"..." The girl had no further reaction other than biting her lower lip.

When the furisode and the ruzuki worn inside were opened, the white and soft waist was directly exposed, and when it came into contact with the slightly cooler night air, I finally couldn't help opening my eyelids.

"wait wait wait! "

A pair of honey-colored pupils that were moist and full of shame and resentment just met Chios' deep purple pupils.

"What's the matter, Your Highness Nobuna?" Chios looked puzzled, as if he didn't know what he did just now.


After uttering one syllable, Nobuna's lips were sealed, and the fiery tongue stirred in his mouth, messing up his mind...



When the lips parted, a silver thread still involved each other's thoughts.

"Really... really... want to do it that much?"

Her Royal Highness Princess Owari blushed and turned to the side, not daring to let Chios see his blurred and longing eyes.

"You have to... be gentle... This is the first time for me..."

Chapter 77? After the fact, assessment

The glare of the morning light casts a soft halo in the dormitory of the castle tower through the gaps in the shutter windows.


Chios opened his eyes, raised his right arm to block the white light in front of his eyes, and did not put them down until his eyes finally adapted to the brightness of the day.Feeling a burst of pressure from his left arm, he couldn't help but look to his left side.

What came into my eyes was Her Royal Highness sleeping soundly on her left arm...

The eyes with strong will are sleeping under the eyelids, the slender eyelashes tremble slightly, the cherry lips are lightly parted, and there is an even breathing sound.

At this time, Oda Nobuna didn't look like a daimyo of a country at all, she was just a cute girl who snoozes.

Nobuna's snow-white shoulders were exposed outside the quilt. Looking down, she saw the collarbone under the neck, and the plump fruit partially hidden in the quilt. Occasionally, red bruises could be seen on it...

Nobuna's pink furisode kimono and Chios's black Vitomaru armor parts were thrown in the corner of the room.

Because of some kind of activity before going to bed last night, the quilt that wrapped the two of them was wrinkled and messy, but it was very warm inside, and the body temperature of each other was exchanged with each other at zero distance.

"I slept so soundly..." Although his left arm was a little numb, looking at Nobuna's defenseless sleeping position, Chios couldn't bear to disturb her.

But it's not too early. Judging from the brightness and angle of the sunlight coming in through the window, he estimated that it is at least after seven o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Xing, who is in charge of bathing, changing clothes, and preparing breakfast for Xinnai, may come over at any time.

Chios doesn't mind his relationship with Nobuna being made public, after all, it will happen sooner or later, and there are quite a few Oda retainers who know about it.However, he doesn't want the private intimacy between the two of them to become a topic for others to talk about in their spare time...

"Wake up, Nobuna-sama..."

The five fingers of his right hand were like a comb, brushing along Nobuna Jin's long brown hair, Chios approached Nobuna's ear and whispered.

"Hmm...um..." The girl's exquisite Yaobi snorted coquettishly, and squeezed towards Chios.

Not only didn't wake up, but fell into a deeper sleep...

Chios had no choice but to lift Her Royal Highness's cheek and kiss it.

"Chirp... umm... um..."

The soft lips were pressed together tightly without leaving any gaps, and the moist and sweet breath spread in the mouth.Nobuna in her sleep cooperated instinctively with her unskilled skills, and her whole body seemed to be melted soft.

However, soon she felt suffocating pain and joy...

The girl with her mouth blocked, instinctively wanted to breathe through her nose, but the air she inhaled was immediately plundered by the young man, entered her lungs and spit it back into Nobuna's mouth.

The turbid air could not supply the nutrients Xin Nai needed, and his brain immediately reacted violently, and his heartbeat continued to speed up.

"Woo... woo..." Unable to bear the stimulation of lack of oxygen any longer, Nobuna suddenly opened his eyes.

The body, which was so tense that it was about to attack, lost its strength the moment it saw the face of the young man who was so close in front of him.

Chios, who noticed Nobuna woke up, let go of the girl's ravaged cherry lips at the right time, and looked at her with a slightly nasty smile.

"Good morning, Nobuna-sama..."

"Ha...ha..." Nobuna gasped as her chest rose and fell sharply like a survivor.

"Chios, do you...want...to kill me?"

"Because you slept so soundly that you couldn't wake it up..." Chios shook his head, denying Nobuna's words.

"This subordinate can only think of waking His Highness Nobuna in this way."

Having experienced the baptism of swords, swords and arrows, he has never been so close to death... Nobuna, who finally took a breath of fresh air, was blushing from lack of oxygen.

"In this...so nasty way..."

After hearing Chios' answer, Nobuna recalled the suffocating kiss just now, and the roots of her ears immediately burned.The body twisted anxiously, and the knee under the quilt accidentally touched a firm object...

Everything was still fresh in her memory last night, and the girl instantly understood what she had encountered.

"Isn't it, not satisfied..." Nobuna's eyes were in a trance, and he didn't know what he thought of from his lover's normal reaction in the morning.

"Today...the assessment will be held this afternoon, there is...one more...a little time..."


At noon, Qingzhou Castle Honmaru Evaluation Room...

This evaluation was held for the rebellion of Oda Nobukatsu.Except for a few people who sit in important fortresses, the rest of Oda's retainers gather here.

Nobuna is sitting at the head of the table, wearing a white linen shirt imported from the Nanban, with a black horse jacket, a mix of clothes with a tiger skin around the waist, and her favorite red cloak buttoned on the chest, no longer casually dressed in a bathrobe... .

The vassals were no strangers to the lord's outlandish attire, they only thought that Xinnai was tired of wearing bathrobes, so she wanted to try some Nanban costumes.

Only Nagahide Niwa, who is the elder of the writing family, can see a clue from Nobuna's slightly unnatural sitting posture today and the faint mark on the neck.

(Could it be, Her Royal Highness, she and Lord Chios last night...)

The hand holding the folding fan couldn't help exerting force, and when the fan's bones were almost unbearable, Chang Xiu let out a light breath to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart.

"Then...now the evaluation begins." According to the usual practice, she announced the start of the evaluation, Changxiu turned her head and gave a slight signal to Nobuna.

"Hmm..." Nobuna nodded seriously.

After receiving approval, Changxiu continued:

"Recently, my lord was recuperating due to a slight health condition, but unexpectedly, the lord of Sumori City, Oda Nobukatsu, suddenly rebelled and sent troops to attack Mingzuka..."

The news that the two thousand troops departed from Qingzhou City cannot be concealed from others, so most of Oda's retainers living in Qingzhou City have some knowledge of Nobukatsu's treasonous move.

On the contrary, it was the samurai who stayed in the four north counties of Owari. Many of them showed shock on their faces when they heard this for the first time.

"However, Oda Nobukatsu's act of rebellion finally succeeded in annihilating the rebels under the castle under the all-out efforts of Lord Sheng, Lord Hengxing, Lord Chengzheng and other loyal officials..."

oh oh oh...

The Oda retainers heard the words and sighed one after another, looking at the three heroes present.

"Be safe and don't be impatient..." Changxiu said and tapped the palm of his hand with the folding fan, and the atmosphere in the palace immediately returned to silence.

"Just yesterday, [-] troops from our family captured Sumori City. When the rebel Oda Nobukatsu and his retainers fled, they were hunted by the fallen warriors. This rebellion incident has been settled."


"I didn't expect that Mosen City would be so strong..."

"This just shows that Her Royal Highness's military strength is what everyone expects."

"Lord Xinsheng was hunted to death by the warriors, my God!"

The retainers who did not participate in this battle could hardly believe that the residence of the previous Oda family governor was captured within a few days.However, what is even more surprising is the death of Oda Nobukatsu and others...

Oda Nobukatsu owns a large area of ​​direct jurisdiction including Suomori Castle, if you add the fiefs of his important ministers...

At least one hundred thousand stones know what to do!

Such a large area of ​​territory was taken back by the Lord Owari, how much will be awarded to the meritorious soldiers?

Chapter 78? Post-war rewards

Wait for a while, to give Oda retainers time to rectify their emotions.

"Now, my lord, please announce who will reward you for this battle..." Changxiu put away his folding fan, and bowed to Nobuna.

"Hmm..." Nobuna nodded slightly, and said to the retainers present:

"This time, the territory of the rebels, including Mosen City, has a total of 11 shizhixing. All of them were confiscated and used to reward meritorious soldiers."

As soon as these words came out, there were very few people present who were not excited.

After the unification of Owari, the territory of Oda's retainers has basically been fixed, and almost all the unclaimed land that can be sealed off has been sealed off.

Without launching a war to expand the territory, it is even more difficult for the samurai to obtain the territory.In many cases, the so-called rewards are nothing more than a sum of money given by Xin Nai to those who have made meritorious deeds.

But when it comes to sending troops, which side can the Oda family fight?

The two countries adjacent to Owari are Mino and Mikawa.

The Mino country became an ally not long ago. It is said that Saito Dozo, known as the "Mino no Hashimoto", has recognized Oda Nobuna as his adopted daughter, and wrote a paper of surrender, intending to hand over Mino to His Highness Nobuna .

However, Mino has not yet been formally incorporated into the Oda family, let alone Saito's retainers and the people of the country control more than [-]% of Mino's territory. It is a cake that can be seen but cannot be eaten...

As for the Three Rivers Kingdom, although the land is barren and the people are not easy to educate, the Oda retainers don't mind these shortcomings. As long as they can get the land and have farmers willing to cultivate it, it is excellent.

The problem is that the Imagawa clan that controls Mikawa is far stronger than the Oda clan.Even though the Oda family had only defeated the Imagawa family's invasion half a month ago, the outcome of the Kurosuegawa battle would at most damage Imagawa Yoshimoto's face, and had no major impact on his strength.

Therefore, the news of the death of Oda Nobukatsu, who was faintly capable of fighting against Owari King, caused an uproar.

Right now, the reason why Oda's vassals are rioting is because they are worried that they won't get a share of the pie.

If they participated in the war but were incapable of making meritorious service, no one could complain, but the vast majority of retainers had no chance to participate in the battle against the rebellion. If the rewards for the heroes of this campaign were too generous, who would be willing?

And the reaction of those who participated in the battle...

Niwa Chohide sat quietly in the front seat of the lower head, with a solemn face, and he didn't know what he was thinking about; his important minister, Sakuma Morishi, was wearing a ghost mask and couldn't see his expression; Chios, who was getting closer and closer to the front, was dressed in black patterns , with an impeccable faint smile on his face; Ikeda Hengxing looked at the ministers whispering, and bowed his head in embarrassment; Sasa Narumasa completely ignored the commotion around him, with a cold face.

Xinnai watched every detail of the minister's movements.

(A group of people haven't done any meritorious service yet, they just want to protect their own interests...)

Thinking of this, she naturally imitated Chios' usual habits and shrugged.

dong dong!

The iron cannon hit the ground twice, and the Oda vassals who were communicating in low voices couldn't help but freeze, stopped whispering, and all looked at Nobuna, the leader.

"It's as noisy as a sparrow!"

Nobuna's majestic gaze swept down, and the people who met her fierce gaze lowered their heads one by one.Chios didn't play any pranks at this time either, and felt confident looking at the floor below.

"Are you treating the assessment I held as a reception?"

""Subordinates dare not! ""

The retainers replied in unison.

"Hmph, the ministers who have made meritorious service in this battle will naturally receive their due rewards..." Xin Nai said, and everyone listened with bated breath.

"The rest of the territory depends on how you perform against the Imagawa family's army next time."


Chios, who was sitting in the front seat in the middle, took no time to hear a soft sigh of relief coming from beside him.On his lowered face, a wicked smile flashed away.

(Everyone, do your best to help Nobuna and me win the future war...)

Nobuna, who took back a large amount of territory overnight, originally planned to merge [-]% of the confiscated territory into her direct territory, strengthen her power in Owari, and concentrate her efforts on dealing with Imagawa Yoshimoto.

However, Chios put forward a different view on this earlier...

In Chios' prediction, the fate of the mission world has changed, and it is really unknown whether the Oda family can win the battle of the barrel by means of a miraculous raid like in the original work.

In order to cope with possible future variables, he believes that it is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of Oda retainers to fight as much as possible.

The fleshy bone of the general land is tied to Imagawa Yoshimoto, let the retainers and the people of the country risk their lives for it!

If you don't live in today's troubled times, you can't understand the samurai's enthusiasm for meritorious service.In the peaceful era in the past, the status of the samurai class was difficult to change. A samurai who knows how to do five hundred stones is still five hundred stones after a hundred years.

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