Asuna shook her head vigorously, shaking off those dark thoughts.

So far, there is only one way to accept it.

Otherwise, it is destroying the unity of the team.

(What a devil...) Seeing the reactions of Lyfa and Asuna, Chios knew that Renne's goal had been achieved.

Clearly aware that a considerable part of the bond that maintains the team comes from the attraction and favorability of the opposite sex. In order to allow this team to continue to exist, subconsciously began to ask myself to adapt to such a special one-to-many ambiguous relationship.

Chapter 840? The nutrition for the brain is concentrated in the chest...

Central capital Centoria is a plain to the west.

Some hills and woodlands are located in it, but more of them are human-reclaimed villages and farmland. A flat and not winding and complicated road network runs through these areas, connecting the settlements more than ten kilometers west of the capital together.

Along the way, the fields with swaying wheat ears and the village buildings built on high ground became the most common scenery along the way for Chios and the others.

The wheat planted in autumn is ready for harvest.

The spring-sown barley is still a little green, and the fallow acres are covered with alfalfa.

From golden yellow to emerald green, the patchwork layers are painted on the vast canvas of the earth through the hands of farmers.

After walking for nearly three hours, a group of four arrived at the border village "Melod".

The woods where the kobolds were seen according to eyewitness reports is located one kilometer ahead of the road.

That was originally an important way to the Celine Mine.

About 200 years ago, a large number of kobolds emerged from the caves in the mountains. After occupying the mines, the villages and towns that were originally prosperous due to the mining industry were abandoned one after another.

Today, the roads trampled by footsteps and wheels have been covered by weeds and wildflowers, and the deserted villages have been replaced by lush forests, and there is no trace of the old man's life.

The four of them took a rest under the tree on the small slope by the roadside.

The exhaustion of walking here is far less than the fatigue caused by the training of the guard regiment, but considering the upcoming battle, it is definitely not a bad decision to restore the state to the best beforehand.

They didn't light a fire, just took out the bread, butter, bacon and water in the storage space, and settled a simple meal.

"Teacher, what if those monsters hide, can we find them before dark?"

"Huh?" After hearing Asuna's question, Lyfa, who had just sandwiched the sliced ​​meat into the bread, stopped her movements.

"Wouldn't the monster take the initiative to attack when it sees us?"

"You think it's too simple."

Ryan looked at his classmate speechlessly.

That look seems to say, do you concentrate the nutrition for your brain on your chest?

"!" Lyfa hastily covered her chest with her hand to resist the needle-like gaze.

"We are not unarmed and alone children..." Picking up the water bottle to drink some water, Ryan gently wiped the water stains on his lips with his right index finger, and continued:

"Even if the kobolds have small brains, they don't want to attack people casually at the risk of being injured and dying when there are not enough numbers. Don't you think they will shout "face" like their kendo opponents Then call me? "


Lyfa looked embarrassed.

She didn't think about it that much.

After all, it is an enemy that has never been encountered before, and it has no idea about its habits, so it can only be guessed based on the impression of the word "monster".

Aren't most monsters actively attacking people...

"Ren is right, otherwise, why do you think it is our turn to do such a good thing as killing a few kobolds and earning a soldier's salary for a month?"

Chios took the words and asked Asuna and Lyfa back.

Seeing that the two of them were absorbed in thought, obviously they hadn't considered the reaction of this question carefully before, he sighed inwardly.

Still haven't completely got rid of the solidified thinking shaped by the creation of games, movies, etc...

If the monsters were like map objects in the game and only moved within a certain range, they would have been wiped out by the army long ago.

The soldiers of the guard regiment did not digest it internally, but decided to leave the task to others. Of course, it was not because they thought the money was too much, and their kindness wanted to make room for the volunteer soldiers.

The reason for this has a lot to do with the uncertainty of the entrustment.

"Even if there is a commission to clearly inform the hostile target, the intelligence will often only give a range, and it is the job of the undertaker to find the target."

Thinking that it would just be an opportunity to educate Asuna and Lyfa, Chios showed sufficient patience and explained to the two:

"In addition, the information is not absolutely accurate. Timeliness is a very critical factor. For example, the sighting report of our mission was recorded three days ago, and the time is still relatively recent. But even so, will the kobolds be there? Moving to another location during this period of time, or hiding as Asuna worried... These are all variables that the commissioned person needs to face and try to solve, but in the end they may be powerless."

"Efforts for half a day may not be rewarding. Soldiers understand this, and they have duties and duties most of the time, so they hand over the work to us."

"It's really realistic..." Lyfa swallowed the bread in her mouth without taste.

"Of course, we live in a human society. Every profession has its own reason. It is not born for no reason. However, because supply and demand fluctuate all the time, only those with ability and insight can seize the opportunity Riding on the trend..."

Chios's empty left hand clenched into a fist following the words, and a sharp light flashed in his long and narrow eyes.

At this moment, his words and demeanor exude an indescribable courage.

Even the girl sitting next to him could feel the hotness released by the fire of ambition.

The aggression shown after the usual gentleness and temperament fade away, there is no ferocity of barking teeth and claws, but only an elegant and restrained edge.

"The archbishop organized us into a volunteer army, which means that the existing professional army alone is no longer enough to cope with the pressure caused by external threats. This is the fertile ground for us to take root in the local area. Climbing up, those who have power, authority, and capital have the means to challenge destiny and take on more responsibilities."


Is this the real elite...

While others are still struggling for the current survival and confused about the future, the young people in front of them not only do not worry about livelihood, but also see opportunities from the current involuntary careers, and plan to move towards a higher place.

Thinking of this, Asuna felt that the blood flowing under her skin suddenly became hot.

Accompanied by a slight sting like a burn.

"The Volunteer Army is indeed a miscellaneous army of worrying quality at this stage, and it is a substitute for sharing risks for precious soldiers, but it is an indisputable fact that the ruler needs us. As time goes by, the increasing reliance will sooner or later give us more Much power. Therefore, there is no need to belittle yourself and think you are inferior."

After speaking, putting the last bit of bread and meat into his mouth, Chios slapped off the crumbs on his hands, stood up and faced the forest.

"Okay, now let's find the kobold hiding in there."

For Chios, it was not difficult to find the hidden enemies.

There was no need to send the witch's familiar into the forest to investigate. He focused on his keen sense of smell when searching, and could smell the filthy monsters from a distance of more than one kilometer.

Chapter 840: Mr. Ya's first...

Chios held the hilt of the sword firmly with his left hand, keeping the scabbard from touching the tree trunks and bushes beside him. Every time he landed, he accurately avoided dead branches and rocks, like a phantom moving through the shade, with almost no sound during the journey.

The three girls behind the young man were not as calm as him.

In undeveloped woodlands where there are no trails and stone steps, you must be careful not to trip over intertwined tree roots hidden in fallen leaves, raised earth and rocks, and be careful of slippery moss when moving, so as not to crash into the branches and leaves Scratched face and neck.

It was already very difficult for them to keep up with the figure of Chios in front of them, and there was no room for conversation at all.

Of course, Ryan was faking it.

But she did act really well...

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the girl biting her lips, as if she was in a tug-of-war with her inner resistance to move forward. There were even two leaves stuck between the purple hair on the top of her head. Kitten Oscar.

While thinking this way, he did not slack off looking around.

His eyes fell on a tree in front of him, and he gestured to the three girls to slow down.

After taking a few steps closer, his fingertips wearing leather gloves lightly touched a shallow scratch under the trunk. Chios then squatted down and pushed aside the leaves covering the ground.

Sure enough, there were paw prints in the soil below.

The soil in the gap feels softer, and there are still a few wild animal hairs left.

"There are signs that kobolds have stepped on it, and their paws are digging the soil..." Chios explained in a low voice.

He did not choose to start from the place where the sighting report was recorded, but instead entered the woods on the south side of the leeward side. In this way, the smell would not be smelled by the kobolds with a keen sense of smell. Human strength, as long as you don't yell, there is no need to worry about alarming the target.

Taking out the paper in his arms that recorded the kobold's information, he raised his hand to compare the distance from the ground to the scratches on the tree trunk, which was roughly equivalent to the waist height of the kobold slave in the text, about 70 centimeters.

"When passing here, the edge of its weapon hit the tree and scratched, and then moved forward to our left. It has not rained recently, and the loose soil at the edge of the claw mark still retains considerable humidity, indicating that it should be yesterday, or today. left."

Chios continued to walk deep into the forest while talking.

Soon, on another slender tree, he found that there was only a piece of wooden root hanging from the branch after it was broken.

Resin is still slowly oozing out of the section.

"Looks like we're getting close, ready to fight..."

Chios reminded the rear team members to stay alert.

Asuna and Lyfa, who were in the middle of the team, were nervous and did not dare to make a sound. They just silently confirmed that the swords and shields hanging on their waists were in their original positions, so that they could react as quickly as possible if necessary. .

Lei En, who silently fell to the back of the team, also followed suit.

The four followed the trail and traced deep into the forest.

The breeze blowing through the grass and trees carried a smell of burning barbecue.

(This smell, shouldn't it be...)

Chios' eyes froze slightly.

It wasn't very obvious when it was farther away, but it wasn't until he got closer that the smell became clearer, and he was finally able to be sure.

However, it was too late...

Closing his eyes, the young man sighed secretly.

Opening his eyes again, his face returned to calmness like still water, and he continued to lead the team forward.


Asuna carefully avoided the moss and stepped forward, imitating the young man in front of her by lowering her figure, leaning forward with her upper body, squatting on her knees, and approaching the target little by little.

The sound of gurgling water came into the ears.

Usually camps are set up not far from water sources...

Thinking of this simple knowledge that she had absorbed in TV programs in the past like a conditioned reflex, the girl's hand on the end of the thin sword hilt couldn't help but grasp it even tighter.

She had a hunch that the enemy was not far ahead.

This is indeed the case.

Kneeling halfway behind a low bush, Asuna looked out along the gap opened by Chios' hand, and immediately saw a shallow stream in a low-lying place more than a hundred meters away, and the fire on the bank... .

The wooden branch that pierced the meat stood obliquely beside the camp fire, surrounded by five creatures that were shorter than adults, waiting for the food to be cooked.

Like a large wolfhound that walks on its hind feet, its body without armor or clothing is covered with animal hair, and its standing posture is somewhat hunchbacked, but it has broad shoulders and forelimbs that are convenient for grasping objects.

The first visual impression is like the erect ape at the initial stage of Homo sapiens evolution, but replaced by a canine.

Their weapons rest within arm's reach...

The shape is rough, like a knife made by binding an iron sheet to a wooden handle.

It is completely different from the fine steel weapons of human beings.

Probably because of the strong smell of meat and smoke, and the fact that it was in an upwind position, the monster didn't seem to be aware of the approaching crisis.


Hearing the slight sound from behind, Asuna turned her head.

Seeing the purple-haired girl covering her mouth and nose with her hands, and looking at the other side with blatant disgust in her eyes, she couldn't help being puzzled.

Ryan?what happened?

Renn, who obviously understood the question conveyed by the gaze, just shook his head and did not reply.

"Later..." Chios lowered his volume and said:

"I will go around the monster as fast as possible to block the escape path. Ren, after I leave, you go out and attract the monster to enter the encirclement. Asuna and Lifa take the opportunity to sneak close to the left and right sides using the vegetation cover, etc. I killed the first enemy and issued a signal, you will attack at the same time, understand? Just nod if you understand."

Asuna immediately nodded.

Although she wanted to ask Chios, could he move so fast, move behind the monster camp, and even kill an enemy before Renn, who was acting as a decoy, was attacked?

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