"Oh, it..."

While talking, Chios picked up the broken sword on the ground.


Half of the blade cut off the monster's right wrist neatly.

Roar ah ah ah ah!

The kobold who had already passed out let out a piercing bark.

However, Chios showed no mercy.

He kicked the monster on its side to make it roll to the fire, then raised the broken sword and slammed it down.


The blade pierced through the flesh and blood of the left claw.

Roar!Aww! ! !

The lumbar spine was shattered, and the forelimbs were cut off and nailed to the ground. All the kobold could do was turn his neck and scream.

Its flammable fur was quickly entangled in flames, which spread to the flesh.

The water evaporated, necrotic and carbonized black, starting from the monster's right half body and slowly spreading around.

Of course, the process is not fast...

It takes about ten minutes to torture a creature of this size to death.

Considering the time, Chios took dry branches from the side and added some firewood to the fire to prevent the fire from going out too quickly.

"Low fire and slow roasting, so that the beasts in the forest can also taste the taste of roast meat."


On the way back, the group talked much less than when they came.

Chios and Renn, who had long been accustomed to death, understood the feelings of the two girls in the team, and did not chat or joke except occasionally exchanging a few words related to the business.

Not everyone has a special upbringing like them.

However, to survive in the end of the fire, sooner or later one has to adapt to all of this.

Looking at the pottery jars that I bought from the villagers of Merode in my hand, the ashes and remains...

Chios knew that the experience of the unknown volunteer trainees was by no means an exception. In the Theocracy of Aureas, or somewhere in the countries around the Mediterranean, similar tragedies might be unfolding at this very moment.

Past, present, Future...

Surely it will happen again.

Turning a deaf ear to Vita's warning, he set foot on dangerous ground with naive thoughts.

After living through the current stage, his mentality has become comfortable and relaxed in battle after battle.

Many people will die in obscurity.

There are no relatives and friends who care about their lives here. Once they die in the wilderness, no one will remember them.

The badge of the Volunteer Apprentice Corps is only engraved with a serial number, not even a name.

Knowing this, Asuna and Lyfa were deeply touched.

Death itself has no value at all. It is the care and concern of others that give it unique meaning.

Life is the process of creating a legacy worth remembering.

So, did they leave anything...

If one day encounters misfortune, who will shed tears and mourn for their death, and continue to live with the memories of getting along, or the proof of their existence?

Ah, that's terrible...

Feeling the burning eyes of the two girls behind him focused on him, Chios couldn't help sighing secretly.

He was no stranger to such sights.

When the future is full of uncertainties, including being able to live is also unknown, the biological instincts imprinted on the genes will emerge in people's minds.

Perhaps the two innocent parties did not realize it.

However, as a veteran of many battles, Chios naturally understands why the signal in his eyes is...

no kidding...

He didn't want to take two pregnant women on an adventure.

Chapter 840 Six? Be envious, don't sympathize

"Hey, look, it's Chios and his team."

"Ha! The future star of our Theocracy is back."

As soon as Chios and his party entered the guard regiment barracks, they were greeted by the soldiers who were training or resting in the atrium.

His strength has been recognized by the chief knight, his appearance is extraordinary, his words and deeds are gentle and humble, and he often uses his lunch break to gather with the soldiers to play dice. The soldiers of the guard regiment have a good impression of Chios.

If you are popular, you will naturally receive more attention.

"Look at the blood-stained bags in his and the girls' hands, should they contain trophies?"

"It's too fast, didn't he just accept the commission in the morning?"

"Yes, and I heard from Sergeant Thorne at noon that Chios and the others were going to kill a few kobolds that were not cleared up in the last sweep. Those bastards were hiding in the forest outside the western suburbs, and they dared not show up during the day. Only come out at night to steal chickens from farmers' yards, and our men went into the forest several times and failed to catch those bastards."

"Woodland Tracking, it's not just about using a sword..."

"It's not surprising. He was probably a nobleman before. If he doesn't rely on his attendants to drive and contain him, but prefers to do it himself, he must have more tracking experience than us."

"He was born well and worked hard, but fate didn't favor him, alas, the curse of the undead..."

"Stop sympathizing with others, because he is not a dandy waiting to die. Even if he loses everything, he can quickly return to glory with his skills. Have you ever seen a chief knight appreciate someone so much? Can you make a paladin look at him differently?" Don't say pity him, it's too late for us to envy him..."

"Yes... yes...

"After listening to the words of the middle-aged sergeant who joined the topic, the soldier who sighed for the youth's misfortune before scratched his head, feeling that it was really meaningless to sympathize with the other party's situation.

"In this way, since Chios will become a knight or even a lord sooner or later, shouldn't we have more...respect for him?"

"That's right, so you guys should be careful with what you say. Although I don't think Chios' self-cultivation will care about these things, who knows if there will be some boring guys in the future who will use our attitude as an excuse to find fault. Call him later Remember to add "Sir", if you become a knight, you can change it to "Sir", and if you are a senior knight or lord, you can use "Your Excellency" or "Lord", you know? "

The soldiers of the guard regiment around the sergeant nodded.

Judging from all the knowledge and knowledge that Chios has seen so far, his status will rise rapidly, which is basically a consensus that there is no need to argue.

More and more people began to notice that he must be regarded as a figure of higher social status.

Even though he's only been here a week and is still a cadet volunteer...


Hand over the loot at the main barracks office.

Sitting behind the payment desk was still Sergeant Thorne who had registered the entrustment for Chios and others earlier in the morning.

Seeing the four people unzipping the tether of the sack and shaking off the five bloody right paws of the kobolds, the sergeant of the guard regiment, who was due to take a rest in two hours, stared wide-eyed and didn't blink for half a minute.

After a while, he asked in a dry voice:

"You found the monster and killed it in one morning?"

"No, uncle." Ryan corrected him with a smile:

"Ninety percent of our time was spent walking back and forth, and the actual search and battle only took a little over half an hour."

"...This, this way..."

Thorne's facial muscles were a little stiff.

Is the kobold hiding in the forest so easy to find?

The cunning monster that the outpost garrison of the guard group in the western suburbs of the central capital failed to catch three times, was so easily picked out and killed by the young people in front of them.

He couldn't help looking at Chios.

Thinking about it carefully, most of it is due to this young man.

Sensing the thought in the sergeant's eyes, Chios shrugged and said in a relaxed tone:

"I have some experience in detection and tracking, but three of these kobolds were defeated by them alone, and their paws were cut off by themselves."

"Oh? It's really not that simple. You have such a record in your first battle..."

For the first time, Thorne's eyes on the three girls beside the young man changed.

I thought they were relying on their looks and coquettishness, hoping for the girls who were destined to be young and talented, but I didn't expect that they were quite courageous, and they performed better than many recruits.

"Well, I..."

Hearing Lyfa's uncomfortable words, Chios raised his hand to stop it.

"Your knife has indeed caused fatal injuries to the enemy. I just prevented the monster from counterattacking at the critical moment. It does not mean that your contribution can be erased."

"That's right, that kind of situation is at most you made a mistake in handling it in the end, and it's not a shameful thing for a novice."

Sergeant Thorne nodded, echoing Chios' statement from the standpoint of a veteran.

He thought Chios' claims were credible.

"Very well, I will record your respective performances as the basis for the Academy of Heralds to evaluate your personal abilities..."

As he spoke, he opened the task book, went to the page corresponding to the entrustment, held a quill in his right hand, dipped some ink, and briefly wrote down how Chios tracked down and found the kobold slaves, solved two of them, and killed the other three. Only the credit goes to the three girls in the team.

After stamping the seal of the office, he turned his head and used the key to open the locked wooden box at the back, took out ten silver coins, and put them on the counter for closing.

"Congratulations on completing your first commission, this is the reward for your hard work."

"Thank you, Sergeant Thorne."

"It's your job, by the way, did you guys knock the teeth out of those dog-headed bastards and goug out the eyes or something?"

"Huh?" Lyfa was stunned.

Asuna frowned and asked:

"Why do you do such a thing?"

Facing the reaction of the two, Thorne looked very surprised.

Isn't this common sense...

"Of course it's because it's valuable. Jewelry made of monsters and beast minions can sell for several silver dollars in the market..." I originally wanted to recommend a few conscientious merchants with reasonable prices, but now it's turned into a gift for girls who don't know much about the world. Explanation:

"If the eyeball is well preserved, alchemists will definitely be willing to buy it at a high price. If you can capture one alive, ah... no, it's against the law."

Although Sergeant Thorne stopped in time, from the information revealed in his words, it is not difficult to guess that there is a black market for buying and selling monsters in the central capital Centoria.

Whether it was for dissection, experimentation, or some other purpose is unclear.

Asuna and Lyfa looked at each other, both seeing helplessness in each other's eyes.

There are so many things to adapt to in this world.

"We will pay attention to it in the future, and please give us some advice at that time. In fact, I have another thing I want to ask you for advice..."

Having said that, Chios put the clay jar containing the ashes on the counter together with the unknown white porcelain Volunteer Corps badge.

"In the kobold camp, we found the remains of a colleague and his regiment badge. Out of fellowship, we hope to bury him. Where can we find a place to put the ashes of our wanderers?"

Chapter 840 Seventh? This is a just battle


Unsurprisingly, Sergeant Thorne showed difficulty when it came to the question of burial placement, which sounded easy to answer at first glance.

He chewed his thumb and thought for a moment.

In the end, he shook his head.

"I'd love to give you guys a good answer, but to be honest, I can't help you with this one at all."


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