"Very important."

Chapter 670? Ais is unhappy

The girl walked blankly through the main street in the northwest...

The beautiful golden eyes are no longer as clear and bright as before.

Although her expression was still the same as before, the piercing sword aura in her body, which was not to be approached by strangers, was unreservedly released.

Pedestrians who accidentally stepped into the three-meter space near her shuddered involuntarily, and instinctively retreated to a safe zone.

Ace was in a very bad mood.

The Loki family members who returned from the expedition entered a period of rest. The members of the first army and the second army who had been in the dangerous maze for two consecutive weeks before took advantage of the precious rest time to engage in favorite leisure activities and relax their tense bodies and minds.

If it was two months ago, Ais would probably go into the dungeon again the next day after her return, and devote herself to training her ability value.

She doesn't dislike members of the Familia, although she is not very good at expressing, but she does feel a precious bond in the process of getting along with her companions.

But that wasn't enough of a reason for her to relax.

Without letting go of a minute or a second, he desperately swung the sword in his hand.

Even if the increase in proficiency brought about by killing hundreds of monsters is almost nothing, that small improvement will eventually turn into one's own strength.

All she needs to know is that her efforts are by no means worthless.

Then, driven by the belief of becoming stronger, just move forward without hesitation.

Since the day she became an adventurer, the girl has always walked this way.

Until something happened recently, she changed the habit of insisting on it for nine years...


A man and a woman who are both the top swordsmen of Orari, created a legitimate excuse for private meetings with each other.

The loser must be at the mercy of the opponent for 10 minutes.

Ace is not stupid.

Accepting the bet at the beginning may have been due to the opponent's aggressive strategy, but after Chios did such and such intimate things, he still fell into the bait again and again. The reason is that it must not continue to be "natural" Explanation.

She just doesn't want to admit it...

The proficiency increase brought about by competing with Chios in swordsmanship is not only more rewarding than Ais's gain from killing enemies in the dungeon for half a day.And after the competition, no matter the punishment or the reward, she was also more attractive than the magic stones that were exchanged for money.

It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

After experiencing a combination of high efficiency, stimulation, and warmth, how can you be willing to return to the inefficient, empty, and lonely exercise situation...

Compared with monsters that symbolize proficiency and sources of funds, Ais hopes to see the figure of a certain young man on the wall of Ola Lixi every morning.

So, the night she returned to the city after the expedition, she completely lost sleep.

I'm afraid that if I don't pay attention, I will oversleep and miss the darkest moment before dawn.

However, when Jian Ji, who hadn't slept all night, was full of anticipation, braved the dark night, and ran quickly through the silent city streets, and arrived at the place she and Chios had agreed on...

Not here.

Looking at the empty stone wall, the girl felt an indescribable sense of loss in her heart.

Patiently waited until dawn, but there was no one there.

Even though she was rational and the possibility of Chios being late was extremely low, Ais still waited silently on the wall for two hours.

Sure enough, the other party was not late...

Rather absent.

The next day, the girl came to the same place again.

Not here.

Not here, not here, not here...

Unable to suppress the wavering in her heart, Ai Si repeated the same sentence countless times in her heart.

When Chios welcomed the return of the expeditionary force, he clearly said that he is not as busy as before.

If so, why didn't he show up?

Ais, who couldn't figure it out at all, made a special trip to the Piriano Manor in the afternoon to ask members of the Hestia family.

A pink-haired girl told her that Chios had stayed in the mansion in the early morning for the past two days, had breakfast with the team members, and then went out to deal with business.


Chios was absent for two consecutive days, and there was no complicating factor behind it.

It's just very simple, I never thought of seeing her...

That's it.

Ace couldn't remember what kind of expression she was wearing at the moment, and how she left Piliano Manor.

The moment she learned the truth, her thoughts went blank.

When she came back to her senses, the girl had already come to the end of the main street in the northwest.

The city gate to the outskirts of the city is in sight.

I'm in a terrible mood.

Consciousness picked up a fragment of memory that had been blasted into pieces by thunder in her mind, and she finally remembered that before she left, she asked Chios about the itinerary for the afternoon.

"Landon Manor"

A winery located on a gentle slope in the northwest of Olali City.

Ace didn't understand the charm of alcohol, and every time she drank something like that, her consciousness would be interrupted abruptly.The only thing clearly imprinted in his mind was the casserole-sized fist and the lingering headache for half a day.

However, Chios seems to be very obsessed with this way.

It's as if others don't quite understand why girls can eat potato balls for three meals.

No, slightly different...

If you go shopping with Chios, as long as you pass a fried potato stand, even if you obviously don't like fried food, Chios will still eat with her.

Even if you can't like it, you won't deny it, and you are even willing to try to accept it for her.

On the other hand, Aiz couldn't touch the things that Chios likes.

She felt it was unfair.

It seems that her inherent weakness has deprived her of the opportunity to get closer to Chios.

especially now...

When Chios broke the tacit understanding of swordsmanship with her without warning and turned around to do other things.

Could it be that she is not as important as alcohol in Chios' mind?

Ace was a little overwhelmed.

An anxiety of being left behind quickly fermented in my heart.


After reciting the chant of "Wind Spirit Sprint", a surge of air visible to the naked eye converged on her body.


The girl ran wildly towards the winery.

I want to ask Chios face to face why he didn't show up at dawn.

I want the young man to touch her head and soothe her uneasiness with gentle tones to lull people to sleep.

want to see him...


"The price of "Winter Collection? Langton Manor? No. 772 Brandy" should be set at [-] fares. In addition, in order to avoid selling out immediately on the day when the new product is launched, I would like to pre-order two boxes just in case. "

"There's no need to worry, I can give you whatever Little Chios wants."

"How can it be..." Chios shook his head.

"God Demeter and his family's hard work in planting, harvesting, and brewing. Every effort in the process is worth my equivalent effort. I shouldn't let me abuse my privileges to bury it. As for your kindness, God, I believe that we, who are already close partners, should not be short of the friendship of these few bottles of wine, right?"

Hearing this, Demeter couldn't help but startled.

After a few seconds, she covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Little Chios always speaks so beautifully, he is such a good boy that people can't help but like."

"I'm over the age..."

As he spoke, the young man pushed open the door of the main building of the manor.


As soon as he stepped out of the house, he saw a light blue storm rushing towards him.

(What's the matter... )

Before he could figure out what was going on, the storm that could vaguely see the human form flew into his arms like a cannonball.


Chios flew upside down into the room and hit the stone wall heavily, shaking off a little dust on the beams.

"Woo..." He pressed his forehead with the palm of his left hand.

The excellent physique quickly relieved the dizziness, and his eyes focused on the soft human figure on his chest.


"Chios..." The blond girl buried her head in the young man's chest and raised her face.

Although his face was expressionless, he looked pitiful.

Witnessing the face of the person in front of her, the thousands of words that the girl had accumulated in her heart were instantly transformed into extremely simple words and sentences.

"Compete and compete."

Chapter 670 Two? Hooked

The location is one of Chios' properties outside of Olali City.

At the request of Aisi, there was a competition in the atrium of Langton Manor. Chios used positional defense to catch the mistakes of the sword girl who was eager to attack. Punishment, and transferred here.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, clothes are scattered all over the place...


Aisi, who was short of breath, held her left index finger in her mouth.

The pure white bed sheet was wrinkled and deformed by the girl's grasp, and the slender body, stripped of armor and clothes, writhed anxiously, with her legs clamping the head of the young man who was buried under her.

It seems to want to prevent the young man from continuing to lick, and it seems to prevent the other party from leaving.

The slender and clean fingers, without feeling any rough calluses, gently opened the shy and closed gap, so that the tongue that had completed the external sweep could go deep into the hinterland, scraping the soft flesh inside.

At the same time, Chios's other hand was not idle, proficiently groping up and down Ais's extremely sensitive body.

Gradually strengthened strength and speed lead to an increase in the stimulation fed back to the brain.

In the end, it inevitably reached the critical point that Jian Ji can bear...

"Chi, Chios... ummmmm~~~"

As soon as Ais called out the young man's name, the embankment of consciousness collapsed suddenly, and she let out an out-of-tuned cry.

The back is arched, and the body shrunk like a shrimp convulsed and trembled...

After this state lasted for nearly half a minute, the girl gradually became limp as if she had been pulled out of her skeleton.


Staring at the ceiling blankly, until the split and rotating brass chandelier in the field of vision returned to a static one.

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