In large-scale battles, it is quite common to deploy the strongest units on one side, and then turn around to cooperate with the central army or the flanks to form a pincer attack after making a breach.

Deceiving and inducing the enemy to misdistribute combat power and trying to create local advantages are things that every commander with a normal mind will consider.

Chios believes that the same is true for the dark faction.

It should be said that the other party has already done so.

It has been an hour since the monsters besieged Rock Island, but the high-ranking cadres who are generals have not come forward for a long time. The reason for putting more pressure on the defenders...

During this period, they have more important enemies to deal with.

As for the target, except for the reinforcements sent by the city, he doesn't think about it.

Although the plan of the dark faction can be guessed, but with neither reinforcements nor access to the upper layer, and the island trapped, all Chios can do is to strengthen the defense.

There is an artificial maze connecting the surface to the 18th floor, allowing the enemy to occupy the initiative on the battlefield.

Now, members of the dark faction began to join the attack on Rivera Town.

After excluding the possibility that these lunatics took the initiative to go up the mountain to die and perform human pyrotechnics, the answer that came to Chios' mind could only be to cooperate with high-level cadres to carry out the action.

This also means that the ambush of surface reinforcements has come to an end.

Whether the outcome is good or bad, the next...

The goal of the dark faction is to defeat Rivera adventurer with all his strength.


The Light Eater danced and drew graceful arcs, interweaving sword shadows to shred any monsters that tried to come forward.

"Mr Pesheim!"

From overhead came the cry of the elf waitress.

The adventurers looked up and saw Lyu stepping on the edge of the mountain path and jumping towards the mountainside where the first fortification was located.

The hem of the white battle suit and the blue cloak are like wings, fluttering in the wind...

When landing, only the knees were slightly bent to offset the impact, and the light and graceful figure made everyone in a trance.


Speeding up on her toes, Lyu charged into the formation full of furbolgs, lizardmen, and Minotaurs, and the wooden knife on her waist sliced ​​out a ring horizontally, cutting enemies within a step range in half.

She kept advancing, and the lumen knife light that erupted during the drive brought a large number of bloody and broken limbs, forming a cruel but extremely beautiful scene.

After killing dozens of monsters with his hands, the elves, who felt that they had cleared the buffer space for a short conversation, finally turned back.

After stepping on the mountain road full of blood-stained corpses, she quickly came to Chios.

"Are you injured? Why am I suddenly asked to take over your duties?"

"No, here's the thing..."

The young man briefly explained his inferences about the enemy's movements.

"The villains..."

Knowing that members of the dark faction were advancing towards the rock island, Lyu's fingers holding the wooden knife turned white with force, and a pair of sky-blue eyes reflected deep hatred.

"I believe you know better than me what methods the dark faction will use to fight. I don't need to say more about how to deal with it. It is also because of this that I can rest assured that I will hand over the southern defense line to you and concentrate on going to the northern side to fight with you." The opponent's high-ranking cadres are fighting..."

After Chios finished explaining, he wanted to pat Lyu on the shoulder to comfort him.

Suddenly remembering that he has a setting of "thinking that he is hated by the other party", he deliberately retracted his half-protruded fingertips, showing a little embarrassment in a dilemma.

After hesitating for two seconds, Chios seemed to have made up his mind...

"If we all survive this crisis, I will take full responsibility for the offense so far..."

Under Lyu's surprised gaze, he took her hand.

"So, promise me...don't die."


The gentle whisper came to the ears, and the elf's smooth and white cheeks, which were like ceramics, instantly became rosy like fire.

"I, I, I understand..."

Not knowing what kind of association she had with the young man's words, her breathing was a little short, and her tone was inexplicably flustered.

"Mr. Pesheim too... too, please make sure to survive."

"Well, I'm off then."

Chios returned a smile and let go of Luuzi's hot hand.


The airflow converged and pushed him towards the northern front at full speed.

The adventurers who stayed in place were all dumbfounded.

"You can even talk about love at this time..."

"I really hope he can give a class and teach me something."

"However, it doesn't seem good to say that before a battle where your life is at stake... eh!"

The adventurer who said that was stared at by the elf's murderous eyes, and immediately shut up.


The air ring generated by the propulsion and acceleration continues to explode and roar behind...


The silver wind howled across the trail.

In less than 3 minutes, the scene on the north side of Rock Island appeared in Chios' eyes.

Only the flames from the forest in the east give this side of the island what seems to be the last thin twilight on the eve of nightfall, and the vast wetlands on the other side of the lake are still shrouded in large areas of shadow.

The archers standing on the cliff platform shot arrows in the dim light, and the warriors stationed at the main roads in the mountains were brandishing their sharp blades that shone with gray and silver light to block the enemy.

The monster's roar and the adventurer's roar echoed in my ears.

The fighting is more intense than in the south...

Chios accelerated his pace, and in less than half a minute, he found Tifa leading the adventurers to rest on a flat ground higher in the mountain.

The black-haired girl who heard the wind turned her head.

"Chios? How do you..."

Boom! ! ! !

Suddenly there was a violent explosion in the middle of the rocky mountain below.

Chapter 730 Five? Thunderbolt

The powerful impact shook the entire rocky mountain slightly.

The loud noise of the shattering of the rock wall and the tremors from the soles of the feet suddenly changed the color of the adventurers who had just taken a rest.

"What's wrong!?"

"Could it be magic?"

"This power is no joke..."

"It's a high-ranking cadre of the dark faction, we must go to support Aisi!" Immediately, Tifa, who understood the reason why her partner rushed from the south to the other side, pulled the wrist of the fighting glove to adjust the tightness of the belt, and pointed at Chios. nodded.

"Chios and I are leaving now, everyone follow as soon as possible."

After leaving these words, she left the crowd and came to the edge of the cliff, holding Chios' armored hand.

The pupils of the eyes faded from the original brown red and turned into a sky-like blue.

The two were immediately enveloped by the air current.

"Get down!"

Hearing Chios' warning, the adventurers hurriedly bowed down.Cover the eyes with four fingers, press the ear canal with the thumb, and open the mouth to prevent the excessive sound storm from shaking the body into serious injury.

boom! ! ! !

The shock wave that broke through the sound barrier shattered the blurry afterimage of the human figure, sweeping around.

After the shock passed, the adventurer let go of his hands covering his eyes and ears.

look up...

There were no two figures on the edge of the cliff.



Swords collided, sparks flew.

The crimson giant blade that cut across a savage arc pushed and pressed the rapier unilaterally, sweeping away the opponent with the sword.


Aisi gritted her silver teeth tightly, her consciousness was so numb that she almost lost consciousness, holding the sword of despair, twisting and jumping in mid-air to slow down.


The chant of Feng Ling's sprint fell, and the wind of light green magic power wrapped around her body, pushing her forward.


Jian Ji returned to the enemy in the blink of an eye, stabbing straight with the flat-end rapier.

The red-haired woman's green eyes froze.


Facing the cold edge of the sword that was approaching at a sudden speed, although she reacted quickly and raised the broad red blade of the sword as a shield in time, but halfway through the pursuit, she had no time to step on it steadily, and could not counteract the strength of concentrating on one point.


The soles of the boots scraped the ground.

Not letting go of this opportunity, Aisi stepped forward quickly, and slashed the rapier with her wrist towards the opponent's neck.

Jian Guang cut the air with a "shua".

The red-haired woman with extraordinary physical stamina abruptly dodged the decisive blow while her body collapsed.Leaning back and supporting the ground with the left hand, part of the inertial force is pushed down, part of it drives the body to rotate upside down, and sweeps out a vicious whip kick with the sand on the shoe surface.

Ace retreated quickly.

At a distance of ten meters, she raised her sword and stood in front of her, confronting the enemy who had regained her footing.

The two sides played against each other in less than three seconds...

(So ​​strong...)

Sweat slid down the girl's cheeks.

Just now, the foot knife that passed half an inch in front of the tip of the nose, almost kicking the right cheekbone, and the flying sand that sneaked at the fragile eyeball, if there is a hit, she is probably dead by now.

Physical fitness, explosive power, reaction speed, coordination, resilience...

Every indicator is beyond the scope of most first-level adventurers that Aisi knows.

Without the enhancement given by Wind Spirit Rush, he would be completely suppressed.

The opponent is a more dangerous enemy than the deep floor master.

Come to this conclusion in your mind.

The survival instinct screamed and begged the girl to turn around and run away, while the unyielding personality howled and ordered her to fight with all her strength.

The two wills saw each other repeatedly in their hearts, trying to seize the dominance of the main body...

clam down.

Ace didn't let timidity or passion drive her to action.

Glancing behind him from the corner of the eye...

The mountain path that was suddenly struck by lightning and collapsed was full of large and small rock fragments that fell from the mountain wall.The fortifications built earlier were smashed, and the adventurers guarding the main road fell in a pool of blood one by one, life and death uncertain.

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