Saying such a series of heartless and meaningless words, acting like a bastard who turned against his former allies after he became powerful, and when she felt that the two had nothing to say and was about to leave, she would take out the compensation she had prepared and beat her One was caught off guard.

Acting again...

Will this man die if he doesn't lie?

Just to tease people to do this, his character is simply too bad.

The disappointment and anger, which was so much that it was almost overflowing, lost its place in an instant because of the reversal of the other party's attitude.

The act of getting up angrily and leaving the table not long ago suddenly became a hilarious joke.

Thin skin is a common problem of the elves...

Riveria, who was born noble, has preserved this trait well.

She was almost out of breath.

"It's really bad, a bad man who is rotten to the bone!"

"Hey?" Chios took a sip of black tea slowly, not caring about the other party's criticism.

"Take advantage of others but speak ill of him. It turns out that this is the cultivation of the elf royal family. It has increased your knowledge."


"So, are we still talking?"


Taking several deep breaths to relieve the almost out-of-control emotions, Riveria answered through gritted teeth.

Unlike just now, if you leave now, it's like you can't bear a little tease and run away.

Pull out the chair and sit back down.

Silence immediately covered the two of them...

Chios was waiting for the other party to speak, while Riveria hadn't adjusted her mentality yet, so she couldn't change the subject naturally for a while.

You Ruo's gaze cast her from the opposite side, making her feel uncomfortable, so she had no choice but to twist the untouched teacup in front of her, using the act of drinking tea to cover up her embarrassment.

After what happened just now, Riveria's inner perception of Chios' lying has undergone a subtle change.

Being deceived one after another should be an infuriating thing, but under the operation mode of Chios, it became a harmless ridicule in an instant.

Although Riveria did almost become angry with embarrassment.

The overheated brain gradually cooled down as time passed.

(It’s no wonder that when he made up his mind to eradicate Phryne, Chios’s first thought was not to discuss with others, but to use tricks to transfer anyone who had the ability to hinder him.)

Anyone who cannot be fully trusted will be regarded as an object that must be excluded.

It has nothing to do with being friendly to each other.

It's because, compared to a friendship that is erratic and easily affected by personal values, he believes that relationships can be guided and used by himself.

Riveria seemed to understand what Chios was like.

From the unapologetic evasion at the beginning, to the sarcastic remarks that pretended to be frank, people insisted on peeling off the lies layer by layer like peeling an onion, and slowly penetrated into it.

If you lack the patience to understand, you will probably be confused by one of the masks like Riveria a few minutes ago, and even believe it is true.

Only after disturbing other people's thoughts and seizing the psychological advantage, Chios would reveal part of his inner truth.


How insecure do you have to be to arm yourself with so many layers of invisible armor...

This person's personality is really twisted enough.

But rather than saying that Chios is disgusting, it is better to say that Riveria's more dissatisfaction comes from the anxiety of not being able to gain the other party's trust.

She couldn't help but feel worried about Ai Si's situation.

Can Ai Si, who has no scheming, successfully enter the complex inner world of Chios?

Or is it that simple and clumsy attachment can move this kind of person even more...

Thinking about this, Riveria decided to break the silence.

"Qios, do you like Ais..." She straightened her expression, looked at the young man opposite and asked:

"Aside from the fact that she is the strongest female swordsman of Orario and the cadre of Loki's family, are you still willing to invest so much time and thought in her?"

"I don't know if I have the chance to meet and get to know Aisi after taking away the above two traits, but..."

Chios actually doesn't like this kind of questioning method that forcibly dissociates the existing conditions. After all, if it is really necessary to decompose, everyone is composed of basic substances. If this logic is deduced, the differences between people will only It's getting blurry.

The so-called charm is the comprehensive spectrum of a person's life history so far. If any point is taken away, the person will no longer be the current self.

Unfortunately, many women are always obsessed with this abstract problem...

As if not saying "I like it no matter what" is a betrayal of love.

At this time, you must not follow the rhythm of the topic. You should carefully avoid the "superficial" appearance, and at the same time express your "sincere" views in a gentle tone according to the characteristics of the woman's behavior:

"I do like her very much. Although Ai Si often looks blank, as if there are always question marks on her head, she has a more sensitive and delicate heart than imagined. Just teasing her and observing her reaction can bring I have great fun. It is also because of this rare innocence that I cherish every moment with her even more."

Exemplary answer.

In the tone and demeanor, there is a touch of love and affection just right.

Riveria really didn't expect Chios' response to be so specific and warm.

"Then do you like her enough to be willing to regard her as your only sweetheart?"


(Are you embarrassing me on purpose?) Chios cursed secretly.

Seeing that the young man remained silent, the faces of the elf royal family who were touched in the last second quickly darkened.

"You are playing with fire, Chios. One day you will have to give an explanation to those girls who fall in love with you, what are you going to do then? You can't give every lover a future..."

"As an adventurer, is it too early to talk about the future..." With a soft sigh, the woman stopped speaking, and the young man said with emotion:

"Whether I or Ai Si are people who lick blood at the edge of a knife and live by violence. Being able to hug each other alive today does not mean that we will see each other again tomorrow. Grasp the hard-won present and draw heat from the person you love , Warm the heart that is gradually frozen in the killing, and regain a sense of being alive, isn't it the only happiness we can pursue at this moment?"

This time, Riveria was really stunned.

There is no one in the world who can describe Huaxin's irresponsibility in such a fresh, refined and orderly manner, even with an aesthetic feeling like embracing the final tranquility before the coming of disillusionment.

Is this man a devil?

"Okay, let's not talk about the future..."

I always feel that if I continue to listen to Chios' sophistry, my concept will shift sooner or later. Riveria, who instinctively sensed the danger, resolutely jumped to the next question.

"If you really like and cherish Ai Si, why do you deliberately instill her with wrong perceptions? Obviously... that kind of intimacy is something that belongs exclusively to lovers, but you let her believe that other women can participate in it , to engage in vulgar lewdness, lewdness..."

After suppressing her embarrassment, Riveria, who became more and more angry, almost stepped forward and grabbed Chios by the collar, and asked sharply:

"Please explain this part to me clearly, what is going on?"

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?"

Chios looked confused.

Chapter 670 Nine? Laughing will kill you

Chios really didn't understand.

When did he unlock that gameplay for Ace?

Allowing multiple women to participate in the pleasure of fish and water can indeed satisfy a man's vanity and desire to conquer, but it is very disrespectful to the woman's behavior. Except for very few exceptions, generally only prostitutes who pay for hours will accept it.

Anyone with a sane mind who cherishes a little bit of girls will not make such a request.

The only time Chios remembered doing this was when he stayed in the Urus tribe for a few days, and when he was seduced by Iberita and Kikuyo.

The former was because he really didn’t have enough time at the time, and because Urus 47 was influenced by Lili Sejin, she held the value of “one is all, all is one” and didn’t mind competing in the same bed with sisters of the same race; the latter The other is that a series of corrupt and absurd things happened because of the initiative of the two women.

In contrast, although Aisi is naturally dull, compared to Reki and her family who live in isolation, she already has a lot of common sense.

I usually get jealous and get awkward with myself over some trivial things.

How could Chios deliberately make a fool of Aisi?

The woman in front of me must have made a mistake...

No matter what kind of misunderstanding there was, he had no reason to accommodate the other party's emotions.

"Rivelia, you better calm down and think carefully before talking to me..."

His deep purple eyes were cold, and he reprimanded sharply:

"It is true that I will not set myself up as a moral model, but I will not become a scum without bottom line. The accusation you just made is simply a deep insult to my personality."


The Light Eater slammed his sword and sheath on the table, shaking the cups and plates and splashing the tea.

"I can forgive you for your rash offense this time because of your sudden brain fever. However, there will be no next time."

After speaking, Chios put his right hand on the hilt of his sword.

The meaning is clear and clear...

If he continues to be charged with groundless charges rashly, even the deputy head of the Loki family can still be punished.

Seeing Chios' angry performance, Riveria couldn't help being taken aback.

"You...don't you really...but..."

Before she finished speaking, Chios pulled out the small half of the sword with a "clang".

"Don't you think you have too much prejudice against me..." The young man tapped the table with his left index finger, his tone obviously displeased:

"I don't understand why you think that I have instilled wrong ideas in Aisi. Maybe it's your unfounded speculation, or maybe it's a misunderstanding because of incomplete understanding of the information. But I can guarantee that I never did what you imagined Behavior."

"...Feel sorry."

Riveria lowered her eyes.

At this juncture, she couldn't help but doubt her original opinion.

Except for Ais, Riveria basically knew all of the people who had an affair with Chios, or at least had a relationship with them once.

They are all girls with normal values, and they will never make people feel frivolous when getting along.

In addition, Chios' immediate reaction is also very telling.

Faced with questioning, if he really did intentionally mislead Ai Si but didn't want to admit it, he just needs to deny it. Anyway, he wasn't caught and there was no evidence at all.In fact, even if Chios admits the matter frankly, it won't hurt. At most, his relationship with Riveria has only deteriorated.

Among the three leaders of the Loki family, although Finn and Grace also watched Ais grow up, they would not intervene in Ais's private affairs. So far, they are the only ones who still treat Ais as a child like a parent, and cannot let it go No matter, only Riveria.

Chios is now one of the most powerful figures in Orario.

As a last resort, the Loki family is also extremely unwilling to fight against it, let alone tear their face with each other over the matter of a little man and woman...

The greater the power, the less the faction's friendship can be influenced by personal likes and dislikes.

The fierce confrontation between the big families will tear the unity of the entire city apart, forcing the remaining small and medium-sized forces to choose sides, forming a confrontation with distinct camps.If it further develops into a war, the victims will not only be the family members of both sides, but many innocent citizens will also be implicated.

Finn would never allow this to happen.

So logically speaking, on the premise of not deliberately intensifying the conflict, Chios can shirk responsibility without any scruples, and there is no need to worry about Riveria's personal opinion.

But he chose the most irrational approach. Knowing that attacking Riveria, the deputy head of the Loki family, would lead to a war between the two families, he even directly raised his sword, showing an attitude that he would not hesitate to fight with each other.

Apart from feeling so offended that they lose their cool and make impulsive decisions in a fit of rage, there is little reason to explain the youth's behavior.

From this point of view, I may have wronged him...

Riveria thought after thoroughly analyzing all the current information.

"On the first night of the expedition, I talked to Aisi about the two of you getting along. What she said still makes me unacceptable when I think about it..."

Saying that, she sighed deeply.

"I was so angry at that time, I thought Aisi must have been taught badly by you. I know, this determination is very arbitrary, but...I really can't think of anyone who can make her appear so big in just one month Variety."

Knock clang!

Seeing that the elf royal family regained their composure, the young man held the hilt of the sword and pushed it back, returning the unsheathed blade.

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