Follow Alice into the store.

According to the other party, this is one of the best taverns in the eastern urban area, and many priests, knights, merchants, and craftsmen are loyal customers of this store.

People with higher social status generally employ chefs and a large number of servants at home to cook more appetizing food for themselves, and rarely patronize outside shops.In order to meet the needs of the large number of people in the capital whose financial resources are between the middle class and the top elite for exquisite food, and to distinguish them from the taverns and delicatessens favored by the middle and lower classes, restaurants and taverns emerged as the times require.

Looking at the menu written in chalk on the blackboard, there is no item whose price is less than 10 copper.

Fortunately, this lunch was the chief knight's treat.

Alice is obviously also a frequent customer in the store. No matter the waiter or the customers who are dining, the reaction to seeing her is very natural. They just look at the young people and girls behind her, and then quickly look away.

The five found a table by the window and sat down.

The blue nightingale jumped obediently from Chios' shoulder to the window sill.

"Is there anything you don't eat?" Alice asked.

The four shook their heads in unison.

After confirming that Chios and the others had no taboo food, Alice raised her hand to beckon the waiter.

After quickly ordering, Alice took the water from the clay pot on the table to wash her hands, and then dried them with a white towel.

"It's not for drinking." Lyfa whispered.

Alice, who had just put down the white scarf, was startled when she heard this.

"Of course you can drink if you want to, but..."

"Uh..." Seeing that the female knight was thinking about how to explain to herself, Lyfa quickly waved her hands.

"Don't answer so seriously! I was just joking."

" it?"

"Yeah, although it's not very interesting, ahaha..."

Lyfa smiled guiltily.

Before, I wondered why the waiter brought tableware, water, copper basin and towel but didn't give the cup.

If Alice hadn't demonstrated the correct way to do it again, she might have raised her hand to call people back.

"I see." Seeing the embarrassment behind Lyfa's insincere words, Alice stopped asking and changed the subject:

"Do you know about jousting?"


Asuna quickly connected this vocabulary with knowledge of European history.

"Is it a contest held by a king or a nobleman, like a spear on horseback and a sword on foot?"

Hearing this, Alice nodded first, then shook her head again.

"It's a bit similar, but what you're talking about is the traditional knightly competition in the northern country. People other than nobles and knights are usually not allowed to participate..."

She went on to explain:

"The four countries in the southern border where we are located do not have as strict requirements on the qualifications of participants as in the north. As long as you have a certificate of strength above the "steel" level certified by the Institute of Arms, no matter whether you are a knight, a soldier of the guard regiment, an adventurer or a volunteer soldier, you can sign up." join. "

"Steel...we're not far off..."

The human countries around the Mediterranean Sea seem to adopt the same standard in terms of distinguishing the strong and weak of combat professionals, and set up a special evaluation agency "Hard Arms" for this purpose, and evaluate each person based on their recorded martial arts and contributions. Strength.

White porcelain, obsidian, steel, sapphire, wall jade, ruby...

The finest copper, silver, and gold.

In addition to the extraordinary platinum, there are ten levels in total.

The white porcelain ball on the Apprentice Volunteer Corps badge represented the lowest level, which was two stages away from steel, far below the minimum qualification line that Alice said.

After thinking about this, Asuna already understood.

The other party will mention this matter to himself and others, it is entirely because...

"Your Excellency Alice, you want the teacher to participate in the jousting, don't you?"

"That's right."

Under the watchful gaze of the girl opposite, Alice gave an affirmative answer.

She turned her head and looked at Chios who hadn't spoken yet.

"I already said in the barracks that with your swordsmanship, even if your opponent is a high-level knight, you have a very high chance of winning. If you participate, I believe you will be the most likely candidate to win the championship."

"You're overrated." Chios said quietly holding Asuna's hand under the table.

Knowing that the student was worried about himself, he did not make a decision immediately, but showed a look of careful thinking.

"I need to take some time to think about it."

"Well, you don't have to answer me now..."

Alice understood.

Athletic competitions are different from life and death duels, and the purpose is not to take human life.However, it is still necessary for the contestants to go through a fierce battle until the opponent disarms, admits defeat or is judged to be unable to fight any more. In the process, injuries sometimes occur.

Of course, most of the wounded can be healed by the priesthood of the church, but there are occasional cases where the injuries are too serious and they die before they can be treated.

It is a matter of personal life and safety, so there is nothing wrong with careful weighing.

"The capital competition will be held on Saturday and Sunday two weeks later. I have told the commander of the guard regiment earlier that you are allowed to accept the official volunteer soldier's commission as an exception. If you are willing to participate in the competition, you can do so during this period." Set up the martial arts enough to become an official volunteer soldier, get the "steel" regiment badge, and go to the arena to register. "

After listening to this passage, Chios and the others finally understood the reason why Alice went to guard the main building of the barracks before the lunch break.

"excuse me..."

The waiter at the tavern served appetizers such as hot white bread with foie gras spread, stewed octopus in olive oil and red pepper powder, crispy fried tripe, mixed cold cuts plate, a pot of fresh juice and fine wine.

The delicacies that are delicious in color, fragrance and taste will whet everyone's appetite.

Alice picked up the glass of juice.

"May the goddess of tears have mercy."

"Good health and good luck."

Chios and Renn raised their glasses first to respond, while Asuna and Lifa kept their past habits, clasped their hands together and said "I'm starting" in a low voice, and then saluted together.

The five immediately began to eat.

For a while, there was only the occasional light sound of tableware being touched on the table, as well as the slight sound of chewing.

After a few minutes...

Lane will use tongs to pick up some fried tripe and put it on her plate while asking about the jousting:

"Your Excellency Alice, is there any prize money for the competition?"

The chief knight sitting opposite picked up the napkin upon hearing this.

After wiping off some oil stains on her lips, she opened her mouth:

"Of course, all contestants who break into the top 8 can get at least 5 gold rewards. As for the champion..."

"The 50 gold equivalent to the annual tax of half a barony, plus the rewards provided by the church, in addition, will also receive the honor of being personally summoned by His Majesty the Archbishop."

"5, 50 gold?"

Lyfa opened her eyes wide.

The bread she had just picked up accidentally fell on her lap, but she was still in a daze, unable to recover for a long time...

It's no wonder she was so surprised, after all, it was equivalent to five hundred times the initial capital of the volunteer trainees.

"Such a generous reward is really worth fighting for..."

Chios fell into deep thought, seemingly moved.

What he didn't say was that what he cared more about was the honor that Alice mentioned at the end.

Chapter 830 Two? Archbishop Guinea

The setting sun sank into the shadows of the distant foothills, silently taking away the golden tulle draped over the earth.

The stars are like candles lit in the dark, flickering in the dim sky that gradually cools after the blush dissipates, and the waning moon sprinkles silver light, painting a hazy light makeup on the world.

The first training of trainee volunteer soldiers came to an end.

Dragging their bodies as heavy as lead, and enduring the soreness of muscles with every step they moved, the exhausted young people left the barracks one after another and returned to their respective hotels.

Unlike when they still feel hungry at noon, now they just want to see the pillows and bedding as soon as possible, let go of the little energy left and fall down.

The situation of Asuna and Lyfa is slightly better.

Thanks to the usual regular exercise, their physical fitness is quite good among the volunteer trainees.

Although the strength of reincarnating and reshaping the body depends on the strength of the soul, it will basically follow the trajectory of life so far to restore the form that everyone should have, unless the soul has a strong willpower, or has a certain Different possibilities will lead to different degrees of variation.

Generally speaking, the mutation will only develop in a harmless or better direction.

In this way, is Kirito's transformation into GGO's appearance considered harmless?

Or just plain bad luck...

Recalling the information the witch told him, Chios couldn't help but have this question in his mind.

ho... hiss...

The sound of light and regular breathing reaches the ears.

Chios stared down,

The dolls are more delicate than those made by the best craftsmen in the world, and the more adorable sleeping face of a purple-haired girl comes into view.

The kitten just fell asleep at his feet.

If he didn't know the details of Ryan, he would have been deceived by her defenseless appearance, and his mind would have been taken away by her.

不 ...

Even if it is clear that this girl is the elite executor of the association, the eyes will still be drawn to her involuntarily, and she will be devoted to her.

At least, Chios couldn't leave Ryan here alone.

Knowing that the other party is not actually asleep...

Knowing that the other party can't be in any danger...

Knowing that after hugging each other, the girl will secretly show a smile of mischievous success...

Kochios did it anyway.

Both arms picked up the girl's back and legs respectively, hugging each other in the way of a princess.

"Go back, kitty."

... hiss... hoo...

Ryan's breathing remained steady.

Only the little hand that grasped the young man's clothes was silently giving a response.


At night, the Black Iron Palace bathed in starlight and moonlight seems to be coated with a layer of silver powder, which is more soft and mysterious than the solemn and deep daytime.

The Church of the Holy Church, Aureas, is the third country ruled by the priesthood after Thorrond and Kalim.

As the northern kingdoms fell under the curse of the undead, the Cathedral of Centoria, the central capital, became the most important religious center of mankind.

Although some people claim that the cathedral of the capital of water in Valyria, the land of proud eagles, [Salmbrook] has an equally lofty status, and the influence of the archbishop of this diocese, the "Saint of the Sword", has indeed increased day by day in recent years.

But it is undeniable that the unshakable supreme seat in the hearts of most of the God of Tears believers is always the capital of the Theocracy.

Even though the roads are full of various dangers, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims still travel thousands of miles every year, just to kiss the ground of Centoria Central Square, take a look at the magnificent black church, and listen to the teachings of the priests Admonishment, dedicate overflowing tears of piousness to the land of redemption.

Now after nightfall, many believers can still be seen here bowing their heads facing the church to the north, clasping their hands together, and muttering prayers in a low voice.

They were so focused that the metal boots walked past them without even noticing it.

Cross the square and take the avenue leading to the Iron Palace.

"" Your Excellency the Chief Knight! ""

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