"Wan Chidai, can you stop grading people early in the morning, it's very annoying!" Sheng Jia rolled his eyes, walked to Changxiu and sat down.

Changxiu didn't reply, she turned her face and stared straight at Shengjia's face, seeing that Shengjia's heart was a little terrified.

"Look, what are you looking at?" Sheng Jia couldn't help asking.

"Six worries..." Changxiu patted the folding fan in his hand, and there was a hint of novelty on his soft face.

"Liu, who has always been single-minded in thinking, actually has troubles? I thought that when you were unhappy, you just had to swing your knife and roar a thousand times and you would be fine."

"Wh... what! You always think of me as a fool, and Manchiyo is the big fool!" Singe turned his head angrily, with distressed and disappointed expression on his face again.

"Even I would have troubles..."

"This is growth, six or ninety percent." Changxiu sighed like an elder.

"I'm not at all happy to hear you speak in such a leisurely tone..."

Sheng Jia glanced at Changxiu, if there were other brain-spinners besides Chios among the people she knew, then Changxiu must be one of them.

He has a gentle and calm personality and a good temper. He always has a friendly smile on everyone, but he can always handle things in an orderly manner.Even Singer knows that it is impossible to get things done with kindness and kindness alone.

(However, Manchiyo is a direct minister of His Royal Highness Nobuna, so there is no reason to cover up Nobukatsu-sama's treason charges. Is it dangerous to talk to her about this matter... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh things!)

Sheng Jia was distressed in a muffled voice. At this time, a strange girl with a small surname approached the waiting room, bowed to the two of them politely and said:

"Shibata-sama, Niwa-sama, Your Royal Highness invites you in. Please follow me."

Cheongju Castle Castle.

Oda Nobuna, the princess daimyo of the Owari Kingdom, was sitting cross-legged at the desk, holding a brush in her hand and drawing on the white paper. The messy patterns on it probably only she could understand.

Recently, the number of government documents on Xinnai's desk has dropped sharply. It's not that Xinnai suddenly likes to deal with chores in the territory, but that she left all such work to Changxiu.

With an excellent political officer, Nobuna can concentrate on dealing with the main threat in front of Owari.

Yoshimoto Imagawa...

Although not long ago, Imagawa's [-] troops invaded Owari and ended with the victory of the Oda Army.

However, the 5000-strong Yoshimoto Army on the other side of the Kurosuegawa River did not even enter the battlefield, but the number was smaller than the Oda Army of the Imagawa Army, and even if they defeated the enemy, they were unable to expand the results.

After the retreat of the Sichuan army, the rout was gathered, and the actual casualties were no more than a thousand, which was far from being injured.

If it wasn't for Imagawa Yoshimoto who looked down upon Owari, the big fool himself, and felt that the [-] troops of the vanguard would be able to pull out the Oda family fortresses around Narumi Castle, so that the distance between Imakawamoto's team and the battlefield was too long to provide immediate support, and they were rejected. Nobuna seized the opportunity to defeat each one, the Oda Army could not win so easily.

One victory doesn't mean anything, but Imakawa Yoshimoto lost face, and next time he will probably bring a larger army to attack.

This idea quickly turned into reality.

Two days ago, the ninja sent to Suruga to collect information sent back information. Yoshimoto Imagawa sent 2000 more people to Narumi and Odaka to strengthen the defense, and ordered people to count food and make three guns.

Now, the Imagawa family's every move is very vigilant to Nobuna. From the content of the spy, she can see the signs that Imagawa Yoshimoto is preparing for a large-scale mobilization.

Controlling the 76 koku territories of Suruga, Toe, and Mikawa, Yoshimoto Imagawa, who is united by his retainers and powerful clans and can mobilize an army of [-] at any time, was defeated not long ago, but is he about to make a comeback...

Compared with the strength of the Imagawa family, the Owari Oda family's 43 koku, because some retainers disliked Nobuna, moved closer to her younger brother Nobukatsu... In addition, the wealthy family has different minds, even if they mobilize with all their strength, can they gather [-] troops? The situation is still unknown.

Although Nobuna swears in front of her retainers that she is determined to calm the troubled times, in fact she is the one who understands Owari's current internal and external difficulties best.

Fortunately, the result of the meeting at Zhengde Temple was unexpectedly good, and Saito Dozo decided to give up Mino Country.At least Nobuna doesn't have to worry about being attacked by Mino when fighting the Imagawa family.

(The point is still the unity of Owari's retainers...)

Nobuna stopped the brush, and the originally messy patterns on the paper inexplicably formed a distorted and illegible text.

Before the girl could take a closer look, there were six regular taps from the rear window. Nobuna's eyes narrowed slightly, and she pushed open the window frame a little, and took out a folded letter paper.

(It's urgent intelligence...) Nobuna spread out the letter paper, and saw that it read:

"Oda Nobukatsu summoned his retainers yesterday in Sumori Castle to discuss the matter of treason..."

"Katsuie Shibata was also involved, and seems to have had a quarrel with the rest of his retainers."


The hand holding the letter paper trembled a little, and the edges of the fragile paper were crumpled into a ball.

I am really afraid of something. With the Imagawa clan's great enemy in front of us, once Suesori Castle, located near Narumi Castle in Aichi County, rebelled, the strategic point in the southern part of Owari could almost be said to fall across the board, completely exposed to the enemy's soldiers.

How is this fight going?

The girl was both angry and disappointed, and her eyes unconsciously returned to the twisted handwriting on the table.

The lines and strokes that felt messy just now appear clear now...


Nobuna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, the shaking in her pupils returned to calm and became sharp and cold.

(Kanjuro, if you rebel again, I will definitely kill you.)


When Shengjia and Changxiu came to Nobuna's study in the castle tower led by Xiao Xing, they saw Nobuna violently crumpling the letter paper in his hands, and tearing it into pieces.

""your Highness. ""

"Oh... you guys are here" Nobuna squeezed the space between her brows, finally suppressed the negative emotions, raised her head and asked the two of them:

"Two people are looking for me at the same time, what's the matter?"

"Bringing good news to Her Royal Highness." Changxiu smiled softly as if not noticing Xinnai's anxiety.

"Let's hear it." Hearing that it was good news, Nobuna finally became interested.

"I received a notice from Lord Chios the night before..."

"What's wrong with Chios?" Nobuna pressed his hands on the table, leaned forward, and asked anxiously:

"Did he take over Nan Wakauri smoothly?"

"Of course, Your Royal Highness, otherwise it would not be good news." Changxiu glanced narrowly at Nobuna, pointed at Shengjia with the folding fan in his hand and said:

"If something happens to Chios, do you think Liu will stand here obediently?"

"What do you mean?" Sheng Jia who was suddenly dragged in was at a loss.

"Hmm...I see, it seems to be going well." Nobuna understood completely, and gave Singer a meaningful look.


Changxiu smiled and agreed with the lord.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?" Sheng Jia was still out of the situation, and it was impossible to question His Royal Highness Nobuna, so he could only express his confusion to Changxiu:

"Wanqiandai, explain to you, please?"

"Hmm, what do you mean?" Changxiu smiled without answering.

"It's very simple." Nobuna responded on Changxiu's behalf, with a tasteful tone:

"If the news from Chios was bad, you would have led the troops to Nanruoli long ago, how could you come to me."

"Wh, how can there be such a thing?"

Sheng Jia retorted loudly, but her momentum soon weakened, and she might indeed do so.

"Anyway... No matter how you say it, I will... inform Her Royal Highness..."

"Then lead the troops out?"

Nobuna pursed her lips and smiled, but Satsuki, who had a keen hearing, could faintly hear the grinding of teeth.

(Today, Nobuna-sama and Manchiyo are so strange...)

"Should...should be..." Sheng Jia didn't know what he said wrong, but he still answered honestly.

"Oh, it really is a fierce general, sixty points." Changxiu continued to speak words that Singer could not understand, with interest in his eyes.

"Sure enough...you are an idiot." Nobuna sighed heavily, seeing Singer's bewildered and confused expression, she was so angry that she didn't know where to send it, and suddenly wanted to punch Chios's straight nose.

(No, as expected, forget it...) The girl quickly regretted this idea.

"Your Highness, I, Shibata Katsuie, have...did you do something to make you angry?"

Singe, who had no clue about the conversation between Nobuna and Changxiu, broke out in a cold sweat. In a panic, he could only sit upright like a child who made a mistake, bowed his head and admitted his mistake:

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Your Royal Highness, I'm so useless! Not only did I offend you, but I also can't stop Mr. Xinsheng's orders. You should kill me!"

"What the hell are you kidding? What good will it do me to cut off your Owari?"

Nobuna was speechless, didn't she just say a few words?This is to plead guilty and beheaded. Could it be that he is a tyrant in the eyes of Sheng Jia?

(No, she just mentioned Kanjuro's order... what the hell order?)

Not long ago, Nobuna was annoyed by the unity of the Oda family, but when he heard the name Nobukatsu, the irritability that had been suppressed with great difficulty suddenly rushed up again.

"What did you say Kanjuro thinks?" Nobuna's tone became cold.

"Ah..." Seeing Nobuna's expression changed instantly, Katsuya, who realized what he said wrong, couldn't help but turn pale.

"Say!" Nobuna stared at Singer sharply.


Singer's heart was in a mess. She originally wanted to discuss this matter with Chios before telling Shinai about it. If she said it now, would the matter still be saved?

Changxiu at the side didn't expect such an accident, and when he heard what Sheng Jia blurted out in a hurry, he knew that something was wrong.

She quickly stood up and said slowly:

"Your Highness, please be a little cold..."

"Manchiyo, shut up!" Nobuna kicked over the table, angrily walked in front of Singer, grabbed Singer's breastplate and lifted her up.

"What the hell is that brat Kanjuro thinking? What the hell order did you give?"

Stared at by Nobuna's eyes that seemed to be burning with the fire of hell, Singer dared not hide any more.

"Xin, Mr. Xinsheng said... If you don't hand over Chios who cut and wounded his bodyguard, he will go to war with you."


As soon as Nobuna let go, Singer quickly knelt down, but when he looked up, he saw Nobuna's face was expressionless, and his already delicate appearance looked like a finely crafted doll.

Emotions seem to have been abruptly eliminated by Nobuna.

"Manchiyo, you go out." Nobuna said lightly.

"His Royal Highness..." Changxiu knelt down and tried to persuade her again, but Xinnai's appearance made her very worried.

"Come on!"

"Here, Your Highness the Princess!" The guards and surnames guarding the castle tower ran into the study one by one.

"Please Niwa Chohide to go out, and then..." Nobuna pointed to the door, her tone was calm and strange.

"Send soldiers to escort Shibata Katsuie back to the mansion. She is not allowed to leave without my order."

Chapter 44? Changxiu’s visit

Minami Wakuri Town, noon.

Under the scorching sun above their heads, ten Minami Wakuri townspeople stood in a row in the middle of the street. They were wearing simple leather armor, with crude knives stuck in their waists, waiting for Chios to inspect.

The recruitment of standing ashigaru went very smoothly. The young men in the town witnessed how the Kuroki family was surrounded and assassinated by the ashigaru brought by Chios. It is inevitable that they have some longing. , have enthusiastically signed up.

As a result, the number of people who are willing to become standing ashigaru is close to 30, and after selecting those of moderate age and better physique, there are now ten standing ashigaru.

Their equipment was stripped from the Kuroki family. Before Chios came to Minami Wakaguri, he had neither the money nor the time, so it was impossible to prepare the standard Ashigaru equipment. Territory law and order is also sufficient.

They have stood under the sun for half an hour, the clothes they wore inside were already soaked with stinky sweat, and the leather on the armor stuck to their dark bodies, making them very uncomfortable, but thinking of the prestige of the samurai, There were also two elders of the Oda family, the ashigaru, watching from the sidelines, and everyone involuntarily straightened their backs, not daring to act rashly.

Chios walked out of the wine shop, stopped in front of the ten new recruits, nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Well...the quality is not bad."

No one said a word.

"I just met with you yesterday..." Chios looked at everyone, noticing the gaze of the samurai, all the young people in Nan Ruoli puffed out their chests.

"Do you remember who I am?"

"""Yes, Lord Chios!"""

The name and pronunciation of the samurai, under the repeated teaching of the two old ashigaru all morning, these ten people have already memorized by heart, and when they shouted in unison, they looked like soldiers.

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