The yellow-green pupils shrank suddenly...

Chapter 720 Six? I'm not, I don't

Like a high-speed spinning chainsaw, the silver wind swept along the lakeside.

Uh uh ah ah ah! ! !

In front of the tornado raging path, there was a sudden scream.

Looks like something weird was hacked...

Although the other party's voice was somewhat blurred by the wind pressure, some human characteristics could still be heard.

"Could it be that some adventurer was involved?"

"I am not sure as well. "

Shrugging his shoulders in response to Riveria's question, Chios did not slow down, and continued to run towards the wooden bridge on the rock island, leaving his pursuers far behind.

When he released Whirlwind Slash, he saw enemies, forests and crystals in front of him, his vision was severely blocked, and the roar of monsters echoed in his ears. How could he know if there was anyone within the range of the sword.

Having said that, now that the labyrinth paradise has been reduced to a monster lair, how can there be adventurers wandering outside the town without knowing their lives?

"There's someone up ahead..."

Aisi narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

The storm passed by, and on the right side of the plowed road, there was an adventurer in a white battle suit half kneeling.

She quickly recognized each other.

"What should I do? If you hurt Mistress Fengrao's clerk, the proprietress will be angry."

"Look carefully, we didn't cause her injuries."


After reconfirming what Chios said, no bloodstains from the wind blade cutting were found on the elf, and Ais, who knew that she didn't need to be fisted by the tavern proprietress, was finally relieved.

In a few words, the four of them had already come to the elf waiter.

Seeing the elf royal family, the opponent barely stood up regardless of his own injuries.

"Master Riveria, Mr. Pesheim...cough! coughcough..."

After opening her mouth, Lyu choked on the blood that gushed up her throat, coughing continuously, and then staggered.

Chios, who was closest, reached out to support her in time.

"Open your mouth and don't talk."

Ryu complied reflexively.

Seeing this, Chios quickly took out a bottle of panacea, bit off the cap, and poured it into the injured person's mouth.

(Just now, lips seemed to touch...)

The image in my mind freezes at the moment when the young man's lower lip touches the bottle.

The pure elf couldn't hide her shyness when she thought of the bottle that was contaminated with the other party's breath and was now put into her own mouth.

"I always feel that her face is redder?"

Ace tilted her head, puzzled.

"Could it be that the panacea has expired?" Tifa turned to her boyfriend.

"It's impossible, I just bought this from the Mihe family at the beginning of the month..." The young man shook his head, and his reaction was quite natural to his partner's joke on the surface, but actually alluding to his own hands and feet.

"Probably because I feel disgusted by people I don't know well. After all, I'm an elf, so it's normal to think I'm dirty..."

Hearing Chios' words, the elf who was pillowed in the young man's arms suddenly opened his azure eyes.

She was dumbfounded.

"I... umm!"

"Sorry, Ms. Liu, please be patient for a few more seconds..." Chios said, tilting the bottle, pouring the last [-]% of the medicinal liquid that sank at the bottom of the arc-shaped bottle into the elf's throat, and the other party was about to blurt out if.

The fingertips smoothly draw the "Life" rune.

A pale green light shone on the elf, giving her warmth.

However, Lyu's heart was icy cold.


Why is there such a misunderstanding?

Obviously not like that...

Wanted to explain, but the panacea that kept pouring into her mouth simply wouldn't allow her to.

Emotions that cannot be expressed through words can only flow to the limbs in the end.

Trembling, venting the grievance...

"Well, she looks really pissed..."

Seeing Lyu's face flushed and trembling with excitement, Ais nodded, completely believing what Chios said.

Riveria also sighed and echoed:

"Quickly end it, for her, your tenderness is probably just torture."

certainly not!

Lyu shouted from the bottom of her heart.

Tifa, who was the only one who guessed the truth and turned her head away early, almost couldn't help laughing at this moment.

The way Chios bullies girls is really unique.

After a few seconds, the treatment is over...

"...thank...thank you...Mr. Pesheim..."

The blush on his face was still there, and there was still a trace of moisture in the corners of his eyes. The elf clerk, who felt like he would cry out at any moment, expressed his gratitude to the young man for his help.

During the process, she stared at Chios, looking hesitant to speak.

In the eyes of Riveria and Ais, Lyu was obviously unwilling.

Unable to see Chios being stared at for nothing because of the cleanliness of the elves, Riveria stepped between the two.

"I'm very concerned about the situation on Rivera Street. Let's go to the town first, okay?"

"Yes, Lord Riveria."

Facing the elf royal family, Lyu could only forcefully swallow the words that came to his lips.

After picking up the weapons that Lyu left behind at the entrance of the forest, the five of them boarded the natural wooden bridge where the branches and leaves were cut off.

On the way to the town, Lyu, who finally calmed down, explained to Chios and the others what she had seen and heard earlier.

"Yeah, the way to the 17th floor was blown up..."

Chios calmly accepted the expected bad news.

"Thank you, Ms. Liu, the information you obtained through risky investigation is very important to us."

"It's just my arbitrary guess..." Lyu shook her head.

"However, according to my knowledge of those villains, if this incident is really planned by them, they will definitely be able to blow up the passage of the maze."

"The remnants of the dark faction, after the decisive battle seven years ago, and the heavy loss of the "nightmare on the 27th floor", those people still retain such a powerful force..."

As Riveria spoke, a pair of slender eyebrows could not help but frown.

"The army of monsters pouring into the safe floor from nowhere, the masked man who attacked you, and the plants manipulated by him... There are so many things we don't know."

"Take it as if we are exploring the unknown deep floor area, and treat every unexpected situation with caution."

Chios replied in a deep voice.

A group of five people came to the end of the wooden bridge. Just as the wooden sign with crooked characters came into view, a dozen or so adventurers holding various weapons and with tense expressions rushed out of the gate built by simple wooden beams.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!"

"Idiot! Open your half-blind eyes and take a good look, it's the Sword of Dawn."

"Isn't it!? Oh my god! It's really him, and even Nine Demon Princess, Sword Fairy and Morrowind are there..."

"Great! We're saved!"

When reinforcements appeared at the critical moment, the adventurers cheered excitedly.

"Sorry to interrupt you..."

Chios didn't waste time greeting the other party, and led his people up to the topic and asked:

"Tell me, please, how many high-level adventurers are there in the town? Have monsters attacked here? What about the construction of temporary defenses?"


The adventurers, who are usually undisciplined and loose, suddenly scratched their heads in embarrassment when asked this question.

"I'm not sure about the number of people, I think there should be more than 1000 people..."

"The monster launched an attack not long ago, but quickly retreated, just can't figure out why..."

"We have some wagons and crates ready..."


Chios forcibly suppressed the urge to curse.

Surrounded by an army of tens of thousands of monsters, the mentality is still so loose.

Are you bastards tired of living?

Chapter 720 Seven? Final Deployment

After finding Berrus, who was barely the leader of this lawless city, Chios finally had a better understanding of the current situation.

The senior adventurers on Rivera Street didn't have as many casual talks as the gatekeepers.Counting the resident and mobile personnel, the number of senior adventurers is usually around 500, and it may increase to [-] or [-] at the busiest time, rarely exceeding.

The reason why people have more illusions is that on the one hand, it is due to optimistic predictions and self-paralyzed psychology.Another reason is that the lower-level adventurers and supporters who came with the upper-level adventurers were included in the statistics.

The lack of troops is not the point.

It's not that Chios has never led troops to fight under a numerical disadvantage.

A rocky island surrounded by lakes on all sides, steep cliffs elevating the ground, leaning on the rock wall as a wall, the hard crystals growing from the soil rock wall form barriers to horses and climbing, and the land access can only be made by simple processing of a few huge trees. narrow bridge...

A town built in such a unique geographical location has almost all advantages as a defender.

Only a small amount of troops is enough to block the entrance and exit. The enemy cannot form a formation in front of the stronghold. During the march, the enemy's weakly defended sides have to be attacked by long-range attack units such as crossbowmen, archers, javeliners, and mages. The condescending bullet rain bombardment, the thick and hard stratum put an end to the threat of tunnel offensive.

In the Middle Ages, a castle built on such a site, as long as it does not encounter a long-term siege that exhausts its supply reserves, is believed to be able to stand still from its completion until the advent of heavy artillery.

However, such an ideal natural fortress has been handed over to adventurers, and it has fallen a total of 330 times so far...

The stronghold was razed to the ground, and the residents fled in a hurry. After the monsters dispersed, they came back to rebuild, and the cycle repeated more than [-] times.

It actually has the face to say that it is "a symbol of the vitality and vitality of adventurers"...

What's the difference between this and the bandit who was beaten by the ruler and fled, hid in the jungle until the regular army left, and then came back to occupy the ruins, spitting on the ground complacently?

Besides, these adventurers are not even facing disciplined and organized human soldiers, but just let a group of irrational monsters chase them around, but why do they feel proud?

What a bunch of ignorant bastards...

If he were the lord, seeing the virtue of the soldiers under his command, he would definitely hang these incompetent guys to the gallows.

Monsters wanting to obtain food and water will continue to attack this place, which is only one of the reasons for this result. The real core of the problem is that the adventurers in the town are extremely lacking in discipline. Valuable property fled back to the surface.

After all, it is the "glorious tradition" practiced by the adventurers living here...

As a result, it was discovered that the road leading to the upper floor had collapsed, and these guys were immediately at a loss.Although they took out equipment and supplies to prepare for the battle, they didn't even have the most basic organization.Facing an army of tens of thousands, seeing that there is no room for maneuver in the upcoming battlefield, they still want to use the form of exploring the maze to fight individually.

It is simply a waste of the excellent geographical environment under their feet.

Chios frowned as his eyes swept across the scattered gatherings, who didn't seem like senior adventurers who knew what position they should be in and were relieved just because of the arrival of reinforcements.

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