One of the fire-raisers had sharp eyes, and spotted the crouching but wobbly shadow. He squinted his eyes and looked intently, and a look of joy appeared on his dirty face.

"Right here! "

Pointing at Xinsheng and the others, he ran forward, but accidentally slipped his foot and hit his chin on the ground.


The man who broke two teeth ignored his injury and called out to his companions loudly.

Ten peasants with sickles and hoes eagerly wanted to beg for five heavily armed samurai...

Under normal circumstances, this situation is ridiculous to think about.

But now it's not a frontal battlefield, the means are the key...

I saw the farmer reach into the cloth bag at his waist and take out stones the size of a fist.

"Smash them!"

Chapter 72? Death of Shinkatsu


Ten stones came crashing down.

Nobukatsu's vassals protected Oda Nobukatsu and Lin Xiuzhen, two people without helmets, to bear the stone attack on their behalf.

bang bang bang...

After a blunt sound.

Matajiro Yamaguchi, standing at the front of the line, attracted the most attention.

Although he quickly lowered his head to avoid being hit in the face by the stone, the feeling of two stones hitting his head still made him feel dizzy.

Even the front stand on the twelve tendon pockets was crooked by stones.

On the faces of the farmers who should be simple and honest, there are cruel smiles.

"Damn it, these bastards!" Hashimoto Juzang, who was also moving forward, was furious, and ran towards the farmer with a knife in his hand.

"How dare you treat a samurai with such indecent means!"

At this moment, how much he longed to use the sharp knife in his hand to cut the group of humble people in front of him into pieces.

However, what stands between him and the farmers is the natural and primitive terrain in the mountains behind Mosen City.

"Damn it!"

He accidentally stumbled over a tree root, and when he finally stabilized his body and raised his head again, the farmers had already pulled out new stones and threw them at his face.

A few stones were thrown on his chest and shoulder armor and bounced off immediately, but his face was not spared.


The stone thrown with all his strength hit Hashimoto Juzo's long and narrow face, the bridge of his nose broke immediately, and blood spurted out.

The severe pain on his face made him knelt down uncontrollably, covering the bleeding wound with his hands, and ignored the group of farmers.

Oh oh oh!

After knocking down a samurai, the farmer let out a happy howl and moved forward with his weapon in hand.

The usually high-ranking warriors are now slaughtered in front of them, and all the peasants are short of breath for a while.

However, when they really wanted to make a move, many people hesitated instead.

"Die!" One man mustered up his courage, raised his hoe, and swung it at the kneeling warrior's head.


Hashimoto Juzo, who suffered a severe blow to the back of the head, went black and fell unconscious.

The boldness of this man provoked the brutality of his companions.

"" Oh ah ah ah ah ah! ""

They waved their usual farming tools, beating the samurai who were powerless to resist again and again.

At first, when Hashimoto Juzo's body was attacked, he instinctively twitched.

After half a minute passed, there was no more response...

The armor was smashed and deformed, the top of the helmet was deeply dented, and the head facing the ground did not know whether it could retain the whole picture.

Seeing that the peasants fell into some kind of frenzy, Lin Xiuzhen pulled La Xinsheng's arm and said in a low voice:

"Master Xinsheng, let's go!"

"But... Hashimoto..."

"He is dead, and if your lord stays here, you will die too."

The overly realistic words made Xinsheng unable to say a word, and could only be dragged away by his retainers with a dull expression.

The dead body of Hashimoto Juzo lying on the ground was continuously brutally beaten by farmers.

Even after running for a certain distance, the sound caused by the blunt instrument smashing human bones still enters the mind regardless of people's wishes...

This is... the cruelty of reality?

In the past, under his father's wings, Oda Nobukatsu did not need to go to the front line personally, and he was able to share his father's glory in Suomori Castle.

Later, the older sister he despises inherited the position of family governor, resisted the threats of the Imagawa family, calmed down the dissatisfied nobles, and finally unified the Owari country. In just a few years, countless battles were fought...

Oda Kanjuro Nobukatsu, still in Suomori Castle, has never taken the battlefield seriously...

Therefore, he recklessly rebelled again and again, and was forgiven afterwards but still did not repent.

How many innocent people died in the four rebellions of unknown severity...

Now, the unjust souls who died for his waywardness in the past, possessed these crazy farmers, and came to avenge him?

Immersed in his own emotions, Xinsheng escaped with his retainers like a marionette.

The escape route of the group was extremely difficult.

There are too many fallen warriors holding torches, and there are enemy encirclement nets in all directions. If they find anything, they call for friends loudly.

The peasants knew that their martial arts skills could not match those of the samurai who had practiced martial arts for many years, so they prepared stones one after another. They did not fight with Xinsheng's retainers at all, and they were thrown by rocks from a distance.

After Hashimoto Juzang, Kamada Sukejo fell while fleeing...

"Wait...wait for me!"

But Kamata Sukecheng's companion had no time to wait or turn around to give him a hand. He just glanced at him and then ran forward.

"No! You can't leave me in... Whoa, don't come here!"

The familiar figure left behind was quickly overwhelmed by the crowd holding torches...

The mournful howl echoed in the back mountains.

Just six people, if they want to survive the blockade of thousands of people, the chances are slim.

As long as the movement is a little slower, the mob will catch up and kill him brutally.

There are fewer and fewer people around Xinsheng, and the three retainers around him are no longer able to protect him.

The flying stones that hit him partially grazed his cheeks and forehead, scratching his white and tender skin, but the wounds were very shallow.

Most of the stones fell on other people, it has to be said that it is a miracle...

"Hoo...hoo...haa..." Running in armor exacerbates the fatigue, but without the protection of the armor, they would not be alive now.

Suddenly, Tomino Sakyoshin stopped in his tracks.

He turned to face the men chasing him with torches behind him.

"Huh, let's go, I won't run anymore..."

"Fuye!" The people around him died one after another, Xinsheng couldn't hold back his emotions anymore, and shouted towards the back of his retainers:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"My lord, I'm tired..." Tomino Sakyoshin drew out his sword and wiped the mud off his face.

"Please bear with me, I will use my life to delay the enemy for a while!"

"No! No... woo..."

Before the crying Xin Sheng finished speaking, Lin Xiuzhen covered her mouth and dragged her away.

"Master Tomino, I wish you luck!" Matajiro Yamaguchi said solemnly before turning and leaving.

Nobukatsu, who was thin and weak, was taken away by the two retainers, unable to resist, could only watch helplessly as Tomino Sakyo moved further and further away, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Although they escaped this wave of enemies, there was an endless stream of people raising fire.

At least ten people, as many as dozens of people form a team. Although the peasants are composed of warriors and hunters, although they have neither armor nor decent weapons, the terrifying number is enough to make anyone who is surrounded feel hopeless.

What's more, on Xinsheng's side, there is no matchless general who sweeps thousands of troops like Oni Shibata.

They have been running for three quarters of an hour since the sound of the grass flute...

Sweat soaked the underwear under the armor, and the pace became heavier, but the number of enemies did not decrease.

Faced with such a huge team of fallen warriors, Lin Xiuzhen, who originally wanted to bring Oda Nobukatsu to join the Imagawa clan, gradually let go of her thoughts.

(If you know that you must die, you might as well be loyal to the lord...) Gritting her teeth, Lin Xiuzhen showed determination on her unnecessary Chinese character face.

Maybe the few people who died before also had the same idea...

Exchanged glances with Matajiro Yamaguchi, and the two nodded.

"Master Shinkatsu!"

"Wh, what's the matter?" Xinsheng recovered from his trance.

"Xiahui and Master Yamaguchi will swear to the death to block the next batch of enemy troops for you..." Lin Xiuzhen, who was about to die, wholeheartedly hoped that Xinsheng would continue to survive.

"There are too many mobs, it is useless to run away, please find a place where there is no one to hide."

"You said... hide?" The female-looking boy couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Xinsheng is small in stature, hiding among the long grass and bushes, he may be able to escape."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to attract the attention of the enemy army for you." Matajiro Yamaguchi patted his chest and promised, showing a bold smile to Nobukatsu.

"Why...why are you all going to die?" Xinsheng couldn't help wiping away the tears on his face, crying and asking:

"Can't I go and confess my mistake to my sister?"

"It's useless, everything is irreversible from the time the chief executive said he was sick..." Shaking her head, Lin Xiuzhen leaned against a tree to take a rest, and looked at the approaching torchlight in front of her.

"Master Shinkatsu, please find a place to hide."

"Next, it's time for me to be loyal!" Matajiro Yamaguchi pulled out the knife from his waist, imitating Lin Xiuzhen to hide behind a tree.

Rather than being stoned to death without hurting anyone, he would rather hide and attack and hack a few more untouchables to death.

Xin Sheng wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lin Xiuzhen:

"Hurry up, don't let my sacrifice be in vain!"


In response, Xinsheng turned around and ran away. In the dark nearby, he found a bush next to the big rock, and shrank to hide.

At this time, the peasant team had already passed the tree where Lin Xiuzhen was hiding...

"Die, pariah!"

"Wow ah ah ah!"

"Damn it, they hid and killed them!"

Every high-pitched roar and the sound of metal collisions reached Xinsheng's ears, making him tremble.

But he didn't dare to push aside the blades of grass to see the tragic death of his retainers, so he could only hold his head and close his eyes and wait for everything to pass.

Gradually, the fighting sound stopped...

All that remained was the muffled shouts of mobs and the sound of armor being removed.

tata tao...

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