Facing Hestia's plea, Freya was stunned for a while, as if she couldn't understand what the other party said.

Of course, the combination of the reminder message from the legion and the urgent mission issued by the management agency made it impossible for her to be ignorant.

Calmly looking at the worried expression on the face of the petite goddess, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You should be talking about Chios, what happened?"

"Freya, you also received the notification from the guild just like Loki, and you know much more about the situation at the lower levels than I do..." Hestia raised her face, suppressing her anxiety, and explained:

"Although it's purely my intuition...I'm worried that the monsters in the City of Water Mystery will run amok this time, and Chios will probably be involved. I know that Uranus has put you on standby, but I still want you to send reinforcements as soon as possible. ."

"I see..."

The responsibility of being a cooperator highly overlaps with the content of Hestia's request for help, so Freya has no reason to refuse.


"Let's talk about it later."

Meishen smiled and raised her hand to signal the door, and let the other party enter the room to discuss in detail.

Seeing this, the black-haired girl became anxious immediately.


She took a step forward, grabbing the silver-haired woman's lotus root with both hands and shaking it back and forth.

It is obviously not appropriate to yell at someone who has to bow his head and beg.

Hestia herself knew this too.

But she really can't control this emotional catharsis.

With each passing minute, the anomalous situation at the lower level may become worse.

For her, who didn't know whether Chios was safe or not, waiting for the result to appear before her eyes was an endless torment.

"I'm sorry I didn't take your feelings into account when I spoke..."

She didn't take Hestia's gaffe to heart, but apologetically admitted her mistake, with a serious expression on her face, the silver-haired woman closed her eyes to hide the fleeting glint in her eyes.


Hestia, who rejected all suitors in the heavenly realm, was willing to bow her head to herself for the sake of a class of "mortals from the lower realms" without the help of fate.

As expected of the executor whom His Royal Highness favored, the method was better than expected.

Just add some combustion accelerant to this flame by yourself...

"So, if I agree to your request, are you willing to be patient and chat with me for a while?"

"Hestia, how did you make that child your companion, and what kind of existence he is to you...I'm curious about many questions."

Having said that, Freya narrowed her captivating purple eyes with great interest, waiting for Hestia's reply.

"no problem!"

The black-haired girl responded decisively.

"If you promise, you won't be allowed to go back on it..." As if the trick had succeeded, the silver-haired woman snickered and said:

"Fine, you can come in."

"Huh?" Hestia couldn't help being taken aback.

"What do you mean by that?"

It seems that I was fooled...

Although the girl didn't understand what was wrong, and watched Freya's uncontrollable smile, she somehow felt like jumping into the pit on her own initiative.

As she expected...

"Oops~ Didn't I mention that..."

Freya blinked at Hestia with one eye, and then said:

"Actually, as soon as I received the secret letter from the guild, I immediately dispatched a rescue team."



The bottom of the 25th floor of the dungeon...

Surrounding the super large karst cave that runs through the floor, there is a hollow circular lake, which serves as the end point of the water system on this floor that fails to flow into the giant blue waterfall.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! ! !

The tyrannical roar bounced off the walls of the maze to form layer upon layer of echoes.

Usually the number of monsters can not be called dense waters, but now it is full of monsters such as metal crabs, half-human snakes, half-human birds, song birds, and flash swallows.

They surround a very large crystal group that looks like a dark blue rock on the shore land...

The target is naturally not the crystals that will regenerate sooner or later, but the human beings who take advantage of the narrow standing space at the apex.


The two ugly half-human birds that swooped down from the air were split in two by the black sword.

The stinky blood splashed in all directions like a water bag burst, staining Chios' face, black hair and clothing.

He quickly wiped away the dark red blood stains around his nose and mouth.

The pungent breath was suddenly relieved a lot.

In the next second, the flash swallow hovering above his head turned into a meteor and charged rapidly, and the metal crab at his feet swung its giant claws like a heavy hammer to sweep towards it.

Chios stomped his toes on the ground and jumped into the air to avoid the attack on the lower body. His dynamic vision caught the trajectory of the red flash from the sky. It stabbed straight between the eyes of the metal crab that had climbed close.


The carapace monster, which was about to further advance into his line of defense, stopped suddenly, and at the same time, blood rained down from the sky mixed with bird carcasses.


The young man panted slightly, and wiped his left hand on the woolen coat twice casually to reduce the risk of slipping the sword with his bloody palm.

A glass test tube containing a fluorescent blue liquid fell into his hand out of nowhere.

Taking advantage of the follow-up monsters to fill the gap between the dead companions, he pushed the lid of the recovery potion with his thumb, raised his head and drank the contents in one gulp.

(Physical consumption is greater than expected...)

After successfully leading the monster to the bottom of the floor, Chios quickly released the ghost status...

Compared with the time when he obtained the "contaminated gigantic power fragment", the source power he possesses is much stronger now, but his natural recovery rate still cannot keep up with the consumption of protracted battles.

Continuous release of ghost energy for twelve or three minutes is the limit.

The consequences of source power depletion are not only severe headaches, depending on the severity of the situation, there may even be a chance of fainting.

If you push yourself to that point, you will be doomed to be slaughtered by monsters in the future.

In order to prevent this kind of ending from happening, and considering the need for emergency response, Chios will never let the source power in his body drop to less than half easily.

As long as the battle situation is still within the handling range, he will always choose to stick to the favorable terrain to defend, until the monster's offensive suddenly intensifies, and then use magic and ghost energy to wipe out the enemy in a large area.

Even after doing everything he could to save energy, after an hour of uninterrupted fighting, Chios still felt extremely strenuous.

The threat level of the monsters besieging him is approaching Lv.3, and it is far from easy to deal with Lv.1 and Lv.2 opponents.

Metal crabs and half-human snakes have carapaces and scales that need to be swung with all their strength to split open; flying monsters such as half-human birds and flash swallows have the reaction nerves to change directions in flight to avoid fatal points.

He must be fully focused at all times.

The most troublesome thing is that the number of enemies is almost endless...

Regardless of the source of energy, the loss of concentration and physical energy alone greatly surpassed all the bad situations that Chios had encountered in the past.

Chapter 510 The Seventh Roaring Blue Waterfall

slap, slap...

Beads of sweat slid down her cheeks to her chin, and fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

There was no time to wipe off the traces of embarrassment on his face, and the "strange sound waves" from dozens of singing birds had already attacked Chios' side.


The Light Eater swept across to meet the condensed sonic cannon, and shattered the energy aggregate with a single strike.

In the next second, the half-human bird swooped down from the air with its claws on its feet, and the half-human snake on the ground surrounded and attacked with various natural weapons.


Chios' hair color faded back to white in an instant, and he twisted and swiped across a circle with a purple-black ghostly aura.


Blood splashes.

The ring-shaped sword light was like a hot knife cutting butter, instantly cutting all the close monsters within a seven-meter radius into two pieces.

"Hoo, hoo... hoo..."

The chest of the dark-haired young man who had lifted the ghost rose and fell sharply.

The breathing interval is far longer than any previous battle, and the heart rate has skyrocketed to an unbelievable level, and it is difficult to supply the needs of the body fighting on the front line.

If it wasn't for his physique breaking through the realm of mortals, he might have already felt oppressed and painful due to hyperventilation.

Bite off the cork on the top of the test tube in his hand, and after drinking it in one gulp, he threw the container aside at will.

Ordinary recovery medicine worth 500 mana can only improve the efficiency of physical recovery, but Chios is currently not injured, and there is no need for expensive products of high-level recovery medicine and panacea.

so tired...

The youth has been fighting continuously for more than an hour...

The body is like a faucet that has been completely unscrewed, causing the energy to drain rapidly.

Looking around, there was almost no decrease, and the endless army of monsters rushed forward one after another.

Every time a batch is repelled, there is no time to take a few breaths, and the next attack will come again, and even drinking the recovery potion has to be completed in a very short interval during the battle.

He could feel the icy spring of the medicinal power flowing through his body, bringing energy to the tendons that were sore due to repeated forceful swings and dodges.

Even if the replenishment is accelerated, it still cannot keep up with the uninterrupted consumption of every minute and every second.

No matter how many people were killed, the monsters in the rear would always immediately fill in the vacancies of the dead, attacking without fear.

Yuanli still has a way to allocate expenses, but physical strength is something that is needed all the time.

Chios glanced up the mountain wall.

Not long ago, there were not many monsters in the area, but now it is becoming lively...

As if not wanting to give Tifa a chance to help Chios, the walls of the maze continued to breed new monsters.Although the number is far less than here, relying on the action of attacking the entrance to the middle level, it can still put enough pressure on the defender.

Keep the pressure of hundreds of monsters, if the most powerful Tifa leaves, the defense line composed of adventurers may not be able to stop the monster group from charging.

In other words, I can be said to be alone and helpless...

The current situation can be called the worst situation that Chios has encountered in his life.

Unlike galloping on the Japanese Warring States Period battlefield in "Nobuna", even if you rush into the enemy line alone, the time is short; and it cannot be compared with the modern stage of "Scarlet Bullet", which focuses on elite duel scenes.

Monsters whose emotions are filled with hatred are not as vulnerable to casualties as human armies, which affect morale and lead to routs, and their combat power is much stronger than the ashigaru wielding bamboo spears and knives.

Besides, I am alone, and I don't even have a comrade in arms who can take turns to rest.

What lay before Chios was a war of attrition.

Until he couldn't hold the sword, couldn't resist the monster anymore...

Or, the moment Ais, who went to the floor below to search for the second-level adventurer, rushed back to support.


The dungeon can be regarded as the interior of a huge mountain, but instead of climbing up from the foot of the mountain, adventurers explore from the top down.

"Water Mystery City" is composed of 25th, 26th, and 27th floors. In the middle, a huge blue waterfall runs through a huge karst cave, which is like a hollowed out part. Inside the outer mountain wall is an intricate labyrinth area.

At this time, the upper section of the 26th floor...

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