Changxiu sat in front of the desk, looking intently at the documents in front of her, completely lacking her usual calm and relaxed appearance.

The desktop is full of statistics about the weapons and rice grains of Mosen City.

Three thousand and four hundred Oda troops joined forces and besieged the defenders of Suesori Castle at Sannomaru. It has been a day.

Unexpectedly, the Oda Army invaded the city so easily, and many weapons and rice grains in Sannomaru were not transferred or burned in time, and were confiscated by the Oda Army.

Enough food for [-] Oda soldiers for a month, as well as three guns, light-footed bangs, array hats and other soldier equipment, and even dozens of climbing ladders...

With such an unexpected harvest, Nagahide, who had originally held the idea of ​​being expensive and fast, was not in a hurry to attack Ninomaru.

Slow down the pace first, let Oda Jun take a good rest and recharge his batteries for a day.

The threat of Imakawa Yoshimoto sending troops was real, and Changxiu didn't have time to wait for ten days and a half months until Mosen's army ran out of food and surrendered.

However, she can afford it for three to five days.

There is another reason why she decided to slow down her attack...

"I want to give him a day..." Chang Xiusu rested his chin on his hand and muttered, feeling a little headache from the behavior of another general in the army.

"What exactly does Lord Chios want to do?"

Just thinking about this person, the other party came.

Chios, who was wearing a black system of majestic pills, held the golden sun wheel in one hand, opened the curtain and walked into the big tent.

"Manchiyo, please have more confidence in me, I am going to seek more allies and reinforcements..."

Wiping off a little sweat from his face while talking, Chios rarely showed fatigue on his face, but there was strong confidence in his eyes.

"After lunch, we can start the raid on Ninomaru."

"I understand..." Changxiu stared into the eyes of the young man in front of him, nodded and replied:

"With all preparations and high morale, we will attack in the afternoon as Master Chios said."

The two have known each other for a short time. Whenever the layout calculation is about to be completed, Chios's eyes are always like this, with a sharp edge...

Changxiu and Chios have reached a consensus on "kill Xinsheng". In theory, Chios's plan does not need to be hidden from Changxiu, but some of his methods are dishonorable and may make her feel guilty.

Concealment is actually the clumsy gentleness of men...

The girl felt a little funny in her heart, obviously the two of them could bear it together.

(However, it is the tolerance of a good woman not to point out or force questions...)

Getting up from the chair, Changxiu walked slowly to Chios.

The difference in height between the two was seven or eight inches, but the girl ignored the other's figure and put her arms around the back of the young man's neck, letting his chin rest on her shoulder.

"Manchiyo, you..."

"Shh, Master Chios, keep quiet..." A gentle female voice echoed in his ears, gently interrupting Chios's words.

"It's time to rest now, Master Chios, please recover from your fatigue here."

Facing Changxiu's unexpectedly gentle action, Chios paused for a few seconds, and then let go of the hand holding the helmet.


The expensive 36 tendons fell to the ground.

Guessing Changxiu's heart, Chios put his arms around Changxiu's soft waist and strengthened his arms slightly.

"Thank you, Manchiyo..."

"Too...exerting...feels...difficult to breathe..."

Some were out of breath and said her complaints, but there was no pain on Changxiu's face, but a happy smile.

"Lord really idiot...but...full marks..."



After lunch, the Oda Army lined up in front of the east, west, and south walls of Suesori Castle Ninomaru. Each side had a thousand troops, except for the north side which did not send troops.

The Oda soldiers stared at the Suemori Army not far away with high spirits. They received the salary of His Highness Nobuna and enjoyed the treatment second only to the samurai...

Loyal to the lord, but hate those who betrayed the lord.

Chios, who commanded the attack on the southern city wall, stood in front of the formation of a thousand southern siege troops holding a sword.

With the scorching sun on his head, he put his left hand on the front of the helmet to block the glare of the sun. He raised his head to observe the enemy troops on the Ninomaru screen wall, and held a wooden shield beside him to prevent the general from being attacked by the enemy.

The Mori army deployed about [-] ashigaru on the south screen wall.

"Leave a reserve team of 900 people to support the fierce battle at any time..." Chios quickly figured out the enemy's general's plan and couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's really a pedantic strategy. If morale is low, once you fall into a disadvantage, you will collapse."

With his good eyesight, Chios could clearly see the state of the enemy army on the wall.

Biting the lower lip tightly, repeatedly adjusting the grip of the hand holding the gun, and high frequency of chest heaving...all are signs of anxiety.

Most of the soldiers are soldiers in the military service, so they must feel very unlucky to be recruited by the lord... Coupled with the unfavorable battle situation, it is really worrying how much enthusiasm they will have for fighting.

Seeing this, Chios already had a winning strategy in mind, and he shouted to the Oda Army behind him:

"Warriors of the Oda family!"

"The enemy's legs are trembling, and their eyes are avoiding. Such a weak brigade is vulnerable!"

He swiped his sword sharply in the direction of Ninomaru.

"Break them all in one blow, [-]st backup, [-]nd backup!"

""exist! ""

The two hundred ashigaru loudly responded and took a step forward at the same time.

"Follow me to attack!"

After finishing speaking, Chios grabbed the wooden shield in Ashgaru's hand with his left hand. The huge wooden shield that ordinary Ashgaru could only lift with two hands was actually lifted by Chios with one hand!

Oh oh oh!

The Thousand Oda Army in the south raised their weapons excitedly and roared majesticly.

"Forward!" Chios gave the order, and he took the lead in striding towards the city wall with his shield.

Two hundred people held up wooden shields, climbing ladders, and spears, and followed Chios' back.

The leader's example made their blood boil.

If you can follow the rumored warriors who are brave, resourceful, and elegant in battle, even if you die in battle, you will die well.

There seems to be a fire burning in the chest, endowing them with inexhaustible and inexhaustible courage.

Ninomaru Castle Wall...

"Fire the arrows!" The Suesori Army samurai waved his hand and ordered.

Whoosh whoosh!

Two hundred feathered arrows were thrown out.

They drew beautiful arcs in the sky, and then fell straight down as a rain of death.

"Raise the shield!"

Chios gave an order, and everyone stopped and raised the wooden shield or the climbing ladder.

dong dong dong...

The dull sound of arrows piercing into solid wood sounded continuously, blocking the rain of death.

After the sound, only seven ashigaru were unfortunately shot in the leg and fell to the ground.

"Remove the wounded!" Chios moved the wooden shield above his head, looked at the city wall less than fifty steps away with cold eyes and ordered:

"keep going!"




Today's goal is also two more

Chapter 65?Golden-eyed Ghosts

The Oda army led by Chios moved forward. Whenever the enemy fired a salvo, they stopped and used wooden shields and climbing ladders to resist.

If there are scattered arrows, ignore them and move on.


After three rounds of arrow rain, the first climbing ladder with barbs was put on the Ninomaru city wall.

Chios threw down the heavy wooden shield, handed the Taidao to his left hand, and the Sword of the King of Scots appeared in his right hand,

"Follow me!" Chios finished speaking, stepped on the climbing ladder, and went straight up like walking on flat ground.

Most people need both hands and feet to climb the city-climbing ladder, but the chief general of the Oda Army stepped over it with only his legs, and jumped close to the top of the city in a few steps.

(Eye of Doom...)

With a thought, his right pupil was dyed a topaz-like color, and his iris exuded a faint golden light.

"My God, his eyes!"

"Golden ghost eyes!"


The defenders of Momori City, who had been keeping a close eye on Chios, witnessed the moment when the golden magic eyes replaced the purple pupils, and the moment when they shone with strange brilliance...

They had never seen such weird pupils before, and they couldn't help screaming.

"Monster, die!"

There are also brave men among the defenders of Mosen City. When the people were shocked by Chios' actions and changes, they still came straight with their guns.

"..." Chios was silent, he just swung his long sword to cut off the incoming gun, and with a final tiptoe, he jumped up in the air and swiped forward with his left hand.


A human head flew up, and the blood spattered on the body of the ashigaru comrade.

"Don't procrastinate, climb up for me!"

Chios yelled to his subordinates without looking back, and swung his double blades into the Morsen army.

Every move of the enemy, under the "future vision" of the eye of robbery, there is nothing to hide.

Even though he was surrounded and suppressed by the defenders on the wall, Chios walked like a ghost, avoiding the enemy's attack path in advance...

With a single sword in his hand, all the combat skills of tens of thousands of great fighters have been condensed throughout their lives, and they can easily take away a life.

Chios stepped on the ground with a spear stabbed by the ether knife, and the whole person rushed into the most densely populated place of the enemy like a shadow...


The sword inherited by the Scottish royal family draws a sharp silver streamer, slashing with all the strength of the whole body, piercing the necks of five ashigaru in a flash.

Five blood fountains soared into the sky.

Seeing the brave and unparalleled fighting posture of the main general, the Oda army under the city was very excited, and they all accelerated their running speed.

As for the golden eyes, that's their chief general...

Chios, the perfect samurai that people have been talking about, how could it be a monster?

"Oda Army, go!"

"For Lord Chios!"

"For Your Highness Nobuna!"

While roaring, a series of climbing ladders were built on the top of the wall, and the Oda Army samurai and ashigaru scrambled to start climbing.

The samurai carrying the flag with black stripes on the yellow background first boarded the city wall. They killed the enemy with their skillful martial arts and occupied a foothold for their side.

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