It is only the third day now, and the critical point where the door of hope is completely closed has not yet been reached. At this time, the persuasion seems a little too anxious.However, since the mission world's future arrangements for Bell are unpredictable, there will be long nights and dreams, so it's better for him to act as soon as possible.

The hotel owner has confirmed that the family members involved in the surrounding activities have also ordered people to investigate in the past few days, and the rest is to personally investigate the scene and plan an event.

With such thoughts in mind, Chios came to the destination.

It took nearly two hours to carefully inspect the nearby streets and alleys. Just as he was collecting enough information, he was smoking a cigarette in the shadow of the alley next to the cheap hotel, while thinking about how to use the resources in his hands.

"Yo! I didn't expect to meet you here by chance."

I don't know if it should be said that it was an unexpected or expected male voice.


Chios exhaled a wisp of gray smoke, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound without haste.

"Yes, what a coincidence, Hermes God."

I saw a deity wearing light and durable travel attire slowly walking from the depths of the back alley.

He put his hand on the brim of the feathered hat and lifted it up slightly, revealing the honey-blond hair and eyes under the hat, as a greeting.

"Tsk tsk, if a person appears here, he probably wants to secretly hide from a few girlfriends and go to the Happy Street next door..."

As soon as the god came up, he enthusiastically patted Chios on the shoulder, as if they were friends who had known each other for many years.

"It's okay, it's okay, I can fully understand that some games are too exciting for simple girls, and even if they are willing to cooperate, they are not as skilled as whores, right?"

When talking about the night capital, Hermes immediately showed a wretched smile typical of male buddies.Coupled with the "I understand what you're thinking" look in his eyes, one can't help but feel that he deserves a beating.

Chios glanced at the familiar god lightly.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his calm face.

"It sounds like you have a lot of experience, do you need me to truthfully convey what you just said to Miss Andromeda?"

"Hey, this is too cruel!"

Hermes' eyes widened, and he couldn't help taking a step back in fear.

"You can't really do this, people will die... No! Gods will die! Be merciful! You know, when you eloped with Tifa two months ago, it was because I regarded you as my best friend See, I didn't follow with all my might."

"Excuse me?" Chios frowned slightly.

"It is said that you were almost strangled to death by God Hestia. Faced with the fear of dying, you actually chose to stand by my side without hesitation. It is really not easy."

"That's right! Look at how much I support you. This is the iron friendship between real men."

Pretending not to understand Chios' sarcasm, Hermes answered without any guilt on his face, and even raised his hand in a fist bump gesture.

Hermes thought that the other party would not pay attention to him.

However, the young man really raised his hand and punched him.

"I'll force myself to believe it, hehe..." Withdrawing his hand, Chios chuckled.

The ability of the gods to pretend to be silly and funny in front of him really made him feel very interesting.

"Frankly, I don't think it's bad to have a friend like you... smoke?"

He took out a pair of brand new pipes out of thin air, and handed them together with the whole bag of high-quality cut tobacco to the dazed god.

"Wow..." Hermes let out an exaggerated exclamation, taking the opportunity to restrain his surprise at the young man's friendly attitude, and filled his face with joy.

"This is a high-end collection, do you really want to use it for me?"

"If you like it, it's okay to send you the whole group."

"Then I won't be rude."

Hermes took it with a happy face.

Skillfully filling the bowl with shredded tobacco and lighting it up, he quickly joined the ranks of puffing clouds.

Just quietly smoking a cigarette...

"Are you curious about my real reason for coming?"

Hearing this, Hermes stared.

"Will you tell me?"

"Well, there's nothing to hide..." Chios nodded.

"The day before yesterday, when I returned from an expedition with the Rocky family, I found a white-haired young man among the crowd on North Street. Although I don't understand why he hid when he saw me, but the speed of his escape is very fast compared to ordinary people. Hurry up. Others might only see the cowardice of that ordinary boy, but I have noticed his potential. It just so happens that the Hestia family still lacks a fast-footed scout..."

"Wait, wait! Did I hear you right? You want to recruit a man to join the family?"

The travel god's elongated jaw almost fell to the ground.

"What does it matter? The child is not as good as me."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hermes almost choked on the smoke.

I thought about the various answers that Chios might give, but I didn't expect it to be so simple and true.

Indeed, in terms of external conditions alone, Chios is enough to look down on the entire male group.Even compared with the decent-looking gods of the heavens, they can still easily stand out.

In Hermes' impression, even if Mihe's little boy was worse than him, I am afraid that only his friend who was sent back to the heaven seven years ago and was called a cowherd by other gods can compete with him.If there is a male priesthood corresponding to the God of Beauty in the world, it is probably at that level.

Even though this is the case, is it appropriate for me to say this kind of thing myself...

For a moment, Hermes didn't know whether to say that Chios had self-knowledge or was extremely narcissistic.

never mind...

He quickly gave up on the topic of entanglement in appearance, and he returned to the key point:

"Just because that boy runs a little faster than others, do you dare to conclude that he has excellent talents and recruit a child of unknown origin into the family?"

"Of course not." Chios denied.

"The basis for me to be sure of my judgment is your appearance, God Hermes..."

The pipe in his hand pointed to the god beside him, Chios further explained:

"I think my investigative skills and awareness are pretty good. I shouldn't be unconsciously followed by you all day long. This city is huge, and the possibility of us running into each other in such a quiet alley that is not prosperous is no less than three times." The chances of a virgin goddess losing her body to the same person are high, do you think I will simply regard this as a coincidence?"

The eyebrows covered by the brim of the hat were twisted together, and there was no trace of frivolity on Hermes' face.

Continuing to maintain the image of the clown will only backfire.

He knew that he couldn't fool the young man in front of him by pretending to be stupid.

But Hermes did not intend to leak the news, so that Chios could easily obtain more information.

So, he tentatively asked:

"What else did you guess?"

"not much..."

That being said, the information revealed by Chios' subsequent words sent chills down Hermes' spine:

"Although you seem to be doing nothing all day long, and you seem to be where the fun is, you are actually the leader of the exploration faction who is highly regarded by the guild master. You often accept secret missions such as investigating black market smuggling and investigating abnormalities in the maze, so you can always hide it. The actual level of the members under his command so far..."

The young man took out two wine glasses like magic.

As he drew the sword finger strokes of the rune, two ice balls quickly formed, and fell into the cup in a "kuanglang" shape.

After pouring wine into the two containers one after another, he handed one of the glasses to the dignified God of Travel, and said the following:

"Since you are quite busy with your work, I am sure that you will not be so bored as to waste your time staring at an ordinary countryman, just like when you took the time to investigate my life experience, all your seemingly random actions are behind the scenes There is a clear purpose behind it. Then, who is this young man for you?"

"You said "not much", but you scared me so much that I almost passed out..."

Hermes took the wine glass with a wry smile, raised it in response to Chios' greeting, and then took a sip.

It's a pity that at this moment, God, who is full of thoughts and feelings, is not in the mood to taste the flavor of fine wine at all.

He didn't know how Chios learned of the above information, just knowing this was terrifying.

That means that Chios's intelligence network is far wider and deeper than he imagined, and he can even steal the core information of the management agency without anyone noticing.At the same time, it also shows that the various disguises that Hermes has painstakingly made to lower the vigilance of other forces are useless in front of the other party.

Conversely, isn't this a threat in disguise?

"Knowing that you are a strong supporter of the guild who is active in the dark, it is useless to pretend to be stupid. I told you to prepare you mentally. If you dare to hinder me in the future, be careful and I will kill you."

This human youth is simply more terrifying than a monster.

"I surrender, you guessed it all right, it can almost be said that I have completely wiped out my foundation."

"I rather think that what I know is only the tip of the iceberg of the many secrets you hold..."

Facing Hermes' decisive show of weakness, Chios just paid it off and didn't take it seriously.

Turning the pipe upside down, tapping the back of the bowl with his index finger to shake off the burnt tobacco ash inside, and taking a sip of fine wine, he raised his neck and looked towards the second floor of the wooden hotel.

"I don't care what kind of relationship that boy has with you. I just want to say... If I had intended to harm him, he would have died a long time ago."

The implication...

Life or death depends on Chios's thoughts, Hermes, you can't stop it anyway, so what's the use of worrying about it?

"Ahaha, can you save some face for me?"

Hermes smiled a little stiffly.

"For some things, it's better to talk about it than to spiral down in the vortex of mutual suspicion..." Chios shrugged.

"I know that my too deep personality makes you feel uncomfortable, but please think carefully, have I done anything to harm others since I appeared in Orario?"

"No..." The god shook his head.

"Many of your actions are actually worthy of appreciation in my opinion. Not only adventurers or ordinary citizens, but also many people in the slums of Daedalus Street have lived a better and more dignified life because of your generosity."

"So, in your opinion, which one is correct, between doubting others for no reason based on personal conjectures, and judging a person's moral integrity through behavior?"


Even though he understood that Chios's choice of words carried an obvious guiding force, Hermes still couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

A few months ago, he had vaguely noticed that his perception of Chios seemed to be being subtly influenced by something invisible and intangible.

Secretly sent cadres to investigate the matter, and the results also confirmed Hermes' conjecture.


The world looks forward to the birth of a hero.

However, when a person of corresponding size appeared and proved himself with positive words and deeds time and time again, why was he denied and rejected by that unknown existence?

After all, what is "it" that can interfere even with God's thoughts?

Is it really the right choice to follow the instructions of "it"?

Once you start to realize, countless questions will follow.

To Hermes' headache, no man or god could answer his question.

"I can only take one step at a time..."

Hermes raised his face and poured the wine down his throat in one gulp, dispelling the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

"I've been doubting you all this time, and I'll try the other way around this time. So, don't make me regret it, Chios."

Hearing this, Chios showed a gentle smile on his face.

"You won't be disappointed, my friend."

【Taurus welcomes the spring? January thanks list】

Another year has passed, and I would like to say Happy New Year to all book friends here.

From New Year's Eve to the fifth day (2/11-2/16), I was in my hometown for the past few days, accompanying my parents and queen.I do have a laptop with me, but I may not be free in time, and the update is more random.

I originally planned to travel alone for a period of time last year to relax and collect materials, but because of such things, it was impossible to make the trip.Staying in a corner all year long is a bit depressing after all, and sometimes I have to find ways to get rid of irritability before writing a book.May the new year clear these clouds away.

As the dungeon dungeon is about to enter the final scene, the theme of this year's book is indeed Sword & Dark Soul.

It took so much effort to collect information, based on my own interpretation of the plot and text, adding the opinions of various soul experts, and integrating Aincrad's worldview to create a large-scale stage.At present, 90% of the setting is basically completed, and the outline is about 75%. The production of the map is also in progress.

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