The metal clatter of the gauntlet against the mouth of the sheath was like the ringing of a death sentence announcement.

More than 30 black rhinos were still running, and a dark red blood line appeared on their bodies.

Chapter 690: The Rabbit Arrives

The 50th floor of the dungeon, the Loki family campsite...

""cheers! ""

The adventurers raised their wine glasses and cheered.

"Huha! I didn't expect this expedition to go so smoothly..."

"After all, the deep floor masters haven't been reborn after being knocked down. Otherwise, they might have to run out of potions just to break through the 49th floor."

"It's also thanks to the valuable experience gained from previous painful lessons, let us learn how to dodge shelling before our ass is burned, right?"

""That's right! ""

While enjoying the freshly cooked cooked food and drinking fine wine, those lucky enough to be selected to participate in this battle talked about the exciting and exciting adventures earlier, and other members of the regiment who were ordered to stay in the camp also listened with gusto.

The Loki Familia had reason to be happy.

They conquered the 58th floor maze.

Although in the past, the furthest floor reached by the Loki family was the 58th floor, but when they passed through the 52nd to 58th floors known as the "Dragon Pot", they encountered shelling regardless of the floor, which consumed a lot of physical strength, medicine and equipment.When they reached the bottom of the Dragon's Pot, all members were exhausted and had to give up and retreat to the surface.

After that, the Loki family has prepared their troops and conducted many special trainings for the special terrain of the "Dragon Pot", preparing for their revenge.

As a result, a large-scale abnormal situation broke out in the dungeon.

Taking into account the variables caused by the sharp increase in the replenishment rate of monsters in each layer, the original expedition plan became conservative, and the exploration of the area below the 52nd floor was postponed.

Until today, several months later, they finally tasted the sweet fruit of revenge...

Those "Cannon Dragons" that fired bombardments while the expedition team was passing through the maze, as well as monsters such as flying dragons and thunder snakes that attacked and harassed from the side, are now all high-quality magic stones and precious drops. Proof of the Dragon's Kettle, crates stacked with supply wagons.

The expedition was a great success, of course, because the first-level adventurers of the family were active.

But more importantly...

The members of the Loki family shifted their gazes to the young man who was seated with the three leaders and who was drinking with Grace glass after glass.

The Sword of Dawn is really stronger than imagined.

Without his participation, this expedition might not be so easy...

Although the basic abilities have not exceeded the scope of Lv.5, the instant explosive power after adding skills is comparable to Lv.6.

The black rhino with the strongest defense on the 51st floor has wiped out dozens of them with just one sword.The thick iron sheet that the second-level adventurer hit hard with all his strength was as fragile as thin paper in front of him.

in addition...

Leaving aside the sword skills, the amount of alcohol is also quite exaggerated.

"Hey, come again..."

The dwarf raised his hand to wipe the liquor from his beard, picked up the rum bottle and quickly filled himself a glass.

Dinner had only been over five minutes since dinner, and he had already done this nineteen times.


"Gulu~Gulu~hahahaha!" Clinking glasses with the young man, Grace laughed boldly when he saw that the other party drank the spirits without any hesitation.

"Yes, it has the potential to grow into the old man's rival!"

"It's better to wait until I'm drunk."

"Continue at your pace, and in half an hour everyone will be out of drinks, how about taking it easy?"

"That's right..." Nodding his head in agreement with Finn's words, Chios put down his wine glass.

Chios didn't think he would be Grace's opponent in terms of drinking, and regardless of whether the dwarves had a drinking bonus, the physical gap between the two sides was an insurmountable barrier.

The reason why he was willing to accompany him was because he knew that either Finn or Riveria would intervene sooner or later.

Compared to Chios' inner peace, Grace looked regretful.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet..." The leader of the Loki family then toasted:

"Congratulations to the Hestia family for breaking the furthest floor reached by the B-level family and setting another new record."

"No, it should be me thanking you for giving me this opportunity."

Keo Stein said.

Participating in the Loki Familia expedition as an ally is not a whim.

He found a reason to avoid the faction joint expedition in November, and stayed on the surface to deal with Phryne.After that, the evaluation of the Hestia Familia reached B rank, and following that, in addition to higher taxes, the difficulty of forced expeditions starting from D rank also increased.

In Orario, there are very few factions above B level, and they can already be called first-class forces. They need to explore the depths of the maze to be in line with their ranks.

Of course, the deep layer has never been a forbidden area for Chios. The area where he usually hunts monsters and exercises his proficiency has been hovering around the 40th floor, and he stays there for three to five days.

Strictly speaking, each of his adventures is actually an expedition.

The Astria Familia, who were once B-ranks, had the farthest official record to reach the 41st floor.

There are clear regulations on the difficulty of exploration corresponding to the evaluation at all levels, and the guild can't find any reason to make things difficult for him.

Therefore, Chios can decline the invitation, there is no need to be a foil for the Loki family, and obey the command and dispatch of others.

However, this time the expedition to the 58th floor is quite special...

Due to the incomplete strategy of the Loki Familia in the "Dragon Pot", the significance of Chios' joining has changed from a mere dispensable supporting role to a reinforcement to reverse previous defeats, and its importance is undoubtedly much higher.

Furthermore, the Hestia Familia is evaluated at B-level, and has reached the same exploration progress as the S-level faction, which will definitely further enhance its status in the hearts of urban residents.

The Loki family hopes to strengthen the team's combat power and ensure the safety of the expedition; Chios needs this achievement to push the Hestia family's reputation to the top.

Both parties take what they need.

As for why Chios wants to create a topic in the near future, the reason is also very simple...

He figured the time was almost up.

The ignorant boy who drives the plot and is favored by the world should be on his way to Olalie at this time.


Age of Gods 1000 February 02th

Out of Ola Belvedere, the suburbs...

The wooden wheels of the carriage crunched across the wide and neat road and came to the top of a small hill.

"—Hey, brother. I can see it!"

Behind Hang Shang, the white-haired boy who fell asleep while hugging his knees swayed and woke up from the dream.

He hurriedly poked his head out from the open-air freight car piled with a lot of wheat, and looked in the direction the businessman pointed...

A huge city surrounded by huge walls, a huge chalk tower approaching the cloudless sky.

Faced with the scene that can only be seen after leaving the village where he was born and raised—the whole picture of the huge city, the emotion and shock in the young man's heart can hardly be expressed in words.


"Hahaha, that's what all the guys who saw Orario for the first time said."

Chapter 690 Nine? Bell? Shocking Education

"Thank you, Uncle! I'll just play here!"

"Hey, brother! Haven't arrived yet!?"

"It's okay, I'll run over!"

Witnessing with his own eyes the adventure stage that was only constructed by his own thin imagination under the dictation of his grandfather in a dream, and appeared in a large number of hero stories, the boy—Bell Cranney couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, so he picked up his luggage and jumped off the carriage. The business man, who was slightly stunned at first, then turned into a helpless smile, watched him off and ran down the hill.

When he came to the bottom of the city panting, and looked up at the towering wall outside the city at a ninety-degree angle that made his neck ache, it was already 10 minutes later...

As the main entrance and exit connecting the bustling commercial street of Olali, the caravan trucks and travelers in front of the North Gate lined up in a long line stretching hundreds of meters. Sequential registration into the city.

Bell followed the example of others and joined the end of the queue.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down his agitated heartbeat, he gradually heard the conversations of people in front of him clearly.

It was a small team temporarily formed by a few merchants to take care of each other for safety.

"I haven't heard of it before departure. When did the management agency get involved in the city inspection?"

"It seems to be to prevent foreign spies from sneaking in. All foreign tourists who are not city citizens, regardless of whether they have entered or exited before, must undergo inspection and obtain a newly issued permit before entering the city."

"Huh? I remember that last year the guild was less wary of outsiders, right?"

"Who knows, maybe the guild has suffered in this area recently... It's useless to complain. Compared with the management organization, we are just fat sheep who are easy to bully after all. Alas, be mentally prepared, I guess this trip to the business "Personnel expenses" will increase again. "

The dark-skinned bearded businessman with a cloth cap wrapped around his head sighed.

Hearing this, the faces of the five colleagues beside the bearded merchant all sank.

As businessmen who travel back and forth between their hometown and Olalie for a long time, they certainly understand what the so-called "personnel expenses" are...

"Damn it! Those guild leeches are always so greedy, they just monopolize the magic stone trade, and they find various names to suck blood from those of us who run small businesses."

"By the way, when we were resting at the Chamber of Commerce's hotel last night, didn't the person in charge of the dormitory tell me that the advisor of the Chamber of Commerce's branch in Olalie, Miss Estier of the Ward family, issued an announcement this month that if the brothers and sisters of the Chamber of Commerce are attacked If the management organization makes things difficult deliberately, can they submit a report to the Ward House on the bustling street?"

"Stop daydreaming. Although the Ward family is rich, what else can they do in the face of the guild besides playing lip service?"

"That's not necessarily true. Have you forgotten which family she is the deputy head of?"

"That's right! The Hestia Familia will definitely not sit idly by. After all, their leader is that hero. How could they collude with the management agency like other factions and watch us being bullied."

Speaking of this incident, several businessmen seemed to see the sun through the clouds, and their faces glowed again.

"Excuse me, may I ask..."

Bell, who kept his head down and said nothing, finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and leaned forward to speak.

""Ok? ""

The merchants put their hands on the self-defense weapons around their waists and looked at Bell warily.

Because they are still some distance away from the city gate, they dare to complain about the actions of the management agency, but it does not mean that they are happy to see what they say being taken advantage of by interested people or competitors.

However, most businessmen quickly put their minds at ease after discovering that the person who spoke to him was an innocent boy under the age of 15.

Only the bearded businessman still gripped the handle of the machete.

"How much did you hear?"


Feeling the opponent's hostility, Bell suddenly panicked.

"Hey! Sevog, he's just a kid."

"It seems that she is a little older than my daughter, probably a young man who wants to come to Olalie to be an adventurer, maybe he hasn't even heard of the "school district". "

"It's not easy to come here alone at a young age, don't embarrass him."

The rest of the merchants spoke up one after another.

"..." After a moment of silence, the foreign businessman named Saiwoge took a deep breath, and then let go of the handle of the knife.

After rummaging through the personal luggage in his carriage, the bearded businessman took out a full-colored red apple, turned around and handed it to the white-haired boy.

"Sorry, young man, for scaring you... this is a small apology, take it."

"No, I won't..."

Bell stared at the apple in his hand, then looked at the businessman in front of him with a much more relaxed attitude, and finally he was not so nervous.

"Excuse me, can I really accept it?"

"Hahaha, of course."

Seeing that there was no greed and philistine in Bell's eyes, the trace of wariness that still remained in Sevog's heart disappeared, and it was rare to laugh.

"As people who have left their hometowns, they should help each other, but I am so nervous. I am so sorry."

"Thank you, Uncle."

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