The crowd dispersed quickly...

Bell was the only one left sitting alone on the bench at the opposite street corner, staring at the charred wreckage of the building in a daze.

What should I do?

Cold reality seizes the heart instead of fire.

Instinctively sheltered himself from wind and rain, and the shelter where he spent three nights was reduced to ruins.

The luggage left in the room was reduced to ashes overnight.Even the fried potato balls that were served as dinner fell during the firefighting process, trampled by countless pairs of shoes, and became part of the dirty mud on the ground.

Although they are not expensive things, that is all Bell has.

Now, there is nothing left...

The despair and emptiness of losing everything drained the little hope left by the young man.

He pinched his arms with both hands, trying to ignite a little heat in this way, but it didn't work.

Suddenly, there is a feeling that I have been cut off from the world together with the place where I sit.

The sound of footsteps and the hustle and bustle of the street became farther and farther away, and no one seemed to have forgotten his existence as he passed through the street and left.

Let's go.

Already, there is no reason to stay here...

Bell staggered to his feet.

Not knowing where to go next, he wanted to escape from this suffocating atmosphere of loneliness, and walked into the dimly lit alley in a trance.


His left shoulder seemed to hit someone.


Bell quickly apologized, and hurried to leave.

"and many more."

The stranger who passed by called him to stop him.

Looking back, the moment he recognized the other party, the boy's eyes widened.

"The Sword of Dawn..."

"Sure enough, I'm not mistaken, it's the boy who ran away a few days ago..."

The black-haired youth approached slowly.

His eyes swept over Bell, who was covered in dust from fighting the fire, and finally, he looked at the young man's dim red eyes, and said lightly:

"It's just that you don't have light in your eyes right now."


"When you poked your head out from the crowd and looked at me and the adventurers from the Loki family, why did the longing light in your eyes disappear?"


"You want to be an adventurer, you want to be a hero, don't you?"

Hearing this, Bell clenched his hands involuntarily.

"I...I am..."

Unable to give up the yearning for a hero that does not correspond to her status, she came to this labyrinth city.In order not to break the remaining memories and bonds with my grandfather, I came to Orario.

However, now that he has lost even his temporary shelter, he has no possibility of continuing to pursue this slim hope.

Thinking of this, Bell could no longer speak.

What was barely squeezed out of his throat was nothing but whimpers.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on top of his head.

"Although I don't know what happened to you in just a few days, but it's too early to be depressed..."

Bell raised his face in confusion, and found that the young man was looking at him with a smile.

"Would you like to join the family I belong to, a boy who yearns for a hero?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Come in, this will be your home from now on."


As the door was pushed open by the young man, Bell who followed behind opened his mouth wide open at the scene in his eyes.

The magic stone chandelier lit by flipping the switch illuminates the living room. Two walnut wood sofas with white cushions are placed around the soft brown carpet. The coffee table is directly opposite the fireplace and chimney. There are split firewood in the rattan basket.

Looking through the living room, along the corridor on the right side of the stairs leading to the upper floor, you can see the dining table and chairs in the back hall, and the kitchen should be there.

Before the fire is lit, it already gives people a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

There is a delicate sense of refinement in the simplicity, and all the facilities are larger and more complete than the log cabins Bell used to live in, just like the mountain villas where the nobles lived during hunting in the hero stories.

There was a faint woody fragrance in the air, as if the house had not been built for a long time.

"Originally, I wanted to use this cottage as a place to rest and read a book to change my mood, so the decoration style is a little different from other places in the manor..."

Hearing Chios's introduction, Bell couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Such a spacious and luxurious single-family villa that can accommodate at least six to eight people comfortably is actually just a "hut" in the mouth of the hero...

Although compared with the main building of the manor, it is really nothing.

Bell didn't even dare to think about living in that palace-like place.Just being able to live in the room in front of him made him fearful.

Until last night, I was still living in a cheap room separated by thin wooden boards, sleeping on a musty-smelling quilt wrapped in a torn blanket; I was living on the street because of a fire in the hotel not long ago...

Here it is.

It feels like a dream.

I once read a story about the match girl seeing before she froze to death, probably this is the scene.

At this moment, Bell's consciousness seemed to be separated from his body, and he looked at everything experienced by the famous Bell Clonney from the perspective of reading books.

Too unreal to experience reality.

I was afraid that in the blink of an eye, I would be back on the street before the burning down of the hotel.

"Can I really live here?"

"Of course..."

Chios nodded in affirmation.

The building was originally built for a small number of male members to live in. It is a complete lie to say that it is used for leisure and personal use.

Chios, whose leisure time is almost entirely occupied by women except for business, how could he have time to read quietly...

"The facilities inside are free to use, daily necessities will be replenished by a special person every day, and other needs can be written down, and handed over to the deputy head's office during the afternoon to evening. However, if you bring a girl back, please wash the bed sheets yourself afterwards clean."

"Huh!? No...I..."

The innocent boy blushed all of a sudden.

"Oh, it seems that this kind of thing is too early for you..." Chios said with a smile, throwing away the key of the annex.

Bell panicked and reached out to catch it.

"Before you grow into a man, you can rest assured and use this place in a healthy and healthy way."

"Oh, oh, um..."

Not knowing how to respond, Bell could only nod blankly.

He held the key tightly in his hand as if it were a treasure, and finally felt a sense of security in his heart.

The restless mood calmed down a bit, the white-haired boy looked around, and then looked towards the stairs leading to the bedroom on the second floor, with a little confusion on his face.


Since entering the house, I haven't seen anyone other than the leader.

"Excuse me, there should be other companions in this dormitory, they..."

"nothing now."


"The members and executives who joined before you, including God Hestia, all live in the main building."

Chios replied calmly.

"After all, they are all women. If the male members live under the same roof, it will inevitably cause inconvenience, especially..." The voice paused here, and Chios narrowed his eyes and stared at Bell sharply.

"I always feel that if you accidentally slipped on your feet, you will just throw the girl down, and you will come across the special physique of a naked girl when you go in and out of the bathroom. If you offend a member of the family, as the leader, I will be very troubled to deal with it. Trust you You don’t want to be locked up in the cellar or even expelled from the family for such a ridiculous reason, right?”

Bell was dumbfounded.

This is the first time he heard of such an inexplicable physique...

Impossible, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?Even if there was, it would definitely have nothing to do with me.

Looking back on his past experience, the boy never remembered the situation that Chios mentioned.

Moreover, there is a major loophole in the opponent's statement that cannot be ignored...

"But Captain... aren't you also a man?"


Chios sneered.

Not only is he a man, but he has been upgraded to be a man since he was ten years old.

"The situation is different. The estate is my property, and how I share my private space is my personal freedom. Besides, in the main building, I am the one who has to worry about being harassed."

This is the truth.

Whether it's a goddess or a group member, they often enter the bathroom during Chios's bathroom time, under the guise of wiping his back or breaking into the bathroom by mistake.

The young man sighed secretly.

If he ate them all and wiped them clean, he was sure that he would never have to sleep at night again.

"Listen up, Bell..." Temporarily putting aside the many considerations of dealing with the female team members in his mind, Chios returned the focus to the protagonist's affairs.

"I'd be happy to give you the chance to be an adventurer and a hero, but it doesn't include opening a harem for you. If you consider yourself a man, you can do such trivial things yourself. Girls' favor, never You don't get it from others, do you understand?"

"Yes Yes!"

Inexplicably feeling the courage, the boy reflexively put his knees together and stood upright.

In the past, I always heard grandpa talking about the harem, voyeurism, encounter, romance, etc., but I didn't see many girls surrounded by grandpa.


This leader of Chios is really opening a harem.

Every word and deed reveals a back-to-basics master atmosphere, and the expression that is troubled by the popularity of women is so natural and unpretentious, it will not make people feel that they are showing off.

It's amazing...

Bell felt that his vision had been expanded again and again since he met the leader tonight.

Although the young man still had a little unreasonable fear of Chios in his heart, it has weakened a lot compared to the situation where his limbs were cold for a few days.

On the contrary, the admiration for the young man in front of him is gradually increasing.

Regardless of strength, wealth, and female popularity, they all match or even exceed Bell's cognition of heroes.

Is it possible for a hero to reach such a level?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After briefly introducing the manor annex and handing over the house key to Bell, Chios then led people to the main building, announcing the news of the newcomer to the main god and group members who were chatting and playing in the lobby.

After a long silence...

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