Innocent lives in the slums of Nibelheim, Midgar...

All sacrificed for it.

Even people who are related to fate, when they complete their life mission, what they face is just a cleansing process.

Tifa gritted her teeth, remembering the tragedy she had witnessed before breaking free from the shackles of fate.

Calm down, don't get carried away...

The result of reckless impulsiveness often saves nothing.

The experience accumulated from several missions since she became an executor has made her deeply aware of the importance of staying rational.

Tifa couldn't help but look beside her, the person she trusted the most.

at the same time...

Squinting his long and narrow eyes, Chios quickly finished his thinking.


"?" The blond girl who was summoned by the youth tilted her head instead of asking.

"You are the most familiar with the lower floor, and all Olali adventurers recognize you. Please search for the adventurer-infested areas on the 26th and 27th floors as quickly as possible, and bring them back to the top of the 25th floor..."

"Remember, you don't have time to explain to them, let alone fight monsters, understand?"

After carefully listening to Chios' instructions, Jian Ji nodded immediately.

"I see...Tempest!"


Ais read the magic chant, and her figure rushed towards the floor below like a gust of wind.


Without wasting any time, Chios then looked at his partner.

"Use the appeal of the Loki family you belong to to gather escaped adventurers on this floor, guard the road to the 24th floor, and prevent monsters from breaking into the middle floor."

how about you...

Tifa's eyes expressed anxiety.

Her intuition told her that what this man was going to do was very dangerous.

"I'm going to get the monster's attention, buy time..."

Chios' answer confirmed the girl's guess.

"Although the intention is positive, it is undeniable that the visit of the executor has indeed brought about corresponding disasters. As the root cause of everything, we have to bear some responsibility, right?"


The young man drew out the magic sword from his waist with his right hand.

Sensing the worry on the black-haired girl's face, her tone slowed down, and she added softly:

"Don't worry, I won't die..."

His pale hair and scarlet eyes faded in an instant, silently explaining his determination.

"In order to fulfill the agreement with build a home in the mountains behind the palace of the Eternal City that fits your inner scenery, even if I turn into an abyss evil spirit, I will come back alive."

A faint smile floated on the corner of the young man's mouth.



The ghostly aura erupted suddenly, and the powerful force instantly pushed Chios to dozens of steps away, heading straight for the densest place of monsters.

Tifa stared blankly at Chios' leaving figure.


The crystal teardrops that ran across his cheeks shattered to the ground.

Putting her hands on her chest, she felt a little hard to breathe for a moment.

That's right, the most attractive part of Chios...

It is neither his outstanding appearance that is favored by heaven and earth, nor his wicked personality that is inadvertently revealed.

It is this powerful essence that dares to face adversity and darkness directly, even if it shoulders the fate of countless people, and still moves forward with a smile.

Chapter 510 Two? What are you talking about?

The northern streets of Orario, the Twilight Pavilion...


In the spacious reception room, Loki, who was sitting at the main seat, looked at the top-secret letter written in sacred characters in his hand, and his red eyes, which were always squinted into a line, widened slightly.

Finn, Riveria, and Grace, the leaders with the most experience in dealing with difficult cases, saw Loki's serious face, and their eyes suddenly froze.

In response to the abnormal situation in the dungeon yesterday, the guild convened all the family members to discuss countermeasures. Since Riveria had prepared well in advance, she put forward several concise and effective suggestions, which were unanimously approved by the guild leaders and representatives of the faction.

Ordinarily speaking, the multiple implementation tasks set in the meeting need to go through a few days of announcements and publicity, and then consider whether there are any gaps based on the adventurers' exploration returns. There shouldn't be new news so soon.

Therefore, only one day later, the guild sent an urgent notice...

Most likely, it means that something unexpected happened inside the maze.

After calmly thinking about the key points, Finn habitually licked his right thumb.

The tingling sensation fed back to the brain from the fingertips further confirmed his conjecture.

"Loki, what did the guild's secret letter say..." The head of the family decided to break the silence and asked:

"Did the abnormal situation worsen?"

"Well, that's pretty bad news indeed..."

Putting down the guild letter in her hand, the red-haired goddess looked at the six first-level adventurers who were waiting for the main god's explanation, and replied in a deep voice:

"I don't know why, but there is a phenomenon of super large-scale monster rampage in the lower floor, and at least a thousand monsters gather at the same time. At present, it seems that the adventurers who are active in the "Water Mystery City" are very likely to be involved. "

"Thousands of them, how long will it take to play them!?"

Tiona looked shocked.

The amount of monsters gathered by the Lord God far exceeded her previous adventure perception.

Compared with her sister's purely surprised reaction, the twin sister Dione saw things from a relatively comprehensive perspective.

"Water Mystery City..." She mused for a while with her arms folded, her tone could not hide her worry:

"There are usually more than 100 second-level adventurers there. If there are heavy casualties, the blow to the city will be too great."

The key reason why the guild sent the secret letter was stated in one sentence, and the atmosphere of the reception room under the low pressure became even more depressing.

At this time...

"whispering sound..."

The white-haired werewolf young man with the back chair and pillars closed his eyes and meditated, snorting and spitting.

"Death just proves that they are just a group of trash fish. Even if this kind of waste is eaten by monsters to the bone, there is nothing to care about."

"What did you say! ? "

Hearing Bert's contemptuous remarks about other people's lives, Tiona couldn't help feeling angry, turned over and jumped off the sofa chair.

"Obviously we are all partners who guard Orari and conquer the maze together, and work hard every day..."

Before the girl finished speaking, she was interrupted:

"Huh? Did I hear you right..."

As if he heard some kind of bad joke that was difficult to hear, Bert, with a face full of contempt, reached out and picked his ears.

"Aren't they just a group of speculators chasing fame and fortune, who get carried away with a little bit of skill, and cry and huddle in a corner waiting for someone to rescue them when they encounter some troubles. It's really ridiculous."

"Don't you think you're more noble?"

Tiona clenched her fists, her voice dropped to freezing point.

However, Burt doesn't care what the girl thinks at all...

"No~" He spread his hands and replied indifferently:

"But I'm not one of their half-toned bastards who can take care of myself."

"No one is born a first-level adventurer!"

The Amazon girl whose string of reason was broken roared.

It's a pity that even saying that didn't change Bert's attitude in the slightest.


Staring at the bloodshot eyes, Tiona rushed forward and grabbed the werewolf youth's skirt before her sister Dione stopped her, aiming her right fist at the straight face of the opponent.

"You, who used to be a fish in your mouth, have the face to say such things. I won't wake you up today, you bastard..."

"Enough!" Riviera, who couldn't stand it anymore, sternly stopped.

"Now is the time to discuss business. It's not for you two to play tricks. If you want to quarrel, go out immediately and submit a [-]-word self-criticism to my office before dinner."

The deputy head spoke harshly, like a bucket of ice water being poured over his head.

Riveria, who usually only preaches, will use this ultimate weapon only when she can't bear it.

The format of the so-called review letter is not a joke...

The repeated use of a single sentence is prohibited, and no alterations are allowed on the page. For the two young adventurers who lack literary attainments, it is simply a more terrifying punishment than torture.


Tiona and Bert, who had their own opinions, snorted dissatisfied with each other, and turned their backs to each other abruptly, out of sight.

The well-built dwarf smiled wryly and shook his head, not only lamenting the effectiveness of the elf royal family's methods, but also thankful that he didn't have to come forward to maintain order.

Finn, who had already guessed this unfolding, sighed with his hands on his forehead.

"Well, this time I agree with Diona-chan..."

Loki, who was the main god of all the people present, finally spoke again after appreciating a good show with great interest:

"After all, what I said before can only be regarded as a relatively optimistic development."

"According to the description in the letter, the monster runaway phenomenon actually has the opportunity to spread to the outer layer of the Mizudu. If one is not careful, maybe all adventurers in the middle, lower, and deep layers will suffer."

As soon as this remark came out, the members of the Loki family in the reception room couldn't sit still for a while.

"It is absolutely impossible for the guild to take corresponding measures for such a serious and vicious disaster..." Finn asked immediately:

"Aside from the notification, did the letter mention any other requirements?"


Loki lazily rested his hands on the back of his head and leaned back against the sofa cushion.

"He said let's organize a rescue team immediately and wait for further news."

After speaking, the goddess glanced at the six people present.

Its meaning is self-evident...

The rescue team, which gathered the top adventurers of the family, has basically been successfully assembled now.


Loki looked confused.

"Where did Ai Si Meimei and Tifa sauce go? I've searched the whole house for the past few days and haven't seen them."

Riveria, who is most familiar with the affairs of the family members, replied:

"They formed a team to enter the dungeon to explore, according to the report Tifa gave me when they returned to the surface two days ago, they are now going down..."

The words of the elf royal family stopped abruptly at this point.

Due to the outstanding strength of Aisi and Tifa, when everyone in the Loki family talked about the "Water Mystery City Monster Runaway", they subconsciously screened out the situation that the two were trapped or even in danger.So much so that I didn't realize it until now...

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