She looked around, looking for something that would divert the mood of the moment.

It didn't take long for her to discover...

"Ah, Miss Ace, look..."

The goblin raised his finger and pointed to a tent on the left side of the stream across the open forest.

It is nearly two stories high, with strong metal brackets, leather tents carved with wood patterns, and shutters made of wooden slats corresponding to each side of the hexagon.

"What a luxurious tent, much more luxurious than the ones used by our family members on expeditions."


Looking along Refia's fingertips, Aisi nodded, somewhat curious in her heart.

No matter how you say it, the tent is only a temporary residence. For better portability, lightness is the key element.The tent in front of her, made of metal, thick leather, and wood chips, completely violated her cognition.

The orange-haired goblin, who was eager to change the mood of the blond girl, jumped over the stream less than a foot deep in three or two steps, and soon came to the camp in the forest.

"Stand back, Refia!"

Refiya was about to take a closer look, but Ais suddenly reminded her from behind.



The condensed wind blade almost brushed against the tip of the goblin's nose.


A few steps behind him, the tree split in two vertically.

"It's not polite to visit someone's home without permission..."

Accompanied by the voice, a black-haired young man wearing a metal armor over a dark blue blouse and a white wolf fur on his shoulders slowly walked out of the woods to the east.

Chapter 460 Five? The Fairy Who Was Almost Straightened

The moment the wind blade appeared, Aisi stepped quickly to catch up with the orange-haired elf, and put her arms around the opponent's shoulders to prevent Refia from accidentally moving half a step forward.

She saw that the attack was not intended to kill, but merely a warning.

In contrast, Lefia, who was two levels behind in strength and was still not good at fast-paced hand-to-hand combat as a magister, felt the sharpness cut open the space in front of her eyes, and even split the big tree behind her in two with a bang. The body seemed to be frozen, completely frozen in place.

"It's not polite to visit someone's home without permission..."

Holding the black magic sword with dark lines and golden glow in one hand, Chios slowly walked out of the woods to the east ten steps away.

The goblin, who was holding her breath, finally came back to her senses.

The psychological shock of the fear of almost dying made her legs tremble involuntarily, and she almost sat on the ground.

Together with the blond girl, they looked towards the source of the sound, wondering which adventurer made such a dangerous demonstration.

There are many high-ranking adventurers in Olali, but those who have the ability to cut off the trunk of a big tree are still very limited. She who often pays attention to the guild information cannot fail to recognize it.

As a result, the slender figure that caught Lian's eyes was an unprecedented stranger...

Although it is not broken, the bright and slightly faded blue of the clothing fabric is enough to judge the long smock that has experienced a long time of weather; the metal armor that has been repaired many times without caring about polishing is completely equipped for practical purposes; The gorgeous gold scabbard and the spotless white wolf fur on the shoulders embellish the vicissitudes of the armor with a noble and cold color.

It looks like a noble knight from the northern kingdom, which is very rare in Orario, where the climate is mild and pleasant.

It's a pity that Refia searched all the famous adventurers in her memory, but still couldn't find anyone who fit the above characteristics.

Are you an adventurer who just came from another place...

If youth looks and temperament are taken into consideration, the answer is undoubtedly yes.

The unexpected discovery caused the goblin to disrupt the rhythm of questioning, and her lips squirmed for a moment, but she didn't spit out half a syllable.

Ais beside Refia first glanced at the tree that was divided into two sections, and then her golden eyes fell on Chios.

"The attack just now was very dangerous..."

"The act of being in a hurry made the two of you nervous, I'm sorry..." Admitting that it was inappropriate to warn him, the young man put away his sword, showing a hint of apology on his face.

"I calculated in advance that with Miss Goblin's speed, even if I suddenly want to take some action, I will never be hit by a slash. At most, I will be blown by the tail of the wind, causing my beautiful hair to be rearranged."

In other words, if you really lock yourself, it's useless even if you want to hide...

The corners of Refia's eyes twitched slightly as she savored another layer of meaning hidden in the words, and suddenly wanted to punch the young man's overly correct face.

Although it is true, is it necessary to say so hurtful?

"What's wrong?"

Chios smiled at Refia, as if he didn't understand why her cheeks puffed up.


The mental shock was like a hammer slamming into the mind, and the goblin, who was a little dizzy, took a half step back hastily.

Refiya put her hand on her heart, not daring to look directly at the young man's face.

Forget it...forget it, it would be a pity if this face was broken...

Ais tilted her head, looking at the inexplicably panicked juniors of the family, not understanding what happened.

Directed charm, except for those who are also skilled in using charm and can see the clues based on the reactions of the parties, otherwise there is no way to know it.

"Sorry, forgot to introduce myself..."

Invisibly dispelling the goblin's slight unhappiness, Chios did not forget the background identity setting, and reported his identity:

"My name is Chios Pesheim, a wandering knight who traveled to Orario from a small country in the far north. Although I am not familiar with the family members and adventurers in this city, I think the two must be quite alike." A famous adventurer, right?"

Hearing what he said, the doubts in the hearts of the two girls about the youth's origin were immediately answered.

If it was an adventurer of Orario, it would be reasonable not to recognize Lefia, but it is impossible to not even know the famous "Sword Princess".

Even if she doesn't care about this little reputation, from the attitude of urban people towards her, Ai Si can somewhat understand that her popularity is extraordinary.

It is not surprising that people from distant lands react in this way.

"Ace Wallenstein."

After the blond girl nodded in response, Refiya then bowed politely and introduced to the young man:

"I'm Refia Veridis, a member of the Loki family like Miss Ais."

"It turned out to be a member of the Loki family..."

The young man's expression was just right to show a bit of surprise.

"Have you heard of our Familia?"

"Meeting each other on North Street yesterday morning, Lord Loki's enthusiasm is really unforgettable."

Chios' words were evasive, omitting details.

After a whole day of fermenting, and with Freya behind the scenes to fuel the flames, the commotion caused by the wandering knights and related rumors are estimated to have been widely circulated among the group of adventurers.

There is no need to go through the mouth of the young man, and the details will be known sooner or later when the two return to the ground.

To meet two heavyweight plot characters by chance here, the most urgent task is to leave a deeper impression on them, so as to facilitate further development in the future.

For this reason, he moved his eyes to the blond girl before the goblin questioned her.

"Miss Wallenstein, you should be a first-level adventurer, right?"

"Hmm..." Affirming Chios' question, Ais stared curiously at the man in front of her.

"What's wrong?"

"It may be presumptuous to make such a request when we meet for the first time, but can you please share some sword skills with me..." The young man's gentle eyes suddenly turned sharp as he paused for a moment on the rapier at the girl's waist.

"I really want to know the gap between myself and the frontline swordsmen of Orario."

As soon as this remark came out...


The one who reacted the fastest was not Jian Ji herself, but Lefia.

The aftermath of the heart lake that was shaken by the young man's smile not long ago has not subsided, and the orange-haired goblin deeply understands what a terrifying existence this wandering knight is.

What if sparks are accidentally produced between the two in the process of meeting swords?

Miss Ai Si, who puts all her heart and soul into the battle, may not be able to resist the seductive eyes of her opponent.

(No, no, no! This man is too dangerous...)

With a fierce flame of protection burning in her heart, Refia was determined to prevent this exchange from happening.

Regrettably, when she put on a decent smile and was about to use the excuse of "worrying that someone on both sides will be hurt" to dissuade...

"Well, yes."

Ais agreed to Chios' request.

The sword of despair with the characteristic of "indestructible" was drawn from the blue sheath.

Chapter 460 Six? Sword Fighting

The blond-haired girl and the black-haired young man came to the open space beside the camp. The distance between the two was about five steps, which was exactly the sum of the length of the arms of both sides with their arms outstretched.

Refiya, who was secretly anxious, could only stand aside and watch.

In fact, her worries are completely unnecessary...

In the ensuing battle, Chios might not even have the slightest chance to distract himself and cast his charm.

Leaving aside the information collected before the expedition, the young man roughly grasped the core of the exchange with Sword Fairy in just a few short conversations.

Aisi Wallenstein, although her beauty and strength take up part of people's impressions, first-level adventurers have different temperaments, and the reputations that spread among other populations are often good or bad.If you want to maintain the most positive perception, unless your acting skills are at its peak, it is generally impossible to be a difficult character to get along with.

Of course, the fact that ordinary conversation is not difficult does not mean that the relationship can be easily deepened, just like most people in Olalie can only look forward to and admire, that is the privilege of the protagonist of the mission world and important plot characters.

Just because she is obsessed with "becoming stronger", she is relatively passive and insensitive in emotional reading and expression, so that it gives people a natural impression, but she should not be misled by this and believe that she is innocent and easy to deceive.

If you want to catch the other person's gaze for a long time, you must prescribe the right medicine to stimulate her desire to further improve herself.

There is no such thing as God's grace on Chios, it's just a part of it.

However, this alone is not enough to prove that it will be a more efficient path than receiving grace.

Being able to defeat the second-level adventurer at most means that there are other ways for mortals to grow.

But Jian Ji, who reached level 5 at a young age, has already possessed stronger strength.

The reason why the young man suddenly asked for a discussion was to recognize the gap between himself and first-level adventurers on the surface.The real intention is to let the girl clearly realize that outsiders she doesn't know have possibilities different from level-up.

It's not going to be easy...

According to Ichios's corresponding calculation of the level of the world, adventurers who have reached Lv.5, at least in terms of the three attributes of strength, agility, and constitution, the average value is about 22-27.

Although he can't reach the point of crushing without suspense, he has already surpassed him in all aspects of basic quality.

In terms of skills and experience, she went into the dungeon to kill monsters at the age of seven, went through countless times of life and death dangers, defeated enemies stronger than herself, and grew up step by step to the point that many adventurers today need to look up to. reason.

On the premise that the two sides do not use magic and skills, but purely fight with swordsmanship, Chios, who is at a disadvantage in all conditions, is in an overwhelming disadvantage.

After calmly analyzing the situation in his heart, a smile suddenly appeared on the young man's handsome face, which should have shown nervousness according to common sense.

(It's not a bad thing to suffer a little stress once in a while, just let me make good use of this opportunity...)

Once on a lonely ship in a storm, he was surrounded by pirates far beyond the scope of his own strength at that time.

In the imperial palace of Qingzhou City, he was tested by the top general of the Oda family and almost died.

Facing the obstacles of the established destiny, he alone broke through thousands of troops and rescued the general...

He overcame every desperate situation time and time again.

It's the same as adventurer leveling up...

Only defeating an opponent stronger than oneself can be called a great achievement that even the gods have to admire.

With his left hand, he caressed the simple ring under the clothes on his chest.

The invisible ripples immediately spread from the chest as the origin...

Infused with the power of the Goddess of War Wisdom, the usually silent ring answered his call.

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