughtful, only Inuchiyo is the insider.

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