Chapter 740 Three? Dawn Edict

"Cough...cough cough!"

Chios lifted the helmet visor, which was stained both inside and out with a deep dark red hue, and violently coughed up frothy blood.


Feierweisi, who was only about ten steps away from the young man, quietly watched the opponent's getting weaker and weaker, and did not take advantage of the opportunity to attack and chase.

In the hour-long ultra-high-intensity battle, the accumulated injuries had already approached the critical point that the young man could bear, and the heavy blow to the throat with the sword hilt only made the situation worse.

If you want to talk about who is the most injured, the answer should actually be yourself...

However, even if there are thousands of blood holes in the torso, large areas of flesh and blood are burned, and even the limbs are severed... Other first-level adventurers are also doomed to die of serious injuries, but they have nothing to do with the abrasions on themselves. different.

Unlike Mayfair, who has a powerful self-healing ability, the physical strength of Chios as a human is really far behind.

Although Chios has made a lot of efforts to make up for this huge gap, such as attaching a curse to the long sword that prevents the wound from healing naturally; using extremely cold air to cause permanent necrosis of the part; aiming at the magic stone to try to end the battle once and for all. . .Wait.

Of course, all attempts ended in failure.

If it cannot regenerate, all the flesh and blood affected by the curse will be cut off around the wound, and then a new one will grow.

Except for magic stones, they can be discarded at will like mass-produced parts.

Fairway was well aware of the abnormality of this filthy body.

Relying on unreasonable self-healing to wear down opponents does not make her feel proud.

On the contrary, there was nothing but sadness in her heart.

Knowing that if he does not apply enough pressure, the adventurers behind him may face magic bombardment at any time, so the young man gave up his conservative and steady tactics, and he did not hesitate to bite his opponent at the cost of injury.

Under the disadvantage of being completely behind in physical fitness, relying on tactical skills and strong willpower, he has tenaciously supported until now.

Many times, Chios is just one step away from success.

Even Mayfair and Weiss began to look forward to hearing the sound of the sword smashing the magic stone in the young man's hand, so as to be freed from the miserable fate.

But the strong will to survive erupted from the parasitic and assimilated body of the magic stone, and can always try to escape at the critical moment of life and death.

In the end, the one who wins is still yourself...

This cold fact made the funeral goblin feel deep despair.

Although, she doesn't hate Chios...

Numerous times of cutting through the flesh and blood, the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow has clearly told Fairway that the man in front of her is indeed trying to kill her by all means.

It's a pity that the success fell short.

What I can do now is to give Chios one last chance.

Until the moment when the opponent is completely unable to stand still and falls to the ground, then personally extinguish the fire of life of this hero...

Looking at the young man who bit off the cork of the panacea bottle and poured the potion into his mouth, Mayfair Weiss asked in a deep voice:

"Is that the last bottle?"

Hearing her slightly trembling voice, Chios' eyes flashed with surprise.


Quickly drink up the liquid medicine and throw away the empty bottle,

"That's right..." He shrugged and replied with a smile, not intending to make unnecessary bravado.

"Thank you for finding out."

"It's a shame you can still laugh."

"Otherwise, do I have to cry and beg you for mercy?"

"..." Mayfair Weiss fell silent.

She clenched her hands that hung down the sides of her tattered robe.

what is this?

He clearly said he was going to kill her...

But now he assumed an attitude of giving up and going to die easily.

"Is there nothing you can do? Chios!!?"

Facing the emotional Filvis, Chios untied the buckle between the helmet and the neck armor with his left hand.


Take off the bloody, stuffy full-face helmet.

"I tried my best to save my companions and strangers while saving my own life. I even hope to help you escape..."

Saying that, Chios didn't care that his opponent was not far ahead, and turned his head to look at the rocky mountain to the southwest.

The peak of the mountain where the hinterland of Rivera Street is located is shining like a lighthouse.

Even if you organize your own adventurers to set up heavy defense lines, ignite the floors with magic, and personally lure away the strongest combat power of the dark faction...

Choose the stage of the duel at the foot of the mountain where monsters are dense, rely on the skill [Blood Altar], massacre the surrounding enemies in exchange for the long-term activation of [Jing Healing] and [Healing Power], and compete with the regenerating goblin in an hour Long.

Use all available conditions, even the opponent's thunder magic, causing thousands of monsters to die in the aftermath of the fierce battle.


After all, there is still no escape from the end of the fall.

He sighed melancholy.

"but failed."

The eyes that fell on the pale face of the mourning goblin again focused on the distance.

In the northeast of the Labyrinth Paradise, on the tall and huge crystal, three figures who can vaguely see the human form, just sitting in the depression of the branch of the crystal, leisurely admiring the disaster they led.

Without careful identification, Chios also knew their identities.

The main god of the dark faction.

(Enjoy your last chance to taunt mortals...)

Thinking of the vicious play on the corner of the other party's mouth at this time, he secretly sneered.

"Usual means seem impossible..."

Dispelling the hesitation in his heart, Chios also did not forget to tease his opponent:

"There is the last card left in my hand. Once I play it, maybe I will die here with you. It's really a bad joke. After all, I don't like you."

Hearing this, hope suddenly ignited in the depths of Feierweisi's cloudy green eyes.

"Better than dying alone."

Two people who were about to die, chatted about emotional topics as if nothing had happened.

"That's right, feelings can be cultivated slowly."

Agreeing with the report fairy's point of view, the young man restrained his smile, ignored the deafening alarm bells in his mind, and read out the only magic chant he had obtained since entering the mission world:

"O bright star that fell into chaos and plunged straight into the abyss after nine degrees of morning and evening. Rise and burn and shine in the starry night, piercing the darkness before the dawn—""

It is not a magic circle that guides energy to build.


The pure white light, like the blazing flames of heaven, spread out from the center of the young man.

The ghostly aura surrounding his body suddenly dissipated.

Instead of reverting to the jet black it once was, the pale hair faded to a brighter, more dazzling platinum hue.

A light curtain pops up in front of the line of sight.

Its border has turned red to warn of danger.

【warn!The executor's current strength is not strong enough to withstand the side effects of this magic, forcibly using it will cause irreversible damage to the source, please stop casting spells immediately! 】

It was as if he could see the anxious face of his immediate superior through the message.

Bathed in the divine radiance, Chios shook his head lightly.

"Bearing the eternal curse and original sin, gather the sparks of hope, weave the wings of brilliance. Hold high the shield against despair, and swing down the sword that cuts fate! This is..."

"Dawn Edict!"

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The pure white beam of light pierced through the labyrinth floor and shot straight into the sky.

Chapter 740 Four? One

The sacred flame of heaven enveloping the Tower of Babel soared into the sky.


There is no loud noise tearing eardrums, and no impact that shakes the ground...

But it brings everyone a throbbing that trembles the soul.

On the central square of the labyrinth city, tens of thousands of Olali citizens who had just experienced the explosion attack of the dark faction and were led here by the Ganesha family to seek refuge or receive treatment looked up.

I saw that the pure white beam of light extending from the tower on the ground turned into a bridge of light leading to the other side of the stars, connecting with an unusually bright celestial body in the blue sky.

With it as the center, the stars that should have been eclipsed by the sun suddenly bloomed and shone.

The celestial phenomenon that goes against common sense comes into view, and what people feel is not panic...

It was a relief.


The sound of some kind of heavy shackles peeling off from the body sounded in the depths of consciousness.

A hero who took the burden of this inherent guilt on behalf of everyone.

Fate...or original sin.

"Ah, it's the Sword of Dawn..."

"For us, he actually..."

Hot tears flowed down his cheeks.

An indescribable emotion lingered in my heart.

People couldn't help clasping their hands together and offering their most devout prayers to the beam of light.


Tiny dots of light like fireflies flew out from everyone's chests.

Hovering around the pure white beam of light, weaving into burning incandescent feathers.

Not only the residents of the square...

In the entire city, and even around the world, the light of faith condensed by the countless people who shed tears for the sacrifice of heroes has crossed the sky and rushed towards the magnificent landmark that broke through the sky.

For a moment, the sky above the labyrinth city seemed to be the end point of the intersection of billions of galaxies, forming a magnificent and magnificent picture.

"How come? He clearly told him that he would never use it..."

Walking out of the main building of Piliano Manor, the moment she saw the pure white beam of light and the blazing feathers all over the sky, the girl's knees softened and she sat on the ground slumped.


Tears fell from the corners of my eyes and rained down on the marble steps.

The goddess couldn't bear it anymore, and wept bitterly.

As a god, he can only watch his beloved child step into the abyss of eternal doom.

"Why should that child carry a burden that even the gods cannot bear...why..."


Dungeon Level 18, Rock Island...

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