Step, step, step...

Seeing that the team headed by the female knight was approaching in his direction, the captain of the guard quickly returned to most of the queue.

Chios also took two steps back silently, standing with the "refugees" in the first row facing north.

Faced with a person whose social status is obviously higher than that of the soldier captain, if one is eager to grab the show, he will be presumptuous because of impoliteness and destroy the image that was carefully created before.

With his face down slightly, Chios' keen perception caught the eyes of everyone around him, soldiers, knights, and even the blond girl focusing on him.


A slight smile briefly appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, and then quickly disappeared.

He knows that his previous performance has attracted enough attention.

Although part of it is thanks to the face.

Looking forward, the metal boots carved with flowing patterns stood five steps away from the crowd.

"The chief of the Templars, Alice Ziberuk, hereby read the decree of the archbishop to you."

Without saying any unnecessary words, the female knight named Alice pulled away the exquisitely crafted scroll inlaid with gold leaf in front of everyone.

"Recently, attacks by robbers, monsters, and wandering spirits have emerged one after another, and the sad news of the casualties of the garrison in towns and villages is even worse than in the past. In view of the need to reduce the burden on the sergeants and resettle unemployed refugees in the territory, Gui, Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical State of Aureas Nila hereby issues a decree..."

"Award the [-] refugees who came here with the Qingzhuang White Porcelain Regiment Badge, organize them into the Volunteer Corps, and distribute ten silver coins to each of them as the funds needed to purchase equipment and life. In the future, the regiment badge will be used to receive commissions from the garrison team to earn Remuneration. I hope that all trainee volunteer soldiers will work hard, and may the loving care of the Goddess of Tears be with you."


After the decree was read out, murmurs of discussion quickly appeared among the refugees and soldiers in the central square.

(I see.)

There was a flash of understanding in Chios' eyes.

The demise of the northern human kingdoms, and its impact on the human countries around the Mediterranean Sea, is obviously not just a simple background.

The ring of darkness, which represents the curse of the undead, appears randomly, and the frequency of outbreaks depends on the weakening of the flames. However, as long as the flames are still there, no matter how weak they are, it is impossible to kill all the people in a country overnight. Cursed.

In fact, the demise of a country does not have to wait for the situation to develop to the point where everyone is cursed.

The undead do not need to eat and excrete, are sterile, and will gradually lose their memory over time, and eventually become wandering spirits who are greedy for souls and wantonly attack people.Therefore, when the number of undead in a country reaches a certain threshold, the army is busy dealing with the living corpses, the casualties rise sharply, and the number of fertile normal people continues to decrease, and the population will turn negative sooner or later.

At that time, the regime will naturally collapse and collapse.

Residents who have not become undead will flee in all directions in order to survive and escape from the hometown full of wandering spirits, looking for a place that has not been corrupted by the curse.

In the last days of fire, the only remaining pure land in the world may be the area around the Mediterranean Sea...

It is conceivable that not only my own group of people from another world, but also a larger number of refugees are pouring into the four human countries one after another.

Local rulers must have had a lot of headaches.

The excess population cannot create value immediately, and the commodity demand of urban residents will not increase overnight. Before they put in labor for a period of time to realize the output, refugees are completely a burden on food consumption. Not only that, but also a factor of uneasiness for the deterioration of public order .

However, even the most prosperous capital city cannot provide enough jobs for so many people at once.As for the rural residents outside the cities and towns, most of them have serious feelings of xenophobia, and forced resettlement can easily arouse dissatisfaction.

So I came up with this method...

Compared with professional sergeants who receive a fixed salary and have to pay pensions when they die in battle, their source of income is entrustment. If they do not accept entrustment, they will not be paid.

It not only reduces the casualties of the guards, but also solves the employment problem of a large number of refugees...

Even if the initial capital of ten silver coins per person is deducted, this transaction is still a bloody profit.

After eavesdropping on the soldiers' conversations and knowing that ten silver coins were almost equal to their monthly salary, Chios was even more convinced of this.

However, he was not dissatisfied with it.

He is a practical man.

It is better to get the status of a trainee volunteer soldier and enough money for ordinary people to live for a month or two than to continue to be a refugee with nothing.

For myself and others, the most important thing at this stage is to survive.

Before getting acquainted with local residents, it is difficult for new faces from other places to find a decent job.Even if you want to switch to other careers or even more ambitious goals in the future, if you don't live to that day, everything will be empty talk.

The Archbishop's decree, despite its exploitative elements, is still a timely help.


At this time, a girl's whisper came from the ear, and Chios looked sideways.

Soon, he found his student with a disturbed expression.


Putting his index finger up to his lips, he quietly grabbed the chestnut-haired girl's trembling hand, and gently pulled her to his side.

Observing the people around him calmly, Chios found that most of them had no idea about the price level and their eavesdropping skills were not good enough, so they had no idea how much ten silver coins were worth. It's more like venting anxious thoughts.

"Please be quiet."

Alice's voice, as cold as a clear spring, drowned out the whispers of everyone present.

"With this money, after buying the basic weapons and armor, the rest should be enough for you to live frugally for one to two months..."

Finding that almost all the refugees were staring at him with fearful eyes, a little trouble appeared on the female knight's awe-inspiring face.

Not quite understanding why these refugees regarded her as a bad person, Alice sighed in a low voice, and continued:

"People who aren't mentally prepared to fight can use this time to think about what to do next, whether it's trying to get to the front lines or trying to get a job in the city."

"Being an apprentice volunteer soldier does not mean that you cannot engage in other professions. Whether you accept the entrustment or not is entirely up to you. If you have other methods to support yourself now or in the future, you can of course put down your swords. His Majesty the Archbishop will not force you to fight."


She was about to ask the refugees to come forward one by one to receive the white porcelain badges for trainee volunteer soldiers, but she saw the young man who had prevented the guards from beating the refugees from the crowd at the front right.

"Forgive my presumptuousness, Your Excellency Alice."

"Well, it's okay..." Alice shook her head without any intention of pursuing it.

"What do you want to say?"

Chapter 810 five? Prestige brushes up

"Our own psychological state is indeed one of the reasons that affect the willingness to fight, but another important factor that causes most of us to be uneasy should still be unknown..."

Chios wasn't uncomfortable with being the focus of attention again.

His expression was natural, and there was absolutely no stiffness caused by tension in his gestures, which made people unable to help further deepening his judgment of noble origin.

And it's no ordinary landed squire...

If it hadn't been for the people who have been accustomed to big scenes since they were young, it would be basically impossible for them to remain calm under the watchful eyes of thousands of heavily armed soldiers and knights.

"Even the militias that focus on defense usually have to receive one to two months of training every year to let them know how to use the equipment in their hands..."

The youth clearly stated the difficulties faced by the refugees at the moment:

"But we have to fight against an enemy who can threaten the professional army without common knowledge of combat. Facing such a situation, if we don't feel afraid, I'm afraid it's abnormal?"

After listening to this passage, not only the people who will be incorporated into the Volunteer Corps, but also many soldiers guarding the periphery of the square nodded.

Although some of these outsiders in front of them look good, most of them are young men with thin skin and tender flesh, and they feel that it is difficult to kill a chicken with a knife, let alone fight with robbers and monsters. , Wandering Soul and other enemies have fought.

Thinking about it, these young people were well protected by a small number of brave people during the escape process, so they didn't suffer too much...

Although the soldiers were in favor of letting people from other places find ways to support themselves, it would be a bit unbearable to just watch immature faces go to death unprepared.


Alice nodded slightly and admitted:

"It's really not appropriate to send untrained recruits into battle."

It wasn't until this time that the Chief Knight's words finally revealed a trace of doubts that belonged to her personal position.

Zhanlan eyes stared at the young man in front of her who dared to fight for more for her compatriots in her hometown instead of choosing to remain silent. Her tone was much softer than before.

"The Volunteer Corps originated in the border city of "Olunada", where newcomers who became trainee volunteers generally joined the local professional guild and received a 7-day crash course on the basics of the industry.It is a pity that Centoria, the central capital, does not have as many combat professional guilds as the border towns, and the teaching objects of church knowledge are mainly high-level priests and knights. "

"How do you think we can compensate you for that?"

Hearing what Alice said, everyone in the square was in an uproar.

They didn't expect that the chief knight of the Theocracy, who seemed not easy to get along with, was actually touched by the young man's words, and even expressed his willingness to provide them with extra help.

"Hidden branch, this is definitely a hidden branch."

"But if you don't have a super high reputation, it's usually impossible to trigger it?"

"Yeah, that's a powerful NPC..."


Alice blinked her eyes, and asked Chios with a puzzled face:

"What are your countrymen saying? I don't quite understand."

"Sorry, I don't know..." Chios could only pretend not to understand the discussion of those serious game addicts.

In order to prevent the other party from delving into it, he quickly brought Alice's attention back to the business:

"I was thinking, can we be allowed to undergo intensive training for a period of time in the town guard's barracks? Of course, I also understand that the guard sergeants have duties, so they will definitely pay accordingly."

"Should the instructor of the garrison replace the guild instructor..."

Alice rested her chin lightly on the back of her hand, seriously considering the feasibility of this plan.

According to her experience, before any combat professional has developed their abilities to a certain level, their combat methods are similar.

Even if a novice who has never used a bow before joins a hunter's guild, he will not be able to acquire the archery skills to hit a moving target in seven days. Archery in battle may accidentally injure his companions.The same principle also applies to low-level priests, mages, and warlocks. At the rookie stage who are not proficient in using the knowledge they have learned, they often use short soldiers for close combat. At most, their equipment preferences are different.

That being the case, it is undoubtedly the most practical and effective way to do so without rushing to think about the direction of future division of labor, and to learn general basic knowledge from the town guards and increase the chance of survival as much as possible.

As for whether the trainee volunteer soldiers intend to develop in the central capital in the future, pass strict trials to become priests and templars of the church, or go to the border areas to join other professional guilds, everyone can make their own plans.

"What you said is indeed reasonable, but it needs to be implemented..."

"How about this... Those of us who are willing to fight, each pay three silver coins to the town guard group, and start training in the guard barracks from early morning to evening for seven days starting tomorrow."

"The part of the money will be allocated to our sergeants who spare time to train according to the number of people they guide. That is to say, if a sergeant instructs five people, it is equivalent to getting an extra 1.5 times the salary for seven days, even if he only teaches one person. The money I earn is [-]% more, enough to buy a lot of wine."

oh oh oh...

The eyes of all the soldiers around were shining.

Alice stared blankly at Chios.

It has only been half an hour since he was summoned to the square, and the decree was announced 10 minutes ago.

In such a short period of time, he had thought so much, even considering how to allocate money to mobilize the enthusiasm of the soldiers of the garrison regiment.

If such a talent died in the wild as an unknown trainee volunteer soldier, it would definitely be a loss to the church.

Thinking of this, she realized that she still didn't know the name of the young man in front of her...

"Your name is?"

"Chios Pesheim."

"Chios..." After repeating it in a low voice as if to make sure that she would not forget, Alice nodded.


She raised her dark blue cloak with a wave of her hand, and said solemnly:

"Chios Pesheim, with the command authority of the Chief Templar Knight, I approve the implementation of your proposal, and hereby promise that I will personally supervise the training process of the apprentice volunteers and the flow of rewards, and will not sit idly by any greed taint what you have worked so hard to achieve for your fellow man."

"Thank you so much, Alice."

Chios sincerely bowed his thanks.

"Your Excellency, this matter..."

"I will report to Archbishop personally later."

"Yes." The knight secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Alice then gave an order to all the refugees in the square:

"Now, starting from the people on the left in the first row in front of me, they will go forward to register their names in sequence, receive the cadet volunteer regiment badge and money bag, and decide whether to accept the training of the guard regiment at the same time. Don't worry, I will wait for the money you pay The Templars will take care of it temporarily, and will issue it to the sergeant who instructs you after the training is over."

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