Of course, Lianna's instructor's line of defense also failed.

His breathing is still steady.

Because he can predict the opponent's actions, without the unpredictable pressure, he will naturally not be in a hurry and waste his energy for nothing.

If it's just this kind of battle, it's okay to continue fighting until dark.

"Do you think that as long as I don't use more force and speed than you can handle, you can keep going?"

(How dare I...)

Chios thought to himself.

It is a fact that his own martial arts has improved rapidly, but facing the saint of the gun who has reached this level hundreds of years ago and is advancing to a higher level, this level of skill is nothing more than a trick.


Witnessing the young man's eyes clearly conveying the meaning of "instructor, don't find a reason to beat the students", the corners of the blond woman's mouth slightly curled up.

Too late.

During the training process, when the joy of being able to confront her flashed across the student's face, she decided to give him a slap in the face.

Chicks who are complacent after only flapping their wings twice are not eligible to leave the nest.

Chios must be made to understand from the bottom of his heart that he still has a lot to learn from himself.

It seems that she is also a narrow-minded woman...

Lianna sighed with emotion.

"Indeed, combat skills within the scope of common sense can no longer pose a threat to you, but..."

As she spoke, she took a slow breath.

Obviously it was just a seemingly ordinary breathing, but Chios' pupils shrank suddenly, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Like the invisible third eye, the keen sixth sense developed after martial arts reached a certain level, observed the terrifying power in Lianna's slender body that had been tempered and honed.

That is definitely not the strength that adrenaline or stimulating drugs can stimulate...


blow! ! !

The figure that accelerated suddenly was several times faster than the woman's voice.

Although Chios was prepared, his movements were too slow before the attack that far surpassed "Super Speed".

The gap between the two sides is like the second and minute hands on a clock...

Fortunately, the instructor's sword light that fell vertically did not lock onto his body full of flaws.

boom! ! ! ! !

Impartially hitting the blade of [Ragnarok] with astonishing force, the young man's muscles and nerves went numb, and he was sent flying tens of meters in a straight line.

It didn't stop until it broke the courtyard guardrail and rolled awkwardly on the ground a few times.

"Cough! Cough cough... woogoo!"

In the rising dust, Chios coughed violently halfway and suddenly put his hands on his mouth.

Thick dark red blood oozed from his fingers.

Take out a bottle of elixir and drink it.


What kind of technique can make the human body explode with such speed and brute force?

Chios would not be surprised if it was caused by super-standard strength or vindictiveness.

In the case of allowing the use of source power, he also has ways to strengthen himself with magic and yin and yang spells, and then perform extremely powerful sword skills.

But this is a pure physical contest.

That is to say, instructor Lianna can achieve a level comparable to or even surpassing magic blessing with her physical skills that do not contain a little source power...

step, step...

The instructor's footsteps approached.

"Does it hurt?"

"...Of course it hurts when you vomit blood from the beating."

Chios replied helplessly.

"Sorry..." Bending her knees and lowering her body, Liana wiped the blood stains from the corner of the student's mouth with a silk scarf in her hand.

"I'm a little anxious."


"Yeah." Liana responded, but did not give a specific explanation.


Connecting the few clues revealed in the words before the shot, Chios felt that he seemed to have glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the instructor's thoughts, but could not grasp the whole picture.

In short, speak tentatively first, and observe the reaction before speaking.

"I really can't do without the instructor."

"...Why do you say that?"

The short pause at the beginning of the instructor's reply, and the subsequent softening of his expression, convinced Chios that his judgment was roughly correct.

Based on the intelligence and communication experience he has, he pieced together a relatively appropriate statement that would not cause serious mistakes:

"Because I'm immature, I just forget about it if I don't lose when I fight against an instructor who hasn't given my best. Such an incompetent student can't fly alone without your wings. At least it's 100 years earlier... Besides, I actually also In no mood..."

At the end of Chios's words, the volume became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was completely silent, as if a little embarrassed.

"Don't always act like a child who doesn't grow up..."

The Holy Maiden of the Spear wiped the silk scarf with her thumb to wipe off the dust on the young man's face. On the surface, she was teaching the students, but her tone was not harsh at all:

"Sooner or later, you will have to be on your own, and then you can no longer act like a baby to me willfully."

Obviously you don't think so...

Chios secretly slandered.

Having said that, why do many women who regard themselves as elders around them always treat themselves as children, and even worry that they will get lost...

Do you have a constitution that easily evokes motherhood?

Thinking about this question, Chios stood up holding the hand offered by the instructor.

Seeing that his injury had been healed by the panacea, Liana restrained her concern and returned to the seriousness of being a guide.

"This is the end of the basic training. I will teach you the trick of "storing Qi" another day. Now you have to learn to master another trump card in your hand, the new skill held by the magic sword [Ragnarok]. "

"Learn to master..."

Does the ability solidified on the weapon need special practice before it can be used freely...

Sensing the student's doubts, Liana then asked the question:

"Do you know why some people call out the name of the skill when they use a powerful move?"

"The second illness is terminal."

"...Although some people are indeed as you said, but not all." Liana shook her head.

"The key reason is that in order to liberate power that cannot be easily mobilized in the normal state, it is necessary to use ritual actions to form a resonance phenomenon."

"The Broken Blade of Splendid Starlight" is the embodiment of your shared experience with the sword. It is a miracle of light that cannot be reproduced by the magic sword alone. . "


Palace audience listens to...

"This is..."

Weita, who was reporting the matter to the leader, was taken aback when he suddenly sensed the huge energy gathered outside.

The spiritual power radiates over a large area, like a radar sweeping the upper palace area.

"I thought it was an assassin sent by the enemy..." After understanding the situation, she couldn't help sighing softly:

"Lianna is really brave enough to let Chios practice skills so close to the main hall..."

"what is the relationship? "

On the pure white throne, Athena said without hesitation:

"When a child gets a new toy, he always needs to be given room to wave a few times. It is also reasonable to accidentally break a vase or two occasionally."

The problem is that when he swung his sword, a mountain might disappear...

Although His Royal Highness can retroactively repair the damage with a snap of his fingers, if he wants to be held accountable, Chios will certainly not be able to escape confinement.

"You really dote on him."

"He deserves it..."

Athena said with melancholy.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, a red light curtain suddenly unfolded in front of his line of sight...

[Emergency Military Situation? Level A]

Chapter 780 IX? The Fire Will Extinguish

The beam of teleportation flickers...

The pure white that filled the field of vision dissipated, and the empty audience hall of the main hall came into view.

The natural light penetrating the dome glass is refracted, from the seventh step down from the throne to the shadow of the main entrance of the palace, and beams of light are sprinkled between the towering columns symmetrically arranged on the left and right according to a fixed distance.

Bathed in one of the beams of light symbolizing the standing seats, Chios glanced across the opposite side, led by "Blue Abyss", seven fellow troops who had only met the day before yesterday.Then he looked to the side, and as expected, he saw Tifa, Instructor Liana, and three members of the [Iron Fleet] subordinate.

[Body Devouring Snake] Almost all the apostles and numbered executors who are staying at the legion's station are present.

Not sure if there are other powerful members of the association who are on standby in the Eternal City, but the current battle alone is enough to show that the situation is unusual...


"Ah, I know."

Facing the comforting look from his girlfriend, Chios responded with some depression.

Most of the scheduled vacations are going to be wasted.

Back then, he had joked with Vita not to set a flag, but he didn't expect that an emergency military situation that might not happen once a year would come shamelessly at the invitation just four days later.

And there is a high probability that it will be an accident that requires him to fight. After all, legions usually don't consider handing over tasks to platoon executors.


Shouldn't he be immune to curses? Is this also a side effect of damage to the source?

Forget it, thinking about it won't help...

No matter how helpless you are in your heart, it is not a reason to escape from reality.

Chios quickly put away unnecessary emotions, turned to face the throne, and waited for the legion commander to speak.

Seeing that all the executors had entered the situation, Athena spoke:

"Calling you temporarily has nothing to do with the frontline warfare..."


Projections resembling galaxies suddenly appeared in the midair of the hall.

The screen quickly zoomed in and zoomed in to the outer edge of the spiral arm at the upper left, and among the many light blue spots representing the realms under the legion, the only exception was the crimson celestial body.

"A level-A world that is about to perish broke into the jurisdiction of the Seventh Legion, and wanted to continue its existence by devouring the naturalized world within the Legion's territory. At present, one territory has been eroded. If timely support is not received, it is estimated that 37 It will fall completely within a standard day."


After dragging the long tone and sighing, Xia Li folded her hands behind her head and praised with a smile:

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