The Goddess of Beauty innocently blinked her purple eyes, turned her head to look to the side, and sipped a teacup leisurely by herself. If it wasn't for the lack of divine power on her body, she would have looked like a young man with another god.

"Am I right, Chios?"

"Yes..." Sipping the black tea, Chios slowly lowered the right hand holding the ear of the cup.

"I don't think I've been mentally eroded in any way."

Hearing this, the red-haired woman's narrowed eyes widened slightly, and Finn, Riveria, and Grace behind her were even more startled.

The abilities that adventurers can improve through grace include strength, durability, dexterity, agility, and magic power, but not spirit.Things that may affect the mind and mind, such as poison or magic, can still be resisted with the help of "abnormal resistance" and "magic defense".

However, the charm of Freya, the Goddess of Beauty, is neither poisonous nor magical. Although the mind will gradually improve as the level grows, and it can barely bear it, even Lv.6 adventurers still need to be cautious. right.

In particular, avoid looking directly into the goddess' eyes as much as possible.

"It seems that your will is also very unusual."

Loki glanced at Chios meaningfully.

She discovered that this young man with the characteristics of an ancient hero might be much more difficult than she thought at first.

"I have specially trained for this weakness..." Kiostan said in reply.

Freya's appearance is indeed extremely beautiful, even if she doesn't do anything, just looking at her will cause waves in her spirit and heart.If the will is a little bit unstable, they will spontaneously become their slaves, willing to work as cows and horses for the God of Beauty.

Compared with the beauty of Athena, which is enough to distort photons and collapse the world, Chios made a little calculation in his heart and believed that Freya's charm should be between 35-40.

Unless the opponent uses all his strength to seduce him, relying on his extraordinary spirit and the special training experience of his immediate superior, he can face everything calmly and calmly.

"As long as God Freya is merciful, I probably have nothing to worry about."


With the back of her hand covering her lips that are more gorgeous than rose petals, the Goddess of Beauty replied with a smile:

"How could I be willing to do anything to you child..."

The moment Chios and the Loki family took the elevator to the top of the Tower of Babel and stepped into Freya's residence...

Plans change, play by ear.

I believe this message has been clearly conveyed to the owner here.

It is very easy to communicate with smart people. They don't even need secret signs or eye contact. When they know that the situation is different, they start to cooperate with each other at the same time, turning the situation in the direction they need.

"Look carefully, you look alike..."

Looking at the gods and mortals in front of him, Loki always felt an inexplicable weirdness, but he couldn't tell the specific reason.

In appearance, the facial features of the two are so perfect that no flaws can be found to be criticized, and the iris color is exactly the same; in terms of temperament, although the youth does not have the kind of fluctuations that are so strong that they can immediately shake people's hearts, there is that seductive and deep danger. Almost unanimous.

However, the difference in their identities cannot be concealed.

"What are you going to do about Chios?"

"Strange question, as if I'm assuming that I must have plans for him."

Is not it...

The main god of the Loki family and the adventurer made a silent statement.

"Indeed, I like him very much, and I really hope that he will join my family..." Freya picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea.

"But compared to coercion, respecting his personal wishes is the most important thing?"

Loki couldn't help frowning.

"It's not like you would say, "If you see it, you must get it." "

"Things that are too easy to get, I will soon get tired of them..." Said, the beauty god's eyes were covered with a layer of trance, and his cheeks flushed with emotion.

"If it is placed within reach and unattainable distance, my tangled heart will definitely continue to burn, so please continue to enjoy this anxious love."

It's a lot like...

Chapter 450 The Seventh God

Although Freya seldom fully reveals all her thoughts, she is not a goddess who likes to lie. At least as far as Loki's observation is concerned, she has not found any violations so far.

Considering Chios' looks and extraordinary growth potential, it's no surprise that Freya would be tempted.

The only difference is that this young man is not something that the God of Beauty can easily charm with just one or two glances.So he gave up the usual methods and allowed him to develop freely in this courtyard named Olali, watching from a distance not too close or too far, and experiencing the anxious one-sided yearning in his heart.

After all, the gods find so much fun in the imperfect underworld precisely because they are bored with eternal life and their own perfection.

For special objects, changing to a special way of playing is quite in line with Meishen's style.

Based on Loki's understanding of Freya, since he can express her thoughts so frankly, there should be no need to worry about her directly attacking Chios before Beauty loses patience.

(However, my movements are also restricted...)

No matter how the freedom is given in the process, it will be the target to be taken in the end. If it is succeeded by the Loki family, which is comparable to the Freya family, it will be very difficult to take it back smoothly.

Thinking from Freya's point of view, Loki curled his lips a little annoyed when he came to the conclusion.

There is no way, she can only give up temporarily...

The slightly opened bright red eyes of Chu met the purple eyes of the opposite competitor head-on.

Invisibly, the two goddesses have reached a consensus.


With her arms folded on the back of her head, the red-haired woman who lost her motivation lazily leaned against the back of the chair.

"It's so boring, I thought I could receive a super-beautiful and powerful newcomer, so I went to ask other gods to ask for it!"

"Huh? Did you just give up like this?"

Unexpectedly, the main god gave up the idea so quickly, and Tiona hurriedly probed.

"Is there any way! People don't appreciate it..." Casting a slightly resentful look at the black-haired youth, Loki rudely picked up the wine glass on the table, raised his neck and drank the remaining red wine.

Although he failed to recruit the original target, at least to ensure that Chios would not be taken away by Freya, this trip was not in vain.

"Go back, go back."

"By the way, Loki..."

"Ok? "

Loki, who was about to put down the cup, heard Freya calling, and looked up with a puzzled expression.

"As compensation for disappointing you with my waywardness, I recommend to you an excellent child of the main god who has returned to the heavens and is now waiting for the new family."

"Hey~" Loki's voice was drawn out, narrowing his eyes and looking suspiciously at the silver-haired goddess in front of him.

"It's really so good, why don't you accept it yourself, but give it to me generously?"

Even if the two sides have no intention of causing a war, they are still the biggest competitors of each other. It is a blessing that they did not make some small moves to hinder each other in the dark. It is even more strange to offer benefits to the other party, and it can even be called weird. .

"It's a pity, although I do appreciate that child's cuteness..." Freya, who rested her chin on her bare hands, showed a bit of helplessness on her beautiful face.

"However, if I disobey that highness's order and take the child into my pocket, and wait for me to return to the heaven one day in the future, or if she is so bored that she descends to the lower realm again, life will be difficult."

"I believe you are also aware of that His Highness's temper, but I can't rest assured that I will leave it to other family members who are not strong enough and the main god is careless, so I have to ask you for help, Loki."

Meishen's words rang like thunder, making the hairs of the red-haired woman stand on end.

"Oh... oh... so it's hers..."

As if recalling an unbearable past event, Loki's face became stiff.

The ancient memories buried deep in every muscle and nerve of the body were reawakened, and the fingers holding the goblet began to tremble involuntarily.

"Indeed, even if we don't die, it would still be miserable to be kicked and kicked by that highness as a ball every day, and nailed to the edge of a cliff with a golden gun to dry."

The conversation between the two goddesses made members of the Loki family break out in cold sweat...

Which god is so terrifying that it can make the main god of the strongest faction of King's Landing Olali fearful, not only dare not mention its name, but actually turn pale when talking?

Seeing the Lord God's secretive appearance, even though they were extremely curious, they didn't dare to ask more questions for a while.

"cough cough..."

Capturing the two key words "Your Highness" and "Golden Gun", Chios, who had just picked up his teacup to sip, accidentally choked and almost lost his composure.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the corners of his mouth, hiding his uncontrollable smile by the way.

It is basically certain that the object of fear of the two goddesses should be the commander of the Seventh Army himself.

Has my immediate superior ever done such a brutal act...

"I don't want to know why she returned to the heavens, it's a good thing to celebrate with a glass of wine anyway..."

Waving his hand to stop the beauty god who was about to continue talking, Loki didn't want to hear more about a certain god.

She has only awakened about [-]% of her body's pain sensation now. If they are really activated, with this body that is no different from a mortal, maybe the divine power self-protection mechanism will be triggered on the spot, and she will be sent back to the heaven in one breath.

No longer intending to delve into the reason, skipping the questioning session, she nodded repeatedly to agree to the other party's request.

"All right, all right, I will take good care of that child, where is she now?"

"The lobby on the first floor of the Tower of Babel." Seeing Loki's straightforward agreement, Freya let out a sigh of relief, as if letting go of a heavy burden in her heart.

It's really acting like that...

Chios, who was quietly a bystander, secretly gave a thumbs up for Beauty God's impeccable acting skills.

If he didn't know, I'm afraid he would have been tricked by the silver-haired woman.

"very good!"

After getting the answer, Loki clasped his hands together and put them on his cheeks, turned to face Finn and the others who were staring at him with dead fish eyes, and said softly:

"Everyone, let's go downstairs to warmly welcome our new companions."

To gain an adventurer who can be recognized by Freya and the unknown "His Royal Highness" and strengthen the fighting power of the family should be happy.

It's a pity that the first-level adventurers of the Loki family, who are very familiar with the temperament of the main god, completely see through that the red-haired woman is just looking for an excuse to get out of here and pretending to be a false expression of anticipation.

Is the long memory in the heavens really that scary...


The deputy captain Riveria, who couldn't stand it anymore, took a step forward and bowed politely to Freya.

"Thank you for your hospitality, God Freya..." She then nodded to Chios.

"We left first."

"Welcome to visit again~"

"There will be a period of time, members of the Loki family."

Under the watchful eyes of Beauty God and Chios, Loki and her family's first-level adventurers left under the guidance of Ota.

Although the plan was affected a bit, Tifa was successfully sent to the Loki family where a large number of important plot characters gathered, forming a dark line opposite the wandering knight standing on the stage to attract attention.

Chapter 450: Entering the Dungeon

When I left the top floor of the Tower of Babel, it was already 14:00 in the afternoon...

It took a lot more time to exchange information and discuss the future layout than expected. Correspondingly, Chios was also very satisfied with the harvest of this trip.

Up to the 49th floor, information on terrain, routes, monsters, etc., including information that the guild only discloses to first-level adventurers, as well as details recorded by members of the Freya family during their expeditions, are all compiled into a book the size of a dictionary , handed over to him.

The dungeon maze is currently divided into four major sections according to the level and difficulty of monsters, namely the upper floor before the 12th floor, the middle floor from 13-24, the lower floor from 25-36, and the deep floor after the 37th floor.Even for first-level adventurers who are active at the forefront, unless the family goes on a collective expedition, they usually do not explore beyond the 40th floor.

In terms of his current strength, it can be said that it is quite enough...

In addition, the essential elements, regardless of basic necessities of life, were also obtained smoothly.

ok ok ok ok...

The young man threw away the heavy money bag in his hand, and the precious metals collided with each other making a pleasant sound.

Without extraordinary strength, the reinforced leather bag, which may cause muscle pain within 3 minutes of holding it, is filled with a huge amount of wealth enough to buy more than ten decent houses in the world's largest city, Orario.

All the units are fare, and there are no sacred gold coins with a denomination of less than 5000, with a total value of about [-] million fare.

Gods who cannot use their divine power after the lower realms, except for some special cases where life is extremely miserable, the expenses basically come from the offerings of family members.

As one of the strongest factions of Olali, and the main god of the family who can make mortals willing to give everything by virtue of charm, Freya just needs to hook her fingers, and countless gold coins will pile up at her feet.

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