Hephaestus really doesn't study the news of ordinary adventurers, but it's impossible for her to be ignorant of the incident involving the conflict between the two main families of Orario.

She did know that Loki and Freya were competing for an outsider without affiliation. However, neither of the two gods disclosed that the person did not have grace.

Hephaestus took it for granted that the wandering knight was classified as a "high-level adventurer who lost his original family", so that when he saw Chios, he never considered the possibility of the overlapping roles of the two.

Until now, she finally understood why the two families almost fought because of one person.

This child has achieved the strength of a first-level adventurer purely by exercising alone...

Extremely unusual, a terrifying qualification!

Even Hephaestus, the main god who specializes in recruiting forging talents, couldn't help but feel solicited for a while.

"I want to know one thing..." Taking a deep breath to calm down, the red-haired goddess refocused her eyes on the young man.

"Chios, have you considered joining the Familia?"

"Of course, Lord Hephaestus..."

Although he nodded without hesitation and gave a reply, it was unknown which heartstring was touched by the words of the goddess of forging, and Chios's smile suddenly had a faint shadow.

He turned his face to avoid direct contact with the eyes of the two women, silently clenched his hands hanging by the trousers, as if recalling a heart-piercing memory but still tried his best to suppress it, and continued in a trembling voice that was so small that it was almost undetectable :

"It doesn't matter if the family is weak or just starting out. As long as the god is willing to accept me and treat me as the closest family member, I... have nothing to ask for."

"I hope, to have family again..."

Chapter 480 Four? Please don't


A word that is supposed to represent warmth, but when uttered by a young man, it is like an unattainable dream.

On the handsome face turned away, the emotion revealed on the eve of speaking, there is both unbearable pain and a trace of hope.

The seemingly contradictory two are closely combined in the melancholy light that is firmly engraved deep in the depths of the purple eyes, and turn into a short-lived poignant meteor that flashes across the sky.

At first glance, the conditions in all aspects are far superior to others, and even the gods doubt that the man who the Creator puts all the good things on his body, what kind of past he shoulders, can he show such a heart-pounding sorrowful expression when he mentions his family Woolen cloth?

Hephaestus didn't understand the details, but it didn't prevent her from guessing...

The sentiments that the God of Forge wants the youth's words to convey are false.

Because of this weight, even she, who is a god, couldn't help but feel a palpitation, as if she was being tightened by some invisible force, and her chest was aching.

God can see through the lies of the people of the lower world, which is something that can be easily done by intuition rather than observation.

As natural as a mortal breath.

Unfortunately, she was not able to receive any feedback as she wished.

"Compared to joining a powerful family, do you desire to have a close family?"

"Yes..." Giving an affirmative reply, Chios had a wry smile on his face.

He clenched his empty palm tightly, as if he wanted to grab some ethereal object that did not belong to him, and continued in a self-deprecating tone:

"I know that for mere mortals with a lifespan of tens to hundreds of years, it is simply fantasy to expect the favor of the gods to exist forever. Even though I understand this, I still can't give up the idea of ​​pursuing it."

Hearing this, Hephaestos's left eye, which was not covered by the blindfold, frowned slightly.

It is true that there are obvious differences between gods and beings in the lower realms, but in their hearts, they also have the same emotions as children, such as joy, anger, sorrow, joy, love, hatred, etc., and it is by no means a transcendent existence.

She believes that, emotionally speaking, there is no distinction between high and low.

Just about to refute the other party's self-deprecating remarks, Chios seemed to add, and whispered as if talking to himself:

"After all, not dying means... not losing, right?"


The red-haired goddess was dumb, and the words that reached her mouth were swallowed back into her stomach.

Linked to the speculation about Chios' life experience...

For those who have lost everything, the greatest fear is that the happiness they have finally recovered is ruined once again.

Therefore, God, who is not bound by birth, old age, sickness and death, has become the spiritual sustenance of young people.

The family who will never be able to leave him first, the harbor for the brink of broken emotions.


The short-lived love of mortals will usher in a new life after going through the cycle of death. At that time, the memories of each other's companionship will disappear.

And the eternal gods must spend an endless long time to bear the pain of parting.

Looking at the wishes expressed in Chios' words from the perspective of God, I can't help but feel a little selfish...

I couldn't help but feel pity in my heart.

After all, it is the "imperfection" of the people of the lower world that attracts them all the time.

Pursuing what you don't have is by no means a unique characteristic of ordinary people.

"I think I see what you're thinking..."

Crossing her arms and thinking for a moment, Hephaestus smiled in relief, letting go of the idea of ​​soliciting the other party.

His own family has grown to a considerable scale, and there are many children who need to be taken care of, so he is destined to have no more time to devote himself to personal affairs than the master god who started from scratch.

Hephaestus doesn't think she can respond to Chios' expectations...

At the same time, a figure that met the corresponding requirements far better than himself slowly floated to the surface of the heart lake.


At this moment, most of the friends of the gods are lying on the bed in the guest room and sleeping soundly...

Contrary to the self-willed and depraved behavior after the lower realm, Hestia in the heavenly realm is excellent in terms of power and professionalism.

If not, Hephaestus would not be able to become friends with the other party.

Coupled with the strict chastity style, many gods actually respect Hestia.

Hephaestus felt particularly dissatisfied because of the huge contrast between the performance before and after.

(There is a child who loves her wholeheartedly, she must wake up...)

Thinking of this, the God of Forging looked at Chios.

"I have a friend who just came to the Lower Realm not long ago and has not established a family yet. If you don't think she has nothing, why don't you consider it?"

"Lord Hephaestus..."

Hearing the candidate recommended by his master god, the female shop assistant in the weapon shop was dumbfounded.

Is this really, really good for Mr. Pesheim! ?

The goddess Hestia saw all kinds of decadent performances during her sojourn in the store, but Yiyi saw it all in her eyes.

(As expected of a god, in the face of such a handsome man with a story, he can still be cruel and murderous...)

Feeling that the Lord God had a special way of thinking, the girl clenched the skirt of the red and white uniform, glanced at the young man opposite the counter, and fell into a battle between heaven and man in her heart.

Do you want to persuade him to run away...

Soon, she made up her mind.


Chios was unaware of the intense, piercing gaze that seemed to scorch the side of his face.

His eyes hesitated for a moment, and what flashed across the purple iris was not a flash of malicious suspicion.

The happiness I have been searching for thousands of miles away, when I suddenly look back, I find it is close in front of my eyes. I am afraid that the scene in front of me is just a beautiful illusion like a mirage, and it is inevitable that I will lose ground for a while.

"Okay..." With difficulty suppressing the trembling of his hands, Chios took a deep breath, nodded slowly and replied:

"Also ask God Hephaestus to introduce me."

Please don't!

That is a complete useless god!

God is deceiving you, Mr. Pesheim!

The female clerk was heartbroken, almost biting her lower lip to bleed, and kept warning with her eyes, trying to turn the tide.

In fact, young people can of course feel the warning signs from the girl's madness, but...

How could he refuse.

Isn't it just to win the trust of Hephaestus and get the opportunity now?


Watching the unconcealable look of anticipation on the young man's face, the smile of the Forging Goddess faltered slightly.

No one knows better than her how useless Hestia is now.

Even if Hephaestus had confidence in the nature of Godfriend, and took advantage of Chios' respect and trust in her to throw Hestia, a burden that caused her headaches, to a promising young man, she still felt Quite guilty.

She felt it was her duty to make amends.

"By the way, what was your original purpose for coming here today?"

Hearing the goddess' question, Chios raised his brows with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Order a set of first-tier armour."

Chapter 480 Five? Forging God's Insurance

"Then, I will leave today, and see you when I come to the door the day after tomorrow."

After politely bowing goodbye to the two women, the black-haired young man left the shop.


The door bow automatically pulls back to close the door.

"Master Hephaestus...my lord..."

After watching the customers leave, the female clerk turned to look at the main god with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Anyway, it's too much to discount the cost of construction and calculate the cost of materials at the cost price... In this way, the time and effort put in by the craftsmen is almost equivalent to giving away, isn't it?"

"Huh..." the red-haired goddess sighed softly.

With her waist lightly touching the cupboard, she folded her arms around her chest, looking through the display window of the weapon shop, watching the people passing by on the main street in the northwest.

"Aisha, do you think that if Hestia goes out in person now, can he recruit an adventurer with some skills, who can at least afford to rent a house and eat?"

"Er...this..." The girl froze.

This question is so embarrassing...

No matter how decadent the guest goddess is, she is still a god, and at the same time is a friend of her own god, so it is not easy for her to criticize.

After thinking for a moment, Aisha forced a smile and gave Hephaestus a relatively safe reply:

"If Hestia-sama does her best, it will be fine."

"Sure enough..." The God of Forging smiled wryly.

It is impossible for her not to notice the embarrassment of the children of the family.

Hephaestus, who already had a real answer in her heart, didn't intend to do this. She just wanted to use the words in the foreword to make Aisha figure out the key points.

There is no difference in the favors given to the people of the lower world by different gods. They have the power to extract people's own history and turn it into a real growth track, and record it with clear values ​​​​and levels, so that people can exercise themselves efficiently, and even discover things that have never been done in the past. Knowing potential.

Since the favor of the gods is the same thing, most aspiring adventurers will tend to join a powerful family, whether it is to make more reliable companions or to gain the protection of a powerful faction.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people make choices because they have similar temperaments with the Lord God, but this is just another reflection of people following the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and the basic principles are still similar.

It is not easy for a god who has just descended to the lower realms and has no foundation to develop his family. After all, it is a minority who can achieve his goal by hooking his fingers like the goddess of beauty Freya.Generally, it is necessary to rely on teaching mortal skills, such as planting of agricultural gods, combat skills of fighting gods, blacksmithing of forging gods... etc., to attract talents with relevant interests and talents.

It is not uncommon for people to recruit people by cheating and deception. In order to strengthen the family, the gods have almost used various methods for thousands of years.

Taking Hestia as a poor, powerless and lazy loser at the moment, the attraction to children is probably not just zero, but a more pathetic negative value...

Let her go out to recruit children from the lower world. If she is lucky, she will pick up a countryman who has just arrived and lacks common sense.

After ten days of observation, Hephaestus was absolutely convinced of this.

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