Upon learning of the informant, Royman was so angry that his whole body trembled, and he almost fainted.

He made a mistake...

I actually took the initiative to hand over the positive prestige that this scheming young man lacked the most, allowing him to win the enthusiastic support of countless residents.

Although on the surface, Orario is still the same Orario, the guild still firmly controls the authority of the hottest city in the world, monopolizes the export industry of magic stones and magic stone processed products, and has the power to order adventurers from all families .

But except for the other areas of the magic stone industry, they are gradually falling under the control of the chamber of commerce.

Even the two factions of the Hephaestus and the Gubernium family are inherently close to the guild because their customers are adventurers.Now because of the intervention of Chios, it has also faintly formed the backing of the Chamber of Commerce.

The main source of business for the subordinate families of the two Gods of Forging is the senior adventurers.However, only blacksmiths who have upgraded and gained the development ability "forging" can benefit from this business model.

Many low-level craftsmen who have not yet upgraded are not even allowed to engrave the emblems of their factions on the equipment they manufacture, and they are piled up in the corner of the secondary product shop, waiting for the one-in-a-million chance of excavation.

To make matters worse, due to the limited income of lower-level adventurers, when buying equipment, they are careful and careful, and they shop around. The lower-level blacksmiths have to lower the price of the finished product, in order to make small profits and sell more.

In fact, outside the city, many wealthy nobles are willing to spend a lot of money to buy these equipment that do not meet the standards recognized by the forging gods, but are far more sophisticated than ordinary blacksmith products, to arm themselves or their troops.Regrettably, the huge expense of organizing a caravan specially for this purpose, coupled with the risk of being robbed during the transportation, forced the nobles in distant territories to give up the idea of ​​purchasing in Orario.

Seeing the business opportunities hidden by a large number of grassroots craftsmen, Chios purchased many products made by grassroots craftsmen in bulk, and sold them to all over the world by using the well-connected trade channels of the Chamber of Commerce.

This has improved the situation of the low-level craftsmen who have lived in poverty for many years, and also expanded a new business vision for the families of the two forging gods.

The gods from the heavens may not value money so much, but the members who make up their families all need money to support daily expenses and raise their families.

Not many people feel bad about money...

Today, Chios, who not only has the reputation of a hero, but also the carrier of tens of thousands of family interests, is getting more and more wings.

Seriously, Royman regrets it.

Chapter 620: I Am Justice

Now that the matter has come to this point, it will be extremely difficult for the guild to take back their orders...

Fame is a wonderful abstract thing, it can quickly endow individuals or organizations with influence beyond authority regulations, and it can also be burned to ashes overnight by the therapeutic fire spread by a small flame, making people who have benefited from it The main body has become a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats.

Of course, the lack of benefit transfer, the reputation obtained only by spiritual food is relatively fragile.

Just like an ideal love that does not involve half a particle of impurity, it only needs to dig a crack in the seemingly solid barrier of trust, and the emotional torrent of questioning the unequal contribution of each other will wash down this embankment by itself.

Only by combining the interests of the real survival requirements, supplemented by emotional appeals, can it be enough to create a solid shackle that binds everyone.

Why are people more inclined to rely on squires and even higher powers than a saint who is noble, kind, and unrestrained?

The reason is not complicated.

After all, the objects that gave them the material foundation of their current stable life, at least on the surface, are all the latter.

Even if they achieve production through labor, under the structural oppression of unequal class status, it will gradually turn into that everything comes from the wise and humble recognition of the superior.Thus ignoring the fact that society originates from a whole, and that people always strive for survival through mutual contribution and grouping together from beginning to end.

After one person knelt down, Fang looked taller than the other person.

When enough people bend their knees, there will naturally be a power gap.

At that time, the few who insist on not kneeling will be heretics.

Depressing the ego in order to survive and elevating the elite to seek shelter, this is the nature of the herd creatures engraved in the bones and blood...

Little people may occasionally dream about their actions when they become superiors, but they hardly pay attention to it. After waking up from the dream, they still continue to stare at the few gold coins in their palms to be complacent.

Do you want to say that these people are shrewd and have the great wisdom and stupidity to cherish the present moment?


But the scope of calculation is limited to the small abacus in their minds.

If there is no miracle, most people can only live within the reach of those few beads throughout their lives.

In Royman's view, Chios is a tyrant who takes advantage of ordinary people's greed for immediate gains and losses to the extreme, relies on the reputation brought by the guild's publicity, expands its influence in a short period of time, and grabs huge power and wealth.

It's just that, unlike the guild that holds the concept of "Olalie" that extends to the entire city and its suburbs, Chios, who is not yet qualified to compete for the title of agent of this concept, chooses to further subdivide it and strengthen the "Northwest Eighth City" Emotional identification with concepts such as "residents", "grassroots craftsmen", "fishermen", "businessmen", and "medium-scale family members" forms a strong internal centripetal force, and uses its own group of forces to compete with the management agency.

Now, if you want to bring Chios down, you can't do it simply by one or two scandals...

Once an attempt is made to move him, it will inevitably lead to resistance from the chamber of commerce that has colluded with Chios' interests, and even some urban residents and craftsmen are very likely to cause riots based on the fear that their existing interests will be deprived.

Interest groups that are too deeply involved with Chios will not easily believe that the goals of the management agency are aimed at individuals.

Therefore, Chios, who successfully tied countless people to his chariot, seemed confident.

During this high-profile visit to the guild headquarters, he probably realized that it would be impossible for him to continue to develop silently without telling the guild.

All in all, the two pillars of the Loki and Ganesha family expeditions, and the goddess Freya's ambiguous attitude, the safest way at present is undoubtedly to take comfort...

"It's great that you can trust the guild's decision..."

Facing the sharp and cold gaze of the young man in front of him, Royman took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat that was constantly pouring out of his forehead.

"According to your testimony, the Ishtar family is indeed suspected of detaining the adventurers of the Ioke family without due process. This is a clear violation of the city's law and order, and the guild will never ignore it."

While talking about the scene, Royman's brain was running rapidly.

In addition to the superficial brothel business, the Ishtar family who operate contraband smuggling and human trafficking business under the counter has always been the target that the guild is eager to crack down on.

However, the existence of Happy Street is at best one of the tumors parasitic in this city.Compared with the Chamber of Commerce, which is second only to the Guild in overall strength but has always been dormant, waiting for an opportunity to replace it with a management organization, it can be said that it is a disease of ringworm.

Chios, the representative of the chamber of commerce, made no secret of the time when he fell out with the Ishtar family.

From then on, the Ishtar family, who had become enemies with Hestia, became an important bargaining chip to restrain Chios.

Don't give up easily...

Without the check and balance of unequal enemies, and the goodwill of the Loki, Freya, and Ganesha families towards the Hestia family, it is unknown whether the guild can continue to hold the right to speak in the city in the future.

"However, since the faction involved in this matter is too large, the guild executives will spend a little time discussing countermeasures, and at the same time investigate and collect evidence, so as to put pressure on the suspect..."

"Sorry, we're racing against the clock..."

Chios interrupted the other party's eloquent political language, flicked the bangs on his forehead, and asked in a flat tone:

"To be specific, how long is the guild going to discuss? How do you plan to investigate? How should you apply pressure? Considering the guild's current lack of reliable combat power, do we need to participate in the above process?"

Four consecutive questions, precisely hitting Royman's fuzzy focus.

At the end, I add a sentence that imposes a moral burden:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, in order to avoid irreparable harm to Mr. Anderson, we hope that the association will intervene as quickly as possible to protect his personal safety."

Goddamn bastard!

The bloated middle-aged elf clenched his fists, barely resisting the urge to jump up and beat the handsome young man in front of him.

Why didn't I notice it before, this guy would be so arrogant?

How dare you openly question the decision-making of the management agency, and use help as a cover to openly request to intervene in the governance process in order to achieve the effect of supervision.

Who can bear this...

Royman pressed his hand on his left chest, grabbing his heart throbbing with anger.

As the guild manager, he must not lose his mind at this time.

"Don't worry, the guild will definitely give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

"Be clear! As soon as possible!"

At this moment, the one who roared was Hodum, the head of the Ioke family.

Perhaps Holdem lacks political acumen and is not good at understanding metaphors.

However, based on his life experience accumulated over decades of life, and through the guild leader's response without mentioning the specific time, it is not difficult to find that the other party's negative attitude is not willing to pursue the matter immediately.

"Damn it!" Realizing this, the anxiety in his heart was instantly ignited.

"My group members are likely to be lynched, and your guild executives actually have to hold several tea parties before deciding whether to save people?"

""That's right! ""

"" Explain it clearly to us, make it clear! ""

""Don't try to be vague! ""

The family cadres who entered the guild headquarters with Chios, without exception, felt the ambiguity of Royman's answer, and stepped forward angrily.

Many adventurers belonging to other factions in the hall couldn't control their temper and moved closer.

Under normal circumstances, the grassroots guild staff who were in charge of reception should have stood up immediately to stand between the president and outsiders.

However, the staff is all set in place.

They heard the conversation between the two sides from the beginning to the end, and they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the demands of Chios and others...

Is it too much to ask the guild to step in and put pressure on the Ishtar family to let them go?

Even if West Anderson is not in the hands of the Ishtar family, as the biggest suspect, he should be questioned and investigated, right?

Seeing that the angry adventurer was about to grab Royman's collar and yell...

"Wait, don't embarrass Chairman Royman..."


Everyone stared at Chios who waved his hand to stop them in astonishment.

The young man put his hand on the shoulder of the leader of the Ioke family, and said in a warm voice:

"Don't be angry, Holdem."

"However, Your Excellency "Sword of Dawn"..."

The middle-aged man with an adventurous expression lowered his head in grief and indignation, hesitating to speak.

"Don't worry, the guild can't give you justice..." Chios took a deep breath, as if condensing the determination in his chest.

Immediately, he turned around abruptly, slapped the sword hilt on his waist with his left hand, and walked towards the gate of the headquarters.

"I, Chios Pesheim, will give it!"

"Even if the price is being expelled from this city, I will give you an explanation."

Chapter 620 Nine? Go to the Ishtar Familia Headquarters

Royman frowned deeply, and watched without saying a word as the young man led a large number of family cadres out of the gate of the guild headquarters.

(God damn it!)

At the beginning, he miscalculated Chios's ambition and wanted to appease the uneasy city residents as soon as possible. In the end, he took the risk of not knowing the details of the outsider and endowed him with great prestige.

He soon tasted the bitter fruit.

Now recalling those rumors among the neighbors, he is really angry...

"Chios has a miserable past..."

"Leaving home, I hope to forget the soil that symbolizes sadness..."

"In order to find a family that accepts him, with the last hope left, he climbed over the snow-covered mountains all by himself, and traveled thousands of miles to Olalie"

I still remember that when the female staff member in charge of compiling and compiling the information took these materials into the office, she kept wiping her tears with one hand, and she was so choked up that she couldn't even speak clearly.

At this moment, the guild leader can say with certainty...

You stupid women were all fooled by that bastard!

Even if Chios's past really made people cry, his thinking has probably been severely distorted after experiencing drastic changes in his life.

The once innocent boy has become a ghost in his previous nightmare.

If his wishes were as simple and beautiful as the rumors, there would be no need to collude with the chamber of commerce and deliberately expand his influence to compete with the management agency.

Despite cursing wildly in his heart, Royman didn't speak up to reprimand Chios.

Being able to firmly sit on the throne of the guild leader and hold Olali's voice for many years has long proved Royman's extraordinary ability.Although he lives a luxurious life and is used to bossing people around, he will not let his emotions override his reason.

Royman knew very well that the purpose of Chios to mobilize people here this time was to suppress the guild with morality, make the allies disappointed with the management organization, and then win their wholehearted support with his righteous speeches.

As for the reason for targeting the Ishtar family, it is not difficult to understand at all.

Among Olali's top five big factions, the Ishtar family who run brothels, smuggle, and human trafficking have the worst reputation.

The hundreds of combat whores who are good at teamwork are indeed powerful, but unfortunately, the top-level combat power is scarce, and there is only one Lv.5 "man killer", which is far inferior to the three S-level family members.

If you want to step up to the first-class power, there is no better choice than the Ishtar family.

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