After whispering in Hestia's ear, Chios slowly let go of the left hand holding Hestia's shoulder, looked at Hermes a few steps above, and said with a smile:

"Then, I wish you two a pleasant reunion."

Chapter 640: Heart of God

"Then, I wish you two a pleasant reunion."

After finishing speaking, Chios looked away from Hermes, and after explaining a few words to the team members, he went to the passage leading to the inside of the arena beside the box.

"Huh~ What a chilling look..."

Seeing the figure of the young man disappear from the field of vision, the male god wearing a feather cap scratched his cheek.

step, step...

The slender feet wrapped in white leather woven sandals climbed up the stairs, slightly away from the box where the family members lived.

Coming to the God of Travel, the petite goddess asked in a low voice:

"So, Hermes, have you got any results from your investigation?"

"Although it took a lot of hard work, the commission was successfully completed after all." Hermes nodded in affirmative response.

He reached into his arms, took out a report of more than ten pages, and handed it to Hestia.

"Don't be too small, this is the comprehensive information I have collected from the pieces of information that I have traveled all over the northern countries."


Hestia took the report solemnly.

Just opened the first page...

"Chios Pesheim, a man whose background seems simple but full of mysteries..."

Hermes sighed with emotion.

"As far as the story is concerned, it is simply a hero born from tragedy."

Looking up at the sky, the God of Travel seems to travel thousands of miles, reaching the far northern country covered with ice and snow.

"However, it is like an iceberg hidden under the water. Is the so-called truth that can be easily detected by us the whole truth? Can it really make a person grow and transform to this point in less than two years away from home?"

"Honestly speaking, I thought Hestia, you like children with relatively simple life experiences..." The seriousness on Hermes' face disappeared as soon as the topic changed, and he returned to his usual cynical look.

"I never thought that you would enjoy digging out the secrets behind the scenes like me. I have to admit that it is difficult to find a second case like Chios that is almost completely shrouded in fog in the lower realm. "

Hearing this, Hestia, who was gradually immersed in the past stories of her family members, suddenly frowned.

Hermes' joke-like speech was inexplicably harsh to the ears of Hestia, who is now extremely sensitive.

Although the words are euphemistic, the meaning has been expressed very clearly.

"The family you like should be children who won't hide from you."

It's almost obvious that it might be more appropriate to replace Chios with someone else...

Hestia understood that although Hermes looked frivolous on the surface, he would not run up to her specially to make noises about Chios like other gods out of jealousy or to join in the fun.

Now that he knows that the other party's opening is not aimless, combined with his preface, it is not difficult to find that in Hermes' heart, he actually has considerable doubts about Chios, and even holds a slight hostility.

Aware of this, Hestia couldn't help being a little dissatisfied.

"Why do you have to classify my preferences into dichotomies?"

Leaning against the wooden pillars of the box, the goddess replied disapprovingly:

"Any saint who does not give up all desires and dedicates his life to others is not fundamentally different in our opinion. The difference between simplicity and sophistication is just the difference in the degree of childishness of people's selfish behavior. In addition to indicating that life experience is less, There is no other meaning."

Indeed, since Hestia accepted Chios and established the family, she has been a little uneasy about the horrible curse hidden in the young man's body and the life trajectory represented by his skills.

But judging people should not be based on suspicion alone, but to make judgments by observing the words and deeds of the other party.

In the past one and a half months, Hestia has never seen Chios commit any evil deeds except for the occasional little mischief.

Not only that, but he also won the support of countless Orari citizens, businessmen, adventurers and other people from all walks of life.

You can find countless people who are grateful to Chios in Orario, but you can't find a few who hate him...

Chios doesn't have enough time and energy to please everyone in the city one by one, and he doesn't have a bottomless wealth that can be used to buy people's hearts.

If his character had not been widely recognized by the majority of people, it would be impossible to have today's enthusiastic support.

Obviously relying on continuous hard work to reap the fruits, should people question his ulterior motives just because he is more mature than his peers in the world?

Since he couldn't find any flaws, he suspected that perfection was a disguise, so he arbitrarily concluded that there was a bigger conspiracy hidden in this person's heart...

Hestia was very disgusted with such conspiracy theories.

"The most important thing is whether the children's behavior can have a positive impact on the people and things around them. At least, in this regard, Chios must have done better than most people..."

Folding her arms across her chest, Hestia closed her eyes.

Chios will also be tired and troubled...

As the child's main god, living under the same roof, Hestia opened the window curtain many times late at night, and saw Chios sitting alone on the balcony on the second floor, smoking a pipe and frowning in thought.

After entering the dungeon to explore for several days, even if he returned to the surface, the lights in Chios' bedroom were always the last to go out.

No matter how busy he is, he still tries his best to fulfill the responsibilities of the head of the group, which is even far beyond the scope of what the head of the faction needs to deal with.

"If you really want to pursue the ethereal quality of "simplicity" that will disappear with time, the lower realm of the gods should not set up a family. Wouldn't it be better to take care of all the children?After all, there is nothing more innocent than a newborn baby, right? "

"Ahaha..." Hermes smiled awkwardly.

"It's really refuted to pieces."

I haven't seen him for about a month, and the fellow from the heaven in front of me seems to have fallen deeper than when he made the entrustment.

Back then, when Hestia heard the remarks that questioned Chios, at most she could say a few good words for the other party, and she would never start to argue anxiously like a calf like she is now.

Hestia is a god.

It was not easy at all for her to undergo such a huge change in her mood in a short period of time.


Chios Pesheim.

This descendant of aristocrats whose information is scarce and vague no matter whether he reads documents or hears from the people, is extremely unusual.


Arena preparation room...

Knock clang!

Putting on the "Watcher of the Dawn" black gold-patterned gloves, Chios moved his fingers, and adjusted his state to the best according to the feedback and the combat experience in his mind.

Immediately, the index finger of the right hand wrapped under the metal pinched the ear of the teacup and slowly brought it closer to his mouth.

Seeing the young man sitting on the sofa and sipping tea without even doing basic warm-up to prepare for the battle, the wolf ears on the head of the red-haired guild female staff trembled uneasily.

"Chios..." Rose suppressed her emotions and asked in a deep voice:

""Man Killer" is probably in the top ten among Lv.5 adventurers, and with the equipment and magic items provided by the Ishtar family, it will only become more dangerous.Is it really okay for you to be so leisurely? "

"Nothing bad..."

Sipping a sip of tea, Chios replied lightly.

The sword finger of the left hand draws a lightning-like rune in the void, and the fingertip taps the light-eater scabbard resting on the leg.

"She's just that level of opponent."

Chapter 640: Vomiting Image and Idol

The sun exposure at the top of the zenith neutralizes the coolness at the end of autumn, leaving only a slight warmth, which does not make people feel hot.

Contrary to the warm weather, when everyone lined up outside the venue, they were always in high spirits.And as they stepped into the arena, they became extraordinarily excited as if they were being ignited by a bellows.

In the amphitheatrum, which can accommodate 5 people, with a long axis of 187 meters and a short axis of 155 meters, with the performance area as the center, there are [-] rows of seating areas on the stands that are concentric circles that are raised layer by layer. Empty seats.

Lest they miss even a second of the fight, no one is too late.

Unlike musicals with a fixed performance time, the battle between adventurers, even if the two sides are similar in strength, may not have to go through a long and fierce battle to determine the winner. The real time of fighting may be in just a few minutes.

Compared with sharp blades, the human body is too fragile, and it only needs to create a two-inch deep wound on the torso, which is enough to kill one's life.

Any slight mistake could be a fatal crisis.

Having an advantage does not mean that you can survive to the end.

So tense, so exciting...

With all their minds focused on the possible development of the duel, the snacks and drinks they prepared in advance or bought on the spot are now tasteless in their mouths, and they can't taste the flavor they should have at all.

Just sitting there and waiting, my heart was already beating wildly.Some older or weak viewers even had difficulty breathing and fainted, which frightened people nearby to wave to the medical team.

The duel has not yet appeared, but the family healers of "Dean Kate" and "Mihe" are already busy.

This may be called a rare spectacle...

The emotions of the crowd at the scene are like a bowstring that is slowly drawn as time approaches noon.

When the tension is about to reach a critical point...


The crisp finger snapping sound of the gods resounded at the same time.

In an instant, the high places in the center of the arena, the pubs, squares, and street corners in various urban areas, the atmosphere is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing waves of ripples.

The circular fan-shaped two-way mirror surface appears in front of everyone.

The next moment, the mirror reflected the uppermost floor of the arena, from the gorgeous terrace where the entire arena could be seen at a glance.

God Ganesha with a red and gold elephant mask on his face sat on a golden throne. Beside him, a young man with brown skin held a loudspeaker made of magic stones and tried the sound test:

"Ah... ah... good morning everyone! I am Ibli Archer from [Ganesha Familia], who is known as the fast-talking fire, and my alias is..."

Just halfway through the conversation, people shouted from the auditorium below:

"Ha, it's really you."

"Old faces that can be seen in almost every big event, no need to introduce yourself?"

""That's right, that's right! ""

"It's a pity that the host is not replaced by a beautiful woman. I feel the same as everyone else, but don't show disappointment on your face..."

Ibrahim was dejected for half a second, and after making enough effects to attract countless friendly laughter, he immediately straightened his waist, regained his energetic appearance, and continued:

"This time, I will host the live broadcast of the war game, so please support me a lot!"

The audience gave warm applause.

Tucao is Tucao, and they actually highly recognize Ibli, who often serves as the host of festivals.

"The explanation is in charge of our main god, Lord Ganesha."

"I am Ganesha!!!"

Familiar with the lines into the ear.

Seeing the elephant god standing up and yelling in a strange posture, everyone showed helpless smiles.

Although this God's words and deeds were exaggerated, they somehow had a soothing effect.

"The war game will officially start in 10 minutes. Taking advantage of the gap, let me introduce: This time the war game will be played against [Hestia Familia] and [Ishtar Familia], and the form will be a one-on-one duel! "

"In the face-to-face conflict between the two-month-old emerging faction and the first-class A-level forces, which side will win the duel? Is it an overwhelming victory for one of them? Or is it a bitter battle that left both sides covered in bruises? I believe everyone is the same as me , look forward to it! Those who have not had time to place a bet, hurry up and seize the last chance now..."

The high-spirited and passionate voice pushed the atmosphere of the battle to the highest point, and at the same time reminded people to place bets on the merchants who cooperated on the spot.

After talking on and on for a few minutes, out of the corner of his eye, Ible noticed that his companion in the shadow of the rear colonnade made a secret signal to him, and he immediately understood.

"The final countdown is 3 minutes, without further ado, let us welcome the participants to enter the arena! The first is the representative of [Ishtar Familia]..."

He waved his hand to signal to the south of the arena, and the mirror image quickly followed.

Under the pull of the winch chain, the metal gate slowly rose, revealing a burly figure behind.

The strange crimson armor reminiscent of blood, combined with the wearer's body shape which is different from ordinary people, looks quite bloated, especially the helmet part is ridiculously large, taking up about [-]% of the volume.

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