"Well, I admit that I was attracted to her, so I paid a little more attention."


From the corner of the corridor leading to the kitchen, there was the sound of violent shaking of the tea set.

Without going to check, Chios also knew that the pot of tea was for nothing.

Step, step, step...

The sound of panicked footsteps faded away.

Narrow eyes fell on Chios' side face.

Astoria's cherry lips parted slightly, and she spoke silently:


Chios had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender.

"I lied, sorry."

"Hehe~ You have the courage to admit your mistakes, you are a good boy."


A cough brought the matter away, and Chios turned to the topic:

"God Astoria, your return has a very significant boost to the morale of the city residents..."

"I believe that after several years of accumulation and fierce battles with the remnants of the dark faction, Miss Liu has met the upgrade requirements in terms of proficiency and great achievements. Even if your newly recruited family members are temporarily unable to register with the guild due to some reasons , if you are a first-level adventurer, your family rating will not face downgrade."

Astoria nodded, quietly waiting for the other party to speak.

Chapter 760 Three? Because your reaction is very interesting

"In recent months, we have experienced too much anxiety, fear, and even loss. Now, with the complete defeat of the dark faction and the remnants of the dark faction, we finally ushered in a warm dawn. It is time for us to dilute our anxiety with fine wine and The delicacies are full of joy, and the depression of these days is vented with jubilant noise..."

"Seven days later, on Friday evening, the Hestia family will hold a large dinner party at the Ward House on the bustling street. The invitees include guilds, chambers of commerce, representatives of various guilds, and Olali's high-ranking family members. At the same time, nearly Ninety percent of the restaurants and taverns will also provide free meals so that the residents of Orario can enjoy the grand event together."

Having said that, Chios took out the invitation card from his inner pocket with his left hand and handed it to Astria.

"At that time, please attend with Miss Lucy Leon."

"Is this okay?" Astoria didn't take the beautifully crafted envelope immediately, and Astoria looked a little guilty.

"So much has happened during this time, and I'm not here..."

"Without the help of Ms. Liu, the casualties of Rivera's adventurers are bound to be much more tragic than the results seen so far. And at that time, she will be inspired by her past companions to come to the safe floor. Believing is not accidental, it is the proof that the light of justice is always with us."

Hearing this, Astoria was startled.

She lowered her head slowly.

"Do you believe that the thoughts of Alysée and the others are protecting Olalie?"

"They are more competent heroes than me. Even if they become stars in the sky, the will to right the balance and protect everyone will not disappear."


The shadow of the walnut-colored bangs covered half of her face, and the goddess' folded hands on her legs trembled slightly.

Because it will not age, no matter whether it is joy or sorrow, the little things experienced with the children of the family will always be so vivid in my mind, and it will not fade until the end of the world.

Because of this, she knew that her gaze couldn't always stay in the past, even though she suffered the same pain as Lyu after losing her family.

Obviously so...

"Anyone can become weak when memories flood in...God is no exception."

Chios said, turning his face away out of politeness, and handed the handkerchief to the other party.

"You're so good at comforting..."

The words of the goddess make it difficult to distinguish whether she is praising or complaining.

Wiping off the crystal eyes with a handkerchief, she jokingly said:

"You've done everything you can to get me there."

"Of course..." Chios spread his hands and admitted frankly:

"If you didn't participate in this grand event, it would be like missing the most beautiful scenery. It's like watching the sunrise but encountering dark clouds. It's not just me, I'm afraid every male guest present will feel very sad about it."

"Freya and Ishta will be angry if they hear that."

"No way, the truth always hurts."


Feeling that if he didn't accept it, the young man in front of him might say even more embarrassing words, so Astoria reached out to accept the invitation.

At this time, Lyu, who had finally made tea, walked out of the corner.

"Lyu, Chios invited us to a dinner he's throwing next Friday."


The elf who didn't know why looked at the young man.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing you two dressed up..."

Halfway through the talk, from Lyu's expression and hesitant mouth movements, Chios had already guessed what excuse the other party wanted to use to evade.

"Later, the tailor of the Hestia family will come to make custom-made dresses for the two of you. As the number one loyal customer, I can assure you that her craftsmanship is absolutely top-notch."


Lyu was about to say that she couldn't afford expensive clothes with the meager salary she earned from working in a tavern, but her escape route was suddenly cut off.

Chios went on to add:

"Don't worry about matching jewelry. The owner of GC&B in the bustling street said that if the gems in the store have a chance to bathe in the light of justice, they are willing to lend any treasures for free."

"That's great, Lyu, this way I won't be compared to the girls of the Rocky family..." Astoria clasped her hands together, and said softly like a sister who was worried that her sister would not get married. encourage:

"You have to dress up well, come on, take happiness into your own hands."

"Ah, Astoria-sama! Please don't tease me like Alysée!"

Just finished talking about the main god, the young man on the other side fell into deep thought.

"Although Ms. Liu wearing the uniform of the rich hostess is not bad, but I really want to see different collocations. Well, why not just use the inspiration of the tavern costumes and let Lucia design a set for Miss Liu with the theme of an elf princess maid, which is full of conflicts. Feeling..."

"Mr Pesheim!!??"


Alysée, Seele, Mr. Pesheim, and even Lady Astoria...

Why do you all like to tease yourself?

""Because your (Lyu) reaction is very interesting. ""



Chios did not forget that this trip was a public trip, and a large number of entourages were still waiting for him outside the house, so he only stayed in the Garden of Stardust for half an hour, and then he bid farewell politely and left.

First, try to get the guild to cancel the wanted, and then use your own appearance to create momentum for the return of the goddess of justice...

When Lyu, who has washed away his stains, completes the registration as a newly promoted first-level adventurer, coupled with the already impressive folk reputation, the Astria family will become a high-ranking faction whose influence surpasses that of the Ishtar family.

And the news that the Astoria family is close to the Eternal Flame Alliance will also turn into the most dazzling pearl in the crown of Chios, giving him absolute legitimacy in ruling.

The signboard of "Justice" is really easy to use.

Thinking about it, Chios drove his horse through the street...

Looking around, one after another pulley cranes hanging heavy wood and stones came into view.The skeleton of the house was built on the original site of the building that was burned to ruins by the fire, and the sweaty workers worked hard under the sun.

Near the construction site, the guild staff were busy recording consumables and confirming whether the supplies were complete.

Whether it is really busy or pretending to be busy, at least the public can see their efforts.

It can be seen that the management organization intends to seize the opportunity of urban reconstruction, establish a serious and responsible image, and use actions to refute those voices who criticize its incompetence.

very good.

The more the guild focuses its human and financial resources on the city, the less room it has to intervene in his underground plans...

A perfect ending plan for my layout so far, will be informed to the distinguished guests as a surprise on the day of the dinner.

"Hmph..." Chios raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

I don't know what expression Royman will show then?

"It's really exciting."

Infected by his emotions, he dismounted from the white horse and neighed.

Chapter 760 Four? Dinner

March 3 at 26:17...

The setting sun slowly sank into the horizon.

The city that is about to be covered by night will be taken over by the soft light of magic stone lamps.

On the bustling street, Loki, dressed in a male attire, walks by humming a tune with a grass stalk he picked up from nowhere.

Behind her, followed by a large group of family members.

"Loki, are you really going to take all the people from the first and second armies?"

"Of course!" Loki shook his hand indifferently.

"Anyway, Kios is very rich, so he won't bother me about this extra expense."

"I'm talking about politeness..."

Riveria rubbed her forehead and sighed.

"Well, they're all here, it's not appropriate to adjust the team size at this time."

"Haha, just treat it as a good relationship, and bring more people to support him!"

Finn made a sound at the right time, while Grace on the side smiled and seconded.

"By the way, are you going to wear that cloak all the time?"

The dwarf stroked his beard with his hand, stared at the elf royal family covered in a gray-green cloak from the neck down, and couldn't help asking.

"Before going out, I shut myself in the room and dressed up for so long, but in the end I only covered my face, so I couldn't see anything except the forehead decoration."

Hearing this, Riveria's expression suddenly became a little stiff.

On the eve of the dinner party, most of the carriages in Olali city already had reservations.

Naturally, the Loki family, whose participants suddenly increased, couldn't find enough pick-up vehicles.

Seeing the time passing by and still unable to get the car together, the Lord God, who was too lazy to wait, made a decision...

walk over.

Thus, members of the first and second armies of the Rocky family, who had changed into formal attire, walked across the street like a procession participating in a celebration parade.

The elven royal family, who would be ashamed to show a little more skin, can't stand being casually scrutinized by passers-by on the street when they wear a dress.

"I'll take it off when I get to the banquet."

The time to fulfill this sentence will come soon.

As a landmark building in the bustling street, the Ward House can never be mistaken.

The semi-circular green area marked out in front of the mansion as if to show off financial resources, the flags representing the faction of the members of the Eternal Flame Alliance are neatly arranged on the left and right of the central fountain. At the top, the Loki family and his party finally arrived at the dinner venue.


Raúl's neck was bent almost ninety degrees.

"I used to think it was okay from a distance, but now I realize how magnificent the building is."

The overall structure of the building is trapezoidal, and the outer circle of each platform is planted with exotic flowers and plants from all over the world and the labyrinth. The clear spring from the mouth of the animal head statue is poured into the waterway, and the water mist spreads like a cloud, making it seem Floating islands suspended in the sky.

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