But judging by common sense, it is by no means difficult to find the other party.

It can even be said that it is simply a matter of time.

The prisoner's cloak and mask seemed to be convenient for concealing his identity.

However, that sneaky attire made it stand out in the crowd.Given the huge number of passengers on Happy Street at night, no matter how carefully the gangsters hide themselves, it is simply a fantasy to completely escape the sight of tens of thousands of people.

What's more, he was also carrying Haruhime. Vulpes were quite rare in Orario. With golden hair and red kimono, it made no sense not to attract others' attention.

With this in mind, the members of the regiment urgently blocked the entry and exit of Yedu personnel last night, and at the same time allocated half of the staff to go deep into Daedalus Street, spent several hours asking tens of thousands of people, and combined with the experience of patrolling various blocks to fight prostitutes...

This side of Happy Street, beyond everyone's expectations...

The robbers seemed to have never existed since the beginning, and no one had ever witnessed a strange person in similar clothes.

This may explain that the prisoner changed into that outfit later.

Such a large cloak, even if it is folded neatly on the body, should be very eye-catching.However, the cadres of the family checked the package and other relatively suspicious tourists on the registration list one by one, but still did not find a match.

As for Daedalus Street, the fighting whore chased the robbers early and interrogated the homeless residents of the city, but was dazzled by the chaotic information provided by those who were born at the bottom. It was difficult to tell the truth from the false , got lost in the intricate alleys, and finally returned to the headquarters in disgrace.

The soldiers were divided into two groups, but they still found nothing.

As a matter of course, the main god was furious about this, and ordered the group members who had been running all night to come out in full force.

So, at dawn, including a large number of junior members and the fighting prostitutes who used to be out at night, they set off again without a chance to rest.

They took the portraits of robbers and Chun Ji, and scattered to the streets and alleys of Orari to inquire about the city residents, or visit those family members they thought were suspicious.


While the Ishtar family is overwhelmed...

In the Piliano Manor on the northwest main street, the God of the Hestia Familia and his subordinates are enjoying a hearty breakfast in the glass house in the west courtyard.

Wearing heat-resistant gloves, she brought a pot of okra soup to the long table in the self-service area. Nazha took out the newspaper in her apron pocket and handed it to Chios, who was sitting at the main table, sipping black tea leisurely.

"When I went to get the morning paper, I found that it was noisier than usual outside."

"Really? It may be that nearby merchants have new promotions..."

Chios slowly put down the teacup, and reached out to take the paper that had just left the factory in the metropolitan newspaper.Scanning the front page column, the young man quickly skipped the largest part of the "Family Joint Expeditionary Force, Go Out!", and moved his eyes down...

As he expected, the news immediately followed by the first report was "The lower-level prostitute of the Ishtar family was kidnapped and disappeared. Is there another hidden story behind the large-scale search?".

"Withdrawing the foreword..." After quickly scanning the content of the article, the corners of Chios' mouth rose undetectably.

"An accident happened to the Ishtar family. The reason for the noise on the street is probably related to this incident."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"What what? I want to see it too!"

Hestia, who was right next to Chios, put down the half-eaten muffin and turned her head curiously.

"Oh, it's really strange, Ishtar doesn't seem like a god who cares so much about lower-level members."

The goddess put her small hand on the young man's shoulder, and stared at the second news on the front page of the newspaper, completely unaware that due to this movement, the two abnormally developed lumps on her chest were full and pressed against Chios' right arm, squeezed out of shape .

The female members who witnessed this scene couldn't help but blushed.

Knowing that if the goddess' behavior is allowed to go unchecked, it will easily have a bad influence on the innocent girls, Chios moved his body a little, controlled the muscles of his arms to apply force, and calmly rubbed Hestia's undeveloped sensitivity. granulation.


The stimulating current ran through the whole body, and the petite goddess let out an imaginative gasp, and her body fell limply on the young man's lap.

"Chios, you..."

Chios put his index finger in front of the goddess' lips, blocking her next words.

"Please understand how powerless I am as a mortal in the face of your amazing charm, okay?"

Looking up at Chios' charming smile looking down at her, Hestia's heart skipped a beat for an instant.


The goddess got up in a panic, grabbed the newspaper from the young man, and blocked her face that was so red that it was about to spit out steam.

"In that case, then, then, I forgive you."


Not understanding the inside story, the members of the family members and Nazha were all confused.

"Last night, a prostitute of the Ishtar family, which controls more than [-]% of the business in Joy Street, was abducted by unknown people..." Chios smoothly and naturally turned the topic back to the news, giving everyone a brief introduction to the article. And the key points:

"Obviously a non-combatant member, one of the many tools used by the faction to raise money. The disappearance of this whore actually allowed an A-level family to mobilize and search the entire city with great fanfare. The reason behind it is really worth thinking about."

"Is it possible that the main god of the Ishtar family is only concerned about the safety of that member?"

It is said that Geeta Meyers, who has worked as an intelligence agency for several years and is more aware of the dark side of the city than her fellow factionists, broke the naive idea of ​​a girl born in the countryside with a simple sentence:

"There are no less than ten cases of whores disappearing or dying mysteriously every year, and Goddess Ishtar never takes it seriously."

"No way? How come..."

Alice opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

Seeing this, Orianna raised her hand and patted her companion on the shoulder to comfort her.

Gita spread her hands and added:

"It's nothing to be surprised about. The only reason you can know and lament some people's misfortune is because of newspaper reports. In fact, real tragedies are never revealed to the public unless they can no longer be suppressed." us."

The atmosphere at the dining table suddenly became serious.

Chios didn't intend to stop it.

Among the members of the family, some people lack the understanding of the cruel reality due to their simple growth experience.

Through the extension of the topic of this incident, it is also good to carry out an opportunity education.

If this kind of words were spoken by him as the head of the regiment, it would easily turn into preaching, which was far less effective than Geeta's opening.

Based on this consideration, he quietly held Hestia's hand under the table, who wanted to say something.

"..." Hestia sighed silently.

Without letting go of the goddess, Chios closed his eyes. On the surface, he seemed to empathize with the other party, but in fact he silently summoned the heraldic light curtain with his consciousness...


[Completed side mission: Stealing fox and stealing incense]

[An unplanned action made you get rid of the character of the plot character Sanjo Haruno as a prostitute in advance.It will greatly affect the fate of Chun Ji and the Ishtar family, and even the future power structure of the entire Orario.The deflection of fate in the mission world increases by 4%, and you gain 4 points of origin force for the behavior of reversing fate. 】

[Mission Reward: Merit +80, Civilization Coin +10000, issued]


Dingling ~ Dingling!

Suddenly, the magic stone doorbell rang inside the main building.

The young man just opened his eyes.

"I'm going to see meow~"

Love, who was not good at dealing with the heavy atmosphere, raised her hand quickly when she saw the opportunity, got up before Chios could reply, and trotted towards the manor gate by herself.


"Leader Meow~"

"Lijie, the cadre of Ishtar's family, brought more than a dozen people to block the gate of the manor, saying that they are asking for something, meow~"

Chapter 620 Two? What is a hero?

Northwest Main Street...

The eleven Amazons standing at the main entrance of the Piriano Manor attracted the attention of countless pedestrians nearby.

Among them, there is no lack of eyes showing sympathy or glaring.

"Hey~ Dare to check the headquarters of the Hestia family, the people of the Ishtar family are out of their minds."

"What do they mean!? Do you think a hero like "Sword of Dawn" would be a kidnapper? "

"It's just insulting Mr. Chios, it's unreasonable! It's too much!"

The news of the kidnapping of the prostitutes of the Ishtar family last night, due to the extremely high-profile handling of the faction, was published in the newspapers and word of mouth, and quickly spread throughout the city.

It is easy for everyone to guess the purpose of the battle whore.

In this regard, outsiders are mostly surprised or puzzled by the excessive "brave" actions of the Ishtar family.

But the residents living in this area don't simply think like this...

The eighth city in the northwest, where the Piriano Manor is located, was originally just one of the many gathering places in the suburbs of Oraris, and it belonged to the area that was incorporated in the late period of urban expansion.Although there are many houses, commercial activities are not active. Unfortunately, there are not many businesses worthy of praise.Compared with the bustling South and North streets, the rent of local stores is very different.

Two months ago, most residents could only live a life slightly better than that of Daedalus Street, but far worse than that of the inner circle of the city.Naturally, it doesn't count as hardship, but compared to people from other urban areas, I always feel like a dwarf.

Until, Chios, who was later designated as a hero by the guild, chose to settle here.

Accompanying him to take root here, in addition to the endless gossip, there are also businessmen who smell the smell of gold coins, and tourists who come to see the "Sword of Dawn" with their own eyes.

In just a few tens of days, the income of small business vendors, shop owners, homeowners who rent out the first floor of their houses as shop fronts, and even roadside beggars all saw a substantial increase in their income.

Since then, residents of the Eighth District in the Northwest no longer have to bow their heads in low self-esteem when talking about their place of residence.

Loki, Freya, Ganesha and other big families may have indeed contributed to the stability and prosperity of Orari.

But there is only one person who has directly improved their lives and endowed them with dignity over the years.

Therefore, they fanatically admire Chios who brought them all, and hate anyone who offends their heroes.

"" Get out!You are not welcome here! ""

""That's right!Go back to your depraved Pleasure Streets! ""

The battle whores of the Ishtar family had arrived at the gate of the manor less than 3 minutes ago, and the resentful eyes and roars from all directions had already made them feel like a thorn in their backs.

If they don't leave, I'm afraid that the next moment they will be greeted by a rainstorm of bricks and stones.

"Sister Aisha, is it really okay for us to do this..." A fighting whore approached the tall slender woman and said in a worried tone:

"Of course it's fine if it's other small or medium-sized families, but this is the home of "Sword of Dawn", so he couldn't possibly agree to let us go in and search. "

"Also, the residents here are just too abnormal."

The other Amazon who muttered these words in a low voice had a hint of fear on his face.

She couldn't understand it at all.

The Ishtar family has dominated the night capital for many years, but they have never received such unsparing support from the whores. Why does this previously unknown eighth district in the northwest show such a terrifying side...

After listening to the speeches of the two sisters, Aisha smiled and shook her head.

"If "Sword of Dawn" refuses, at worst we will leave..."

After all, she made this special trip not to harm Chios from the beginning, but for other purposes.

"I'm not stupid enough to argue with the hero, let you accompany me to die in vain, don't worry."

The voice just fell.


In front of you, the thick bronze door slowly opened backwards.

"Good morning, everyone..."

A gentle greeting came from behind the door in a gentle tone.

A handsome young man dressed in black and silver body-fitting clothes and a sable cloak on his shoulders, with his left hand on the hilt of his waist, walked out surrounded by nine members of the family.

"" Lord Chios! ! ! ""

""We always have your back! ""

The crowd, who had been staring at the fighting whores a few seconds ago, was the first to cheer.

Chios waved to everyone with a smile on his face, and walked slowly to a distance of two steps in front of Aisha.

"Very hug..." just as Aisha spoke, Chios raised his hand to stop her.

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